l SHIRE OF BET BET CONSERVATION STUDY VOLUME TWO PART ONE ) •· ~ l •. ~ . " 1 ilM0008638illiiil.11 SHJRE OF BET BET CONSERVATION STUDY 2 VOLUMES 198 7 STUDY NUMBER 203 NATIONAL ESTATES PROGRAMME 1985/86 CHAIS MCCONVILLE & ASSOCIATES 19 HOTHAM ST. WILIAMSTOWN 3016 Victorian Government Library Service 7342779 720. 99454 Shire of Bet Bet BET:C conservation study v.2 pt.I 1 Sn IRE OF BET BE T CON SE RVA. T lO i~ STUD'/. VO L~l"i E "T "!VO BEALIBA COURT HOUSE LOCATION: COCHRANE ST., BEALi BA TOWNSHIP ALLOT. 10/9 GRANTEE: POLICE RESERVE BUILDERS: SCARf AND SON MAJOR OWNER: VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT DATE:t9t3 DESCRIPTION We8ther~rded, Dutch-hipped form 'With ,;de porch 'up ported on grooved timber posts, 'vlith Chinese brackets and multi- paned 'w't ndo'w''. Of modest proportioM when compared to the Dunolly and Tarnagulle designs. The building once possessed a simple co1Jrt room an<! attached office 'With a separate reer exit for the judge. The roof pavilions have the appearance of the contemporary rural schools rather than the traditional 19C court house design,. A similar dmgn '118' U$ed for oiher contemporary courthouse$. HISTORY The police camp 'vl8S established on this site by the 1850s- and this building adjoined the police station 'w'hen it opened in January 191 3. Scarf and Son "ii'ere the eontraetors and their price was £394-10-0. The contract 'Was signed at St. Arnaud six mon1tl3 before the completion of the building. Tht Attorney General (Brwn) performed the ceremony 'with due majesty given that the first action heard before the new court 'w'&s s school case. This case was adjourned to the t1otel 'Where more serious consideration 'w'SS given to its contents by the 83sembled local magistrates ( Berri men) 1 JPs (Pennington, Cameron and Hayes) and O'Grady and Norris, clerk' of courts. The Minister for Mines(McBride) arrived in time to join a rousi nq song to the ' Ministry' and a succession of toa~s to each dignitary in attendance. SIGNlflCMJCE One of tht twn's established public buildings, of high integrity given its wall msterial and like the rail'w'ay station one of the fe-..v public buildings (in particular courthowes) to be bum in timber. This is reflected in turn in its architecture. LOCAL SIGNIFICANCE Source: IAP-ress, 7 J8r1uary 1913. P'W 0 dr8'w'1 ll9~. S!TE LISTINGS 2 SHIRE OF BET BET CONSERVATION STUDY: VOLUME TWO SITE LISTINGS SHlf=;:E OF BET BET CO N S ERVATIOt~ STUDY: VOL UME TWO BEALIBA RAILWAY STATION LOCATION: COCHRAN£ ST., TOWNSHIP Of BEALi BA ALLOT: 13/16 GRANTEE: VICTORIAN RAILWAYS DATE: 1878 MAJOR OWNER: VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT BUILDER: J SULLIVAN DESCRIPTION Beati ba rail"Way station - a disti nctlve timber station 'lllith a transverse gabled ma1 n roof wll1ch extends over part af the platform as a canopy. Brick chimneys have been painted but 'w'all colours are sympathetic. Remnant cast-iron fringe$ to gable fascias hint at former ornamentetion to verandah columns (capitals) and fi niab to gable apexe-3 .' The station con1ai °' the T&G pine-lined station rn8tif.er's office and attached residence at the rear. Abooking lobby has been added to the wt end, the resfdence extended and the origi na1 booki n9 office (adjoining the station-master's office) Im become part of the ladies' waiting room. A von goods shed and cart dock to the west end 'w'ere. part c1f the origi na1 complex. HISTORY When the Duno119-St. Arnaud reil'w'ay arrived in the late 18703, B~liba 'w'83 descr1 bed as a postal and money-order to'w'nshi p, at Cochrane·s Creek. It served the nearby (antJ declining) m1 ni no areas .such 8$ Mt. Moliagul and the growing numbers of se1ectDrs et the mount's fertile foothill.s. West of the town \Vere lar9e tracts of 'W'heat and some vines. To the north, t-wo sheep stations repre$ented the to\<1n's early history as the former centre of the Bealiba and Cochrane·s pastoral leases. Community facilities, such a9 the Mechanic's Institute snd Free Library 'w'ere beginning to establish themselves in the gradual move away from gold, to a more permanent agricultural ei;{lnomic base. Another industry, saw-milling, had received a recent bo-Ost from the i ronbark sleepers needed for the new railway. Tenders for a passenqer station and QOOds .shed, called mid-1978, were won by J Sullivan and J Foote for £547anda11ttle over £474 respectively. When the 1i ne opened to Beali be in September 1878, the 11 ne C{lnstruction contractors (Morrie & Mattinson)suffered through the celebrstory banquets. After only one and a half miles of 1i ne had been extended from Dunoll y, the contr3Ctors had