leaflet_v3.pdf 1 8/8/2018 上午10:40 展覽館 Exhibition Gallery 場地伙伴計劃 10 2018 荃灣大會堂 17 三至日 Wed - Sun 2pm - 7pm Venue Partnership Scheme TSUEN WAN TOWN HALL 2018社區文化大使計劃: 節目表 Event Calendar 藍嘉穎 x 黃漢樑「飛飛旅遊爸2018」 21 參與式展覽及導賞 2018 Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme – Blue Ka Wing x Wilfred Wong "My Daddy, My Flying Car and Me 2018" Exhibition and Participatory Guided Tours 免費入場(不設門票) Free admission (Tickets not required) 想要飄浮在半空 ? 潛入水底 ? 或是向宇宙出發 ? 為「夢想號」加 9205 2816 www.lcsd.gov.hk/ab 入想像力作推動原料,想要去哪裡都可以 ! 但遠方傳來消息:想像 香港阿卡貝拉匯演 力快用光了 ! 前方的路軌漸漸消失,眼看火車快要跌下去了,他們 Hong Kong A Cappella Showcase ____________________________________ 能否化險為夷呢 ? 26/ Sound of Singers Group 升樂人聲樂團 (SOS) 由亞洲著名無伴奏合 10 26/10 - 10/11 一至日 Mon - Sun 12nn - 7:30pm Want to float in the air? Or dive deep into the ocean? Or set off to 唱界領軍人物之一彭祖容 Jo Jo Pang 率領,期盼藉著醉人的和聲、 C the space? Just inject some imagination as fuel to “Dream forward” 強勁的節拍及多變的音樂風格,為觀眾帶來一場聽覺的盛宴!這 11/11 日 Sun 12nn - 3pm which brings you everywhere! Wait! News from afront: we are M running out of imagination! The rail is vanishing bit by bit and the 次,SOS 除了以小組形式作演唱外,更邀請了屢次獲得獎項的青 《科幻島》展覽 train is falling off? Can they finally save the day? 年團隊 及香港阿卡貝拉學院成年及兒童學員團隊傾力演出, 11/ Y Y.YOU 11 Fantastic Scienceland Exhibition 盡展人聲無限可能! CM 文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall 粵語演出 In Cantonese 明日藝術教育機構主辦 演唱曲目來自本地及海外人氣熱爆歌手及組合: 27/10, 3/11 ( 六 Sat) 7:45pm MY 陳奕迅、周杰倫、張學友、五月天、林憶蓮、張敬軒、Supper Presented by Ming Ri Institute For Arts Education ( 五至六 Fri - Sat) 9-10/11 7:45pm Moment、鄭欣宜、AGA、Bruno Mars、BTS、One Republic... 免費入場(不設門票) Free admission (Tickets not required) CY 28/10, 11/11 ( 日 Sun) 3pm ( 六至日 ) Come and join us for an exciting afternoon with Sound of Singers CMY 3-4/11 Sat - Sun 3pm 2742 2966 www.mingri.org.hk $130 Group (SOS)! Led by Jo Jo Pang, renowned a cappella artist in Asia, K SOS will showcase their musicality through strong rhythms, touching 康樂及文化事務署贊助 門票現於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets NOW available at URBTIX harmonies and a diverse selection of musical styles. Award-winning Sponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department youth a cappella group Y.YOU and students from Hong Kong A 《科幻島》展覽 Fantastic Scienceland Exhibition Cappella Academy will share the stage and demonstrate the limitless possibilities of the human voice. 未來世界是怎樣的﹖讓我們穿梭不同科幻故事,為未來創造更多 廣場 Plaza 新發明吧﹗展覽設有一系列延伸活動,詳情請留意網站。 演奏廳 Auditorium An exhibition about science fiction and the future world. 6/10 ( 六 Sat) 3pm Please refer to Ming Ri's website for details on extension activities. $240, $200, $150 7 展覽館 Exhibition Gallery 門票現於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets NOW available at URBTIX 日 Sun 9:30am 26/10-10/11 ( 一至日 Mon - Sun) 12nn-7:30pm 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries : 9458 7452 《舞蹈「自」療 ─ 尋找舞動中的樂活 11/11 ( 日 Sun) 12nn-3pm 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries : 3761 6661 (10am - 8pm) 信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking : 2111 5999 人生》長者與眾同樂廣場舞蹈 查詢 Enquiries : 2742 2966 網上購票 Internet Booking : www.urbtix.hk Dance for Self-healing – Elderly @ Square Dance with the Public 主辦 Presented by : 贊助 Sponsored by : 主辦 Presented by : 贊助 Sponsored by : 舞蹈天使主辦 Presented by Dancing Angels 免費入場(不設門票) Free admission (Tickets not required) 香港兒童音樂劇團、新世紀青年管弦樂團及升樂人聲樂團為荃灣大會堂場地伙伴 明日藝術教育機構為荃灣大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Children’s Musical Theatre, Millennium Youth Orchestra