Board Meeting Summary DecemberFebruary 23, 18, 2021 2018 • • Regular Regular Board Board Meeting Meeting • • 6:00 6:00 p.m. p.m. OpeningAwards/Recognition The Board received information regarding the progress and status of current capital improvement projects. AThe Regular Board meeting of Trustees of thegave Board special of recognitionTrustees of the to ConroeHauke IndependentHigh School. CampusSchool representativesDistrict was held onhighlighted Tuesday, initiativesFebruary 23, and 2021. Business/Finance Superintendentshared about programs Dr. Curtis at HaukeNull and High all School.members Patrons of the InfluencingBoard were Educationpresent: Skeeter “PIE” AwardsHubert, Datrenwere presented Williams, toRay the Sanders, “Silver Fox”Scott The Board of Trustees accepted the year-to-date financial reports for information. Moore,volunteers Stacey as well Chase, as Mr. Theresa Diego Wagaman Lira for their and continued Dale Inman. support Board Presidentand dedication Skeeter to Hubert the students called the of meetingConroe ISD to andorder specifically at 6:00 p.m.Hauke Mr. High Sanders School. led the invocation and Ms. Chase let the pledges. Legal Awards and Recognition Citizen Participation Board Trustees reaffirmed their commitment to comply with the Board Member Code of Conduct by executing a new written The Board of Trustees gave special recognition to the 29 students named 2021 Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) All- affirmation just as employees and students do each year with the Employee Handbook Student Code of Conduct, StateThe following musicians citizens from Conroe addressed High theSchool, Board: Grand Oaks High School, Oak Ridge High School, The Woodlands College Park High respectively. School, and The Woodlands High School. Conroe ISD All-State Musicians are: • Mr. Bryan Fowler •Band Dr. Enrique – Abraham Rosero Brook, Alex Bass-Hill, Gabriel Bustos, Ryan Harding, Charles Helton, Dennis Hom, Claire Howard, State law requires that at the first meeting after each election and qualification of Trustees, the members of the Board shall • Ms. NathanPatrice WardMcCarthy, John O’Connor, Jack Perkins, Peyton Tabor, Vincent Verdugo Voortman reorganize. The Conroe ISD Board of Trustees reorganized as follows: • Ms. Emily Hoppel Choir – Kimberly Altamirano, Santino Hallare, Samuel Hopkins, Elisa Incavo, Sydney Jennings, Adrian Klein, • President – Datren Williams Christian Krutilek, Brooke Laden, Adel Manangan, Lindsay Moynihan, Jackson Phillips, Alexia Rivera, Mercer Sadlier, Consent Agenda • First Vice President – Skeeter Hubert Bryce Veazey, Meaghan Walsh, and Maryn West The following items on the Consent Agenda were approved by the Board: • Second Vice President – Scott Moore Orchestra – Deborah Chu • Secretary – Ray Sanders • Consider Approval of Minutes from the November 13, 2018 Regular Meeting, November 16, 2018 Special Meeting, and • Assistant Secretary – Scott Kidd The Board recognized Conroe ISD Child Nutrition Managers, Lydia Powell from Conroe High School, Juanita Seidel from Caney November 28, 2018 Special Meeting • Past President – John Husbands Creek High School, Tammy Long from McCullough Junior High, and Nuri Posey from Bush Elementary. These employees were • Consider Amendment to the 2018-2019 Budget • Trustee – Dale Inman vital to• Receivethe establishment and Consider and Human success Resources of feeding Report sites across - Employment the District of upon Professional its closure Personnel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Citizen • Consider Participation Waiving Facility Use Fee The meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. • Consider Award of RFP #18-09-04A - Catering Services No citizen(s) addressed the Board. • Consider Reapproval of Memorandum of Agreements to Establish and Operate Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training ConsentCorps Agenda Units at Oak Ridge High School and The Woodlands High School The Board of Trustees approved the following items on the Consent Agenda: Administration • Consider Approval of Minutes The Board• Consider of Trustees Amendment approved to thethe 2020-2021Guaranteed Budget Maximum Price Amendment with GTT, Inc. for the 2019 Life Cycle Project and authorized • Receive the SuperintendentHuman Resources to Reportnegotiate and Considerand execute Employment the contract of Professionaldocuments. PersonnelThe District negotiated a guaranteed maximum • Review price and for Confirmthe project Approval in the amountof Memorandum of, $6,284,456.00. of Understanding with the Montgomery County Juvenile Probation Board The Conroe• Consider Independent Granting School Authorization District Boardto Submit of Trustees a Missed accepted School asDay complete Waiver to the the Bradley Texas EducationElementary AgencySchool Construction