Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87225-6 - Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition Edited by Bernard Goffinet and A. Jonathan Shaw Index More information Index Entries in bold refer to figures 3/2 self-thinning rule 405 Acromastigum 44 allele replacement 219, 221 Acroporium 122 Allionellopsis 122 Abietinella 117 Acroschisma 86, 100 Allisonia 5, 21, 38 Abietinella abietina 398 Acroschisma wilsonii 86 Allisonia cockaynei – abscisic acid (ABA) 260, 274, Acroscyphella 46 gametophyte 12 275, 276, 279 acrotelm 357, 361, 363, 371, Allisoniaceae 20, 38 abscisic acid – Responsive 373, 374, 381 Allisoniella 45 Elements (ABREs) 279 Actinodontium 115 allopatric speciation 463 Ac/Ds transposition 211 Actinothuidium 116 allopolyploid 451, 464 Acanthocoleus 41 active transport 301 allopolyploidy 446, 470 Acantholejeunea 41 Adelanthaceae 45 Alobiella 45 Acanthorrhynchium 122 Adelanthus 45 Alobiellopsis 45 Acaulon 107 Adelothecium 114 Aloinella 107 Acer platanoides 416, 418, 431 adenosine kinase 457 Aloinia 107 Achrophyllum 114 adk 457 Alophozia 101 acid phosphatase 321 Aerobryidium 119 Alsia 125 acidic peatlands 363, 369, 376 Aerobryopsis 119 aluminum (Al) 308, 324, 336, Acidodontium 110 Aerobryum 118 337, 338 Acritodon 119 Aerolindigia 118 Amazoopsis 44 Acrobolbaceae 46 AFLPs see Amplified Fragment Amblyodon 109 Acrobolbus 46 Length Polymorphism Amblyolejeunea 41 acrocarpous mosses 394 Agrostis curtisii 426 Amblystegiaceae 116 Acrochila 45 Aitchisoniella 25, 36 Amblystegium 116, 452 Acrocladium 125 a-cellulose 372 Amblytropis 115 Acrolejeunea 41 Aligrimmia 104 Ambuchanania 73, 100, 498 Acrolophozia 47 alkaline peatlands 364 Ambuchananiaceae 100 535 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87225-6 - Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition Edited by Bernard Goffinet and A. Jonathan Shaw Index More information 536 Index Ambuchananiales 100 Aneuraceae 21, 30, 40 Antitrichia 68, 123 ammonia (NH3) 308, 320 anhydrobiosis 225, 228 Antitrichia curtipendula 242, 418 þ ammonium (NH4 ) 301, 311, Anisotachis 46 Aongstroemia 106 321, 333 Anisothecium 106 Aongstroemiopsis 106 Amphicephalozia 45 annual shuttle 327, 515 Aphanolejeunea 41 Amphidium 106 Anoectangium 107 Aphanorhegma 103 Amphijubula 41 Anomacaulis 45 Aphanotropis 41 Amphilejeunea 42 Anomobryum 110 apical cell (see also under Amphilophocolea 44 Anomobryum filiforme 247 liverwort, moss, and Amplified Fragment Length Anomoclada 45 hornwort) 1, 11, 177, 237, Polymorphism 456 Anomodon 126, 239 239, 247 Anacamptodon 116 Anomodon rostratus 425 Aplodon 109 Anacolia 110 Anomodon viticulosus 242, Apomarsupella 47 Anacolia menziesii 452 255, 256 Apometzgeria 40 Anacolia webbii 452 desiccation 259 apophysis 335 Anastrepta 45 photosynthesis 255 apoplast water 241, 243 Anastrophyllum 45, 400 Anomodontaceae 125 Apotomanthus 45 Anastrophyllum hellerianum 332, Anomomarsupella 47 Apotreubia 34 399, 401 Anoplolejeunea 41 Aptychella 122 ancestor–descendant Anthelia 47 Aptychopsis 122 comparison 176, Antheliaceae 8, 47 aquaporins 300 177, 178 antheridiophore 24 Arabidopsis 200, 205, 208, Ancistrodes 114 antimony (Sb) 324 209, 211, 213, 217, 227, Andoa 119 Anthoceros 139, 140, 142, 144, 230, 