" K n o w I ~ d g ~ i s L i b ~ r t 1 '' VOL. 77, N0. 46 J A M E s M A D 1 s 0 N Dow JoNES B R EEZ E Extended forccru;t on page 2 u N 1 v E R s 1 T y MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2000 Second time charm for Web registration? BY LINDSAY MARTI registration system, Myers said. staff writer He said this problem was not caused by any of the hardware JMU Web adm inistrato rs are used to run on-line registration. keeping their fingers crossed in W ithin three weeks of the hopes of a successful fa ll semester problem last semester, Web regis· registration, which begins Tues­ tration was advanced to allow up day. to 50, then 100 users at a time, J. W . Myers, assistant vice pres­ Myers said. ident for information technology, "By the time we re turned in said the problems that foiled stu­ December, inside of a month of dents' attempts to register on-line when we had the initial problems, last semester have been fixed. we were up to around 400 people Myers said that on-line sum­ that could access the systems, do mer registration has been runrung query and registrations," Myers for two weeks wtthout major said. "We extended that out to problems. around 525 in january, and as of "We had a few set-up issues," today our throttles on thls system he said. "Some bobbles the first and the number of users that can CARRIE KUNKERiplmttl tlirf'Wif day or so which were fixed." access them is 700 to 800." Software mess aging agents The Second Annual Shenandoah Valley AIDS Walk kicks off Saturday as participants "Right now everything we've walked to raise money and awareneu for AIDS. broke down in November, which seen indicates it should go fairly raused the system to falter and prevented students' access to the set BETTER, pagt 9 GOING THE DISTANCE Walkers raise money for AIDS awareness BY STACY SMITH Walk began promptly at 11 cent of all adult I IIV infec­ contributing writer a.m. Saturday morning on tions have resulted from het· Godwin Field and par tici­ erosexual intercou rse. Dills More than 600 people par­ pants each donated $5. Bob reiterated that no one person ticipa ted in the Second Annu­ Dills, executive director of is safe from the epidemic. al Shenandoah Valley AIDS V.A.N., spoke of statistics and Dills d iscussed the play, Walk, sponsored by Alpha "The Green Monkey," that he Sigma Tau, at Godwin Field _,£-,___ _ co-authored with Pulitzer on Saturday. Prize winning author John The event raised money to Patrick. Although the play is a benefit the Valley AIDS Net­ To live without hope "dated piece," it "covers the work and Camp Heartland, is to dance without whole spectrum of humanity non-profit organizations that . touched by the virus," Dills rely on corporate and private muszc. said. donations and volunteers to "It told the lives of seven help individuals affected by - Bob Dills people with AIDS whom I the HIV I AIDS epidemic. etcanive duutor of the Valley AIDS came to know and care for The Valley AfD5 Network Network deeply," he said. " (Back then), (V.A.N.), founded in 1989, ____,, _ we were teaching people how provides services in the fonn to die." of educational progra ms, Dills used a phrase from workshops, information and stigmas that are attached to the play to describe the early referral services and financial the HJV virus. stages of awareness: "To live assistance. Dills s aid HIV infected without hope is to dance Camp Heartla nd holds 7,500 young people, aged 15 without music." year-round educational out­ to 24 in 1999. He also said "Our problems are very reach programs to help chil­ approximately 46 percent of different today ... the stigmas XRJS THOMAS/photo tditor dren ages 7 to 16 affected by the 32.4 million adults living are still there," he said. After THE WHOLE WORLD IN HER HANDS: A -~~ spina a ball 8t a Harlem HNorATDS. with HIV or AIDS worldwide Globetrotters exhibition Saturday at the Convocation Center· Registration for the AJDS are women. More than 80 per· set WALKERS, page 9 OVerthrowing the Monarchs Let the Games Begin Iiiii fimDl An a-fair to Remember Go Naked! Take a look at the dating practices and The Diamond Dukes. coached by Spanky Aboutl,OOO students attend­ • And out how the Naked Anne. an McFar1and, right, took the rubber game of a techniques of JMU students and read how ed the Internship Fair to get all·student band, Is making their Pin three game series with the ODU Monarchs they vied for each