W&M ScholarWorks Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects 1985 An experiment comparing the effects of two techniques that elicit the relaxation response on stress reduction and cognitive functioning in first eary law students at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Yvonne Robena Siddall College of William & Mary - School of Education Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd Part of the Educational Psychology Commons Recommended Citation Siddall, Yvonne Robena, "An experiment comparing the effects of two techniques that elicit the relaxation response on stress reduction and cognitive functioning in first eary law students at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale" (1985). Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects. Paper 1539618438. https://dx.doi.org/doi:10.25774/w4-jmhh-v462 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects at W&M ScholarWorks. 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Other _______________________________________________________________________ University Microfilms International AH EXPERIMENT COMPARING THE EFFECTS OF TWO TECHNIQUES THAT ELICIT THE RELAXATION RESPONSE ON STRESS REDUCTION AND COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING IN FIRST YEAR LAW STUDENTS AT SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBON DALE A SliisrtBtion Frtstntcd to The Faculty of tha School of Education The Collag* of william and Mary in Virginia In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement* for the D*gree Doctor of Education by Yvonne Robana Siddall April 1985 AN EXPERIMENT COMFAPING THE EFFECTS OF TWO TECHNIQUES THAT ELICIT THE RELAXATION RESPONSE ON STRESS REDUCTION AND COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING IN FIRST YEAR LAW STUDENTS AT SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE by Yvonne Robena Siddall Approved April 19 8 5 by urtis H, O'Shell Ed.D* Chairman ^ jM . Charles 0, Mathewg II# Ph.D. H David Honkinson Ph.D. Approval Sheet ©1966 YVQNNE KOBENA SIDDALL AH RJgMs Reserved ACKNOWLEDGMENT S Without the help of certain key individuals the requirements to complete this dissertation could not have been made. Special thanks go to Dr. Curtis 0 rShell, Dr. Charles Mathews and Dr. David Hopkinson. They have shown much understanding during this project* which took longer than anyone expected. A particular debt of gratitude is owed the faculty and staff of the S1U-C Law School who graciously allowed me to conduct this experiment and who supported and en­ couraged me beyond their normal call of duty. Special thanks go to Dean Don Hopson* Director of Placement, Rita Moss and the Registrar Norma Brown. Deep appreciation is extended to Dra. Donald Shoemaker and Howard Timm and to Mr, Marc Cohen who supervised and administered the treatments. A special word of thanks goes to my husband and children who bore with me through this long endeavor and supported my efforts; and to my father who did not live to see its com­ pletion but who so firmly implanted the values of education and determination to see a task through to completion that each delay or hinderence was not simply on obstacle to be overcome but an opportunity for further growth. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements * +........ ......*......* * * * + . *». 3 Table of C o n t e n t s ................ ................... ••• 4 List of Tables .»*.*•.*+.*.++........... ## +....... 6 Chapter 1, Introduction * +.... *..... *.............. *........ f Statement of the Problem .................... #. • * 7 Need for the Study ..... ^ Definition of Terms »•.■•.•+•*...*+++..•++#••«■*19 Sample and Data Gathering Procedures........ + .*21 Limitations ....... 21 General Hypotheses .....*.......................22 Tbtontieal Rationale ..................... 2* Review of the Literature ..... 24 Law School E d u c a t i o n .............................24 Summation of Law School Literature ..... 34 Theories of stress and Relaxation «•••.•»»++*..*26 Summation of Theories of stress and Relaxation .52 Studies Using a Variety of Techniques to Decrease Test Anxiety and Increase Learning *.+.54 Studies to Enhanoe Relaxation and Increase Learning + #.56 History and Theories of Hypnosis ...... 63 Summation of Hypnosis Theories ...... 32 4 5 2* Studies on Hypnosis that Apply to Learning **.84 Theory of Relaxation as a Necessary Element of H y p n o s i s »•••■.*•*•*......... **119 Summation of Previous Section •*••,••*****•**123 Studies that Compare Hypnosis and Other Relax­ ation Techniques * ■ *.......+*»**.*»•**....... 124 3* Methods and Proce dures....................... 134 Population and Selection of Sample ......... *134 Procedures .......................... 136 Instrumentation *******.......*........ ****.*140 Design **............******.............. **..*146 Statistical Analysis ...... *****148 Specific Hypothesis b Methodology Summary *..150 4* Analysis Of Results , *........................ 151 Summary of Analysis .......*............. ..*..160 5. Summary and Conclusions *•»*..****....... ***.*163 Implications of Findings ......... +...... 16? Recommendations for Farther Study *.....169 Appendices ..........**..*,***....................... 1T1 Initial Data Forms •**•*•»•••****••**•«...... 171 Bi-Monthly Questlonnsire..................... 182 Final Questionnaire ..... 184 References ....... ******....... *......*.......***185 Vita ..................... 198 Abstract *****......... *199 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Denographic Data of Treatment Group* X52 4.2 Mean* of the Major Variables of All Groups **,**•152 4.3 Analysis of Variance on Academic Pressure by Treatment Group *,.... *........ .•••-*..* * * * 158 4.4 Analysis of Variance on Purpose and Achievement by Treatment Group *****.........*........ **,,159 6 Chapter I. Introduction Statement of the Problemt Hiatorleal and Current Attempts to control stress among students and increase learning have been going on since the Chinese dynasties spon­ sored competitive exams in the 6th
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