The Forty Plus Cycling Club Year 1989 I FORTY PLUS CYCLING iCLUB. ; . I .. ! " ? • • ^ i i ^ '•• 'ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AT ThE jdKN MARSHALL PULL, ^CHRISTCHURCH INDUSTRIAL CENTRE, 27 BLACKFRIARS RE., iLONDONt S.E.I.. ON 28TH JANUARY 1989 AT 11.00 A.M. i AGENDA 1. Election of Chairnsan for the Meeting 2, ! ;Minuties of A.G.M. 30th January 1988, as published with "Signpost", ! Decenber 1988 3".! Matters Arising froE Minutes - i k. \ General Secretary's Report 5. Treasurer's Report (Statecient of Accounts overleaf) 6. Meabership Secretary's Report 7. •Proposed by the Committee To consider the granting of;- honorary oeabership to peKbbrs reaching 90 years of age 8. Proposed by the ConDittee:- That nieuibers' annual subscriptions . be raised to £2,50 for individuals! and to £3.00 for narried couples, : with computed subscriptions i aidjusted "pro rata I" 9. Proposed by Mrs. E. Paine Rule ^(B) - CoEiiPittee Meetings Seconded " W.O. Paine" That the words "in London" be deleted 10. Proposed by Mrs. E. Paine Rule 5(A) ~ Subscriptions . Seconded " Wi.0. Paine ThatthQ existing wording be repl^jced by the following "The:appropriate annual subscrip• tion shall be payable on 1st j January each year; this payiaeht to cover cecabership until 31st DeceDber of that year". 11 iElection of Officers for 1989 ;1. President 7. "Signpost" Editor 2. Chairaan 8. " Printer 3. General Sec. 9. " Distributor ,k, treasurer 10, " Address Typist 5. Membership Sec. 11; Runs List Typist :6. Auditor 12. Section Secretaries - Sussex South Beds St. Albans , I East Herts. • Stevenage v : Eastern/Northern 'A' ; Eastern/Northern 'B' . i Eastern/Northern (Sun) !• ; Southend ; Southern (Wed) i ; Southern (Sun) .. • - E. Northants 13. CoEinittee Members (five) 12. Any Other Business. FORTY PLUS CYCLING CLUB STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR TEE YEAR ENDING 30TH SEPTE>tBER 1988 Receipts £ p Expenditure £ p Balance Brought Forward 1380.28 postage 3^.71 Subscriptions 113^.50 Telephone calls 56.73 Sale of Badges 118.^5 Hire of HaLis k. 00 Donations ' ... 93.00 stationery for Signpost 375.66 Interest on Building Society Accounts 6^.qi pQStag;^ for Signpost 590.75 ~ ~ ~ rt- fyost of Presentation to Previous Secretary 18.95 O i • tankards for 80th Birthdays I... • 33.00 ^ VjJ Section Secretarie:s' Expenses 15.39 Miscellaneous Expenses 15.00 rV3 l\5 .\J f\3 Balance Carried Forward v£) VD I6k6.25 MD \0 ^ 'JO l\J O v£> 2790.^4 2790.44 Assets of Nominal Value: Stock in Hand; 2 Duplicators 2.00 Cloth/Ketal Badges & Transfers 496.45 2 Typewriters 2.00 Stationery, including headed notepaper Badge Die 6.35 1.00 Printing Paper for Signpost 23.46 Polythene Mailing Bags & Twine 33.00 Postage Stamps 5i.42 O 5.00 VJ^i >^ 564168 • • * Monies Held; ^ -A |\J !V) !V) Woolwich Equitable'Buildirig Sobiety 1581.15 MD VD MD SO Cash in Kand ; 65.10 00 V3 ^ • . TOTAL I • £1646.25 03 Signed, ,E. Gohell (Hon. Tresjsurer) THE ABOVE ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN AUDITED AND FOUND CORRECT" ^ Signed. ,... Thorndroft (Hon. Auditor) 30th October 1988 FORTY PLUS CYCLING CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AT THE JOHN MARSHALL HALL, CHRISTCHURCH INDUSTRIAL CENTRE, 2? BLACKFRIAES RB., LONDON^ S.E.i.. ON 28TH JANUARY 1989 AT 11.00 A.M. AGE N -D A • , ' . 