THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside VEMA Greece JULY 2016 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail: [email protected] OUR ARCHBISHOP’S VIEW TheDISCIPLINE Icon in Orthodox IN THE Spirituality HOME Part: C PAGE 5/21 Sydney Parishes unite in ‘Share with Africa’ Dinner With the blessing of his Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, the f ourth annual S ydney charity dinner for “Share With Afric a” was held a t St Spyridon Parish hall on June 19, t o assist the philanthropic works of the Orthodo x Churches in Kenya, D.R. of Congo and Sierra Leone. PAGE 4/20 MESSAGE Supportive accomodation to young people St John’s Community Car e in Queensland were proud to announce the opening of thr ee OF UNITY modern houses at Gordonvale which can pro- vide supportive accommodation for up t o 12 young people. From the Holy Synod in Crete PAGE 2/18 The Holy Synod, a council of Orthodox churches, that come a regular institution to be convened every seven or took place in Crete on June 20-26 ended with a declara- ten years. tion of unity. In its message, it states that the “key priori- Also, the Orthodox Church intends to maintain inter-re- ty of the Council was to proclaim the unity of the Ortho- ligious dialogue in order to promote relations with other dox Church… The Orthodox Autocephalous Churches do churches, the Pan-Orthodox Council participants. not constitute a federation of Churches, but the One Holy “… our Church attaches great importance to dialogue, Catholic and Apostolic Church.” primarily with non Orthodo x Christians. Sober inter-reli- The Orthodox Church stands for the protection of hu- gious dialogue helps signific antly to promote mutual man rights from the power of state, as well as environ- trust, peace and reconciliation. The oil of religious expe- ment protection, the Pan-Orthodox Council participants rience must be used to heal wounds and not to rekindle said in a message Sunday June 26. the fire of military conflicts,” the message reads. “Human rights today are at the centre of politics a s a The Orthodox Church has condemned hostilities in the response to the social and political crises and upheavals, Middle East, urged to stop expulsion of people and de- Afternoon tea to launch and seek to protect the citizen from the arbitrary power struction of Christian monuments. Battle of Crete Memorial Project of the state. The Church never ceases to emphasise that “The Orthodox Church unequivocally condemns the future generations also ha ve a righ t to the na tural re- extension of military violence, the expulsion and murder The Battle of Cr ete Memorial Commit tee sources that the Creator has given us. For this reason, the of members of religious minorities. She denounces the (BCMC) in W. Australia, hosted a special 75th Orthodox Church takes an active part in the various inter- destruction of chur ches, religious symbols and cultur al Anniversary Commemorative event, to raise national ecological initiatives and ha s ordained the 1s t monuments… Our Council appeals to all parties involved funds for the creation of a designated memori- September as a day of prayer for the protection of the to make systematic efforts without delay to bring to an al dedicated to the ANZACS and allies including natural environment,” the message read. end the mi litary conflicts in the Midd le East”, the mes- Greek soldiers and Cretan civilians who fought In addition, the Orthodox Church declared it could be- sage read. there 75 years ago. PAGE 15/31 MESSAGE OF THE HOLY AND GREAT COUNCIL OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH - Pages 8/24- 9/25 JULY 2016 2/18 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA ST JOHN’S COMMUNITY CARE Three modern houses providing supportive accomodation to young people LEFT: Supportive Accommodation Service led by His Grace Bishop Iakovos. RIGHT: Divine Liturgy held at Greek Orthodox Church of St John the Baptist, Cairns led by His Grace. St John’s Community Care were proud service provision that is equal and acces- to announce the opening of three mod- sible. ern houses at Gordonvale which can pro- While in Cairns His Grace hosted The vide supportive accommodation for up Queensland Parish Priests and Presidents to 12 young people between 18 and 65. Dinner. The official opening occurred on Satur- The Dinner was well attended with day June 11, with His Grace Bishop Iako- representatives from Brisbane, Townsvil- vos of Miletoupolis - representing His le, Home Hill, Innisfail and Cairns. It was Eminence Archbishop Stylianos - con- also an opportunity for His Grace to see ducting the Blessing and formally open- and hear of the collaborative way that ing the three buildings with MP Hon. Cur- the Parish Communities work together in tis Pitt, Treasurer of Queensland, to