ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa Jahr/Year: 2018 Band/Volume: 30_3_4 Autor(en)/Author(s): Sagonas Kostas, Valakos Efstratios D., Lymberakis Petros, Pafilis Panayiotis Artikel/Article: Traits of reproduction and feeding of the european Green lizard, Lacertaviridis (LAURENTI, 1768), at the southern edge of its distribution (Squamata: Sauria: lacertidae) 115-129 HG_Sagonas_etal_Lacerta_viridis_feeding_ecology_life_history_revised:HERPETOZOA.qxd 02.03.2018 16:37 Seite 1 HeRPeTozoa 30 (3/4): 115 - 129 115 Wien, 28. februar 2018 Traits of reproduction and feeding of the european Green lizard, Lacerta­viridis (l auRenTi , 1768 ), at the southern edge of its distribution (Squamata: Sauria: lacertidae) fortpflanzungsbiologische und nahrungsökologische Merkmale der Östlichen Smaragd - eidechse Lacerta­viridis­ (l auRenTi , 1768 ) am Südrand ihres verbreitungsgebietes (Squamata: Sauria: lacertidae) ΚoSTaS SaGonaS & e fSTRaTioS D. v alakoS & P eTRoS lyMBeRakiS & P anayioTiS PafiliS kuRzfaSSunG Die autoren machen angaben zur nahrungsökologie und Reproduktion der Östlichen Smaragdeidechse, Lacerta­viridis­ (l auRenTi , 1768 ) des griechischen festlandes, dem Südrand ihres verbreitungsareals. insgesamt wurden 86 exemplare aus der herpetologischen Sammlung des naturkundemuseums von kreta untersucht. Die auf - genommene nahrung wurde zu der Jahreszeit ihrer aufnahme sowie dem Geschlecht und alter der Smaragd - eidechsen in Bezug gesetzt. Die Östliche Smaragdeidechse erwies sich als ein nahrungsgeneralist, bei dem cole - optera (käfer) und orthoptera (Springschrecken) mehr als 50 % des Mageninhalts ausmachten. Während sich die Jahreszeit nicht auf die art der aufgenommenen nahrung auswirkte, bestanden diesbezüglich unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern und altersklassen. im laufe der ontogenese veränderte sich die nahrungspräferenz in Richtung zu größerer und härterer Beute hin. zudem waren Männchen vielseitiger in der Wahl der Beute und bevorzugten deutlich härtere Beute als Weibchen. Geschlechtsreife erlangten beide Geschlechter nicht unter einer kopf-Rumpf- länge von 70 mm. Die fortpflanzungsaktivität beider Geschlechter ersteckte sich vom frühling bis zur Mitte des Sommers. Die Gelegegröße variierte stark und korrelierte negativ mit dem mittleren eivolumen des Geleges. aBSTRacT information is provided on the feeding ecology and reproduction of the european Green lizard, Lacerta viridis (l auRenTi , 1768 ), from the very south of its distribution range. The authors analyzed the stomach contents of 86 preserved specimens originating from the Greek mainland stored at the Herpetological collection of the natural History Museum of crete. The prey items were identified and put in relation to the season when they were eaten, and the sex and age of the lizards. in the diet of this generalist consumer, coleoptera and orthopera consti - tuted more than 50 % of the total prey items in the stomach. While season had no effect on the prey taxonomic composition of the species, sex and age clearly did. Lacerta­viridis­ changed its feeding preferences with matura - tion: adult individuals selected larger and harder prey than young, males showed a higher food niche breadth and fed on harder prey items than females. as regards to reproduction, both sexes attained sexual maturity at a snout- vent-length of more than than 70 mm. The reproductive activity of females and males lasted from early spring to mid-summer. clutch size varied greatly and was negatively correlated with the clutch’s average egg volume. key WoRDS Reptilia: Squamata: Sauria: lacertidae, Lacerta­viridis , feeding ecology, reproductive biology, phenology, diet, food niche breadth, prey spectrum, Greece inTRoDucTion Reproductive biology and feeding certa­viridis­ (l auRenTi , 1768 ), is common ecology are important aspects of reptilian in central eastern europe ( BlonDel & biology and their interactions largely influ - aRonSon 1999; aRnolD & ovenDen 2002). ence population dynamics and eventually The species is widespread all over the Bal - the survival of a given species in a given kans from adriatic to the Black Sea ( naul- place ( Siliceo & Díaz 2010; PafiliS et al. leau 1997). its southernmost populations 2013). The european Green lizard, La­- are found in the mainland of Greece and HG_Sagonas_etal_Lacerta_viridis_feeding_ecology_life_history_revised:HERPETOZOA.qxd 02.03.2018 16:37 Seite 2 116 Κ. S aGonaS & e. D. v alakoS & P. l yMBeRakiS & P. P afiliS some few Greek islands (euboea, Thasos, in the present study, information on Samothrace and corfu) ( valakoS et al. feeding and reproductive ecology of L. 2008; PafiliS & MaRaGou 2013). viridis from Geece was obtained at the While the phylogeny of the species was species’ southern range limit. With regard studied comprehensively ( GoDinHo et al. to dietary preferences, the authors hypoth - 2005; BÖHMe et al. 2007; SaGonaS et al. esize that: (i) male and female diets differ 2014b; MaRzaHn et al. 2016), its life history due to the larger body and head size of received comparatively limited attention males that offer them access to harder and (e.g., koRSóS 1984; Mollov et al. 2012). in larger prey ( HeRRel et al. 1996; GRozDa- particular, no detailed studies regarding the nov & Tzankov 2014), (ii) juveniles feed reproduction of southern L.