Eleclioiis in Mali (1992-7) 229 ‘l’l-lE YOLI‘L’ICAL SYSTEMS 1’1IECEUING THE FREE 10 Elections in Mali ELECTIONS OF 1992 (I 992-7) : Civil Society The Precolonial Period The precolonial period i~ismarked by a succcssion ol‘ big Confronted with the African empires (of Gliaii:~,Mali, and Songhai), subsccjucntly by tlic Moroccan invasion and dcstruction of thc Songhai c Rule of Democracy ci ii 11 i rc (sis t c! 11 t 1i cc II t LI r y ) . ‘1’11 c I) i g i tiusi o 11s occ LI r ri iig fro ni cc ce M.-F. Lange thc sc\~nI IIt li to t hc ni II c t n t h cc II t u ries (ror c samplc, Uaiiianan, Fulani, Touarcg migrations) ultiniatcly led to thc for- mation ol‘ fcudnl statcs (Gnuclio 1992: 29-76). As Gaudio notcs: La destruction clc I’ciiipirc songhai avait ainsi permis la for- IlUTRODUCTION’ ination et IC cl6vcloppcmcnt d’Etats i I’6conomic inccrtainc, fonclk siir I’xrni6c ct, sclon Ics cxi, sur I’Tslmi ct I’aniiiiisiiic, ‘llic Salicliaii couiitry oI*bhIi,coilsitlci.cc1 as oiic 01’ tlic i~oorcst avec la i.cligioii ct iinc I¿)rtc hifrarchic socialc pour points countries in the ivorld, today apl~c;~rsas one of‘ the Al‘rican communs. Ils se d6linil~cllt2 tra\%!rs les gucrrcs f6odalcs. i statcs that has SLICCCSS~U~~~maclc il transition to tlcniocracy. (Gaudio, 1992: 69) Folloiving the pop~ilarrc\.olts of 1991, elections \vere held in [TIILIS,the dcstruction of thc Songhai cnipirc Icd to tlic ror- 1992 ancl SubsCc~Llcnll).in 1997. hMi tllLlS Seems to anchor i ni at i on ancl cl cvc lop ni c t stat c \vi t li rcca rio us ccoiioiii i cs, itsclf in a Wcstcrn clcctoral system. Ncvci-tliclcss, tlic ~LIICSof n 01’ s clcmocracy colliele \rith rcprcscntatioiis ancl practices ol’ poivcr based o11 tlic arm)- and on citlicr Islain or animism, \\rith reli- in Mali that arc somctimcs at variance \\pith the notions of a gion and ;i strong social hierarchy as common traits. Tlicy , consciisual... socicty i\.liicli cvcry clcmocrntic s?xtciii prcsup- dcrlnrcl thcmscl\~csas a result of tlic I‘cuclal \\-ars.1 poscs. 1 lie inllucncc of tlic political culturc inhci.itccl l‘rom The ciiipircs thcn folloivctl ul)on cnch other (the Scgou cmpirc, 11 c c c rir1 i c r Afri can c 111 i rc s a nel fro ni t li co 1o 11 i a 1 p r i od rc ni a i 11s t hc Fu Ian i cm pi re AIacina, t lie TOLICOUICUr c m pi rc) II n t i I t lie a 01’ rccognizablc fiictoi- in the cvolutioii of iiciv political rclntions arri\;\i of th(! 1:rc~ncll. ‘l’Il(. ‘poIi~ic:11cilllllrr’ ill this ~~l.‘!colollial cl \vas i Il1 I-od LI cctl by clc mocl.acy, 11LI 1 1 he la L t cr’s ynam ics II ¿L\’C been period largely one ol’ a I‘cuclalist poivcr structurc ivliich ill- shaped iiiainl). in iiitcraction \vit11 domestic agc-lits such as or- staIIctI itsell’ by tIic I’oi~r01’ ai-111s and rcsti:cI on i-cnt-sccking ganized youth ancl ci\.il society gro~ipsancl \\.