REPORT ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENT IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES A Bimonthly Publication of the Foundation for Middle East Peace Volume 24 Number 1 January-February 2014 KERRY SEARCHES FOR A FRAMEWORK FOR CONTINUING TALKS U.S. efforts to end the conflict be- Allen has offered ideas and Kerry has tween Israelis and Palestinians are now “Any notion that Secretary been discussing this issue with Netan- focused on the presentation by Secretary Kerry failed to obtain the yahu and Abbas. of State John Kerry of a U.S.-drafted President’s backing for his ef- Land for Peace “framework for negotiations.” This will forts is totally false. President be an American document, but Kerry For almost five decades, U.S. policy- Obama remains fully invested has said both sides may offer reserva- makers and diplomats have attempted tions. in Secretary Kerry’s tireless to create the foundations for peaceful Kerry told Washington Post columnist work on behalf of peace, and relations between Israel and its Arab David Ignatius on February 7 that a those efforts are not focused enemies. When these efforts succeeded, framework is the only way to “be able on confronting the parties— Israel evacuated its settlers and armed to keep the negotiations moving.” PLO they are aimed at bridging forces behind secure and recognized president Mahmoud Abbas has threat- differences and developing a borders, increasing the security of all ened to initiate action in the UN if the framework for negotiation on parties. That remains the challenge of current bilateral talks, which Kerry an- the core issues.” the current U.S. effort. nounced July 20, 2013, fail to produce a U.S. National Security The 1978 peace agreement signed comprehensive peace agreement by April Council spokesperson, between Israel and Egypt called for 2014. This goal now seems impossible. the restoration of Egyptian sovereignty Ha’aretz, February 10, 2014 Some skeptics think the framework “down to the last centimeter” of the is merely a placeholder designed to Israeli-occupied Sinai peninsula. Israel’s prolong the talks. But Kerry has a more treaty with Jordan, initialed in 1994, es- expansive view. He told Ignatius that tablished an international boundary be- the framework is also needed to “give to have argued that Washington has failed tween Israel and Jordan that follows the people a sense that there can be an end to make peace between Israelis and Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers, the Dead to the conflict and an end of claims, that Palestinians, in part, because it would Sea, the Emek Ha’arva/Wadi Araba, and there is a framework within which it is not offer an American plan. They make the Gulf of Aqaba. In the West Bank, contained.” the case that such a plan would meet the an “administrative boundary” between If indeed the U.S. will urge a clearly fundamental needs of both peoples, re- Jordan and the West Bank was agreed defined American framework for peace, quire mutual compromises and offer an upon, without prejudice to the status of it would be a major departure for U.S. endgame. If this is the premise of Ker- that territory. peacemaking. Since the short-lived ry’s framework, it could offer new hope, On the Syrian front, negotiations that “Clinton Parameters” of 2000, the U.S. generate popular support for peace, and ultimately failed nevertheless established has not offered American proposals oblige leaders to react accordingly. that the principle implemented on the for resolving final status issues and has Such a U.S. framework would require Egyptian front—namely, the complete relied on talks between two unequal U.S. views on preserving Israel’s secu- evacuation of Israeli military forces and parties to make peace. Following the rity in the context of a peace agreement civilians to the “June 4 line”—was an collapse of the Oslo process in late 2000 calling for evacuation of Israeli military agreed-upon foundation applicable to and Clinton’s withdrawal of his param- forces and civilian settlers from the West eters, experienced diplomats and analysts Bank. Washington’s envoy General John FRAMEWORK, continued on page 7 TO OUR READERS FOUNDATION FOR MIDDLE EAST PEACE When Secretary of State John Kerry Winning popular support for Kerry’s announced new peace talks in July 2013, forthcoming “Framework,” assuming it will Merle Thorpe, Jr. the parties agreed the talks would be secret. present American proposals on controver- Founder While complex and sensitive diplomacy sial final status issues, will be even harder, (1917–1994) usually cannot be conducted in the full since the Netanyahu government and some glare of public scrutiny, it is also true that in PLO elements will strenuously oppose such Philip C. Wilcox, Jr. democratic societies the public must be en- recommendations. Thus, the U.S. must President gaged in debating and resolving vital issues. play the role of chief public advocate for a Historians have observed that if Arafat compromise peace. The challenge for such Geoffrey Aronson and Barak had tried to mobilize