Wagon Tracks Volume 9 Issue 4 Wagon Tracks Volume 9, Issue 4 (August Article 1 1995) 1995 Wagon Tracks. Volume 9, Issue 4 (August, 1995) Santa Fe Trail Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Santa Fe Trail Association. "Wagon Tracks. Volume 9, Issue 4 (August, 1995)." Wagon Tracks 9, 4 (1995). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks/vol9/iss4/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wagon Tracks by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. : Wagon Tracks. Volume 9, Issue 4 (August, 1995) VOLUME 9 AUGUST 1995 NUMBER 4 t:• ! DEATH ON THE TRAIL, 1828 I ,I MCNEES IDENTIFIED • by Harry C. Myers (Myers is the superintendent of Fort SYMPOSIUM COMING SOON Union National Monument. chairman THE biennial SFTA Symposium at of the SFTA 175th anniversary com­ Lamed and Great Bend. KS. Septem­ mittee. and afrequent contributor to ber 21-24. offers an outstanding pro­ WT. He has again located. new infor­ gram for participants. There will be mation about the early history of the TraU.) . lectures. tours. business meetings. entertalnment. and good food. IN August 1828 the eastbound cara­ The schedule and registration form van from Santa Fe crossed the Cana­ dian River and headed toward Point of were included In the last Issue of wr. and early registration is still recom­ Rocks and Rabbit Ears in north­ eastern New Mexico. Somewhere. mended. Send registration materials or direct questions about the sympo­ STEAMBOAT ARABIA probably close to Rabbit Ears. two citi­ sium to the coordinator. Steve Lin­ zens ofFrankUn. Missouri. named Mc­ by Sanle Liebler Nees and Munro left the train and derer. Fort Lamed NUS. RR 3. Lamed KS 67550. phone (316) 285-6911. We (Sanie Liebler; Oklahoma City. Olda­ traveled ahead. On the banks of Cor­ hope to see you there. homa. is a historian associated. with rumpa Creek Mthey having carelessly Kaw River Research. She worked on lain down to sleep ... were barba­ TOUR CANCELED the Arabia proJect.) rously shot (by Indians). with their It THE Smithsonian Santa Fe Trail tour THE 18508 are considered the Golden own guns. as was supposed. in very A~ sight of the caravan." When the cara­ scheduled for Septemher 8-17. 1995. ofthe Santa Fe Trail and the Gold­ A~ van arrived at the creek. McNees was has been canceled because of Insuffi­ en ofthe Missouri River steamboat trade. During this decade freight ton­ dead and Munro was barelyclingingto cient enrollment. It may be offered again In 1996. Leo and Bonita Oliva n~ carried by the caravans to Santa will be leading a l75th anniversary Fe reached its highest level to date. as "the Indians came and tour of the Trail for SFTA dUring the did the number of steamboats plying klld them boath" summer of 1996. covering the historic the lower Missouri Riverfrom St. Louis routes between Franklin andSantaFe. to Port of Kansas (Kansas City). The steam packet Arabia ran this stretch life. After burying McNees the caravan HARRY MYERS UVES ONI In 1855 and 1856 unttl It hit a snag moved on to the Cimarron River. forty and sank In Qutndaro Bend. one and Myers. superintendentofFort miles away. where Munro died and HARRy one-half miles below Parkville. MO. Union National Monument and chair­ Excavated In 1988-1989. the side­ was buried. Just as the funeral cere­ man of the SFTA 175th anniversary monies were about completed several wheeler's cargo and machinery can be committee. suffered a heart attack on seen In the Treasures oftheSteamboat Indians appeared on the other side of August 3. No major damage was the Cimarron. The traders fired on the Arabia Museum. Kansas City. MO. found. and he is back at Fort Union Indians and killed all but one. A few doing many thin~ for the SFTA. He Although the Western Engineer. car­ weeks later a second party returning will quit smoking, Improve his diet. rying the exploration company of Ma­ from Santa Fe to Missouri was at­ . and take better care of himself. jor Stephen M. Long. was the first to tacked. and Jyhn Means from Frank­ reach Council Bluffs in 1819. the first lin was killed. Like most NPS bureaucrats. Harryis steamboat to ascend the upper Mis­ > a tough bird. Some folks say they were , Such is the basic story which gave souri for commercial purposes was the surprised to learn he had a heart. rise to the first military escort on the Yellowstone In 1833. Wllliam Becknell Santa Fe Trail In 1829. That story has Rumor has It that It took the hospital Initiated trade with Santa Fe in 1821. mostly remained unchanged since staff several hours to find his ticker. leaving from Franklin. MO. where but the official word is that he does Josiah Gregg told It In his