S4C: Edrych i’r Dyfodol Looking to the Future Cyflwyniad Introduction Darlledwr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yw S4C, sy’n S4C is a public service broadcaster, offering the cynnig yr unig wasanaeth teledu Cymraeg yn y world’s only Welsh-language television service. byd. Mae cyfraniad y sianel i fywydau, diwylliant The channel’s contribution to people’s lives, ac economi’r Gymru fodern yn bellgyrhaeddol. culture and the economy in modern Wales is Mae iddi le unigryw yn yr hinsawdd ddarlledu ac far-reaching. It occupies a unique space in the mae’n chwarae rhan bwysig o ran amrywiaeth broadcasting ecology, and plays an important llais a chynnwys o fewn y cyfryngau yng role in ensuring a diversity of voices and content Nghymru a’r Deyrnas Unedig. in the media in Wales and the United Kingdom. Mae’r diwydiant darlledu yn newid yn gyflym The broadcasting industry is changing rapidly, ond mae’r profiad o wylio, ar sgrin fawr neu sgrin but the experience of viewing, be it on a large or fach, gartref neu ar daith, yn dal i chwarae rhan small screen, at home or on the move, still plays ganolog ym mywydau’r mwyafrif llethol o bobl. a central role in the lives of the vast majority of people. Wrth i ddulliau gwylio ac ymateb amlhau, rhaid sicrhau fod y Gymraeg, ac S4C, yn gallu gwneud As means of viewing and interacting proliferate, yn fawr o’r cyfleoedd sydd ar gael i ddod â there is a need to ensure that the Welsh chymunedau at ei gilydd mewn ffyrdd newydd. language, and S4C, can take advantage of Rhaid gwneud hynny tra’n cynnal safon ac opportunities to bring communities together amrywiaeth gwasanaeth teledu dyddiol. Mae in new ways. This must be achieved while gennym weledigaeth ynglŷn â sut mae gwneud maintaining the quality and range of a daily hynny, a gyda’n partneriaid creadigol ar draws y television service. We have a vision for how this wlad, mae gennym y gallu i lwyddo. can be done, and with our creative partners throughout the country, we have the ability to Mae S4C yn ddarlledwr annibynnol. Mae’r succeed. annibyniaeth hwnnw’n rhoi cryfder i’r gwasanaeth a sylfaen ac amrywiaeth i’r S4C is an independent broadcaster. This diwydiant darlledu yng Nghymru. independence strengthens the service, and provides both a diversity of voice and a Pan mae dyfodol darlledu cyhoeddus a’r dulliau foundation for the broadcasting industry. o’i ariannu’n cael eu trafod yn eang, rhaid hefyd sicrhau fod gofynion darlledu yn yr iaith As the future of public broadcasting and the Gymraeg, yr heriau y mae’n eu hwynebu a’r arian methods of funding it are widely discussed, it sydd ei angen i’w cyflenwi, yn cael sylw amserol must also be ensured that the requirements ac annibynnol. of broadcasting in the Welsh language, the challenges it faces, and the funding needed Mae S4C yn barod ar bob adeg i gydweithio’n to deliver it are given timely and independent llawn ag unrhyw adolygiad i’r pwrpas hwn ac attention. yn falch o gyflwyno’r ddogfen hon fel sbardun i drafodaeth eang am ddyfodol darlledu Cymraeg. S4C is ready at all times to cooperate fully with any review to this end, and is pleased to present this document as a means of stimulating a broad discussion about the future of Welsh-language broadcasting. Huw Jones Ian Jones Cadeirydd Prif Weithredwr Chairman Chief Executive Mynegai Index 03 Cyflwyniad Introduction 06 Crynodeb Gweithredol Executive Summary 10 S4C Heddiw S4C Today 14 S4C – Sylfaen i Ddiwydiant Teledu S4C – A Foundation for an Independent Annibynnol Cymraeg Welsh Language Television Industry 20 Gwerth Partneriaethau S4C The Value of S4C’s Partnerships 26 Effeithlonrwydd S4C S4C’s Efficiency 28 Heriau’r Dyfodol Future Challenges 36 Gwasanaeth y Dyfodol: Future Service: cyfleoedd a dyheadau opportunities and aspirations 48 Ariannu’r Cyfnod Nesaf Financing the Next Phase 50 Casgliad Conclusion 6 7 Crynodeb Gweithredol Executive Summary S4C yn Unigryw S4C yn effeithiol S4C is unique S4C is efficient • S4C is the world’s only Welsh-language • S4C’s economic impact is far-reaching, with • S4C yw’r unig sianel deledu Gymraeg yn y • Mae effaith economaidd S4C yn television channel. byd. bellgyrhaeddol gyda phob £1 a fuddsoddwyd every £1 invested creating a total economic value of £2.09. yn creu cyfanswm gwerth economaidd o • It serves Welsh speakers in Wales, across • Mae’n gwasanaethu siaradwyr Cymraeg yng £2.09. the UK, and, increasingly, throughout the • This equates to a combined effect of £117m Nghymru, ledled y DU ac, yn gynyddol, ar world. draws y byd; • Mae hyn yn gyfystyr ag effaith gyfunol ar on the Welsh economy and £170m on the UK economy (2014/15). economi Cymru o £117m a £170m ar • The linguistic changes that are taking • Rhaid wynebu her y newidiadau