JUDO FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA INC. ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS SPONSOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ________________________________________________ 3 ABOUT THIS REPORT ___________________________________________________________ 4 JUDO FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA MEMBERS ______________________________________ 4 AFFILIATIONS _________________________________________________________________ 4 MISSION STATEMENT ___________________________________________________________ 4 OFFICE BEARERS ______________________________________________________________ 5 JFA PRESIDENT ANNUAL REPORT _________________________________________________ 6 MESSAGE FROM THE AUSTRALIAN SPORTS COMMISSION ___________________________ 8 JFA SPECIAL NEEDS COMMISSION – CHAIRMAN’S REPORT ___________________________ 9 COMMUNICATION CHAIRMAN’S REPORT _________________________________________10 JFA SPORTS COMMISSION REPORT ______________________________________________11 JFA SPORT SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT _______________________________13 JFA JUNIOR SPORT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ____________________________14 NATIONAL ELITE COACHING DIRECTOR REPORT ___________________________________16 CHAIR OF HP REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT _______________________________________21 CHAIRMAN NATIONAL COACHING COMMISSION REPORT ___________________________22 JFA REFEREES COMMISSION REPORT ____________________________________________23 LIST OF CURRENT NATIONALLY ACCREDITED REFEREES _____________________________27 OCEANIA JUDO UNION TECHNICAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT ___________________________28 NTID AGM REPORT ___________________________________________________________35 2011 AWARDS COMMISSION REPORT ___________________________________________40 AOC FUNDING SUPPORT ______________________________________________________41 DATABASE ___________________________________________________________________42 JFA BALANCE SHEET [LAST YEAR ANALYSIS] _______________________________________44 JFA PROFIT AND LOSS [LAST YEAR ANALYSIS] ______________________________________45 INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT __________________________________________________47 – 2 – Judo Federation of Australia Inc. SPONSOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Judo Federation of Australia would like to thank the following sponsors. – 3 – ABOUT THIS REPORT The purpose of this Annual Report is to report to our stake-holders — Members, Federal Government, State Governments, Australian Sports Commission, Australian Institute of Sport, Australian Olympic Committee, State Institutes and Academies of Sport, Sponsors and the Australian Judo Community — our year’s achievements as we strive to promote judo at all levels. JUDO FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA MEMBERS Judo Victoria - JFA (VIC) Inc Judo Queensland - JFA (QLD) Inc Judo Tasmania - JFA (TAS) Inc Judo Western Australia - JFA (WA) Inc Judo New South Wales - JFA (NSW) Inc Judo South Australia - JFA (SA) Inc Judo Northern Territory - JFA (NT) Inc Judo Australian Capital Territory - JFA (ACT) Inc A F F I L I AT I O N S International Judo Federation Oceania Judo Union Australian Olympic Committee Australian Commonwealth Games Association MISSION STATEMENT To strive to build organisational capacity and a culture of continuous improvement that provides members with the opportunity to reach their potential in Judo. The JFA Inc. will achieve our mission by: s 0ROVIDINGPROACTIVE INNOVATIVELEADERSHIPOFTHESPORTOFJUDO s -ANAGINGTHERESOURCESANDMEMBERS BOTHEXISTINGANDNEW WITHHONESTYANDINTEGRITY s )MPLEMENTINGCHALLENGINGPROGRAMSTODEVELOP*&!)NCJUDOATALLLEVELS s #OMMUNICATINGINFORMATIONANDSERVICESTOMEMBERSINANOPENMANNER s $EVELOPINGEFFECTIVEINFRASTRUCTURETOENSURETHEONGOINGDEVELOPMENTOFTHE*&!)NC s -AINTAINMEMBERSHIPANDASSOCIATIONWITHORGANISATIONSBENElCIALTOTHEDEVELOPMENTOFTHE*&!)NC s "RINGINGINCLUBSANDORGANIZATIONSTHATARECURRENTLYOUTSIDETHE*&!)NC – 4 – OFFICE BEARERS JFA INC BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPORTS COMMISSION President - Peter Alway Luis Val (Chair) Secretary - Stewart Brain Colin Hill Treasurer - Paul Rooke Midge Hill Director - Shane Alvisio Ed Colliver Director - Alan Broadhead Hector Fuentes 0UBLIC/FlCER $ARYL0AYNE Robyn Hayes NATIONAL COACHING COMMISSION REFEREE COMMISSION National Elite Coaching Director Neville Sharpe (Chair) – Peter Herrmann (Chair) Sam Wright Kevin Freeman Peter Williams Mark Callaway Neil Hayes Colin Hill COMPLAINTS TRIBUNAL HIGH PERFORMANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE Rob Evans (Chair) National Elite Coaching Director Tony Buckland – Peter Herrmann (Chair) John Jory (0!NTI$OPING/FlCE!DMINn'AIL'ALEA NTID – Dennis Iverson MEMBER PROTECTION Sport Science – Dr Xanne Janse De Jonge David Gillett ASC – Wanda Sipa AIS Testing Protocols – Dale Chapman JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT SPORTS SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Paul Nelson (Chair) Warren Rosser Dr Xanne Janse De Jonge (Chair) Mick McMahon $R*OHN!ZOURY Fiona Iredale Dale Chapman Eddie Leoni Fiona Iredale GOVERNANCE KODOKAN/GRADES COMMISSION Darryl Payne Akira Yamada (Chair) Ivor Endicott Davies SPECIAL NEEDS Michael Picken Peter Herrmann Stan Munday (Chair) Sue Gardiner Shane Hobbs – 5 – JFA PRESIDENT ANNUAL REPORT 2011 has been a very successful year for Australian Judo, both in terms of competition and administration. We sent National teams to many tournaments around the world starting early in the year. Selection for the Australian Team to compete at the Oceania Championships held in Tahiti in April, was done after the ACT International Open. We sent a team of 58 competitors: 25 seniors, 18 juniors and 14 cadets. Australia as usual was the dominating force at this competition, winning AREMARKABLEGOLD SILVERANDBRONZEMEDALSINTHESENIORS GOLDSILVERANDBRONZEMEDALSINTHEJUNIORSAND GOLDSILVERANDBRONZEMEDALSINTHECADETS While the displays on the Judo mats were outstanding, the continued performance of the Oceania administration is just the OPPOSITE4HEEXISTENCEOF@FAKENATIONAL*UDOORGANISATIONSWITHIN/*5 WHICHONLYEXISTTOVOTETHEIR@FRIENDSONTOTHE %XECUTIVE CONTINUESTOBEAPROBLEM)NDEED ITCAMETOAHEADWHEN/CEANIAREPRESENTATIVESWEREPUBLICALLYEMBARRASSEDBY the IJF president at the Congress in Paris. Unless there is real reform at the OJU level, the OJU countries will not be the recipients of any favours from the IJF and the IJF will continue to treat us with disdain. As you all know Australia has three approved, E grade local competitions, ACT, QLD and NSW and 2 F grade events, VIOC and SA. The total players who featured on the drawsheets this year, in seniors, juniors, boys/girls, veterans and special needs were from the ACT 362, QLD 319, NSW 288, VIOC 75 and SA 83. As you can see from this the Victorian event which this year had better numbers that 2010, has fallen on hard times. It was the top event in Australia. I understand that Judo Victoria has taken this event under its arm to try and restore it to its former position. I comment Judo Victoria for this action and urge all States to encourage their registered players to support our local International competitions. In June, the Nationals were held in Western Australia. Congratulations, WA Judo for the organisation of the event and for getting a large number of WA competitors to swell the ranks, to a position where there were more competitors in the juniors, cadets, boys and girls than there were in Brisbane the year before. The competition was at its usual high standard and this year saw WA use their initiative by having the competition streamed directly on the Internet. As we do not get local TV coverage, this is a great development and one that can only improve the visibility of our sport. Special congratulations should go to Gavin Kelly (NSW) who at these championships added his 12th National Senior Titles to his name. )N!UGUST !USTRALIANJUDOKAATTENDEDTHESECOND7ORLD#ADET#HAMPIONSHIPSIN+IEV 5KRAINE)TWASTHElRSTTIMETHATAN Australian Cadet team had entered the competition and although we were unsuccessful in gaining any medals, Karen Da Silva lNISHEDEQUALSEVENTHANDTHETEAMMANAGEDTOWINANUMBEROFlRSTROUNDlGHTS THEEXPERIENCEGAINEDBYTHEPLAYERSWILLBE invaluable for their future as judo players. The Senior World Championships were held in Paris, France in August, in conjunction with the IJF Congress. The level of competition was truly remarkable in what was the last senior world championship before the 2012 Olympics. Australia sent a team of 14 competitors. At the congress preceding the championships, it was very pleasing to see Peter Herrmann and John Deacon presented with special awards for their service to Judo in Australia by the IJF, and I received an award on behalf of Alan Broadhead. Well done, and congratulations! In November 13 competitors represented Australia at the IJF Junior Worlds in Cape Town, South Africa, where Kim Jolly got a WELL DESERVEDTHPLACE4HERUNNINGOFTHISEVENTWHICHWASlNANCIALLYSUPPORTEDBYTHE3OUTH!FRICAN'OVERNMENT SHOWS THATWEWOULDBEABLETORUNAVERYCREDITABLEEVENT IFWEHAVETHElNANCIALBACKING4HEREWERECOMPETITORSANDOVER OFlCIALSFROMCOUNTRIESINATTENDANCE 4HElNALEVENTOFTHEYEARWASTHEWORLDCUPIN3AMOA WHERE!USTRALIAHADCOMPETITORSWEWEREABLETOWINMEDALS 4WOSILVER #ARLI2ENZIAND)VO$OS3ANTOSANDONEBRONZE !RNIE$ICKENS4HISWASAVERYSTRONGCOMPETITION #OUNTRIES ANDREPRESENTATIVES-ANYPLAYERSWERECOMPETINGFOR/LYMPICPOINTSENSURINGAHIGHQUALITYCOMPETITION)NVIEWOFTHIS Australia’s results were very gratifying. As Olympic selection criteria are tightening, Australian competitors need to realise that to BEASUCCESSATINTERNATIONALCOMPETITION ANDTOlNISHINTHElNALEIGHT YOUNEEDTOTRAINHARD"EINGNUMBERONEIN!USTRALIAIS lNE BUTTOBEABLETOTAKETHATTOTHENEXTSTEPUPREQUIRESHARDTRAINING ATLEASTHOURSOF*UDOTRAININGPERDAYONTOPOFOTHER conditioning. This is what judokas
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