book, Com­ steamboats delivered commodities. have one. Actually. as everyone who merce of the Prairies. In 1844. Why Franklin served as the eastern termi­ knows him can attest. Myers has a big Munro and McNees traveled ahead of nus unttl the 1828 flood destroyed the the caravan and what was McNees's heart. Knowinghow Important he is to town. Santa Fe traders by that time first name were questions not an­ the upcoming 175th anniversary cele­ had found other points of departure. bration. Myers has no plans to check swered by Gregg or the Franklin Mis­ and over time such places as Blue out until that is history. In fact. he souri lntelligencer which published Mills. Independence. Fort Leaven­ this notice of the Incident in the Issue expects to be around to celebrate the worth. and eventually Westport (mod- 200th anniversary. too. We all wish (continUed on page 2) him the best. (continued on page 7) August 1995 1 Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1995 1 Wagon Tracks, Vol. 9 [1995], Iss. 4, Art. 1 PRESIDENT'S COLUMN est in the returns ofthat year. He may Paramount. CA. I am checking to see have tmveled the Trail at some time. if there might be an obituary for Eliza. EVERYONE Is invited to participate in He wrote his son Parker that the Unfortunately, Sally does not know the 1995 symposium at Larned and caravan which left Santa Fe with much else about Eliza but is now in­ Great Bend, September 21-24. Steve Munro and McNees had 115 men in terested in her story and in the rest of Linderer and many volunteers have the company. Before they got to the the family. Relatives who might want ~Simerone Spring" the Indians at dif­ to contact SaI1y Aber can write to her arranged an excellent program. This ferent times £lad taken about700 head at 12913 Bryce Ave NE, Albuquerque will also be an opportunity for mem­ of stock from them. But ~stU wors" NM 87112. bers of the Association to take part in George told his son, ~DanialMunroe & the business meetin~ and help to Robt. McNess" went in advance of the TRAIL BOOKS TO LOAN shape the future ofyour organization. caravan to look for a·good camping There will be newofficers and directors ground one evening. When they THE Lyons Public Library, Lyons, KS, who want to hearwhatyou envision for reached the creek, tney turned out has a collection of Tra1l books, avail­ the SFTA and the Trail. Plan now to be their mules and laydown to sleep, and able through interlibrary loan. The li­ there. I look forward to seeingyou. ~the indians came and klld them brary has received the third grant -BUIPitts boath." from the Kansas Library Network to • George Knox's letter, first used by purchase books on the Trail. Re­ NPS GOLD AWARDS TO Nicholas P. Hardeman, provides new searchers may visit the library or to knowledge about an oft-repeated story FOWLER & CHALFANT borrow these through their local li­ ofthe Santa Fe Trail. Both the name of brary. Two SFTA board members and mem­ Robert McNees and the circumstances under which he and Daniel Munro A Ust ofbooks in the Trail collection, bers of the SFNHT Advisory Councll, were kUled are nowadded to thelegend including several old and rare vol­ Pauline Fowler of Independence, MO, of the Trail and the history of a brave umes, may be obtained by sending a and BUl Chalfant of Hutchinson, KS, band ofadventurers. self-addressed stamped envelope to were presented Santa Fe Trail Gold Lyons Public Library, 217 East Ave South, Lyons KS 67554. Gem Crane, Awards by the National Park Service NOTES library director, is always looking for during the councll meeting at Dod~ 1. Josiah Gre~ Commerce of the additional titles for this collection and City on May II, 1995. Both have PraIries (Norman: University of Okla­ would appreciate su~tions. served on the councll since it was homa Press, 1954), 18: Ted Anthony, formed in 1989. ~Munro of McNees Crossing," Wagon WAGON TRACKS Is tile offidal pubUcation NPS Southwest Regional Director Tracks, 8 (Nov. 1993): 13. oftile Santa Fe Trail Associatioa, a non-profit Jerry Rogers stated that the gold 2. Nicholas Perkins Hardeman, WU­ orgaolzatioa incorporated under tile laws of award was recently established to rec­ demess Calling: The Hardeman FamUy tbe State of Colorado. Letters and artides are ognize ~individuals and organizations in the Amerlam Westward Movement, welcome, bUllbey become tile property ofwr 1750-1900 (Knoxvllle: University of aDd may be edited or abridged at tile editor's who have generouslyvolunteered their disaetion. All rights reserved Inquiries CID time and energtes to make invaluable Tennesee Press, 1977), 113.
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