ieithyddol economi’r DU (2014/15); place in Wales must be faced, and the • S4C has dealt with a cumulative reduction of sy’n digwydd yng Nghymru a rhaid cynnal range and standard of programmes must ystod a safon rhaglenni; £65m in its funding since 2010. • Mae S4C wedi dygymod gyda gostyngiad be maintained. cyfansawdd o £65m yn ei ariannu ers 2010. • Rhaid gwneud y gwasanaeth a’i raglenni • S4C has delivered cumulative gross • The service and its programmes must be effieiciency savings of over £12.5m from yn ddeniadol ac agored i gymaint o bobl â • Mae S4C wedi gwireddu arbedion made attractive and available to as within its operations. phosibl, tra’n cynnal y genhadaeth sylfaenol effeithlonrwydd cyfansawdd o dros £12.5m many people as possible, whilst o ddarparu gwasanaeth Cymraeg; o fewn ei weithgareddau mewnol. maintaining the basic mission of providing • S4C’s overheads equate to 3.98% of its a Welsh-language service. • Rhaid parhau i gynnig gwasanaeth i wylwyr • Mae gorbenion S4C yn cyfateb i 3.98% o’i income, and 81% of S4C’s budget is spent on traddodiadol tra’n arloesi ar gyfer y commissioning programmes and content. incwm ac aiff 81% o gyllideb S4C ar • We must continue to provide a service gynulleidfa ddigidol. Rhaid gwasanaethu gomisiynu rhaglenni a chynnwys; to traditional viewers whilst innovating • It has managed to substantially reduce the pob elfen o’r gynulleidfa o blant i bobl ifanc i for a digital audience. All elements of the cost of each hour of service – 39% since bobl hŷn; • Mae wedi llwyddo i leihau’n sylweddol cost audience must be served, from children, to 2009. pob awr o’r gwasanaeth – gostyngiad o 39% young people, to older people. • Mae angen sicrhau fod y Gymraeg ar gael ar ers 2009. ystod eang o lwyfannau cyfryngol newydd • It must be ensured that the Welsh ac mae cost i bob un o’r rhain. language is available on a wide range of S4C is a driver S4C yn sbardun new media platforms and there is a cost • S4C is an essential foundation for the Welsh associated with each of these. S4C yn bartner • Mae S4C yn sylfaen hanfodol i’r diwydiant independent production industry, which cynhyrchu annibynnol Cymreig sydd bellach now provides programmes to British and • Mae S4C yn bartner i sefydliadau a chyrff ar yn darparu rhaglenni i’r rhwydweithiau worldwide networks. S4C is a partner draws Cymru gan greu ardrawiad ymhell y tu Prydeinig a byd eang; • S4C invests and commissions content from hwnt i’r sgrin deledu; • S4C is a partner to organisations and companies across Wales – the channel • Mae S4C yn buddsoddi ac yn comisiynu bodies across Wales, creating an impact worked with 50 independent companies in • Mae gan S4C a’r BBC bartneriaeth greiddiol cynnwys gan gwmnïau ar draws Cymru – far beyond the television screen. a llwyddiannus ac mae S4C yn bwriadu bod gweithiodd y sianel gyda 50 cwmni 2014/15. yn rhan o ddatblygiad Canolfan Ddarlledu annibynnol yn 2014/15; • S4C and the BBC have an important • Relocating S4C’s headquarters to newydd y Gorfforaeth yng nghanol and successful partnership, and S4C Carmarthen in 2018 will have a substantial Caerdydd; • Bydd adleoliad pencadlys S4C i Gaerfyrddin intends to play a part in the development economic and linguistic impact in west yn 2018 yn cael effaith economaidd ac of the Corporation’s new broadcasting Wales. • Mae S4C yn darparu elfen allweddol o ieithyddol sylweddol yn y Gorllewin; centre in central Cardiff. luosogrwydd ac amrywiaeth llais o fewn • By co-producing unique material, S4C tirwedd cyfryngol Cymru. • Trwy gyd-gynhyrchu deunydd unigryw bydd • S4C provides a key element of plurality will continue to be an important part of the S4C yn parhau i fod yn rhan bwysig o broses and diversity of voice in the Welsh media process of creating content from Wales o greu cynnwys o Gymru y gellir hefyd ei landscape. fwynhau trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg. which can also be enjoyed through the medium of English. S4C y dyfodol S4C in the future • Mae S4C am sicrhau lle i gynnwys Cymraeg ar lwyfannau newydd wrth iddynt esblygu, • S4C wants to secure a place for Welsh gan fanteisio ar gyfoeth cynnwys y language content on new platforms as they sianel a chadw’r Gymraeg yn berthnasol ar evolve, taking advantage of the channel’s lwyfannau’r dyfodol. rich content and maintaining the language’s relevance in future platforms. • Uchelgais S4C yw hyrwyddo Cymru a’r Gymraeg drwy’r DU a thramor trwy gynyddu • S4C’s ambition is to promote Wales and the cyfleoedd i gyd-gynhyrchu gyda Welsh language across the UK and abroad phartneriaid allweddol, gan gynyddu incwm, by increasing opportunities to co-produce ardrawiad economaidd ac amlygrwydd.
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