AGENDA CITY OF SANTA MONICA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA (REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY CANCELLED) CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 1685 MAIN STREET TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL (Please note that Agenda Items may be reordered during the Council meeting at the discretion of the City Council.) 1. CLOSED SESSIONS: 1-A: Conference with Real Property Negotiator: Property: 3100 Neilson (recorded as 3275 Barnard Way) City Negotiators: Andy Agle, Director of Housing and Economic Dev. Barbara Collins, Housing Manager Under Negotiation: Terms of Affordability Covenant Owner of Record: Neilson Villa 1-B: Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation: Anticipate significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d)(2) – 1 case: 1) Claim of Dunn and Robhana 1-C: Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation: Anticipate significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) – 1 case The following is the order of business for items to be heard no earlier than 6:30 p.m. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items will be considered and approved in one motion unless removed by a Councilmember for discussion.) 3-A: Verizon Store License Agreement - recommendation to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a limited-term license agreement with Verizon Wireless for a term of 21 years to grant the use of a small portion of the public right-of-way for a façade feature at 1322 Third Street and charge an annual fee of $1,020 with an escalator of 10 percent every five years. STAFF REPORT 1 March 24, 2015 3-B: Amendments to Downtown Leasing and Licensing Guidelines – recommendation that the City Council approve proposed amendments to the Downtown Santa Monica Leasing and Licensing Guidelines for the purpose of updating and clarifying various sections of the Guidelines due to changes in space programming, tenancy, and proposed preferred-use enhancements. STAFF REPORT 3-C: Beach Bike Trail Sweeping – recommendation to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a cooperation agreement with LA County for the City to sweep the Beach Bike Trail within Santa Monica, whereby the County would reimburse the City $30,000 annually, adjusted by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), authorize the Purchasing Services Manager to issue a purchase order with Tennant Company for one heavy-duty outdoor sweeper, which would be a sole source purchase in an amount not to exceed $199,540, and appropriate budget changes. STAFF REPORT 3-D: Amendment to the Strategic Prevention Framework – State Incentive Grant – recommendation to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an amendment to the Strategic Prevention Framework – State Incentive Grant in the amount of $9,600 for a total amount of $57,600, and authorize changes. STAFF REPORT 3-E: Second Modification to Professional Services Agreement for Web Development and Content Management Services – recommendation to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a second modification to professional services agreement #2221 in the amount of $15,000 with John Oakes, to provide web development and content management services resulting in a four year amended agreement with a new total amount not to exceed $95,000. STAFF REPORT 3-F: Professional Services Agreement for Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) Center Tenant Improvement Project at Parking Structure No. 5 – recommendation to award Request for Proposals (RFP) SP#2363 to Studio Jantzen, an architectural design firm, to provide design services for the Transportation and Parking Services Center (TAPS) Tenant Improvement project located on the ground floor of the Parking Structure No. 5, authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a professional services agreement with Studio Janzen in an amount not to exceed $252,698, and authorize budget changes. STAFF REPORT 2 March 24, 2015 3-G: Low Carbon Transit Options Program Resolution – recommendation that the City Council adopt the attached resolution for the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program, which was created to provide assistance for transit agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve mobility. STAFF REPORT 3-H: Resolution Approving the Final Tract Map No. 60419 for a 10-Unit Condominum Project at 1803 16th Street. STAFF REPORT REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY ROLL CALL 3-G: Canceled, if no business to consider. ADJOURNMENT 7. ORDINANCES: (Public comment is permitted on ordinances for introduction and first reading. No public discussion is permitted on ordinances for second reading and adoption.) 