¡th cloiior-country and tributr coIIcction.2 The Ixiymcnt of thc tributes markccl the policy. acccptancc ol’\Y~ssalsl¿LtLls; I.clilsing Lo p¿Ly it i\xi~)arallloLlnt to Afrcr prcsciiting sur\^>. :)l. the I)olitical s!.stciiis prc\dcnt a i ns u ri-c c t io n . POI i t ica I re 1;it i o 11s11 i 1)s iverc cs t a b I is II eel, ni ai 11- up to thc rcvolts ol‘ 1991, I \\-ill tlcscribc tlic essential character- taincd ancl rctlcfinccl by forcc. Kccouisc to violcncc to changc istics ol’ the clcctoral proccss that lias bccn takiiig its COLI~SC !lie .csistiiig political ortlcr ancl to substitute it with anotlicr li.om 1992 up lo 1997. :though often i.rtaiiiing csisting hicrarchics and positions of Fonds Documentaire ORSTOM cote: %$Za3&$Ex: 4 23 230 ELec~ioiiObsei-valioli uncl Democrcili;aLion in ilJj.icti ELechiis in Addi (1992-7) 1 infcriority) also constituted much 01‘ the dynamics of altcrnat- S’oridanciis) Icd in I’act to it situation 01’ mono-partyism in the i iig s I at c powc r s ( ruct 11rrs. ?‘li c impact of ihr prc-colon ia1 Frcnch Suclan (Gaudio 1992: 98). period lins and bccn clccisivcly ti.atislbi.mccl by the \vanecl has ‘I’hc end 01‘ Lhe colonial ]’eriod ( 194.5-60) \\‘as tllLlS m:trkctl by ~~l~ccl~eiitcolonial cspcricncc in hlali. a ‘Icarning ])I.OCCSS’ 01’ Lhc rules of the clcctoral gamc” antl of democracy: frcctlom of association, inauguration of niult ¡-party- The Colonial Period ism, I’rccdom 01’ the press ancl clcvclopmcnt of trade unionism. The role of thc city of Bamako would bc a dctcrmining factor in tlic proccss of decolonization of Africa,G in spite of a much- l.c!tl1lcc:tl Slltli1llc.sr (.li ic. \\*ll(!ll colll~~:1r~~dio 1 Il(! milch 111orr 1111- iiicrotts ancl milch morc: ancicnt coastal clitcs (in Ilaliomcy, r,logo, ScncgaI). Thc various mcctings that took placc in lhm;iko, as \\v.II ;is tIic liar1 icip:ilioti of ccrtain Frcnch Sudancsc (:cl I‘ c I (*cL i i I 11 I (- 1’1.rI Icl I ;it1 i i I i i I is t r;i Ii o i I, pr II i i I I ctl t li(: S titl ;i I I rst. 1catlci.s to assci.1. tIicms(:Ii:cs iii poIitic:tl tli;tlogu(: ancl go\’” r nancc . 111 litet, unlikc tlic m;t.jority 01‘ Francol)honc Black African countries, I\ldi bcncfiiotl mucl1 inore from an inclcpciiclcncc ;IC- cortlctl II!, thc old colonial powr than countries that obtained tlicir intlcliciidcncc in armcc1 struggle. For the lirst time in tlic history ol’ this African rcgion thc rcclclinition of political po\\-cr \vas a obtillctl both by thc ballot bos allcl by conscIlsua1 pr~~ccsss:tlic’ traiisfcr of poIitic:tI po~vcrlvns carriccl out: without rccoursc to !rar. Al‘tcr the l‘ailurc ol‘ the hlali Fcdcration,’ the old Frc 11ch S utlnn (~rhic li be cam c t lic li6pub1 ici uc Souda na isc) took the iiainc of ‘Republic of Mali’ on 22 Scptcmbcr 1960. From Independence to the Revolts Thc c\rcnts around the :irri\xl to po\vcr of hhclibo Ikïta at thc a hcacl of the First licpublic thus signilictl