Glenrothes Area Committee Conference Room 2, Ground Floor (West), Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes Wednesday, 8th June, 2016 - 9.30 a.m. ________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA Page Nos. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - Members of the Committee are asked to declare any interest(s) in the particular items on the agenda and the nature of the interest(s) at this stage. 3. MINUTE – Minute of meeting of Glenrothes Area Committee of 3 - 5 11th May, 2016. 4. COMMUNITY SAFETY REPORTS (a) Operational Briefing on Policing Activities within 6 - 10 Glenrothes Area – Report by the Local Area Commander Central Division, Fife Division of Police Scotland. (b) Performance Report for the Scottish Fire and Rescue 11 - 20 Service Local Senior Officer Area of Fife - Glenrothes Area - Report by the Station Manager, Glenrothes, Auchtermuchty and Newburgh Fire Stations, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, East Delivery Area (Fife). 5. RECYCLING SERVICE IMPROVEMENT TRIALS - Report by the 21 - 27 Head of Assets, Transportation and Environment. 6. GLENROTHES AREA LOCAL COMMUNITY PLAN ANNUAL 28 - 48 REPORT 2015-2016 - Report by the Head of Community and Corporate Development. 7. GLENROTHES AREA GREENSPACE ACTION PLAN 2016 - 49 - 56 Report by the Head of Area Services. 8./ 1 - 2 - Page Nos. 8. COMPLAINTS UPDATE - Report by Head of Customer Service 57 - 75 Improvement. 9. AREA TRANSPORTATION WORKS PROGRAMMES - Reports by the Head of Assets, Transportation & Environment on:- (a) 2015/2016 Final Report; and 76 - 84 (b) 2016/2017 Progress Report. 85 - 92 10. NOTICE OF MOTION - In terms of Standing Order No. 29 the following Notice of Motion has been submitted:- “Glenrothes Area Committee notes and recognises the one year anniversary of the closure of Tanshall Primary School; records its thanks to all of the teachers, staff and others for their support with the integration of the former pupils of Tanshall Primary School into their current schools; further commends in particular the work done by CH@T, Community Help @ Tanshall, in promoting strong relationships within Glenrothes West community; and agrees to install a commemorative plaque, on behalf of all staff, pupils, parents and CH@T, at the site where Tanshall Primary School once stood” Proposed by Councillor Julie Ford Seconded by Councillor Craig Walker 11. PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS - Report by the Head of Assets, 93 - 96 Transportation & Environment. Linda Bissett Head of Democratic Services Finance & Corporate Services Fife House North Street Glenrothes KY7 5LT 1st June, 2016. If telephoning, please ask for:- Elizabeth Mair, Committee Administrator, Fife House, Glenrothes Telephone: 03451 555555 Ext. 442304 or E-mail: [email protected] Agendas and papers for all Committee meetings can be accessed on www.fifedirect.org.uk/committees 2 Glenrothes Area Committee 8th June, 2016 Agenda Item No. 3 2016.G.A.C.234 THE FIFE COUNCIL - GLENROTHES AREA COMMITTEE - GLENROTHES 11th May, 2016 9.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. PRESENT: Councillors Bill Brown (Chair), John Beare, Altany Craik, Ian Crichton, Julie Ford, Fiona Grant, Kay Morrison, Ian Sloan, Ross Vettraino, Craig Walker and John Wincott. ATTENDING: Norman Laird, Area Services Manager (Glenrothes Area); Louise Bell, Senior Manager, Residential & Day Services & Field Work East, Cindy Graham, Service Manager – Home Care, Health and Social Care Integration; Sarah Johnston, Access Officer, Parks, Development and Countryside, J.P. Easton, Area CLD Manager (Glenrothes Area) and Jim Leitch, Team Manager, Parks, Streets and Open Spaces, Communities Directorate; Andrew Ferguson, Manager (Committee Services) and Susan Williams, Committee Administrator, Finance and Corporate Services. 357. MINUTE The Committee considered the Minute of Meeting of the Glenrothes Area Committee of 13th April, 2016. The Chair advised that the minute was submitted for approval and that matters arising from it would not normally be considered, other than matters relating to its accuracy. Decision The Committee approved the minute. 358. PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY DIVERSION – SOUTH STREET, GLENROTHES The Committee considered a report by the Head of Area Services seeking approval for the diversion of a Public Right of Way at South Street, Glenrothes. Decision The Committee approved the diversion of the Public Right of Way under Section 208 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 359./ 3 2016.G.A.C.235 359. ANNUAL REPORT ON OUTCOMES OF CARE INSPECTORATE INSPECTION AND GRADING PROCESSES The Committee considered a report by the Chief Social Work Officer detailing the range of inspections that had been undertaken by the Care Inspectorate in respect of Social Work Services provided in the Glenrothes Area in 2015/16 and the grades awarded. The decision of the Chair not to permit further questioning by a member was challenged under Standing Order No. 62. There being a show of hands in which four supported the challenge a vote was taken on whether the Chair’s decision not to allow further discussion and questioning regarding the incentive that could be used to drive continuous improvement by not placing people in establishments at grade 3 by the Care Commission Inspectorate be challenged. Vote Support for Challenge 5 votes Support for Chair’s Decision 6 votes Accordingly, the challenge fell as the required 2/3rds majority of members voting against the ruling of the Chair was not achieved. The decision of the Chair was therefore adopted. Decision The Committee:- (a) agreed that an elected member briefing note be circulated containing information on the capacity of all care establishments in Fife; (b) agreed that the Chief Social Worker Officer advise local members when a Care Home Inspectorate Report was available on line and also highlight any case in which an embargo had been placed on a particular establishment; (c) agreed that future reports also contain the grading awarded by the Care Inspectorate by local group homes; (d) note the outcomes of the Care Inspectorate inspection grading(s); and (e) agreed that further reports on the outcomes of inspections undertaken within Fife Social Work Services, Glenrothes Committee Area, be brought to the Committee on an annual basis. 360./ 4 2016.G.A.C.236 360. GLENROTHES COMMUNITY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT (CLD) DELIVERY PLAN 2016/17 The Committee considered a report by the Head of Community and Corporate Development seeking feedback on the new Glenrothes Area Community Learning and Development (CLD) Delivery Plan which had been developed to support the delivery of the Fife (CLD) Plan 2015/18. Decision The Committee:- (a) agreed that measurable information be included within future reports; and (b) noted the content of the Area Delivery Plan. 361. PARKS, STREETS AND OPEN SPACES INVESTIGATION REPORT The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director, Communities detailing the full circumstances of the felling of the King’s Tree in John Dixon Park, Markinch, outlining the communication/consultation procedure (including notice given) regarding the condition report and the decision to fell the tree, and lessons learned from the experience. Decision The Committee noted the circumstances surrounding the felling and in future such matters would be reported to all Ward Members, Community Bodies, and the Community Council of the relevant area, with efforts being made through the media and other means to notify the wider community. _________________________ 5 Glenrothes Area Committee 8th June, 2016 Agenda Item No. 4 (a) Operational Briefing on Policing Activities within Glenrothes Area Report by: Chief Inspector Steven Hamilton, Local Area Commander, Central. Wards Affected: 14, 15 and 16 Purpose This report will update elected members on policing activity and proposed policing activity between November 2015 and April 2016. Recommendation(s) Members are requested to endorse action taken and to offer support to Police Scotland moving forward in addressing the identified priorities. Resource Implications There are no resource implications. Legal & Risk Implications No implications identified. Impact Assessment No impact assessment is required as this report is for information only – This report does not propose change or revision to existing policies or procedures. Consultation Consultation is an ongoing process involving elected members from Glenrothes Wards, local communities through community meetings and partner agencies through established meeting processes. 1.0 Background This report provides members with an update with regards to the Area Plan priorities, campaigns and other initiatives undertaken by Glenrothes officers from November 2015 to April 2016. All police activity highlighted in this report was undertaken in line 6 with local and national objectives and in support of priorities within the Glenrothes policing area. 2.0 Area Plan The identified Priorities and Objectives for Glenrothes Area are: Crimes of Dishonesty Antisocial Behaviour and Violent Crime Driver Behaviour 2.1 Crimes of Dishonesty 2.2 Crimes of dishonesty, ranging from theft and housebreaking through to bogus crime, were raised as a local priority through our Area Plan engagement process. As such we continue to work towards reducing instances of this type of crime with a combination of prevention, advice and enforcement. 2.3 Operation Monarda - A high profile day of action took place in May to target doorstep crime in the Glenrothes area. The most vulnerable of our community are targets for criminals with many
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