7-A: Second reading and Adoption of an Ordinance adding Section 4.04.162 to the Santa Monica Municipal Code prohibiting certain animals from the Beach, Ocean Front Walk, the Pier and Pier ramp, the Third Street Promenade, the Downtown Transit Mall, and all City parks and adjacent sidewalks. STAFF REPORT 7-B: Second reading and Adoption of an Ordinance reducing the membership of the Arts Commission from thirteen to eleven members. STAFF REPORT 7-C: Second reading and Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting Local Modifications to the Requirements of the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 to reinstate a 40-percent-minimum Petition Threshold for Consideration of Establishing a Property or Business Improvement District. STAFF REPORT 8. STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: 8-A: The Santa Monica Airport And Future Options Regarding Its Operations And The City's Use Of The Land Now Occupied By The Airport - recommendation that the City Council review and comment on future options regarding operation of the Santa Monica Airport ("Airport" or "SMO") and the City's future use of its land currently occupied by the Airport and direct staff to: 1.continue with a full range of planning, environmental and legal work that would enable the City to determine the future use of the City's land, including possible closure of all or part of the Airport; such work to include, but not be limited to, pursuing legal resolution of issues relating to control of the land, undertaking preliminary 3 March 24, 2015 to both the western parcel and the entire Airport, and assessing the possibility of a City- sponsored 2016 ballot measure; 2. continue to implement measures to reduce adverse impacts of Airport operations, through imposing appropriate conditions in leases and any other lawful means; 3. continue to promote Airport self-sufficiency to ensure that the Airport is not a drain on the general fund during this period of possible transition, including by: increasing any rents that may not be at market rate; renegotiating for Council approval expired master leases to address subleasing and thereby provide for the City's receipt of full revenues from the use of City property; and obtaining private assistance with leasing and property management; 4. work to reduce and eliminate aviation uses of the land released from aviation use; 5. negotiate and execute new leases with two current non-aviation subtenants (VW-Audi and Milstein), The Museum of Flying, Atlantic Aviation, and Krueger Aviation with lease terms expiring either three years from execution or by June 30, 2018, whichever date is earlier; and 6. continue to receive, assess and provide recommendations based on community input on all aspects of Airport operations and use of the land now occupied by the Airport. STAFF REPORT 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9-A: Big Blue Bus/Expo Service Integration Plan Public Hearing and Adoption of Service Plan – recommendation that the City Council hold a public hearing, receive public comment, and approve the revised Big Blue Bus operating plan for new and restructured BBB routes and schedules that will provide seamless integration with Expo Light Rail at the stations in the BBB service area. (Staff will request that the Council hear this item on 4/28.) STAFF REPORT 13. COUNCILMEMBER DISCUSSION ITEMS: 13-A: Recommendation to accept Kevin Daly’s resignation from the Architectural Review Board and authorize the City Clerk to publish the vacancy. 13-B: Recommendation to accept David Fetterman’s resignation from the Clean Beaches & Ocean Parcel Tax Citizens Oversight Committee and authorize the City Clerk to publish the vacancy. 13-C: Appointment to one unscheduled vacancy on the Planning Commission for a term ending on June 30, 2015. (Continued from the March 17, 2015 meeting) 13-D: Appointment to one unscheduled vacancy on the Commission on the Status of Women for a term ending on June 30, 2015. (Continued from the March 17, 2015 meeting) 4 March 24, 2015 14. PUBLIC INPUT: (Public comment is permitted only on items not on the agenda that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City. State law prohibits the City Council from taking any action on items not listed on the agenda, including issues raised under this agenda item.) ADJOURNMENT. Any documents produced by the City and distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available at the City Clerk's Counter located at City Hall, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, and at the City’s public libraries during normal business hours. Documents are also available at http://www.smgov.net/departments/clerk/agendas.aspx. For a free subscription to City Council Agendas sign up at http://www01.smgov.net/win or call the City Clerk’s Office at (310) 458-8211. Any member of the public unable to attend a meeting but wishing to comment on an item(s) listed on the agenda may submit written comments prior to the meeting by mailing them to: City Clerk, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401. Comments may also be e-mailed to: [email protected] Si desea comunicarse con alguien en español, llame a nuestra oficina al (310) 458-8211 y pida hablar con Esterlina Lugo.
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