Celebrating the Centennial of Naval Aviation in 1/72 Scale 2010 USN/USMC/USCG 1/72 Aircraft Kit Survey J. Michael McMurtrey IPMS-USA 1746 Carrollton, TX [email protected] As 2011 marks the centennial of U.S. naval aviation, aircraft modelers might be interested in this list of US naval aircraft — including those of the Marines and Coast Guard, as well as captured enemy aircraft tested by the US Navy — which are available as 1/72 scale kits. Why 1/72? There are far more kits of naval aircraft available in this scale than any other. Plus, it’s my favorite, in spite of advancing age and weakening eyes. This is an updated version of an article I prepared for the 75th Anniversary of US naval aviation and which was published in a 1986 issue of the old IPMS-USA Update. It’s amazing to compare the two and realize what developments have occurred, both in naval aeronautical technology and the scale modeling hobby, but especially the latter. My 1986 list included 168 specific aircraft types available in kit form from thirty- three manufacturers — some injected, some vacuum-formed — and only three conversion kits and no resin kits. Many of these names (Classic Plane, Contrails, Eagle’s Talon, Esci, Ertl, Formaplane, Frog, Griffin, Hawk, Matchbox, Monogram, Rareplane, Veeday, Victor 66) are no longer with us or have been absorbed by others. This update lists 345 aircraft types (including the original 168) from 192 different companies (including the original 33), many of which, especially the producers of resin kits, were not in existence in 1986, and some of which were unknown to me at the time. This list also includes catalog numbers, where known (some manufacturers did not use them); my original list did not. Disclaimers: (1) I have tried to list every available subject, including limited-production vacuum-formed and resin kits, based on available references. In those cases where one company released a kit originated by another, the name of the originating company (where known) follows in parentheses; however, in order to keep this to a reasonable size, I have deliberately omitted many references to obscure smaller companies which only re-released kits from the “mainstream” manufacturers. (2) A listing of kit for a particular aircraft does not necessarily mean that the kit is still available. Many have been discontinued and out of production for many years, but they still turn up on eBay from time to time, and although better kits have superseded these “oldies,” they are included here for historical interest and because many modelers still have examples in their “stash” and because they can still be built into good models. (3) Where more than one kit is listed, the modeler will have to determine for himself/herself which is the best or more specific to the variant of the aircraft being modeled, as this is a somewhat subjective matter. Where known, specific model variants (i.e., -1, -2, -3, etc.) follow the kit number. (4) A question mark following a specific reference means that the release of this kit is unconfirmed. (5) The abbreviation “conv.” in parenthesis following a listing means that this kit provides conversion parts only and that another kit will have to be used