other's hearts. their feet in the door tOt the up public. Sunday, 14-7. PIC8 33 Pee• 24-2& best Internships. ..._ 7 Pac• 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS Monday, April 3, 2000 DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR NEWS Honor Awareness Week 3 MONDAY, APRIL 3 Vrce Presrdent For Student Affairs: • rran .,ft:r 5tudcnl Orgam.u1taon meet mg. 8 to 9 p m., Canadates Come To Campus 3 • Progrt'l>'>l\ l Coaliliun mt't.'tan ~. I.J p.m., Roop G2o, c<11l Bnan at 433-661.J2 1 .l \ l~lr 4t}.l t'mual St<•ph.1ntl' .ll mmh,/ Bus•ness Internship Fair 7 • Ynga Club, b p.m., Ta) lor 109, t"-maal Kai at 'lifrankn TUESDAY, APRIL 4 ROTC 7 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 Health Course Offered Online 11 f • Brt'.lkd.mcang c.lub, 6:10 to 8 p.m., Gu'h' an mquctball courts • Cm.'t.'r Roundtable, 7 to <J p.m., CI5AT A-I room 259, OPINION .,porN >rt'Ci hy SC0\11 Student Adv a!>OI) Commatt<.'t', all • (ampu., A .,~1 ult Rt-.. pon~. SC0\1 maJor. .1rt' am rl<.>d, cont.lt t }t'n al41R-1112 or mor· 6.15 to 71 5 p.m., Maul) 21).t, riSJ} House Editorial: Take Back the c.111 Carnlyn ut 4~·10H8 Night is a Good Thing 16 • JM U Ballroom and Folk Dance Club, 7 to 1.) p.m .• • Circle K mt•c ting, 6:15 p.m., Goowan 356, (Qr inf<.1. c·maal club·bfiiancc®Jniii.L'lilt Thoughts on the Loss of a Friend faylor 'lllo, call jenny at by Jonathan Paulo 17 x4727 or Launm at x5722 • Habatat for Humamty Gtncral Mt>eling, 5 to 6 p.m., Darts & Pats 17 Taylor 306, call Shannon at >.7203 • l{,>bing 1\warenc.,., for Consc aou!> Evolution • Ammal Raghts Coalition rnt"{'ting, 8 p.m., TI1y lor 309, Letters to the Ed1tor 19 {R.A C .E.), 7 30 p.m., Jt~ck.o,o n 106 ca ll Stcph•m ic at 4~ 8314 Spotlight. Who Would Wrn a Steel Cage Deathmatch Between Regrs & Kathy Lee? 19 STYLE POLICE LOG WEATHER The Illusionist 21 I, ECIIAN MUKPHY Underaged Possession of Alcohol Today The Naked Anne 21 !f polict' rt•eorta • Andrew J Elhs, 19, of MadiSOn, Scattered showers N.J. was arrested and charged With John & Jen Review 23 • A quantrty of oontrolled substances underaged possession of alcohol on High 70, Low 55 Prayer & Praise Band was reportedly found in both the March 28 in the Alpha Kappa Lambda 23 Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternrty fraternity house. High Low Style Weekly 27 house and Ikenberry Hall on March • Matthew J Kalen, 20, of Tuesday Rain 62 53 28th. Richmond. was arrested and charged FOCUS Pollee suspect that the substances Wtth underaged possession of alcohol Wednesday Sunny & cool 54 40 were berng drstnbuted for profit. on March 29 at 2 a.m on the comer Andrew J. Ellis. 19, of Madrson, of Port Republic Road and Bluestone Thursday Partly sunny 71 47 Dating At JMU 24-25 New Jersey was reportedly found rn Onve lhc charter room of the AKL fratemrty • Melanre F. Godfrey, 20, of Ellicott Friday Mostly cloudy 74 49 SPORTS house wrth the substances and has Crty, Md .. was arrested and charged been charged wtth possession of with underaged possession of alcohol manJuana Upon further rnvestlgahon, on March 31 at 1:45 a.m. at Warren Baseball 33 suspected oprum, manJUana. scales, Hall. MARKET WATCH Women's Tennis 33 an addrng machtne and parapherna­ Fnday. Man:h31 , 2000 Ira were all recovered from a safe rn Underaged Consumption of Lacrosse 33 dn Ikenberry room, occupted by AKL Alcohol DOW JONES Jess Marion 35 brothers • A JMU student was JUdicially AMEX j Charges are pendrng consultation referred for underaged consumption 58.33 t 9.04 . JMU's Top 50 39 w1th the Commonwealth Anomey's of alcohol on March 31 at 1:45 a.m. at close. 10,921 92 close: 1,005.03 office and analys1s of the evrdence. Warren Hall Sports Beat 39 NASDAQ l S&P 500 l LIFESTYLES In other matters, campus pollee report 114.94 the follow1ng: SH POlJCl LOG ,.. 9 9 10.66 ' close: 4,572.83 close: 1.498.58 Horoscopes 45 Crossword Puzzle 45 INFORMATION The Breeze IS published Monday and Thursday mom1ngs LOCATION CLASSIFIEDS and dtstnbuted throughout James MadiSOO Untversrty and I A W II ,_.AOIIO,. the local Hamsonburg commumty Comments and com­ plaints should be addressed to Courtney Crowley, edttOI' The Breeze is located In How to place a classified: BREEZE U " V T Mailing address: the lower level of Come to The Breeze office week­ The Breeze Anthony-Seeger Hall days between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m.
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