ROBUST POLICY ACTIONS NEEDED TO HELP FISHERY SECTOR SURVIVE PAGE-8 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL State Counsellor offers ‘soon ’ to Alms food donated at Nay Pyi Taw Council Office to monks in memory of martyrs commemorate 73rd anniversary of Martyrs’ Day PAGE-2 PAGE-2 Vol. VII, No. 95, 1st Waxing of Second Waso 1382 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Monday, 20 July 2020 President, State Counsellor attend 73rd Martyrs’ Day ceremony in Yangon President U Win Myint pays tribute to Bogyoke Aung San and martyrs at the Martyrs’ State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of Bogyoke Aung San, pays tribute to Mausoleum in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Bogyoke Aung San and martyrs at the Martyrs’ Mausoleum yesterday. PHOTO: MNA the 73rd Martyrs’ Day ceremony Speaker U Aye Tha Aung and Union Min- of the working committee for Holding the Writers Asiayone, Myanmar Journalists AT held yesterday at the Martyrs’ isters laid the wreaths at the tombs of 73rd Anniversary Martyrs Day, region- Association, Myanmar Women’s Affairs Mausoleum in Yangon, President U Win Bogyoke Aung San and martyrs, paid trib- al ministers, Speaker, Deputy Speaker Federation and Myanmar Maternal and Myint and State Counsellor Daw Aung ute and observed a two-minute silence. and MPs of Yangon Region Hluttaw and Child Welfare Association. Finally, the San Suu Kyi laid the wreaths at the mon- At the moment, the flag of the Repub- representatives from political parties, public paid their respect to the Martyrs. ument of Bogyoke Aung San. lic of the Union of Myanmar was lowered paid tribute to Bogyoke Aung San and Afterwards, heads and chargé d’af- President U Win Myint, Vice Presi- to half-mast, the guard of honour present- the martyrs. faires ai of embassies, representatives dent U Myint Swe, Patron of the 73rd An- ed arms and a military bugle sounded The organizations and associations from the European Union and UN agen- niversary Martyrs’ Day Holding Central the Last Post. that laid wreaths and paid tributes include cies laid the wreaths at the mausoleum. Committee, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Next, U Ye Aung Than, on behalf of Myanmar War Veterans Organization, The 73rd Anniversary Martyrs’ Day Khun Myat, Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker U Aung San Oo, son of Bogyoke Aung Myanmar Fire Services Department, ceremony was held in accordance with Mahn Win Khaing Than, Union Chief San, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar the COVID-19 preventive guidelines and Justice U Htun Htun Oo, Command- Suu Kyi, daughter of Bogyoke Aung San, Motion Picture Asiayone, Myanmar Mu- directives issued by the National-Level er-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior and families of the martyrs laid wreaths sic Asiayone, Myanmar Thabin Asiay- Central Committee on Prevention, Con- General Min Aung Hlaing, Pyithu Hlut- in front of the monuments. one, Myanmar Artists and Sculptures tainment and Treatment on Coronavirus taw Deputy Speaker U Tun Aung (a) U Afterwards, U Phyo Min Thein, Yan- Asiayone (Central), Myanmar Printers Tun Tun Hein, Amyotha Hluttaw Deputy gon Region Chief Minister and Chairman & Publishers Association, Myanmar SEE PAGE-3 20 JULY 2020 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR “People are the key” State Counsellor offers Alms food donated at Nay Pyi Taw ‘soon’ to monks in Council Office to commemorate 73rd memory of martyrs anniversary of Martyrs’ Day STATE Counsellor Daw Aung uty Chairman of Myanmar Coun- San Suu Kyi, in memory of her cil of Churches Rev. Saw Shwe father Bogyoke Aung San and Lin on behalf of religious organi- other martyred leaders, offered zations in Myanmar. Thanantana ‘soon’ (day meal) to Members of Dhamma Palaka (Hindu) Associ- Sangha at her residence at No 54, ation, Islam Dhamma Beikman, University Avenue Road in Bahan Myanmar Jewish Community, Township, Yangon yesterday. National Baha’I Centre, Roman She received the Five Pre- Catholic Archdiocese of Yangon, cepts from Taungzun Sayadaw Myanmar Christian Association Ashin Viriya (Dhamma Bheri), (Ingalican), and Myanmar Coun- made offertories to the Members cil of Churches sent the letters of of Sangha and shared merits of good wishes to the State Coun- the good deeds at the event. sellor for the 73rd Anniversary of She also accepted the letters Martyrs’ Day. — MNA of good wishes presented by Dep- (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun) Senior government officers pay homage to the Members of Sangha at the ‘soon’ offering ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw on 19 July 2020 to commenmorate 73rd Anniversary of Martyrs’ Day. PHOTO: MNA Alms food for day-meal were Union Election Commission After members of Sangha recit- Notification on overcoming offered to Buddhist monks as a chairperson U Hla Thein, the ed Paritta verses, the audience commemoration service to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of donated robes and offertories to anxiety during COVID-19 spread martyrs of national independ- Defence Services Vice Senior the monks. PEOPLE can face anxiety during COVID-19 and remember ence at the Zabuthiri Hall of Nay General Soe Win, Union Min- Afterwards, Pyinmana Min- not to