L’viv – Lwów - Lemberg Lwów in 1929 The combined historical, social and funconal structure of Lwów / L´viv Jesuit church Greek-Orthodox church Greek-Catholic cathedral Carmelites church Lwów / L’viv / Lemberg was for centuries a very important religious Old Mykolaj church Bernardine church centre Lan cathedral Clarissa church Rom. Cath. Elisabet ch. Armenian church Maria Magdalena ch. Jewish hospital Jewish crasmen society Goldene Rose synagogue Jewish Gimpel theatre Board of the Jewish religious community. Jewish Lemberik The reform Temple The old Jewish district Stanisław Lem’s child home Mar<n Buber lived here Deborah Vogel’s home An important city of culture Casino and opera Zbigniew Herbert´s home. Film: ”Tylko we Lwowie” Jewish theatre Colosseum Ulica Legionowa and plac Krakowski – a mixed city centre Rynek, present Plosca Rynok, before World War II. Wolfgang Wallach, grocery; “Handel Wina Ryszard Stadtmüller”. “Narodna Torhovlja”; Łuk. Woroniak, restaurant. Building from 1767, older foundations. “Hora”, hats. Façades Building from the 17th century, Jan Quest, shop; by the French Architect changed in 1783. “Manufaktura”, Façades by Bernardo Merettini, Pierre-Denis Guibeau, glass & china; D. Gottlieb, jeweller. Building from 1773. 18th century. Jan Wallach & Syn. 1778-81. E. Steller, furrier. Ign. Rude, jeweller; Julja Lapojówker, grocery. “Fabryczny sklad sukna”. Building from the 17th and 18th centuries. Reconstructed in 1768 by St. Markiewicz, shop; Ad. Fryderyk Schuboth, co!ee Anton Kamiński. Merkel, furniture. Building etc; M. L. (Laura) Atlas; R. Chla- from 1768. dek, shops. Restaurant “Atlas”, City Hall from 1827-35, Jewish owned, place for meet- “Ukraîns´ka Ryznycja” designed by A. Wondraszko, ings of Lwów’s bohemia. 1790. J. Markl, F. Trecher and J. Glogow- “Dostava”; “Wod Mineralnych”; Pracownia Kusnierska; . ski. There was in 1929 the Pharmacy, from 1775. municipal library. “Magazyn tekstylny”; M. & S. Koziol, wine shop; Zlotnik. A.Zipper, jeweller. Zipper’s Mich. Terlecki, pharmacy. department store, Jewish owned. Bandinelli Palace, end of built in 1912, designed by Michal 16th century, erected by Luzecki and Edmund Zychowicz. the pharmacist Jeronom Wittenberg. Building, reconstructed in 1 3 5 1923 in Neo-Baroque style. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4041 42 43 44 45 Wilczek House, 1771-72, by Piotr Polejowski.. Building, reconstructed in 2 The “Black House”, by Rococo style in 1772. 32 3 Pietro di Barbona and This was the Andreolli Passage. 31 4 Paolo Romano, 1577-88. Here was café Sztuka with the Sam. Reich, restaurant; Jak. 30 5 violinist Wassermann. Berta Haber, wine shop; Jak. Sass, jeweller. 6 29 Lawitz, grocery; Sam. The doctor Paweł Heppner lived 1 Reich, restaurant. here from 1610. Building from 28 7 8 “The King´s House”, Pietro di the early 17th century. Recon- 27 Barbona & Paolo Romano structed in 1760. 26 9 1577-88. Robert Quest; F. Anna Arnold, confectionery; 25 Kowalski; History Museum; “Paczólka” confectioner. Recon- 24 Muzeum Jana III. 1674-80. structed in the 18th century. 10 Shop: Jak. Siedleczka; Szym. Gate from 1743-44. 23 Gerstman, restaurant. Photo 1900: Paper shop. Józ. 16 15 14 Kętowicz, restaurant. The Ukrain- 22 21 20 19 18 17 13 12 11 Reconstructed in Empire ian publisher Ivan Filipovyč lived Style by F. Baumann in the here 1759-66. 