Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID AFRIKA Regulation Gazette No. 10177 Regulasiekoerant September Vol. 627 29 2017 No. 41141 September PART 1 OF 2 ISSN 1682-5843 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 41141 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 584003 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 2 No. 41141 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 SEPTEMBER 2017 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Alle Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings, Algemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudopgawe ingesluit weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the gazette numbers wat dus weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die Koerant- in the righthand column: nommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: Weekly Index Weeklikse Indeks 41141 Page Gazette BladsyKoerant No. No. No. No. No. No. GOVERNMENT NOTICE GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS Economic Development Department Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling Departement 1003 Competition Act (89/1998) :Amendment of 4 41124 1003 Competition Act (89/1998) :Amendment of 4 41124 the Determination of Merger Thresholds the Determination of Merger Thresholds as set out in General Notice 216 of 2009 . as set out in General Notice 216 of 2009 . 1004 Competition Act (89/1998) :Invitation for 9 41124 1004 Competition Act (89/1998) :Invitation for 9 41124 the public to comment on the Amend- the public to comment on the Amend- ments to the method of calculation as set ments to the method of calculation as set out in General Notice 216 of 2009 ............ out in General Notice 216 of 2009 ............ 1005 Competition Act (89/1998) :Amendment to 16 41124 1005 Competition Act (89/1998) :Amendment to 16 41124 Rule 10 (5) of the Rules for the conduct of Rule 10 (5) of the Rules for the conduct of proceedings in the Competition Commis- proceedings in the Competition Commis- sion ........................................................... sion ........................................................... Energy, Department of Energie, Departement van 1002 National Energy Regulator Act (40/2004) 4 41123 1002 National Energy Regulator Act (40/2004) 4 41123 :Invitation for public comments on Es- :Invitation for public comments on Es- kom’s revenue application for 2018/19 ...... kom’s revenue application for 2018/19 ...... Environmental Affairs, Department of Omgewingsake, Departement van 987 National Environmental Management Act 19 41114 987 National Environmental Management Act 19 41114 (107/1998) :Consultation on draft regu- (107/1998) :Consultation on draft regu- lations laying down the procedure to be lations laying down the procedure to be followed for the adoption of environmental followed for the adoption of environmental management instruments ......................... management instruments ......................... Health, Department of Gesondheid, Departement van 988 Act No. 12 of 2012 :Request for infor- 22 41114 988 Act No. 12 of 2012 :Request for infor- 22 41114 mation: National Department of Health mation: National Department of Health phased implementation of GTIN-14 Data phased implementation of GTIN-14 Data Matrix ........................................................ Matrix ........................................................ 1006 Dental Technicians Act (19/1979) :Notice 4 41126 1006 Dental Technicians Act (19/1979) :Notice 4 41126 of nominations to fill vacancies on the of nominations to fill vacancies on the South African Dental Technicians Council South African Dental Technicians Council in terms of the Act ..................................... in terms of the Act ..................................... Labour, Department of Arbeid, Departement van R.997 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :National Bar- 11 41115 R.997 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :National Bar- 11 41115 gaining Council for the Electrical Industry gaining Council for the Electrical Industry of South Africa: Extension to non-parties of South Africa: Extension to non-parties of the Collective Bargaining Levy Agree- of the Collective Bargaining Levy Agree- ment .......................................................... ment .......................................................... R.998 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :Registration 33 41115 R.998 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :Registration 33 41115 of a Trade Union ....................................... of a Trade Union ....................................... Landelike Ontwikkeling en Grondhervorming, Departement Rural Development and Land Reform, Department of van 989 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) :A 28 41114 989 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 28 41114 portion of Portion 10 of Farm Brakfontein :A portion of Portion 10 of Farm Brakfon- No. 133 ..................................................... tein No. 133 ............................................... 990 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 29 41114 990 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 29 41114 :Portion 6 and Portion 8 of Farm Stinkfon- :Portion 6 and Portion 8 of Farm Stinkfon- tein No 461 ............................................... tein No 461 ............................................... This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 29 SEPTEMBER 2017 No. 41141 3 Page Gazette Page Gazette No. No. No. No. No. No. 991 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 30 41114 991 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 30 41114 :Erf 528, Bergsig and Portion of the Re- :Erf 528, Bergsig and Portion of the Re- mainder of Ferm No. 132 .......................... mainder of Ferm No. 132 .......................... 992 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 32 41114 992 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 32 41114 as amended :Various properties ............... as amended :Various properties ............... 993 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 33 41114 993 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 33 41114 as amended :Various properties ............... as amended :Various properties ............... 994 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 36 41114 994 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 36 41114 :Portion 3, of the Far Mosesriviersmond :Portion 3, of the Far Mosesriviersmond 27 JS ........................................................ 27 JS ........................................................ 995 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 37 41114 995 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994) 37 41114 as amended :Various properties ............... as amended :Various properties ............... 996 Restitution of the Land Rights Act 1994 41 41114 996 Restitution of the Land Rights Act 1994 41 41114 (22/1994) :The Remaining Extent of the (22/1994) :The Remaining Extent of the Farm 582 IS .............................................. Farm 582 IS .............................................. South African Revenue Service Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens R.999 Customs and Excise Act, 1964 :Amend- 34 41115 R.999 Customs and Excise Act, 1964 :Amend- 34 41115 ment of Rules (DAR167) ........................... ment of Rules (DAR167) ........................... R.1000 Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964 :Wysiging 4 41118 R.1000 Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964 :Wysiging 5 41118 van Bylae No. 1 (No. 1/1/1584) ................. van Bylae No. 1 (No. 1/1/1584) ................. Water and Sanitation, Department of Water en Sanitasie, Departement van 1001 Water Services Act (108/1997) :Draft 4 41121 1001 Water Services Act (108/1997) :Draft 4 41121 Norms and Standards for levels of water Norms and Standards for levels of water and sanitation services ............................. and sanitation services ............................. GENERAL NOTICE ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Civilian Secretariat for the Police Service Burgerlike Sekretariaat vir die Polisiediens 714 Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill, 2017 47 41114 714 Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill, 2017 47 41114 :Annexed summary of the Bill is hereby :Annexed summary of the Bill is hereby published in accordance with rule 241(1) published in accordance with rule 241(1) (c) ............................................................. (c) ............................................................. Energy, Department of Energie, Departement van 715 National Nuclear Regulator Act (47/1999) 49 41114 715 National Nuclear Regulator Act (47/1999) 49 41114 :Notice in terms of section 8(4)(a)(i) of the :Notice in terms of section 8(4)(a)(i) of the Act, to invite nominations to the Board of Act, to invite nominations to the Board of the National Nuclear Regulator................. the National Nuclear Regulator................. Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Onafhanklike Kommunikasie-owerheid van Suid-Afrika 727 Electronic Communications Act (36/2005) 4 41128 727 Electronic Communications Act (36/2005) 4 41128 as amended :Application for amendment as amended :Application for amendment of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence by of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence by Capricorn FM (Pty) Ltd ............................. Capricorn FM (Pty) Ltd ............................. Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Justisie en Staatkundige Ontwikkeling, Departement van 716 Promotion of Access to Information Act 50 41114 716 Promotion of Access to Information Act 50 41114 (2/2000) :Description submitted in terms
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