No.2 69 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON : THURSDAY, 15 JANUARY 1976 State Forest Land Set Apart as State Forest Park 'Of the reserved land along the right bank of the Pohangina River adjoining Section 27, Block X, Umutoi S.D., al'O?g a righ't line to that corner and along the southern boundanes DENTS BLUNDELL, Governor-General 'Of the said reserved land and 'Section 27 to and along the A PROCLAMATION end 'Of a road to the eastern side of the said road; thence PURSUANT to section 63A (1) (a) of the Forests Act 1949, I, generally northerly along the eastern and northern sides .of the s'aid road, 'the sQuth-eastern and north-eas'tern boundarIes Sir Edward 'Denis Blundell, the Governor-General of New of SectiQn 32, Block X, Umutoi 'S.D., the south-eastern bound­ Zealand, hereby set apart the State fDrest. land. described in ary 'Of LotI, Plan 'A/2725, the south-eastern and north­ the First Schedule hereto and further descnbed In the Second Schedule hereto as a State forest park, to be known as eastern boundaries ,of Lot 1, D.P. 805, the eastern and soU'thern sides of a road to a point in line with the western Ruahine State Forest Park. boundary of 'SectiQn 3, Block YIN, Umutoi 'S.:o., 'to and alQng that boundary, the western and northern boundaries FI'RST SCHEDULE of 'Secti'on 2, Block VIII, Umut'Oi S.D. (including a right line HAWKE'S BAY AND WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT~ELLINGTON across a road)" the western and northern boundaries of CONSERVANCY-HAWKE'S BAY, RANGITIKEI, KIWITEA, WAI­ 'SeCtion 5, Block VIII, Umutoi S:D., the northern boundary PAWA,POHANGlNA, DANNEVIRKE AND WOODVILLE COUNTIES of Section 28, Block IV, Umu'toi 'S.D., the north-eastern bQundary 'Of Section 27, mock IV, Umutoi S.D." the eastern FIRSTLY, all that area in the Wellington and Hawke's Bay boundary of 'Section 26, Block IV, Umutoi S.D., and its Land Dis,tricts contaihing 90076 hectares, more or leISS, bounded produotion to the right bank 'Of the Oroua River, along that bya line commencing at Trig. Station 60A (Wharite) at the bank, the end of a road, the southern, western, and northern southernmost corner of Section 5, Block XV, Pohangina S.D., boundaries 'of Seotion 46, Block IV, Umutoi S.D., the eastern and proceeding generally north-easterly along the eastern boundary of Section 6, mock IV, Umutoi 'SiD., the end of boundaries of Sections 5, ZA, and 3A, Block XV, Pohangina Crown Road, the eastern boundary of the said Section 6 S.D., the southern and north-western bQundaries of Secti'on 4, and its production to the southern boundary of 'Section 27, 'Block XV, Pohangina SID. (including a right line acrQSS mock I, Umutoi S.D., along tha't boundary, the sQuthern, a road), the north-eastern bDundary of Section 1, Block XV, wes'tern, and northern boundaries of Section 26, Block I, Pohangina S.D., the end of NQ. 2 Line, the south-eastern Umutoi S.!D. (including a right line across a road), the boundaries 'Of 1.:ots 3 and 4, D.P. 1062, and SectiQn 4, Block western and northern boundaries of Section 21, Block I, XI, PDhangina S.D., the sQuth-western boundary 'Of Section 9, Umutoi 'S.D" the northern boundary of Section 22, Block I, Block XI, Pohangina S.ID. (part of which is shown on D.P, Umutoi S.D., to a point in line with the eastern boundary 5341), the south-eastern boundary of the said Section 9, the of Section 17, BIock I, Umutoi SD., to and along the eastern end of Opawe Road, the sOu'th-eastern boundary of Section and northern boundaries of the said Section 17, the western 10, Block XI, Pohangina s.n., the south-eastern boundary boundaries of 'Sections 26 and 25, Block XIII, Ruahine S.D., of Section 3, Block V'll, Pohangina S.D., a right line to and the n'Orther.l boundaries 'of the said Sections 25 and 26, along 'the south-eastern boundaries of Lot 1, Plan A/'1900, the production 'Of the last mentioned boundary tQ the right and Section 1, Block VIII, Pohangina S.D., a right line to bank of the Pari Stream, along that bank to and along the and along the s'Outh-'eastern bQundaries of Section 3, Block left bank of the Pourangaki River to a point in line with VIII, Pohangina S.iD., and Run 47, a right line to and along the south-eastern boundary df Section 2, Block X, Ruahine the south-eastern boundaries of LQt 2, D.iP. '14436, and Sec­ S.D., to and al'Ong that boundary, the sQuth-western, western, tions 22 and 21, Block IV, Pohangina S.D., the south-western and northern boundaries of Lot 1, D.P. '19106, the end of and generally south-eastern boundaries of the said Section 21, the rQad along the left bank of the Hikurangi River, along the end of and the eastern side of Takapari Road, and the left bank of the said river to a point in line with