19th century. Interior from the 17th century. House from the beginning of Scholz-Wolfowicz house, the 17th century, built for façades from 1570. Lipa the Roman Catholic achi- Osterweil, jeweller. Photo around 1900: bishop. Józ. Krämer, confec- Kapeluszy shop; Partly from the tionery; Sow. Kubesza, piano Roman Catholic “Latin” Photo around 1900: Juliusz F Goldberg, furrier. 15th century. store; Andrz. Langner, Cathedral, 1360 - 1527. Meinl co!ee shop; pharmacy “Pod Złotym Joleniem”, Józ. Photo around 1900: Mensch grocery; Genow. Lipsker, Boim chapel, & Julj. Brotter; Menach. Tenen- & Hammermann shop. Nach- grocery. 1606-15. baum & Löw, glass & china. man Raucher, jeweller. Dombrowski House from Photo around 1900: Magazyn Lubomirski Palace or Prosvita the 17th century. Kapeluszy. J. Schapira; Jak. House, from around 1600, Kohn, Jeweller; Jak. Bechtlo!, J. Anis, furrier. reconstructed in 1763. Editorial Adolf Auerbach, confection; Dab. Schapira, restaurant. Building from Building partly o&ce of the newspaper “Dilo”; restaurant. House from 1766, designed 1589, reconstructed in 1766 from the 16th Izyd. Pfau, confection; Book- by Piotr Polejowski for Konstancy Bilski. %or the City Councillor Toma century. store “Ksiegarnia im. Szewczenki”; Bank “Związku Spólek Zarobkowych”; Franki. “Centralny Kooperatywny Bank”; Eis. Herschdörfer, jeweller; Moz. Am- Mel. Gutstein, hats; “Hromada”, ster, hats; F. Schneider, hats. Ukrainska Wydawn., publish- ing house; “Wydawnictwo Nauk. The Venetian House, Towarz. im. Szewczenki, publish- reconstructed in 1589 ing house. Ad. Rosenblatt, fruits; for the consul Antonio Józ. Singer, jeweller. Massari, designed by Paolo Romano; Izyd. Schreiber, 12A: Sal. Wallach, furniture; paper. Est. Charala, restaurant; 12: Józ. Reif, paper; “Krakow- ska Spólka Automobilowa” Rynek / Rynok (Bugatti); Abr. Fleischer, restaurant. North side of Rynek Rynek. East, south and west sides. Ulica Rutowskiego, present Teatral´na vulycja, before World War II. Ulica Krakowska and Ulica Halicka before World War II. Present Krakivs´ka vulycja and Halyc’ka vulycja. Kawiarnia (café); Feiw. Koch, hats. Izr. Weinstein, wine shop; Ch. Jagid, grocery. Zygmunt Baran, café; Szm. Birnbaum, hats; 1 Skarbek Theatre (Gmach Skarb- 1 Maj. Haller, hats.. Leib Heller, jeweller; Ch. Stadler, confection kowski) from 1837-43, designed 11 10 shop; A. Zlotnik; “Restauracja - Piwiarnia” by L. Pichl and J. Salzmann. ; Café 9 9 8 23 (restarant - beer pub).. 7 2 Teatralna, B. Jäger & Co; Cinema 26 34 L. Mund & H. Schlimper, furriers. 29 4 “Lew”,Tad. Kuchar; Joach. Willner, 1 M. I. Tabak, hats. 32 O. Meinels & Co, confection; Zancberg & 27 1 glass and china. Mark Hölzel, antiquarian; Prager & Co, hats; H. Steiner, hats; M. Bienstick, furrier. 24 24 Friedman, hats. 30 2 Bern. Kohn, paper; Aron Sassower, restaurant. 25 2 Zygm. Weiss, wine shop; 4 3 Chaja Krochmal, fruits. 28 22 6 5 Klara Werk, confectnion; Genauer & Weissholz, 5 Raf. Kurzrock, pharmacy; Hersch Herschdörfer, jeweller, M. J. Worm, electric articles. 21 The Greek-Orthodox Preoba!enia Church from 1909. hats, Róęa Halpern, hats; L. Flaster, furrier; 7 23 Mark. Ward, hats; R. Bienstock, furrier. 19 26 Zachar. Enis, perfumes. The Trinity Church at thus suite was destroyed in 1848. B. Steiner, furrier; Moz. Schapira, furrier. Abr. Rask, furrier. 9 11 Bern & Reiss, confectiioners; J. Händel, jeweller; The Ukrainian “Narodnyj Dim” from 1851-64, designed by 21 13 Singer & Apisdorf, furriers. The Greek Orthodox Preobazhenie Church. Leon Hautstein, dairy. W. Schmidt and S. Hawryszkiewicz. 