Project. • Consider The returned Ratification allowance of & Waiversavings of for Facility the project Use Fees is $885,414.17.for Use of Woodforest Bank Stadium as a Vaccination Site AdministrationThe Board received an update regarding attendance zones for the elementary schools in the Oak Ridge feeder system. They Thealso Conroereceived Independent as information School a brief District overview Board ofof theTrustees demographic adopted studya resolution conducted requesting by Population creation and of Surveya COVID-19 Analysts vaccine (PASA). allocation for teachers and school district employees. TrusteesThe 2018 received Facilities information Planning Committee regarding the presented campus theirmascot recommendation and school colors for for the Hope needs Elementary of Conroe School. ISD to Thethe topBoard nomination of forTrustees. mascot The is the Committee Husky and determined colors are redimprovements and black. The are Board necessary will be in askedthe following to approve five theseareas: recommendations Conroe High School, at theOak RidgeMarch 23,High 2021 School, meeting. Growth and Sustainability, Safety and Security, and District Wide Needs for a total of $827,476,195. Continued... A Vision for CISD CISD is a learning community united in its commitment to ensuring all students graduate with confidenceconfidence and and competence. The schools and communities work together to provide performance standards which can be applied to the real world. This is achieved through the implementation of qualityquality in in instruction, instruction, operations, operations, and and leadership. leadership. TheThe ConroeConroe Independent Independent School School District (District) District as does an equal not opportunity discriminate educational on the basisprovider of andrace, employer color, doesnational not discriminate origin, sex, on the disability, basis of race, or age color, in national its programs origin, sex,and religion, activities age, andor disability provides in educational equal access programs to the or Boyactivities Scouts that andit operates other or in employment matters. The Districtdesignated is required youth by Title groups. VI and TitleThe VIIfollowing of the Civil persons Rights Act haveof 1964, been as amended, designated Title IX to of handle the Education inquiries Amendments regarding of these1972, the non-discrimination Age Discrimination Act policies: of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. Title IX Coordinator,For information 3205 about W. Davis, Title IX Conroe,rights or Section Texas 77304;504/ADA rights, (936) contact 709-7700 the Title and IX Coordinatorthe section or 504/ADAthe Section Coordinator,504/ADA coordinator 3205 at W.3205 Davis, W. Davis, Conroe, Conroe, Texas TX 77304; 77304; (936) (936)709-7752. 709-7670. Board Meeting Summary DecemberFebruary 23, 18, 2021 2018 • • Regular Regular Board Board Meeting Meeting • • 6:006:00 p.m.p.m. Awards/RecognitionPaula Green, Director of Human Resources, gave an update regarding the District’s efforts to develop a plan for the Teacher The Board received information regarding the progress and status of current capital improvement projects. Incentive Allotment. With Board approval, Conroe ISD plans to submit an application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in The Board of Trustees gave special recognition to Hauke High School. Campus representatives highlighted initiatives and Business/Finance April 2021 to participate in the TIA program. shared about programs at Hauke High School. Patrons Influencing Education “PIE” Awards were presented to the “Silver Fox” The Board of Trustees accepted the year-to-date financial reports for information. volunteersPlanning asand well Construction as Mr. Diego Lira for their continued support and dedication to the students of Conroe ISD and specifically Hauke High School. The Conroe ISD Board of Trustees approved the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment with Ellisor Constructors, Inc. for Legal The Conroe High School Master Plan Phase 2 Project. Based on Ellisor Constructors, Inc.’s proposal for this work, the District Citizennegotiated Participation a guaranteed maximum price for the project of $144,998,625.00. Board Trustees reaffirmed their commitment to comply with the Board Member Code of Conduct by executing a new written affirmation just as employees and students do each year with the Employee Handbook Student Code of Conduct, The Conroefollowing ISD citizens Board of addressed Trustees approvedthe Board: the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment with Durotech, Inc. for The New Elementary in the Conroe High School Feeder Zone (Flex 21) Project. Based on Durotech, Inc.’s proposal for this work,
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