and Sound of 6075 7916 Ming Ri Institute For Arts Education is a Venue Partner of Tsuen Wan Town Hall Singers Group are the Venue Partners of Tsuen Wan Town Hall 鳴謝:康樂及文化事務署 www.mingri.org.hk www.soundofsingers.com Acknowledgement : Leisure and Cultural Services Department 堂 會 大 灣 荃 電話 Hong Kong Territories, New Wan, Tsuen Ho Road, Tai 72 Hall, Town Wan Tsuen ServicesCultural Office (NT South), 香港新界荃灣大河道七十二號荃灣大會堂文化事務辦事 Tel 英國 | UK 2414 0144 Priv ing ileg Michael Hulls 邁克爾 • 赫爾斯 in e D Scheme s A Sadler's Wells Production 免費文娛節目 月 District Free Entertainment 傳真 10 Programmes 食肆優惠計劃 Oct Fax 2018 2414 8903 荃灣區 康樂及文化事務署主辦 荃灣區議會贊助 Presented by the Leisure and Sponsored by Tsuen Wan District Cultural Services Department Tsuen Wan District Council 葵青劇院 網址 Kwai Tsing Theatre 一 中國傳統木偶表演 Chinese Traditional Puppet Show Website * L i g h 1 4:30pm m t www.lcsd.gov.hk/twth o n 折 福來邨舞台 (近永樂樓) 9 S p a c e Fuk Loi Estate Amphitheatre (near Wing Lok House) 10% off 溫陵掌中木偶藝劇團 翠園 (只適用於葵青劇院店) 處 Winning Glove Puppets Art Troupe (新界南) Jade Garden (Kwai Tsing Theatre only) 2167 8818 六 越劇欣賞 Yue Opera ** 13 4:30pm 折 9 s a t 梨木樹社區會堂 10% off 電郵 Lei Muk Shue Community Hall e-mail 牧羊少年咖啡館 (葵三) (只適用於葵青劇院店) 春天藝術團 Cun Tian Yi Shu Tuan The Alchemist Café Bistro (Kwai Tsing Theatre only) [email protected] 2439 5669 © Stephen White 日 粵曲演唱會 Cantonese Operatic Songs Concert 荃灣大會堂 21 4pm Tsuen Wan Town Hall s u n 荃灣中心平台 Tsuen Wan Centre Podium 開放時間 凱韻樂軒 Hoi Wan Lok Hin ** 折 牧羊少年漂書館 (只適用於荃灣大會堂店) Opening Hours 離島區 康樂及文化事務署主辦 離島區議會贊助 9 The Alchemist Café Bistro Presented by the Leisure and Sponsored by (Tsuen Wan Town Hall only) Islands District Cultural Services Department Islands District Council 10% off 2887 3290 節目手冊於9月5日 日 手風琴演奏會 Accordion Concert 凡持有於葵青劇院 / 荃灣大會堂舉行的節目 / 活動門票(包括城市 起在各城市售票網售票處備取 每 售票網及其他門票),可於節目 / 活動舉行當天,於上述食肆惠顧晚 日上午九時至晚上十一時 7 3:30pm Programme brochures available at s 膳,享有折扣優惠。 URBTIX outlets from 5 September onwards u n 愉景灣愉景廣場 (露天廣場) Ticket holders of performances/activities held at Kwai Tsing Theatre/ 葵青劇院演藝廳 Discovery Bay Plaza Tsuen Wan Town Hall (include both URBTIX and other tickets) can enjoy 早鳥優惠 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium 香港手風琴藝術團 Accordion Troupe Hong Kong special discount for dinner at the above restaurants on the same 8月6日至9月5日訂購精選節目正價門票, performance/activity day. (四 Thu) 可獲七折優惠,詳見新視野藝術節網站 1.11 8pm & 9pm * 優惠期至2018年12月31日及只適用於星期一至四晚市堂食散座及惠顧主餐牌 (五 ) 2.11 Fri 8pm, 9pm & 10pm 音色優美 迴音效果自然 三 兒童綜合表演 Children's Variety Show 9am - 11pm daily 菜式 (7月1日、9月15日、16日、22日至25日、10月1日、12月8日、9日、15日、 Early Bird Discount 3.11(六 Sat) 12nn, 2:30pm, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 17 4pm 16日、21日至25日及31日除外)。 w e d 30% off all full-price tickets for selected programmes 5:30pm, 8pm, 9pm & 10pm The offer is valid until 31 Dec 2018 and applicable for Mondays to Thursdays dine-in Excellent acoustics with 長洲新公眾碼頭 (日 Sun) consumption (à la carte Dinner Menu) (except 1 Jul; 15, 16, 22 to 25 Sep; 1 Oct; 8, 9, 15, from 6 August to 5 September. More details on 4.11 12nn, 2:30pm, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, New Cheung Chau Public Pier 16, 21 to 25 and 31 Dec). New Vision Arts Festival website 5:30pm, 8pm & 9pm natural sound effect 港藝綜合製作 ** 優惠期至2018年12月31日但不適用於星期六及日、公眾假期及冬至 (12月22日)。 $150(不設座位 No Seating) Honour Production and Performance Company The offer is valid until 31 Dec 2018 but not applicable on Saturdays & Sundays, Public Holidays and Winter Solstice Festival (22 Dec). 