276 Andreaea 57, 63, 67, 80, 81, 155, 159, 161, 162, 166, Arabidopsis thaliana 205, 85, 86, 87, 92, 94, 99, 247, 302, 320 227, 300 100, 331 land plant phylogeny 187 Arachniopsis 44 Andreaea alpina 242, 243, 337 & Nostoc 319 Arbusculohypopterygium 114 Andreaea rothii 248, 256, 337 Anthoceros agrestis – archegoniate 154 Andreaeaceae 100 pyrenoid 148 archegoniophore 24 Andreaeales 100 Anthoceros angustatus 159 Archeochaete 44 Andreaeobryaceae 101 pyrenoglobuli 149 Archeophylla 44 Andreaeobryales 101 pyrenoid 149 Archidiaceae 104 Andreaeobryopsida 61, 97, 101 Anthoceros cavernosus 159 Archidiales 104 Andreaeobryum 57, 59, 80, 81, Anthoceros fusiformis 142 Archidium 86, 88, 104 85, 86, 87, 99, 101 Anthoceros punctatus 142, 159 Archilejeunea 41 Andreaeopsida 60, 61, 63, 79, spore 161 Arctoa 106 97, 100 thallus anatomy 150 Arctoscyphus 46 Andrewsianthus 45 Anthoceros tuberculatus 159 area for CO2 uptake/projected Aneura 22, 26, 31, 40 Anthocerotaceae 142, 149 leaf area ratio 248 Aneura pinguis 452 Anthocerotales 141, 142 Arnellia 46 apical and slime cell 4 Anthocerotidae 142, 144 Arnelliaceae 46 gametophyte 13 Anthocerotophyta 142 arsenic (As) 324 sporophyte 27 Anthocerotopsida 142, 144 Arthrocormus 107 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87225-6 - Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition Edited by Bernard Goffinet and A. Jonathan Shaw Index More information Index 537 Aschisma 107 Baldwiniella 124 bog 358, 360, 360, 361, Ascidiota 41 Barbella 119 363, 371, 376, 378, ascorbate 278 Barbellopsis 119 379, 426 Asterella 22, 24, 25, 27, 36 Barbilophozia 45 carbon accumulation 381 Asterella tenella – Barbula 107 chemistry 362 carpocephalum 11 Bardunovia 119 depth 370 Astomiopsis 105 Bartramia 110 net primary production 380 Athalamia 24, 36 Bartramiaceae 65, bohemite 308 atmospheric CO2 383 110, 247 boron (B) 324 atmospheric pollution 238 Bartramiales 110 Boulaya 117 ATP 286, 301 Bartramiopsis 101 boundary layer 245 Atractylocarpus 107 basic 369 Brachelyma 115 Atrichopsis 101 Bazzania 44 Brachiolejeunea 41 Atrichum 101 Bazzania novae-zelandiae – Brachydontium 104 Atrichum androgynum 273, gametophyte 14 Brachymeniopsis 103 277, 279 Bazzania trilobata 242, 243 Brachymenium 110 Atrichum angustatum 398 Beeveria 114 Brachymenium leptophyllum 94 Atrichum undulatum –CO2 Bellibarbula 107 Brachytheciaceae 118, 329 uptake 249 Benitotania 114 Brachytheciastrum 118 Aulacomniaceae 112 Bescherellia 113 Brachythecium 64, 82, 118, 313 Aulacomnium 63, 112, 370 Bestia 125 Brachythecium praelongum 404 Aulacomnium palustre 248, 367, Betula 329 Brachythecium reflexum 426 379, 422, 425 Betula pendula 431 Brachythecium rutabulum 250, Aulacopilum 105 bioaccumulate 323 313, 314, 316, 332 Aureolejeunea 41 biolistic transformation 220 Brachythecium starkei 332, 426 Austinia 119 biological glass 276 Bragginsella 46 Austrofossombronia 38 biological species concept Braithwaitea 112 Austrofossombronia peruviana – 448, 472 Braithwaiteaceae 112 cells and oil bodies 8 biomineralization 307 Braunfelsia 106 Austrolejeunea 41 bismuth (Bi) 324 Braunia 111 Austrolembidium 44 Bissetia 107, 124 Breidleria 119 Austrolophozia 46 black spruce 379 Breutelia 110 Austrometzgeria 40 Blasia 26, 32, 