cut the State of Queensland. the ribbon. On Sunday June 12 His Grace conduct- The Elderly Parent Innovation is an ini- ed the Divine Liturgy at St. John the Bap- tiative of the Queensland State Govern- tist Cairns. The Very Reverend F ather ment. The Department of Communities John Kapetas together with the Parish provided $1,000,000 toward construc- Priest of St John’s F ather Menelaos Hat- tion and the Greek Orthodox Archdio- zoglou assisted. cese of Australia the land. St John’s Com- Following the Liturgy, the Ladies Philo- munity Care contributed $500,000 to ptohos served lunch. The Greek School complete the project. children performed a play and Greek The initiative of the three houses is to dancing for His Grace. His Grace present- provide positive support options to eld- ed each of the children with a prayer erly carers who are no longer able to book. care for their loved ones with a disability. While in Cairns, His Grace also visited St John’s recognises the continued need the regional centres of St. John’s Com- for community care options through the munity Care as well as The Child Care availability of individualised accommoda- Centre at Redlynch. His Grace also visited tion spaces. and prayed at the Dormition of the These opportunities have the human Theotokos in Innisfail, the sixth Greek Or- rights principles at the forefront with thodox Church to be built in Australia. His Grace Bishop Iakovos with MP Hon. Curtis Pitt Treasurer of Queensland with the unveiling of the plaque. LEFT: Entertainment by the Greek School including lunch in the Parish Hall – St John’ s Community Care Ltd. RIGHT: His Grace Bishop Iakovos with the Board of Directors of St John’s Community Care Ltd. JULY 2016 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 3/19 What a Brexit could mean for Greece The British voted to leave the European Union. A Brexit would have significant economic, social and po- litical consequences for Greece, both short- and long- term. More worrying, it could open the way for a new round of speculation about a possible Grexit. Britain leaving the EU would indirectly affect Greece in three main areas: Economy A devaluation of the pound would have a negative impact on real estate, tourism and Greek exports, as well as the income of a large number of Greek house- holds with members studying or working in the UK. Consider the following data: 1. Real estate: According to Algean Property, more than 100,000 foreigners, mainly from Europe, the USA and Australia (about 60 percent) currently own an increase in their living costs (in the case of young In this case, Greek and eurozone politicians would property in Greece. The recent weakening of the euro people, these costs are mainly covered by their fami- renegotiate political and economic ties from scratch, against the US dollar and the British pound saw inter- lies back in Greece). including the bailout programs, the issue of debt, and est from potential buyers based in those countries the refugee crisis. Moreover, other exits cannot be rise by 10 percent. Thus, a weakening of the pound Politics ruled out. would be accompanied by a waning of interest in the A UK departure could set the scene for the next ex- On the contrary, if Brexit proves to be a bad deci- Greek real estate market (residential, holiday, and it from the EU (and the eurozone) or, alternatively, sion, triggering big economic, social and political hospitality industry). end such speculation once and for all. The outcome problems for the UK, then Euroskepticism will largely 2. Tourism: An estimated 2.4 million tourists from depends on the day after in the UK, the EU and the disappear. the UK visited Greece in 2015. Visitors from Britain eurozone. represent 10 percent of total incoming tourism in Brexit would put pressure on the bloc to decide Society Greece and 14.3 percent of total travel receipts (2 bil- whether it wants “more” or “less” Europe. This will af- Greek society will be affected in two ways: lion euros). The UK is the second biggest market for fect the eurozone – and more specifically Germany 1. Greeks will lose one of their most popular alter- Greek tourism after Germany. and France. natives for employment and residency. It is worth 3. Education and employment: More than 400,000 If the UK were to leave the EU, countries such as noting that the time candidates have to wait to sit ex- young Greeks have left the country over the last six Denmark and Norway would likely be tempted to try ams for language certificates at the British Council in years to study or find work abroad. The UK is the most to renegotiate their relationship with the EU and the Athens that would allow them to seek an education or popular destination for education and employment a- eurozone.
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