APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY DEGREES Commonwealth University Degree Abbreviations The following list of degree abbreviations and corresponding titles is restricted to degrees awarded by Commonwealth institutions with chapters in the Yearbook up to 1994 and since 1999, and any degree -granting institutions federated to or affiliated with them. AA Associate in Arts AM Associate of Music AMusD Doctor of Musical Arts AMusM Master of Musical Arts ASc Associate in Science BA Bachelor of Arts/Bachelieres Arts BAA Bachelier en Administration des Affaires Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Applied Arts: And., Ryerson BA(Administration) Bachelor of Arts (Public Administration) BA(Arch) Bachelor of Arts (Arc hitecture) BA(ArchStud) Bachelor of Arts (Architectural Studies) BA(ArchStudies) Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies BA(ArtHistCur) Bachelor of Arts (Art History and Curatorship) BA(AsSt) Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies) BA(AustS) Bachelor of Arts (Australian Studies) BA(AustSt) Bachelor of Arts (Australian Studies) BAcc Bachelor of Accountancy/Accounting BAcct Bachelor of Accounting BAcct(IS) Bachelor of Accounting (Information Systems) BA(CeramDes) Bachelor of Arts (Ceramic De sign) BA(Coll) Bachelor of Arts (Collegiate) BA(Com) Bachelor of Arts in Commerce BA(CombStuds) Bachelor of Arts in Combined Studies BA(Comm) Bachelor of Arts in Communication BA(CommStud) Bachelor of Communication Studies BA(CommStuds) Bachelor of Art s (Communication Studies) BACS Bachelor of Arts Community Studies BAD Bachelier en Art dramatique Bachelor in Dramatic Art BBA Bachelor of Business Administration BA(Dance)BEd Bachelor of Arts (Dance) Bachelor of Education: New South Wales BAdEd Bachelor of Adult Education BA(Des) Bachelor of Arts (Design) BA(DevS) Bachelor of Arts (Development Studies) BAdm Bachelier en Administration Bachelor in Administration BAdmin Bachelor of Administration BAdmnSt Bachelor of Administrative St udies BAdVocEd Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education BAdVocTeach Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Teaching BA(Econ) Bachelor of Arts in Economic and Social Studies BAEd Bachelor of Arts Education/Bachelor of Arts in or with Education BA(Ed) Bachelor of Arts (Education)/Bachelor of Arts in or with Education BA(EdTheatre) Bachelor of Arts (Educational Theatre) BA(Educ) Bachelor of Arts (Education) BA(EducStudies) Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies BAgEc Bachelor of Agricultural Economics BA(EurS) Bachelor of Arts (European Studies) BA(EurSt) Bachelor of Arts (European Studies) BA(EurStud) Bachelor of Arts (European Studies) BA(FA) Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) BA(GenStud) Bachelor of Arts in General Studies BAgr Bachelor of Agriculture BA(GraphDesign) Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) BAgrEc Bachelor of Agricultural Economics BAgrEcon Bachelor of Agricultural Economics BAgribus Bachelor of Agribusiness BAgric Bachelor of Agriculture BAgricAdmin Bac helor of Agriculture Administration BAgricEd Bachelor of Agricultural Education BAgric(Ed) Bachelor of Agricultural (Education) BAgricSc Bachelor of Agricultural Science(s) BAgricTech Bachelor of Agricultural Technology BAgricultureTech Bachelor of Agricultural Technology BAgrSc Bachelor of Agricultural Science BAgSc Bachelor of Agricultural Science BA(HumServ) Bachelor of Arts (Human Services) BAL Bachelor of Academic Law BA(Lang) Bachelor of Arts in Languages BA(Langs) Bache lor of Arts (Languages) BALaw Bachelor of Academic Law BALibraryScience Bachelor of Arts in Library Science BALS Bachelor of Arts with Library Studies BA(LS) Bachelor of Arts (Library Science) BAMS Ayurvedacharya Bachelor of Medicine and Surge ry: GND Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery: B'lore., DAV, Vikram Bachelor of Ayurveda with Medicine and Surgery: Jiw. Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery Bachelor of Ayurved with Modern Medicine and Surgery: RDV BAMus Bachelor of Arts in Music BA(Mus) Bachelor of Arts in Music BA(NatTour) Bachelor of Arts (Nature Tourism) BAnim Bachelor of Animation: Griff. BAnimSc Bachelor of Animal Science BAO Bachelor of Obstetrics BA(OL) Bachelor of Arts (Oriental Learning) BAP Bach elier en Architecture paysagiste [Bachelor of Landscape Architecture] BA(Ph) Bachelier es Arts avec mention en Philosophie [Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Philosophy] BA(PolS) Bachelor of Arts (Policy Studies) BA(PolSt) Bachelor of Arts (Police St udies) BAppComp Bachelor of Applied Computing BApplSc Bachelor of Applied Science BAppPsych Bachelor of Applied Psychology BAppS Bachelor of Applied Science BAppSc Bachelor of Applied Science BAppSc Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Studies: James Cook BAppSc(Ag) Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture) BAppSc(Agr) Bachelor of Applied Science in Agriculture BAppSc(Biol&ChemTech) Bachelor of Applied Science (Biological and Chemical Technologies) BAppSc(ConsSci) Bach elor of Applied Science (Consumer Science) BAppSc(DevDis) Bachelor of Applied Science (Developmental Disabilities) BAppSc(DisSt) Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies) BAppSc(EAM) Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Assessment and Man agement) BAppSc(Hort) Bachelor of Applied Science in Horticulture BappSci Bachelor of Applied Science BAppSc(MedRadTech) Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Radiation Technology) BAppSc(NRMan't) Bachelor of Applied Science (Natural Resources Man agement) BAppSc(SpPath) Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) BAPrEd Bachelor of Arts Primary Education BA(PubAdmin) Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration BARB Bachelor of Arabic BArc Bachelor of Architecture BArch Bach elor of Architectural Studies/Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelier en Architecture BArchBldg Bachelor of Architecture and Building BArchSt Bachelor of Architectural Studies BArchStud Bachelor of Architectural Studies BArtEd Bachelor of Art Educati on BArtsS Bachelor of Arts and Science BArtTh Bachelor of Art Theory BAS Bachelor of Administrative Studies/Architectural Studies BASc Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Arts and Sciences: Leth. BASc(CompTech) Bachelor of Applied Science (Computer Technology) BASc(MatlEng) Bachelor of Applied Science (Materials Engineering) BA(Sec) Bachelor of Arts (Secretaryship) BAsianSt Bachelor of Asian Studies BAsianStudies Bachelor of Asian Studies BA(SocSc) Bachelor of Arts (Social Science) BA(SW) Bachelor of Arts in Social Work BAustSt Bachelor of Australian Studies BAV Bachelier en Arts visuels [Bachelor of Visual Arts] BA(VisArt) Bachelor of Visual Art BA(VisArts) Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts) BAvn Bachelo r of Aviation BAvnStud Bachelor of Aviation Studies BA(withQTS) Bachelor of Arts (with Qualified Teacher Status) BBA Bachelor of Business Administration BBA(Acc&Fin) Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy and Finance) BBA(Law) Ba chelor of Business Administration (Law) BBAM Bachelor of Business Administration and Management BBE Bachelor of Business Economics BBehavSc Bachelor of Behavioural Science BBehSc Bachelor of Behavioural Science BBg&IntFin Bachelor of Bankin g and International Finance BBiomedSc Bachelor of Biomedical Science BBiomedicSci Bachelor of Biomedical Science BBiot Bachelor of Biotechnology BBioTech Bachelor of Biotechnology BBld Bachelor of Building BBldg Bachelor of Building BBldgSurv Bachelor of Building Surveying BBldSurv Bachelor of Building Surveying BBM Bachelor of Banking Management: Madr. Bachelor of Business Management BBMedSc Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences BBS Bachelor of Business Studies BBS& CompSc Bachelor of Business Studies and Computing Science BBSc Bachelor of Behavioural Science: La Trobe Bachelor of Building Science: Well. BBuild Bachelor of Building Bachelor of Applied Science (Building Construction Management): RMIT BBuil dSurv Bachelor of Building Surveying BBus Bachelor of Business BBus(AgCom) Bachelor of Business (Agricultural Commerce) BBus(AsiaPacSt) Bachelor of Business (Asia -Pacific Studies) BBusCom Bachelor of Business Communication BBus(EntDev) Bac helor of Business (Enterprise Development) BBus(HospMan) Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) BBusMgt Bachelor of Business (Management) BBus(Mktg) Bachelor of Business (Marketing) BBus(Multi) Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline) BBusSt Bachelor of Business Studies BBusStud Bachelor of Business Studies BBusSys Bachelor of Business Systems BBus(Tour&Hosp) Bachelor of Business (Tourism and Hospitality) BBus(TourMan) Bachelor of Business (Tourism Management) BCA Bachelor of Commerce and Administration: Well. Bachelor of Computer Applications: MCN Journ. Bachelor of Creative Arts: S.Qld., W'gong. BCApSc Bachelor of Consumer and Applied Sciences BCar Bachelor of Cartography BCB Bachelor of Computing and Bu siness BCBE Bachelor of Commerce in Business Economics BCE Bachelor of Civil Engineering BCE&M Bachelor of Construction, Engineering and Management BCEd Bachelor of Christian Education BCh Bachelor of Surgery BChD Bachelor of Dental Surgery BChE Bachelor of Chemical Engineering BChemEngg Bachelor of Chemical Engineering BChir Bachelor of Surgery BCIS Bachelor of Computer Information Science BCJ Bachelor of Communication and Journalism BCL Bachelor of Canon Law: Ott., St Paul(Ott.) Bachelor of Civil Law BCM Bachelor of Commerce and Management: Lincoln (NZ) Bachelor of Computer and Mathematical Sciences: W.Aust. BCMS Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences BCogSc Bachelor of Cognitive Science BCo m Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelier en Commerce/Bachelieres Sciences commerciales BCom(Acctg) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) BCom(Ag) Bachelor of Commerce
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