rupturc ivith the tra- ditional political tl~.naiiiics,\\.here ;i change of pnvcr i\.as real- izcd by the use of I*c)rcc.Ncvcrthclcss, the rcgimc of Moclibo Ikïta quickly lost its popularity and thc KDA in fact iniposccl as itsc 1I’ t li c si nglc party. In 19G8, a military coup d’ilal cilclcd thc First liepublic and put in piacc I.,icutcnnnt AIoussat Traor6 at the head ofa Comitd Alilitaire tir L,il)i.rntion N:itionaIc (C:hII,N). Follo\\.ing the con- stituti0ii;tI \-oit1 prodticctl by thc iiiilit:try t;ikc-ovcr, ;i IICW con- stitution \vas prcp;trcd in 1974; it ;iiiiiouIicccl (ivith a dclay of five years Ixforc its application) the clcction of ;L hcatl of state 11)- uiii\Tcrs;iI suITrngc, ;I national assembly and a single party (1992-7) 232 L;leclioii 06seo-valioii aiid Ileiiioo-uti~~tioli ill A/i-ico Llectiaiis in ildali 233 (Gaudio 1992: 111). On 2Junc 1974, the Constitution was ap- multi-Ijartyism (Diarrah 1996: 34). Following this, thc Union pro\~clby rcfcrcncluiii with ;i 99.7 I per ccnt majoi.ity, but this cl Nationale clcs Tra\~aiiIcursclu hilali (UNTM), the central traclc itxs ita1 ilì ccl as./i[rcí>í~lec~orcik II!* ce rtai ii oppone ii (De Ucnoist 1s union that sincc the arrests of 1970 liad collaboratcd \\*itli the 1989: Tlic part!; tlic Unioll I>i.niocl.aticlLIc 133). single du rcginic,I” opcticd the \vay for opposition to tIic military rcgimc l’cuplc hlalicn (Ulll’hd), \\.as ci-catccl in 1979 \vit11 the aim of cl \vlicn during its central cstraorclinary meeting of 28 and 29 fi 1I i ng t li c 110 1i ti cal \roi wli i ch Ii)l 1o\vccl t lie ni i I ita ry d ic t ator- May 1990 it clcclarcd that: ship. l‘lie Scconcl Rcpublic \v;is thus charactcrizccl 11). the con- quest ol‘l)o\vcr through Lhe forcc ofal-ms ancl the control Ol’tlliS Consicldrant clue IC parti unique constitutionnel ct institu- tiollll~~lII(: l~i..polltl pills ;tils :~spir:ltiollscl~lllocralic~llcs ~)o\v(*rI)? ;i iiiilitar!. clic.iatoi.sllil), \\fliic.ll clic1 11ot 1lc:sit;ltc to LISC du forcc to maintain itscll’. l‘hc creation of‘ thr singlc party - mcl ~~c~iplcmalien .. IC Conscil Central Estraordinairc rejette organizations like the National Union of Mnlian cn bloc IC dirigisme Iioliticiuc qui cntravc IC dCvcloppcmcnt of mass cl(: WoIii(*ii (IJNI‘AI) :iiitl Ili(. N:itioii:il IJiiioii of‘ h1:iIi:ii-i lroii[li Ia tIi.mocratic au i\iIaIi ... optc pour l’instauration du mul- (UFJAI) - ainicd at kccpiilg ;i large part civil socicty ;it 1i1)artisiiicct clu l)liitxlisiii(: cldiiiocraticluc: ... \vas 01’ (CERDES n.cl.: 33) bay by dividing t lie couti try i II to scparat c ‘CO ni part ni en ts’.:’ Ho\vcvcr, the militnr!* rcgimc nm‘cr succccclccl in rooting o~it the opl)osition coming l’rom I)olitical traclc unionists micl ccluca- [ional circles.” TIic scliooI-!.c:ar I ‘37(j-7 \vas iiixrkctl 1)).
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