1. Election of Chairraan lor the Meeting ' i 2. Minutes of A.G.M. 30th January 1988, as published with "Signpost", December 1988 • ; ; i 3. Matters Arising froEi Minutes . ; ' k. General Secretary's Report 5. Treasurer's Report (Statenent of Accounts overleaf) i 6. Meuhership Secretary's Report \ 7. Proposed by the Coamittee:- To consider the granting of i honorary laeDbership to taetribers | reaching 90 years of age 8. Proposed by the Conmittee:- That Eienbers' annual subscriptions be raised to £2,50 for individuals and to £3.00 for married couples, with cociauted subscriptions adjusted pro rata 9, Proposed by Mrs. E. Paine Rule ^(B) - CoKEiittee Meetings Seconded " ¥.0. Paine That the words "in London" be deleted lOi i»roposed by Mrs. E. Paine Rule 5(A) - Subscriptions Seconded " W.O. Paine That the existing wording be replaced by the following "The appropriate annual subscrip• tion shall be payable on 1st iJanuary each year; this payiuent to coyer nieabership until 31st! December of that year". 11. Election of Officers for 1989 1> President 7. "Signpost" Editor 2':. Chairman 8, " Printer 3i. General Sec; 9, " Distributor ky Treasurer 10. " Address Typist 5. Mdcibership Sec. 11. Runis List Typist 6. Auditor 12. Section Secretaries - Sussex South Beds St. Albans East Herts, Stevenage Eastern/Northern 'A' Eastern/Northern 'B' Eastern/Northern (Sun) Southend Southern (Wed) Southern (Sun) E. Northants 13. Goiaaittee Members; (five) 12. Any Other TBusiriess FORTY PLUS-CYCLING CLUB STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR TEE YEAR ENDING 3QTE SEPTEMBER 1988 Receipts £ p Expenditure £ p Balance Brought Forward 1380. Postage i - 3^.71 iSubscriptions 113^. 50^ Telephone calls i Sale of Badges 56.73 118.^5 Hire of Halls -! ' - - \ ^..00 Donations 93.00 Stationery for Signpost- - Interest on Building Society Accounts 375.66 6^.21 Postage for Signpost 590.75 ~ ~ "* c+ Cost of Presentaljion to Previous Secretary 18.95 O Tankards for 'sotti Birthdays 33.00 V_^l V>] Section Secretaries' Expenses 15.39 Miscellaneous Expenses 15.00 Balance Carried forward -JD '-X) 16^6.25 ^ VdD 'JO IV) O-^ 2790.^^ 2790.^^ 1^- Assetis of Nominal Value: Stock in Hand: '4 Dupjlicators 2.00 Cibth/Metal Badges & Transfers ^96.^5 2 Typbwriters 2.00 Stationery, including headed notepaper e- Die - 6.35 l.GQ Printing Paper for Signpost 23.^6 Polythene Mailing Bags & Twine 33.00 Postage i StsDips 5.42 O 5.00; VjJ V>i "oJ 564.68 • • • Monies Held; ro ro Wbolwich Equitable Building Sdclety 1581.15 vo ^ Cash in Eand VO V£) r;. 65.ioi CD 'Ol v>i TOTAL! £16^6.25 CO Signed.... .r^'/ri'.^^r. i-... ,E. Gobell (Hon. Treasurer) THE ABOVE ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN AUDITED AND FOUND CORRECT Sigriea:Kk^k^:^.K'':fi: \. Thomcroft (Hon. Auditor) 30th October 1988 FORTY PLUS CYCLING CLU5 Summary of Minutes of A.G. M. held on 2Bth Januaiy 1969 (Pull text available if required on application to General Secretary) No. Present 46*. Chairman: Mr. W. Turner Apologies for Absence 7 Previous Minutes; Taken as read. Matters arising; None General Secretary's Report; Reports of Committee activities & major events had appeared quarterly in "Signpost". In particular, a new section had been formed in Northants, a 100-mile event had been run and a Club party had ridden in an international randonnee in France, both the latter events being organised by Mr. D. Brunwin. Treasurer's Report; Balance carried forward £1646.25, but subscription income marginally below expenditure with costs rising, mainly on "Signpost" production. Report and audited accounts accepted. Membership Secretary's Report; Club strength at 31.12.88. wrgp 728. 