public public diplomacy will be to mobilize popu- Director, Research and support for the Oslo peace process, the talks lar majorities on both sides that will enable, Publica tions, Editor, Report on might have succeeded. But the two leaders or oblige, their leaders to respond or give Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories lacked the skill and courage to reach out to way to other leaders. the public and explain the need to compro- The epic changes needed for an Israeli- Philip Sweigart mise. Palestinian peace will require deep public Editorial Assistant When President Clinton offered his support. Success cannot rely on quiet IN MEMORIAM “Parameters” for peace in November 2000 diplomacy alone. It will need engagement as the Oslo process was collapsing, neither and approval of the Israeli and Palestinian James Cromwell leader, lacking public support, could accept people whose future is at stake. Stephen Hartwell them without reservations, nor could they DIRECTORS endorse strongly the promising recom- mendations of the last-gasp Taba talks in Landrum R. Bolling January 2001. Calvin H. Cobb, Jr. Edison Dick —————— u —————— Joseph Englehardt Arthur H. Hughes Richard S.T. Marsh Richard W. Murphy Jean C. Newsom Gail Pressberg William B. Quandt Nicholas A. Veliotes Philip C. Wilcox, Jr. The Foundation for Middle East Peace has prepared a presentation of maps illustrat- ing the evolution of the conflict from the UN Partition Plan in 1947, and depicting the growth of Israel’s occupation and settlement project from the 1967 War to the present. To download the presentation visit: http://www.fmep.org/resources/ publications-1/map-progres- sion-1948-1967. Copyright © 2013 2 v Report on Israeli Settlement January-February 2014 NEW TENDERS, 2014 (units) SETTLEMENT-RELATED INCIDENTS IN THE WEST BANK, 2011-2013 Announcement 6-Jan 10-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan Date Category 2013 2012 2011 Conflict-related Palestinian deaths 27 8 17 Efrat 227 Conflict-related Palestinian injuries 3,881 3,175 1,647 Nofei Prat 256 Conflict-related Israeli deaths 4 7 11 Alfe Menashe 78 Conflict-related Israeli injuries 151 345 122 Karnei Shomron 22 86 Settler-related incidents resulting in 94 98 120 Ariel 40 5 Palestinian casualties Adam 75 Settler-related incidents resulting in 306 268 291 Betar Illit 24 Palestinian property/land damages Emmanuel 102 Structures demolished: 664 604 613 Elkana 169 – of which Area C 565 540 571 Ramot 600 – of which East Jerusalem 99 64 42 Pisgat Zeev 182 Palestinians displaced due to 1,103 886 1,094 Neve Yaacov 56 demolitions or evictions: – of which Area C 805 815 1,006 Givat Zeev 381 – of which East Jerusalem 298 71 88 Ofra 250 Palestinian children displaced by home demolitions 558 474 618 Subtotal 272 1,639 381 261 Source: OCHA Monthly Humanitarian Monitor, January 20, 2014. TOTAL 2,553 Sources: Al Jazeera http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middlee- ast/2014/01/israel-approves-more-illegal-settlement- homes-201412118492665411.html. USAToday http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/ world/2014/01/06/israel-oks-west-bank-apartments/4341839/ Ma’an News http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails. aspx?ID=667486. Yediot Aharonot, January 12, 2014. January-February 2014 Report on Israeli Settlement v 3 SETTLEMENT TIME LINE July 26 Settlers install two mobile homes August 14 Settlers from Beit El stone Yitzhak Zamir, seek a mediated settlement, at the Sedi Bar outpost, near Bethlehem. Palestinian vehicles traveling between Nablus and not a court ruling, for a dispute involv- (PMG-NAD) and Ramallah. (Ma’an) ing more than 1,000 Palestinians threatened with removal from their West Bank homes. July 29 The Israeli cabinet declares that August 18 An East Jerusalem Palestinian (Ha’aretz) groups carrying out “price tag” attacks are chooses to demolish his home in Sur Bahir illegal organizations. (Ha’aretz) neighborhood after being informed by the September 3 Settler children assault two Jerusalem municipality that if he failed to do Palestinian children with sticks while they Settlers erect several tents on the site of the so, they would demolish his house and fine played near their house. (OCHA) evacuated outpost of Tarsilya, near Jenin. him for several times the fair cost of demoli- (PMG-NAD) Israeli authorities promise to demolish a tion. (Ma’an) synagogue and yeshiva in Givat Ze’ev, built July 31 Two Israelis are wounded during a August 19 Najeh Abu-Ali, a Palestin- on private Palestinian land, after it emerged rock attack on a bus traveling from the Neve ian shepherd, is attacked by six settlers near that the deeds for the land had been forged. Yaakov neighborhood to Jerusalem. (Arutz 7) Jerusalem and hospitalized. (Ma’an) (Ha’aretz) August 1 A group of 20 settlers attacks August 20 Israeli authorities demolish 10 September 5 Settlers cut down ten olive Palestinian workers building a water tank in agricultural buildings in the Jordan Valley trees belonging to the village of Tuwani.
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