­viridis are avail - on softer prey, as a consequence of their able and information on the diet are based on immature head morphology and small observations made in two small Bulgarian body size ( uRošević et al. 2013; SaGonaS populations ( anGelov et al. 1972; Donev et al. 2015a), and (iii) that seasonal vari - 1984; Mollov et al. 2012) and one Hun - ation in prey abundance affects the diet garian ( koRSóS 1984). furthermore, these composition of L.­viridis (SaGonaS et al. studies, because of their small sample size, 2015a). as to reproduction, the study provide no evidence for potential ontogenet - sought to provide quantitative information ic shifts or sexual variation in the trophic on male and female body size at sexual niche breadth that would provide informa - maturity, egg, clutch, and testicle volumes tion on intraspecific competition ( aRnolD and sizes, and the length of the epididy - 1987; PReeST 1994; SaGonaS et al. 2014a, mis. 2015a). MaTeRialS anD MeTHoDS Diet composition.- To identify orthoptera, Haplotaxida (oligochaetan an - the diet of L.­viridis­ the authors dissected the ne lida), Homoptera, Hemiptera and chilo - digestive tracts of 86 preserved specimens poda were classified as being of intermedi - (34 males, 32 females and 20 juveniles) that ate-hardness; aranae, opiliones, Diptera, were stored at the Herpetological collection lepidoptera, Trichoptera and all larval forms of the natural History Museum of crete were characterized as soft prey. (appendix i). from each specimen, snout- Head size variation.- Since vent-length (Svl) was measured to the near - head size and shape directly affect bite force est 0.1 mm and sex and month of capture and through this the prey consumed ( HeR- were recorded. all specimens originated Rel et al. 2001, veRWaiJen et al. 2002, Sa- from mainland Greece, viz., 11 from Sterea GonaS et al. 2014a), five linear head charac - ellada, 13 from epirus, 27 from Thessaly, 28 ters were measured with a digital caliper from Mace donia and 7 from Thrace. (Silverline ® 380244, accuracy 0.01 mm): Stomach contents were analyzed under head length (Hl; measured from the tip of a binocular dissecting microscope and prey the snout to the posterior border of the col - items were identified to order level. The lar), head width (HW; measured at the number of prey items of each category and widest part of the head), head height (HH, the presence or absence of plant material measured at the highest part of the head), was noted down. in addition, prey items pileus length (Pl, measured from the tip of were classified on the basis of their hardness the snout to the posterior edge of the occip - (HeRRel et al. 2001; veRWaiJen et al. 2002; ital scale) and jaw length (Jl, measured SaGonaS et al. 2014a) using the categoriza - from the tip of the snout to the corner of the tion proposed by vanHooyDonck et al. mouth). all measurements were taken (2007). coleoptera, Gastropoda (shelled twice and the average value was used ( Sa- gastropods only), isopoda, Diplopoda, and GonaS et al. 2014a). The geometric head Hymenoptera were considered as hard prey; size (HS) was calculated as the product of HG_Sagonas_etal_Lacerta_viridis_feeding_ecology_life_history_revised:HERPETOZOA.qxd 02.03.2018 16:37 Seite 3 ecology and reproduction of Greek Lacerta­viridis 117 (Hl x HW x HH) ( MoSiMann 1970; SaGo- To determine male body size at sexual naS et al. 2014a). maturity i.e., an Svl threshold above which Reproduction and sexual ma- the testicle volume increased, a Pearson cor - turity.- in males, the authors measured relation analysis between both testicle vol - the longest and shortest diameter of the right ume and length on one side, and Svl on the testicle to calculate the testicular volume and other, was used. This analysis included only measured the length of the epididymis, in specimens captured during the reproductive females the numbers of vitellogenic follicles season when spermatogenesis increases the and oviductal eggs were counted and their testicular volume ( aDaMoPoulou & vala- longest and shortest axis measured to esti - koS 2000; vieiRa et al. 2001; Saveliev et al.
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