102 new members had joined; sadly, 21 had died, 5 had resigned and 25 subscriptions had lapsed. 14 new members had joined in January 1969 "but 100 subscriptions were still outstandin^g. Report accepted. Honorary Membership; Proposal of Committee to grant honorary membership at 90 years of age was amended to 85 years, subject to 15 years' membership of Club, to take effect in 1990. Increased Subscriptions; Committee propo.^al to increase subs to £2^50 per annum for individuals and £3.00 for couples, from 1st January 1990, was accepted after debate. Minor amendments to Rules; The following were approved:- Rule 4(c) wo2::d3 'in London' deleted Rule 5(a) subscriptions - delete exact monetary figure and insert "appropriate". Election of Officers; President - Mr. J. Vyatt "Signpost" Team Chairman - Mr. W.J. Turner Editor - Mrs. R. Ford Gen. Sec. - Mr. W. Rowland Printer - Mr. W. Newman Treasurer - Mr. E. Gobell Distributor - Mr. J. Stevens Membership Sec. - Mrs. K. Card Address Typist - Mrs. E. Paine Auditor - Mr. V/. Thomcroft Section Secretaries Sussex - Mr. R. Douglass East/Nth. 'A' Mr. J. Scrutton S. Beds - Mrs. D. Bazely II II tgi Mr. E. Brampton St. Albans - Mr. W. Moore " " Sun. Mr. J. Stevens E. Herts - Mrs. E. Rumba11 Southend Mr. R. Challenger Stevenage - Mr. A. Fidoe Southern Wed. Mr. J. Rainbow B. Northants - Mr. R. Mills Sun. Mr. J. Wyatt Additional Committee Members Mr. D.W. Brunwin; Mrs. N. Rainbow; Mr. H. Rumball; Mrs. E. Gobell; Mr. T. Wooder Runs List Typist Mrs. M. Cheesman Haultwick Re-union - to be 20th June 1989. A.G.M. Arrangements; Possible alternative venue to be investigated in view of high cost cf hiring John Marshall Hall. Committee to consider possible change of date to mid-December. FORTY PLUS CYCLING CLUB MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ONl 28TH JANUARY 1989 AT JOHN MARSHALL HALL, 1 {^m 27 BLACKFRIARS ROAD. LONDON S.E.I. I Secretary welcomed the 46 members present and Mr. ¥.J. Turner was elected Chairman for the meeting without dissent. Apologies for absence had been expressed by:- W.A. Cliff; E. Mascall; F. Mehew; D. Brunwin; A. Bridson and Mr. & Mrs. B. Winder. PREVIOUS MINUTES Minutes of last A.G.M., having been circulated with the latest issue of "Signpost", were taken as read. MATTERS ARISING None GEN. SEC.'S REPORT Mr. Wulf Rowland said that the Club continued to flourish with membership now exceeding the 700 mark. He gave a resum* of the main activities of 1988, viz: ii.) The formation of a new section in East Northants under the secretaryship of Mr. Ron Mills. This seemed to be running satisfactorily. ii) A very successful re-union at Haultwick with some 90 members present. iii) The "Ride of the Century" - the 100 mile event organised by Doug Brunwin - which was very well supported, not only by the more 'local' riders but by members from as far afield as Worthing and Portsmouth.
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