acquired a mi mature engine in which, after the chris1eni ng ceremony, they had carted a merry cro'w'd of public figures to the 1i mits of their great work and back again, drinking to the success of the venture. John Woods (Victorien Railwe~ Commissioner) hed el ready given support to the venture, & scheme \rlhich he initially resisted. The line was heralded as a much-needed 11 nk beh./een markets and producers although the station 1,r1as dismissed as 'small but convenient' - a building which 'w'OUld soon require extension.The whole line and its buildings formed part of the new 'light 1i ne' policy adopted by the railways after mounting public pressure to reduce construction co'1s. The north-eastern railway extension had been the first of these ne'w' schemes. But the Beali ba rai1Y1sy 'tation best exemplifies tMs type. The design vias later used in more extensive construc1ion programmes; the Rosedale 3tahon, 1881-3 best expresses SITE LISTINGS 4 SHIRE OF BET BET CONSERVATION STUDY: VOLUME TWO thi8 •of building. There are stx exemples of the Beelibe subst~le end t"Welve of the Rosedele 3U~t\lle . The timber ccinstroct1on and relatively h19h tntegrttv (cat-iron ornaments) are the e9!erlt1e1 elements of the Beelibe station. other examples of the $Ubtt11le have not $Urv1ved a ..-ell. Bealtbe h88 been Judoed a of premier imports~ fn the 1981 st~y 'Victoria's Re11vay Stations' b\I Ward end Donnelly SIGNI f ICAt«;E Cited as the be$t example of the general Rosedale style oroup of raihr'8\I statfont and of the Be811 ba sub$tyle. It i$ also unusual n a 19 C. ttmber public building. STATE SIGHlflCAPCE Source: 6£.tyt,· 22· Mey 1378 - 27 September 1878. ~preu,_24 May t 878, 6 September 1878. 6W,1&4 94/LW,fYSTAllPN SITE LISTINGS .s SHIRE OF BET BET: VOLUME TWO BEALIBA GROUP Of BUILDINGS LOCATION: TOWNSHIP Of BEALi BA SEC: 9 AND 8 BEALi BA BETWEEN GRANT AND COCHRANE STREETS f ACING DAVt ES AND MAIN STREETS DESCRIPTION This compact group of building~ includes two churches, the Uniting and the Anglican Church, an Anglican \rlooden hall end the : .:.-:~~:Primary School. Along Mein S1ret ere several shops vi th verandahs and oriqi nat store 'wi ndoYS as -.,.,e11 es Evans Hotel. These buildings. Seversl private r~idences complete the group. SIGNIFICANCE lndividuanv, several of these bui1difl9S mag not rank highly in conservation ternl$. twever as e group, this is an extremely significant collection of structures. The scale end mateial un1formity of the churches and the shops give a unique quality to the oroup. As velt the private d'Wellings add to the s19niftcance of the group. (see part f1.to Areas of Special Significance) LOCAL IMPORTMCE SITE LIST INGS 6 SHIRE Of BET BET: VOLUME TWO 8£'4U&# GgJUPl!f BU/L/)/MiS 7 SHIRE OF BET BET CONSERVATION STUDY: VOLUME TWO SITE LISTINGS 8 SHIRE OF BET BET: VOLUME TWO BEALIBA CEMETERY LOCATION: TOWNSHIP Of BEALi BA DESCRIPTION Well mafntalned nfneteenth centurv Y'fth many headstonet 1n leroe1v simple arched pattern Graves of leedi no twspeople 1ncl udi no Evans fem11 u. An entrance ...ay and treets on the site SIGNIFICAM:E As vtth other cemeteries Jn the Shire, this Is a register of the htstoru of the twn. Memorials and f nscri ptiona are vital chm to n1 neteenth centurv twn life 9 1 e:HJ · ' 1P. , E ('Jr' Rr..... c "!'"1 8,...c. T ...,...,n,~n~.·s•r'V CK .A .T! . Q r" .J ._,C:T lLJf'Yu .· '•v'O',_ I._, r1~L. -I\n;. !(;_ ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH LOCATION: BARKL V ST., DUNOLLY TOWNSHIP ALLOT. RES/24 GRANTEE: ANGLICAN CHURCH, DUNOLLV DATL 1863 MAJOR OWNER: ANGLICAN CHURCH ARCHITECT: VAHLAND & GETZSCHMANN BUILDER: FAULKNER 1 NOTTAGE, RUSSELL AND HARTIGAN DESCRIPTION Anglican ct1urch built from freestone rubble 'w'ith granite footings, brick pitlasters and buttresses "Wtth cement cappi ngs. It is more notable for Hs mo1Jlded brtck"Work \tlhich i~ludes conical bsrtizans at the gables . It has a simple Goihic revival style 'w'ith details such as 1he t1 mber tracery, bell to'w'er ba3e (; nco mp1 e1e) end faceted epse co mbi ni nq 8$ a design w- hi ch 'w'3s poterrtfa11 y superior to the town's other churches. This des;gn remains unrealised. The Catholic Church is a si miler more complete concept and iu recently defaced spire is ell that preYent' it from being e far superior W"ork to St. John's. Recent \tlork includes reroofi ng using an i nappropriete gutter form. HISTORY The site of the church ~as beletedl y gaze-tted in June 1863, three years prior to the laying of the foundation stone and onl 1J four years after the f1 rst church in the twn was completed.
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