resolve things with anger, not act out of impulse, avoid Pyi Taw Council Office at 10 am isters, the Attorney General of galar Zeyone Pali Takkatho Mon- alcohol and drug abuse, search for solutions together with yesterday. the Union, the Auditor General astery Padana Nayaka Sayadaw Members of Sangha led by of the Union, the Nay Pyi Taw family members and close friends, perform physical activities Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Lewe Town Pauk Myaing Mon- Council chairman, the Nay Pyi Saddhamma Jotikadaza Bhadd- according to weather and health situation, eat nutritional foods, astery Padana Nayaka Sayad- Taw Command Commander, anta Vimala Bhuddi preached get enough sleep to resolve mental pressure. aw Abhidhaja Maharahta Guru Nay Pyi Taw Council members Buddhist sermons and shared Everyone can put these suggestions into practice to Bhaddanta Zanida graced the and other officials. merits for the fallen leaders, fol- prevent their mental health from become fatigued and boost ceremony. During the ceremony, Lewe lowed by the donation of alms willpower. The commemoration cer- Town Pauk Myaing Monas- food for day-meal to the mem- Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement & emony was also attended by tery Padana Nayaka Sayadaw bers of Sangha.—MNA Myanmar Medical Association (Mental Health Group) the Constitutional Tribunal delivered sermon of the Five (Translated by Maung chairperson U Myo Nyunt, the Precepts for the congregation. Maung Swe) Alms food offered at Yangon City Hall to commemorate 73rd anniversary of Martyrs’ Day ALMS food were donated to commemoration service to the at the meeting room of the city Committee at 10:40 am yesterday. Committee and the patron of senior Buddhist monks as a martyrs of national independence hall of Yangon City Development The commemoration cere- Bhamo Monastery in Mandalay mony was attended by the Mar- Abhidhaja Maharahta Guru Ab- tyrs’ Day Organizing Central hidhaja Agga Maha Saddham- Committee chairman and Union ma Jotika Bhamo Sayadaw Dr Minister for Religious Affairs and Bhaddanta Kumara Bhivamsa Culture Thura U Aung Ko, the delivered sermon of the Five Union Minister for Information Precepts for the congregation. Dr Pe Myint, the Union Minister After members of Sangha recit- for Labour, Immigration and Pop- ed Metta (loving kindness) Sutta ulation U Thein Swe, the Union Paritta verses, the audience do- Minister for Health and Sports nated robes and offertories to the Dr Myint Htwe, the Martyrs’ Day monks. Then, Secretary of State Organizing Central Committee Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Vice Chairman and Yangon Re- Thanlyin Minn Kyaung Sayad- gion Chief Minister U Phyo Min aw Agga Maha Panditha Agga Thein, the Yangon Region Hlut- Maha Saddhamma Jotikadaza taw Speaker and Deputy Speaker, Bhaddanta Sandhima Bivamsa Regional ministers, Yangon City preached sermons and shared Development Committee chair- merits for the fallen leaders, fol- man (the Mayor of Yangon City), lowed by the donation of alms the committee members and in- food for day-meal to the members Union Ministers and Yangon Region Chief Minister offer ‘soon’ to the Members of Sangha at the City Hall of vited guests. First, Chairman of Sangha.—MNA (Translated Yangon on 19 July 2020. PHOTO: MNA of State Sangha Maha Nayaka by Maung Maung Swe) 20 JULY 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 President, State Counsellor attend 73rd Martyrs’ Day ceremony in Yangon President U Win Myint and party pay tribute to Bogyoke Aung San and martyrs at the Martyrs’ Mausoleum in Yangon on 19 July 2020. PHOTO: MNA FROM PAGE-1 Vice President U Myint Swe, Hlaing, Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Affairs and Culture Thura U Services, Yangon Command Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Speaker U Tun Aung (a) U Tun Aung Ko, Union Ministers, commander, Deputy Ministers, Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Khun Myat, Amyotha Hluttaw Tun Hein, Amyotha Hluttaw Central Convening Commit- Hluttaw representatives, 73rd Ministry of Health and Sports. Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Deputy Speaker U Aye Tha tee Vice Chairman Yangon Anniversary Martyrs’ Day Cen- Present at the ceremony Than, Union Chief Justice U Aung, Chairman of the 73rd Region Chief Minister U Phyo tral Committee and Work Com- were Patron of the 73rd Anni- Htun Htun Oo, Command- Anniversary Martyrs’ Day Min Thein, senior Tatmadaw mittee members, departmental versary of Martyrs’ Day Con- er-in-Chief of Defence Servic- Convening Central Committee officers from Office of the Com- officials, families of the martyrs vening Central Committee es Senior General Min Aung Union Minister for Religious mander-in-Chief of Defence and invited guests. — MNA State Flag flies at half-staff at Secretariat for 73rd Martyrs’ Day THE 73rd Anniversary of Mar- only 67 people while about 780 While people were allowed tyrs’ Day was commemorated people including students and to visit the Secretariat from 19 at the Secretariat (formerly members of humanitarian or- to 21 July in previous years, the Ministers’ Office) where ganizations participated in the spread of COVID-19 has the martyrs were assassinat- previous years.
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