the the eastern boundaries of Secti'on 11, Block IV, Pohangina eastern boundary of vot 2 of Section 3, Block X, Ruahine S.D., and Sec'tion 1, Block X, Umutoi S.D., to a point in S.D., along a right line (approxima'tely 40 meltres) to the line with the south-western boundary (bearing 1l3° 58') of south-eastern corner of the said Lot 2, along the southern Seotion 25, Block X, Umu'toi S.ID.; thence generally easterly 'aIid western boundaries of the said Lot 2, and the prQduc­ al'Qng a right line to and along that boundary and its pro­ tion of the last-mentioned boundary to the right bank 'Of duction to the left bank of thePohangina River, along that Rocky Creek, along that bank to and along the left bank bank to a point due south-west of the south-western corner 'Of the Kawhatau River t'O a point in line with the eastern 70 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZEITE No.2 boundary of Section 5, Block VI, Ruahine S.ID., to and alQng boundary of Lots 'I and 2 of Section 154, Block IV, Makaretu that boundilLry, the sQuth-eastern IYQundaries of Lots 2 and S.D., to the left bank of the Makaretu River; thence westerly '1 'Of SectiQn 2, Block II, Ruahine S.D., the sQuthern bQundary along that left bank to a point in line with the left bank of Section 6, BlQck II, Ruahine S.lD., 'the end of Mokai Horse of a triblitaryO'f the MakaretuRJiver fO'rming the northern Track, the sQuthern and eastern boundaries of SectiQn 5, boundary of Lot 7, D.P .. 2363, and to and alO'ng that left Block rI, Ruahine S.:o., the eastern bQundaries 'Of Sections bank to a point in line with the south-western boundary 1-1 and 11, Block XIV, Pukeokahu S.D." the nQrth-eastern of Lot 7, D.P. 2363,; thence south-easterly to and along that bQundaries 'Of SectiQns '1 and 7, Block XIV, PukeQkahu S.D., boundary to the northern boundary of part Section 5, Block and the left bank of the Rangitikei River to the somh­ II, Norsewood SiD.; thence south-easterly, sQutherly and south­ wes1tern CQrner of :Aorangi liDB2; thence north-easterly along westerly along the north-eastern, eastern and south-eastern the sQuth-eastern boundaries of AorangilDB2 and IDBI boundaries of part Section 5afores'ajd to the north-eastern tQ the WellingtQn and Hawk~'s Bay District bQundary; thence side of a public road; thence south-westerly alO'ng a right sQutherLy along that bQundary tQ the summit of the Ruahine line to and along the s.outh-eastern, south-western and s'Outh­ Range; thence generally nQrth-easterly along that summit eastern boundar,ies O'f Section 4, Blo:ck II, NorsewoO'd S.D., passing thrQugh Trig. Stations S PiQpio and 8'1 Ohawai tQ to the north-eastern boundary 6f Te Ohu Block; thence north­ Trig. Station F 'Lessong MQnument; thence along the southern westerly alO'ng that boundary to 'the summit of the Ruahine boundary of Lot 1, D ..P. 4425, to the south-western side Range; thence southerly along that summit to the south­ of a public road; 'thence south-easterly and north-easterly western boundary of Te Ohu Block; thence south-easterly along the south-western and south-eastern sides of th~t public along that boundary to the south-eastern boundary of Piripiri road to the south-western boundary of Block 97, Marae­ Block; thence generaUy south-westerly along that boundary, kakaho Crown Grant District; thence south-easterly and north­ the south-eastern bO'undaries of UmutaQroa Block, Section I, easlterly along the south-western and south-eastern boundaries BlO'ck VII, Norsewood S.D., part Tamaki No. 1 BIO'ck, Sec­ of 'Block 97 aforesai'd to Trig. Station Desolation, including tion 'I, BlO'ck Xl, Norsewood sm .., and the slOuth-eastern the right line crossing of a public road; thence south-easterly boundary of part Maharahara Block to the south-western along the south-western boundary of Lot '1, Deeds Plan 481, corner of Section 4, BlO'ck XV, Woodville S.D .. ; thence north­ to the nQrth-western bQundary of LQt '1, D.P. 2559: thence westerly along the north-eastern boundary .01£ Lot 1, D.P. sQuth-westerly alQng 'that IYQundary to the northern boundary 2765, and n'Orth-easterly along the sQuth-eastern boundary of 'SectiQn 1, Block XI, Ngaruroro S.D., induding the right of SectiO'n 6, Block VII, Gorge S.D." to the point of com­ line crossingo'f a public road; thence weslterly, southerly, mencement; excluding therefrQm Sectron 23, BIO'ck I, Umutoi and ~sterly along the northern, western, and southern bound­ S,D., Awarua lA3B, situated in Block XIV, Ruahine S.D., aries of the said Section '1 to the western boundary of Lot 1, all public roads, and all lands reserved along the banks 'Of D.l', 2559; 'thence southerly along that boundary and its rivers and streams.
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