to provide the rest of the model, as specified in the conversion kit’s instructions. (6) The abbreviation “mod.” in parenthesis means the kit listed must be modified to the proper configuration. (7) Confirmed future releases are noted by an asterisk (*). I undoubtedly have overlooked a kit or two, so any major omissions or errors should be brought to my attention at the email address shown above; however, I am unable to answer any questions about which kit is “best” or how to accomplish kit modifications. Neither can I supply any of these kits, nor can I suggest where to obtain them. I also am not able to suggest proper color schemes or decals for these aircraft. I don’t wish to spoil the fun and excitement of your doing your own research or searching for these kits! Acknowledgements: Many thanks to the members of the 72nd Scale U.S. Military Aircraft Group ([email protected]) and the WW I Digest (wwi-models.org) for reviewing this list and making suggestions and corrections prior to publication. Both are great groups, and I recommend them highly. © J. Michael McMurtrey 2010. May not be reproduced or disseminated without permission of author. - 1 - The Kits: Aeromarine 39B Ardpol 72-027 (wheels), 72-028 (floats) Aerospatiale/Eurocopter HH-65A Dolphin Hasegawa?/Matchbox PK-038/Revell 04467 (Matchbox) Agusta MH-68 Stingray Revell Germany 4448 (mod.) Aircraft Development Corp. ZMC-2 blimp Airmodel AM-237 Atlantic TA/RA (TA-1/RA-1, TA-2/RA-2, TA-3/RA-3, RA-4) [modified Fokker F.VIIa/3m] AMT 3901 (mod.)/Broplan MS-17 (mod.)/Frog F175 (mod.)/Novo 76072 (mod.)/Valom 72037, 72038, 72054, 72064 (mod.) Beech C-12 Huron (UC-12B/F/M, RC-12D/M) Rareplane (C-12), RVHP 72167 (UC-12B), RVHP 72170 (RC-12D), RVHP 72171 (UC-12M) Beech GB/JB Traveller (GB-1,-2; JB-1) AZ Model 7291/Czechmasters1/Mareska/Meikraft 1804/Merlin 28/Rareplane/Sword 72010, 72017 Beech JRB/SNB/C-45 (JRB-1, -2, -3, -4, -6; SNB-1, -2, -2C, -2H, -2P, -3Q, -5/TC-45J, -5P/RC-45J/UC-45J Encore 72102/Hobbycraft 1355, 1388, 1389/Pioneer2 4003/PM Model 304/Rareplane Beech T-34A/B Mentor Hasegawa C-11/Minicraft 1088 Beech T-34C Astra (conv.)/Esoteric NAV-4/Siga S01/Sword 72007 Beech T-44A Pegasus Akatombo 32/Rareplane Bell AH-1 Cobra/Sea Cobra (AH-1G/J/T/W) Ace 1022 (G), 1026 (J)/Airfix 04046 (T)/AMT 7101 (G; Matchbox)/Fujimi 7A-23, P-17, Q-9, 30017, 30143 (J)/Hobbycraft 2151 (G)/Italeri 160 (W), 168 (T)/Kitech 08M-M353 (T)/Matchbox PK-009 (G)/Monogram PA-191-150 (G)/Revell Germany 4415, 4418/Tamiya 60708 (W, Italeri)/Testors 632 (W), 634 (T) Bell AH-1Z Viper Hobbycraft 2206 Bell HSL-1 Anigrand AA2043/O’Neill Bell HTL/HUL/H-13 (HTL-1, -2, -3; HTL-4/TH-13L; HTL-5; HTL-6/TH-13M; HTL-7/TH-13N; HUL-1/UH-13P; HUL-1G/HH-13Q; HUL-1M/UH-13R) Airmodel AM-215 (HUL-1)/Combat Models /Czechmasters/Esoteric NAV-1 (H-13)/Italeri 085, 095 (HTL- 6/TH-13M)/Pavla 72005 Bell L-39 [swept-wing P-63] Czechmasters/Czech Master Resin 5028 Bell TH-57A/B/C/D SeaRanger Italeri 027, 185, 195/Matchbox PK-43 (OH58-D)/Monogram 1050, 060/Rareplane/Tamiya (Italeri)/Testors 637 Bell UH-1 (TH-1E/L; UH-1E/K/L/N;VH-1N) AeroPlast MKP00134(N)/Fujimi 7A-27,P-18, 30018, 30118, 35103 (N)/HobbyBoss 87228 (B), 87229 (C), 87230 (F)/Italeri 088 (N)/Monogram 1063 (SnapTite; E/TH-1L)/Revell 04432 (N) Bell XFL-1/XFN-1 Airabonita Execuform/Planet 136, 140/RS Models 72122 (XFN-1) Bell XTDL-1/F2L-1K [P-39Q] Academy 2177/Advent 3301 (Revell)/Airfix 119, 01039, 01039-1, 61039-3, 961039/Airfix Craftmaster3 1225/Frog F415/Heller 154, 271, 80271/HobbyBoss 80234/MPC 2-0117, 2-0217, 2-1117/Revell H-67, H-640, RH-222/Revell Germany 04105, 04119/Zvezda 7231 Bell X-22A Anigrand AA-2002 Bell YF2L-1 [YP-59A] Airmodel AM-7204/Amodel 72145/Anigrand AA-2003/Czechmasters/Karo-As 04.72/Merlin 38/ Rareplane/R&D Replicas/Special Hobby 72058, 72084 Bell “Eagle Eye” VTOL UAV Unicraft Bell-Boeing MV-22 Osprey Esci 9082, 9083, 9087, 9088/Hobbycraft 1375/Italeri 068/Minicraft 1684/Testors 640 Bellanca XRE-3 [CH-400 Skyrocket] Khee-Kha 002 Berliner-Joyce OJ-2 Ardpol 72-026/Esoteric 9/O’Neill - 2 - Berliner-Joyce XFJ-1 Merlin 86 Berliner-Joyce XF3J-1 Air Craft Models 701/Pro Resin R72-033 Boeing 390 “Flying Flapjack” Unicraft Boeing C-40 Clipper [737-700C] Welsh Models MT72-04 Boeing C-98 [Model 314] Anigrand*/Combat Models 72-001 Boeing E-6A/B Mercury [707-320] Airfix 12004/Gunze Sangyo FG-201 (Heller)/Heller 38005, 80305, 80383, 80463 + Flightpath conv. set (+ Spectre Resins SR72-AC-003 MILSTAR dome for E-6B) Boeing EB-47 Hasegawa JS-23, JS-023/Minicraft 1223 Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Hasegawa 00385 (F), 00389 (F), 00548 (F), 00549 (E), 00710 (F), 00718 (E), 00741 (F), 00744 (E), 00799 (F), 00800 (E), 00809 (F), 00815 (E), 00827 (F), 00829 (E), 00844 (F), 00853 (F), 00857 (F), 00882 (E), 00960 (F), 00981 (E), 00999 (E), 01912 (E), E18 (F), E19 (E)/Revell Germany 04298, 04605 (E) Boeing F3B-1 Esoteric 12/O’Neill Boeing F4B (F4B-1, -2, -3, -4) Accurate Miniatures 1021 (-4; Monogram)/Esoteric NAV-5 (-1/-2/-4 )/Matchbox PK-003 (-4; P- 12E)/Monogram PA209-70, PA216-200, 6852 (-4) + Rareplane (for -3)/Pro Resin R72-031 (-1/2 ) Boeing N2S (N2S-1, -2, -3, -4, -5) [PT-13/17] Revell H-649, H-650, P-649, 4116/Pavla 72042 Boeing NKC-135A AMT 8958 Boeing PB-1 [B-17G] Academy 2143, 2165, 12414/Airfix 585, 08005, 0-5005-0, 95005/Airfix Corp.2 1-129/Airfix Craftmaster 1506/Hasegawa JS-113, K10, SP23/Matchbox PK-603, 40603/Minicraft 1113, 2165 (Academy)/MPC 1201, 1-4402, 2-0301, 2-1201, 2-2501/RVHP 72107 (conv.) Boeing PB2B Catalina VI (PB2B-1, -2) RVHP (conv.) Boeing P2B Superfortress [B-29] Academy 2170/Airfix 781, 07001, 907001, 07001-4, 0-7001-4/Airfix Craftmaster 1601/MPC 551, 2500, 1-4501, 2-0251, 2-0551, 2-2500, 2-3001/USAirfix 5102 Boeing P-8A Poseidon [737-800] Welsh Models MT72-06 Boeing XF8B-1 O’Neill/Valom 72004 Boeing X-50A Dragonfly UAV Unicraft Boeing Vertol HRB/H-46 Sea Knight (HRB-1/CH-46A; CH-46D/E/F; HH-46A; RH-46A; UH-46A/D) Airfix 296, 03051, 903051, 02069-5, 0-2069-/Airfix Craftmaster 1304/Fujimi 7A-H2, 7A-H5, 27002 (D), 27005 (E/F)/HobbyBoss 87213 (D), 87223 (E/F)/Hobbycraft 2301, 2303/MPC 1-4102/Revell 2065 Bombardier/Canadair HC-143 Challenger BroPlan MS-141/Execuform Brewster F2A Buffalo (F2A-1, -2, -3) Advent 3302 (Revell)/Airfix 137, 0-1057-9, 02050, 02050-1, 0-2050-1/AMT 7116 (Matchbox)/Aoshima 112, 210, 306, 1460, 3004/Hasegawa AP45, AP46, AP148/Matchbox
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