SUMMER SPECIAL For the People People of of Modbury Modbury & Brownston- Best Kept Large Village 2013 Volume 16, Issue Volume No. 20818, Issue 232August August 2016 2018 LOCAL MEMBERSRAISING OF THE THE ROOF ROYAL BRITISH LEGION TO REPRESENT MODBURY I am sureAT that WW1 no-one COMEMMORATIONS could IN BELGIUM have failed to notice the David and Bridget Scott will travel to Europe for The Royal British Legion’s Great Pilgrimage 90, 5-9 August 2018 changes at the Church; but Members of the Modburyfor anyone & District who Branch has, ofthe The Royal British Legion are to join thousands on a pilgrimage of buildingRemembrance is now tofully World scaffolded War One and battlefields protected that culminates in a parade and ceremony in Ypres as part of bythe aend perimeter of the First of Worldcrinkly War tin! centenaryAs can be commemorations seen this August. The Royal British Legion event, known fromas Great the Pilgrimagephoto, the 90 contractors (GP90), takes have place begun between the 5th and 9th of August and will be one of the largest in workthe charity’s on the history.roof, and as at the end of June, theGP90 South will mark and 90Centre years sinceaisle innerthe original slopes, Royal and British Legion Pilgrimage in 1928, which saw 11,000 World War adjacentOne veterans transept and warslope widows have visitbeen the stripped; battlefields of the Somme in France and Ypres in Belgium, a decade theafter timbers the conflict inspected; ended. small That areas Pilgrimage treated culminated for in a march through Ypres to the Commonwealth War veryGrave localisedCommission’s woodworm; Menin Gate re Memorial.-felted and battened. Some old lead has been removed andLocal the Legion carpenters member are David in thisScott area and creating his wife Bridget will represent the Modbury & District Branch and the thelocal new community valleys. atAdditional the event, pictures as Standard are available Bearer and at the wreath back layer of the respectively. church and David on the and Raising Bridget the will Roof tour webpagesome of the - samehttp://www.modburyteam.org/rtr/ battlefields and cemeteries visited. We byare those also oncreating the 1928 a videoPilgrimage, film of before the work’s marching progress along andthe originalwill post route a link, through on the sameYpres, webpage.to the Menin Gate on the 8th August, bearing the Branch Standard and a wreath. Work on de-pointing the tower is also They will join more than 3,200 other Legion representatives and dignitaries,underway. including A number civic ofand mortar military colour guests from the UK, Commonwealth and Northern Europe who are takingvariations part. Once have at beenthe Menin created Gate, and Bridget a final will lay a wreath on behalf of the community. decision on this will be made in the next Mr Chris Hawkey, Chairman of the Modbury & District Branch of Thefew Royal days, British as willLegion, the comments:final colour of our rainwater goods. The Church clock chimes “Great Pilgrimage 90 is a unique opportunity for the Legion communityhave been to switched come together off on andHealth bear and our Standards along the same route in Ypres taken 90 years earlier bySafety the veteransgrounds, and and widows shortly, of thethe Firstbells World will War. The Modbury & District Branch looks forward to proudly representinghave to ourbe communitysilenced whilst at the the event.” new mortar As champions of Remembrance, The Royal British hardensThe wreath properly. to be taken This silence to Ypres will probably Legion welcomes this opportunity to work in last until Christmas. partnership with the community to bring their unique The Parish Council has made grants, which Remembrance message to the Menin Gate, on their will now cover the whole of the clock face wreath, where it will be displayed in a wreath renovation costs; work on this will probably installation for viewing by the general public until the start in August. end of August. SLATE SIGNING: If you would like to dedicate a slate, then we will be having a stall at the Church Fete on Chris Hawkey added: “In this respect, we are 6th August. Please come along, purchase and sign a slate. Your dedication will be recorded in the book delighted to announce that, thanks to the help and of dedication and the slates then fixed to the church roof. encouragement of Head of School, Mrs Tess FREECoulthard, TIMBER: theFinally, children in the churchof Modbury car park, Community there is a pile of timber that has been removed from the roof. ThisPrimary is mostly School untreated have provided timber battening some touching and would and make great material for log burning stoves. Please feelmemorable free to help comments yourself, on but the be wreath’s aware thatcitation there card. are nails in the timber. Likewise there is a growing pile of oldThis slates,has proved which aanyone unique is opportunity welcome to to help pass themselves on the to. Please note that collection and loading is at themessage