35, 319 Brevianthaceae 45 Austrophilibertiella 105 and Nostoc 319 Brevianthus 45 Austroscyphus 46 Blasia pusilla – cells and oil Bromeliophila 41 auxin 72 bodies 8 Brothera 107 Aytoniaceae 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, Blasiaceae 8, 20, 35 Brotherella 122 36, 46 Blasiales 9, 22, 29, 31, 35 Brotherobryum 106 Blasiidae 21, 34 brown moss 362, 363, 364 BAC clone 207 Blepharidophyllaceae 46 Bruchia 105 Balantiopsidaceae 29, 46 Blepharidophyllum 46 Bruchia flexuosa 91 Balantiopsis 46 Blepharolejeunea 41 Bruchiaceae 105 Balantiopsis rosea – Blepharostoma 18, 44 Bryaceae 58, 67, 84, 109 gametophyte 14 Blindia 104 Bryales 109 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87225-6 - Bryophyte Biology, Second Edition Edited by Bernard Goffinet and A. Jonathan Shaw Index More information 538 Index Bryanae 99, 108 Bryoxiphiaceae 103 Calycularia radiculosa 5 Bryhnia 118 Bryoxiphiales 103 Calyculariaceae 20, 38 Bryidae 97, 108 Bryoxiphium 65, 69, 103 Calyculariineae 38 Brymela 115 Bryum 64, 80, 110, 333, 336 Calymperaceae 64, 66, 69, Brymela websteri 59 Bryum argenteum 333, 398 71, 107 Bryoandersonia 118 Bryum bicolor 327 Calymperastrum 107 Bryobartramia 93, 102 Bryum caespiticium 95 Calymperes 107 Bryobartramiaceae 102 Bryum schleicheri var. Calypogeia 7, 46, 367, 452, 454, Bryobeckettia 103 latifolium – culture 518 455, 468 Bryobrittonia 103 Bucegia 24, 36 Calypogeia azurea 455, 468 Bryobrothera 114 Buckiella 119 Calypogeia muelleriana 455, 468 Bryoceuthospora 107 Bucklandiella 104 cells and oil bodies 8 Bryochenea 116 bulk elastic modulus 241, 243 Calypogeia sphagnicola 455, 468 Bryocrumia 119 Buxbaumia 64, 67, 76, 84, 85, Calypogeiaceae 18, 46 Bryoerythrophyllum 107 86, 94, 102 Calyptopogon 107 Bryohumbertia 107 Buxbaumia viridis 328, 396, Calyptothecium 123 Bryolawtonia 124 402, 496 Calyptrochaeta 82, 114 Bryomanginia 105 Buxbaumiaceae 82, 102 Calyptrocolea 45 Bryonorrisia 126 Buxbaumiales 97, 102 Campanocolea 44 Bryophyta 100 Buxbaumiidae 102 Camptochaete 125 bryophyte – diversity in Camptodontium 106 vegetation 394 cadmium (Cd) 322, 324, 325 Campyliadelphus 116 ecological significance of Caduciella 124 Campylidium 119 life history features 395 Calatholejeunea 42 Campylium 116, 370 ecological significance of calcium (Ca) 301, 302, 304, Campylium stellatum 364 morphological 305, 307, 311, 317, 323, fen restoration 519 features 395 324, 333, 337, 338, 340, Campylophyllopsis 119 ecological significance of 361, 375 Campylophyllum 119 physiological calcium carbonate (CaCO3) Campylopodiella 107 features 395 336, 360 Campylopodium 106 life history diversity in calcium:sodium (Ca:Na) 340 Campylopus 82, 107, 460 spore bank 403 Callicladium 119 Campylopus introflexus 334, mitochondrial genome 180 Callicostella 115 427, 452, 460 paraphyly 180 Callicostellopsis 115 Campylopus paradoxus 334 sperm 178 Calliergon 116 Campylopus pilifer 452, 460 Bryopsida 61, 62, 64, 71, 94, Calliergonaceae 116 Campylostelium 104 97, 101 Calliergonella 119 Canalohypopterygium 62, 74, 114 Bryopteris 17, 41, 447 Calliergonella cuspidata 310, capillary space 239 Bryopteris diffusa 447 321, 338, 364, 425 capillary water 240 Bryopteris
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