1 15 20 1 Zygm. Fuchs, hats. 19 24 6 8 “Muzeum przemysla artyst- 17 22 22 10 Per. Okin, paper; G. Singer, furrier. Photo ca 1900: B. L.Kitschales, shop. 1929: 20 ycznego” (”Gewerbemuseum”), Ul. Ormianska 3: The !rst publishing house 17 18 Sam. Glanz, jeweller. Herm. Modlinger, furniture. Daw. Gems, furrier; M. Scudrich, furrier Galerja Narodowa. Building from of Bodek’s (Jewish) family (1850-1939). 15 16 1 3 Józ. Hellreich, restaurant. Armenian Cathedral, from 1363-70. 1898-1903. 5 Sal. Jaslowitz, !sh shop. 13 14 Maks. Wixel & Syn, wine shop; Ch. Fuhrman, hats. 2 4 6 School building from 1890-92, 4 Arnold Lind, furniture. Per. Paletnik, furrier. 8 11 20 6 12 designed by H. Bisanz. 18 B. Czysz, furniture. Mar. Kafka, restaurant. Ign. Nudel, grocery. 9 10 Abr. Rosengarten, hats; Szl. Weitz, hats; 8 Dzieduszycki museum (nature science). Building from 7 18 Abr. Halpern, restaurant.. 6 Arn. Werberg, hats; Sal. Baczes, furrier; Izr. Winter, furrier. the 1830s, designed by W. Rawski. Jan Ludwig & Jan Heninger, restaurant. 5 School buiulding from 1890-91., 15 4 “Pani”, Stadler & Co, ladies´ confection; M. Hirschhorn, designed by Juliusz Hochberger. N. Feigenblatt, furrier; Melzer & Friedman, furriers. 3 hats; Horowitz & Co, furriers. D. Grund, bookstore; Etla Kischales, furniture; Et. Bardach, jeweller.; Berta Glücklich, hats. Kaiser & Haber, hats; A. S. Schaft, paper; Józef 1 Kl. Dornbaum, music instruments, jeweller; Arnold Bardach, book store; A. Berencweig, tricots; 2 16 Hermeloin, furniture. 8 6 4 2 Mar. Probskin, jeweller; H. I. Feiwisch, hats; 141210 8 6 Hel. Amsterdam, hats; Av. Fränkel, furrier; Former Jesuit college, built 1723-38. Ire. Hirszch, hats. 16 Marc. Stark, hats. Sz. Szpilman, furrier. 1 Christ. Maier, restaurant. Anna Koločska, restaurant. Adolf Menkes, glass and china; Józef Kirschner, furniture. Szym. Alten, hats. Jesuit Cathedral, 1613-30, designed by Buiulding from 1779-80, designed by A. Kosinski. Giacomo Briano. 13 12 Aniela Zaj%c, restaurant. 10 Józef Schuster, furniture; Styan. Stłpkowicz, furrier. Building from 1774, designed by Piotr Polejowski. Former “Hauptwache”. from 1829. 8 Wlad. Podhalicz, confectioner. Building from the 17th 6 14 1 century, reconstructed in 1769-70 by J. Dublowski. 2 3 4 4 Building from 1794-96, designed by Max von Krus. 12 11 2 Photo 1905: Feliks Schoor, shoe store, hats, Gubrynowicz & Syn, bookstore; “obuwie, karlsbadzkie, angelskie, Spóla Wydawa Lekarska, publishing 3 1 9 1 ”Pod królem brylantów”; M. Fuchs, furrier. house.. The “Latin”, Roman Catholic Cathedral, 1 10 1 The “Latin”, Roman Catholic Cathedral, built from 1360 to 1481. Changed in 1527. built from 1360 to 1481 and changed in 1527. 3 Adolf Hard, jeweller; Rach. Jolles, hats. 8 7 5 Mich. Obogi, ladies’ confection; Marj. Czysz, The Boim chapel, built in 1609-15. 2 7 Józef Oęmičski, grocery. furniture; Marc. Augustyn, furrier. 6 5 7 6 5 Stan. Wierzbicki, glass and china. 4 9 J. Wikzew, furrier. B-cia Lubelscy, furriers. 8 7 6 3 6 11 5 7 9 3 2 Edmund Riedl, wine, cočee, grocery. 3 5 Abrah. Awin, confectionery; Marj. Glowik, wine shop. 4 1 1 7 4 8 13 6 8 10 12 Iz. Laufer, men’s confection. 10 15 Iz. Rude, jeweller. “Raj Dziecka”, children’s confection; 2 2 4 Mar. Mozer, fruits. 12 Ant. Krzy!ewski, ęowers; “Pedete”, J. Reichen, Strick & Gewürz, drugstore; H.
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