collector’s of Remembrance risk, and please to ourspeak young to the people, site foreman and – Marina, before collecting. indeed their message to the very heart of TheRemembrance.” pigs are coming…….. Alex Hammerstein, Project Co-ordinator Chris Hawkey Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Modbury Parish Council News The Parish Council met on Monday the 9th July in the meeting room of the Memorial Hall. (The next meeting will be on the 11th of September a Tuesday at the MARS Pavilion the QE II Recreation Ground). Public Forum: During the public forum the issue was raised of parking in Brownston Street. There were a number of residents from Brownston street and one gave a short presentation on the parking issues, based in a survey of all residents in Brownston Street (see article on p11). The following points were raised from the presentation: • Possible permit/residents’ parking in Brownston Street, • Brownston Street is being used as free parking by various traders in Modbury, • Residents do not want one way traffic in Brownston Street because of possible speeding issues, • Could the yellow lines be revisited • In future better consultation made to areas affected. Planning: There was 1 planning application that was supported, District Council Report: Beth Huntley reported that the planning application for the next phase of 40 houses at Palm Cross has been approved by SHDC. It was also reported that approx. £100K of the S106 money from this development has been allocated towards play facilities and the OSSR within Modbury. The Parish Council requested that the provision of a pavement opposite the school could also be looked at to improve the safety of people walking to school. Police Report: over the last period there were 3 crimes these being Damage, Theft and Assault. In the same period last year there were also 3 crimes. Parking/Traffic: This was an agenda item for this month’s meeting and the following items were discussed:- • Parking issues within Modbury are not just confined to Brownston Street but is a town-wide problem and a solution that covers the whole town is required otherwise the problem will just be pushed from one area to another. • Staff working in Modbury park in the streets to avoid the car parking charges, perhaps a reduced car parking fee could be looked at for traders? • Reduced residents’ parking costs in Poundwell? • Residents’ permits on certain streets? • Check that the yellow lines in Brownston Street are in the correct place. • Traffic calming in Brownston Street to slow vehicles down? • Road Signage for Sheepham and Brownston Street re HGV and possibly having to reverse. The above issues will be pursued by the Parish Council and we will report back in due course. Bus Stops: The Parish Council has been working for two years to get the Palm Cross bus stops reinstated. Jo Woodcock focused everybody’s minds on the issues about the bus stops at a Parish Council meeting last year and with our County Councillor Rufus Gilbert facilitating actions at county level, the bus stops were installed at Palm Cross with the manual work being carried out by members of the Parish Council. We would like to thank everybody who was involved for their work over the years to bring this situation to a successful conclusion. Please note there is no Parish Council Meeting in August with the next meeting being the second Tuesday in September in the Mars Pavilion at the Queen Elizabeth II Recreation Ground. Chris Barnes New Modbury Messenger Distributor Needed The Modbury Messenger is distributed free to all the homes and businesses in Modbury by a dedicated team of distributors who each deliver to one or two streets. John Curry has been the central distributor for the Modbury Messenger for many years and is now retiring from the role. Many thanks to John for all his hard work. The role of central distributor involves receiving the Messengers delivered by the printers then spending a couple of hours counting out the Messengers into lots for each street distributor and then spending about three hours delivering the Messengers around Modbury to the individual street distributors. If you feel you could volunteer to take on the role of the Central Distributor, please contact the Editor, Lynne Barnes, via email [email protected] or phone on 01548 830031. The role could be split in two with one person receiving the Messengers and counting them out into street lots and another person delivering them around Modbury to the street distributors. It is a great opportunity to give something back to the Modbury community, to meet new people and discover parts of Modbury you didn’t even know existed. Lynne Barnes Page 3 Aveton Gifford Preschool Playgroup Every Monday morning 9.45am in term time Babies, Toddlers and Pre-schoolers welcome A friendly group always happy to welcome newcomers Find us in The Hive, located behind the school, access through the school.
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