網上購票 Internet Booking: www.urbtix.hk 使用條款及細則 Terms and Conditions: 信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999 所有門票於9月7日起在城市售票網公開發售 (1) 請於惠顧前出示當日節目/活動的門票或票尾,影印本無效。(2) 每張門票只限使用乙次。(3) 此優 免費欣賞,不設門票。節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。節目可能因惡劣天氣而 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2370 1044 All tickets available at URBTIX from 7 September onwards Auditorium 取消,請留意康樂及文化事務署於節目當日的宣布。 惠只限堂食,每次每枱只可享用一次優惠。(4) 此優惠不可與其他優惠一同使用。(5) 持票人消費後, 食肆會在門票背面蓋上公司印章,以確認已享用有關優惠。(6) 如有任何爭議,食肆保留最終決定權。 Free admission, tickets not required. Programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 演奏廳 請留意食肆公布的其他使用細則。 Programmes may be cancelled in case of inclement weather, please pay attention to the public announcement issued by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department on the event day. (1) Please show the ticket before placing order. Photocopies are not acceptable. (2) Each ticket should be used once only. (3) The offer is only applicable for in-house dining and should be used once only in a single bill per 查詢 Enquiries: 2591 1340 (娛樂節目辦事處 Entertainment Office) table. (4) The offer cannot be enjoyed with other discounts or privileges. (5) A company stamp will be chopped newvisionartsfestival New Vision Arts Festival www.newvisionfestival.gov.hk 網址 Website: www.lcsd.gov.hk/eo on the back of the ticket by the restaurant to record the offer. (6) The restaurant reserves the right of decision on all matters concerning the offer. Please pay attention to other Terms and Conditions issued by the restaurants. 印刷品 Printed Matter • Printed by Quality Printing Ltd 二○一八年十月 Oct 2018 資料截至2018年8月23日。最新節目詳情及非公開節目的資料, 請參閱個別節目宣傳品或聯絡相關主辦機構。 Information updated as of 23.8.2018. For the most updated programme information and information of programmes not open for the general public, please refer to 10 荃灣大會堂 individual programme publicity materials or contact the respective organisers. Tsuen Wan Town Hall 21 日 Sun 2:45pm OPUS 1 第二十三屆學生演奏會 OPUS 1 The 23rd Annual Student Concert 國際音樂藝術天地主辦 Presented by Opus 1 Arts Music Studio 演奏廳 Auditorium 11 四 文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall 13 六 Sat 3pm $100 Thu 7:30pm 購票請聯絡主辦單位 荃城共賞福州戲 宋曼妮師生鋼琴演奏會 Please contact the organiser for ticketing service 2 Chinese Opera 1 Manny Sung & Students' Piano Recital 2696 9378 www.opus1.iyp.hk 二 Tue 2:30pm 一 Mon 2:30pm, 7:30pm 荃灣區議會文娛康樂及體育委員會活動工作 宋曼妮主辦 ____________________________________ CMT x MYO x SOS 音樂文化推廣日 小組主辦 與夢童行 Presented by Manny Sung 21 日 Sun 8pm CMT x MYO x SOS Music Promotion Day Presented by TWDC CRS Committee Activities Group Let’s Go “Wishing” With The Bells $80 香港兒童音樂劇團、新世紀青年管弦樂團及 憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets 和鈴手鈴隊主辦 購票請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact the organiser for ticketing service 2018千面歌王會知音 升樂人聲樂團合辦 Presented by Ring Around The World Oldies Concert 6222 3089 9348 5423 Jointly presented by Hong Kong Children's Musical Theatre, 演出團體:和鈴手鈴隊、天鈴手鈴隊 Millennium Youth Orchestra and Sound of Singers Group 李潤主辦 ____________________________________ Performing Groups : Ring Around The World Handbell Ensemble, ____________________________________ 憑票免費入場 Free admission by tickets 免費入場(需預先報名) Free admission (pre-enrolment is required) 12 Weaver Handbell Ensemble 14 五至六 Fri - Sat 8pm 日 Sun 2pm $150 $100 6737 2540 9458 7452 蔡楓華情深摯意演唱會 購票請聯絡主辦單位 Please contact the organiser for ticketing service 「舞動荃城」舞蹈比賽 Vol.
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