THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 Jan. 28, 2009 • vol 24 no 18 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com Martin Delaney More than 400 gay activists gathered at the Los Angeles Convention Center Jan. 24 to organize and strategize to win back same-sex marriage in California. Photo by Rex Wockner Dies page 7 Calif. Gays Debate Prop 8 BY REX WOCKNER we’ve turned everything over to political experts fessional, high-paid consultants were not deliv- and political consultants,” said Equality Califor- ering product?” Jean asked. “I’m trying to say LOS ANGELES—More than 400 gay activists nia Executive Director Geoff Kors. “And I would this and not be too provocative, since we have gathered at the Los Angeles Convention Center never ever do that again. You know, when we so many professional political campaign consul- Jan. 24 to organize and strategize to win back started Equality California, everyone was, like, tants in the room. But, you know, there is an same-sex marriage in California. But attend- ‘Hire professional lobbyists to go lobby on LGBT approach that people who are professionals use ees at the daylong Equality Summit spent just issues,’ and I was, like: ‘You gotta be kidding. to do this. And I think one of our challenges as a Rufus as much time looking backward—at the errors We’re going to do our own lobbying because it’s community, given that issues of relevance to our made by the leadership of the No on 8 campaign about our lives and we know what we’re talking community are different than anything else that at MCA page 21 in its failed effort to stop voters from re-ban- about and we know how to do this.’ One thing, goes on the ballot because of the emotion and ning same-sex marriage. you know, that I would never do again ... we the other things that are associated with them, And, for the first time since the Nov. 4 elec- should have been in the strategy room and part we have got to find a completely different way tion, several of those leaders publicly detailed of those (consultants’) conversations, and that than business as usual to do this work.” what they did wrong. was a huge mistake.” The tension between conventional ballot-ini- “When I look at what was the biggest mistake, Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center CEO Lorri tiative wisdom and the possibly special nature when I lie awake at night prepping my e-mails Jean, another key member of the No on 8 leader- of gay issues was nowhere more prominent than ship team, was similarly forthcoming. I’m going to send to all of you and I think about Turn to page 6 the biggest mistake that we made, it’s that “How could we have realized earlier that pro- Chicagoans Jensen witness Atwood page 20 history BY ANDREW DAVIS January 28, 2009 #980 Among the millions who made the trek to Washington, D.C., to witness President Barack Obama’s historic Jan. 20 inauguration were nightspots many individuals from the new leader’s home n city, Chicago. LGBTA individuals made up a sizeable part of Painting the White House Black Barack and Michelle make a special appearance at Windy City Black Pride’s pick it up Inauguration Celebration at Sidetrack. the Windy City contingent, as they stood in the page 8 inSIDE Epic TV fail in World Nightspots’ ridiculously Wide Weird. belated Holiday wishes at Mary’s Attic. take it home page 20 page 19 cold to see the swearing-in—and then danced until dawn at different galas, although it seemed that most people went to the Home States Ball, which welcomed guests from Hawaii and Illinois. In fact, one lesbian, Vernita Gray, text-messaged Windy City Times at 1 a.m. to say that she was “still partying” at that particular gala. Although the crowds were huge on Inaugura- President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are all smiles as they dance at the Home www.WindyCityQueercast.com States Ball on Jan. 20; see and read much more on pages 4-5 and www.WindyCityMediaGroup. Turn to page 5 com. Photo by Patsy Lynch the in partnership do you have it? with DRIVEDRIVEMONTHLY AUTO SECTION DRIVE 2 Jan. 28, 2009 Jan. 28, 2009 3 EXTENDED BY POPULAR DEMAND! “ …JAW-DROPPING…CAPTURES index A HIT! THE THRILLS OF ELVIS PRESLEY, JOHNNY CASH, JERRY LEE LEWIS AND CARL PERKINS.” NEWS CHRIS JONES, CHICAGO TRIBUNE Inauguration coverage 4 Reactions to history 5 Equality Summit 6 Martin Delaney dies 7 Join the Impact’s talk 8 Roe v. Wade events 8 Crew’s chili cookoff 8 Task force’s agenda 9 Quotelines 9 “THIS QUARTET Wayne Besen; letters 10 CAN ROCK! ENTERTAINMENT Scottish Play Scott 11 RuPaul adds “reality-show hostess” to ...ALTOGETHER Theater reviews 12 her entertainment duties. Read page Entertainment news 14 15. ROLLICKING RuPaul 15 Photo by Emmanuel Garcia Knight at the Movies 16 90-MINUTE Pop Making Sense 17 FANTASIA.” Concert review: LaBelle 17 HEDY WEISS, CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Autos: Detroit show 18 Jensen Atwood talks 20 APOLLO Rufus Wainwright at MCA 21 THEATER 2540 N LINCOLN AVE (773)935-6100 OUTLINES TICKETMASTER.COM Real estate; classifieds 19 Calendar 21 Sports: Bowling, Mackenroth 22 GROUP DISCOUNTS! ( ) Project Runway’s Jack Mackenroth gears CALL 312 423-6612 up for this year’s Outgames. See page MILLIONDOLLARQUARTETLIVE.COM 22. Photo courtesy of Jack Mackenroth www. Features include: Windy —World roundup AS SEEN ON TV —Travel: Palm City TM Springs, Calif. (right) ® Media —Community Vaser Hi-Def LipoSculpting Chiropractic opens The Smart LipoSuction Choice Group —Inauguration Barack ‘n Roll: more Safer... Simpler...More Effective .com pics, article CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION $1000.00* OFF Expires 02-27-09 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE GET OUT OF THE COLD & ENJOY OUR TROPICAL PARADISE PAINTING THE HOTEL & GROUND PACKAGES AVAILABLE WHITE HOUSE BLACK Barack and Michelle make a special www.WindyCity appearance at Windy City Black Queercast.com Pride’s Inauguration Celebration at Sidetrack. Photo by Kirk Williamson 4 Jan. 28, 2009 inauguration 2009 The Human Rights Campaign Foundation hosted the Out for Equality gala with more than 20 other LGBT groups. Top left is Sir Ian McKellen. Middle Michelle and Barack Obama at one of their top is Cyndi Lauper, Thelma Houston and Catie Curtis. Above left is Melissa Etheridge. And above right are Chicagoans Alicia Eler and Brenda Schu- numerous Inauguration night galas, this one macher with photographer Amy Moseley, one of the Gay Games Chicago photographers, who lives in D.C. HRC gala photos by Amy Moseley the Home States Ball. Photos by Patsy Lynch The millions of onlookers mostly saw the inauguration events from big-screen TVs. Photos by Dick Uyvari People of all ages, races, and sexual orientations joined together to celebrate the historic inauguration of Barack Obama. Photos here are from the cold outdoor event and later Lakeview resident Greg Koeppen attended that night. Bottom pic: Mona Noriega, Vernita Gray, Renae the Home States Ball, where he posed with Ogletree, Mary Morten and Laura McAlpine, all from Chicago, Pat McCombs, Tarrina Dykes and other Chicagoans get their picture with an Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias at the Home States Ball. Photos courtesy Brenda Schumacher Obama cut-out figure. Photo courtesy Pat McCombs (top) and out designer Nate Berkus. Photos and Richard Streetman courtesy of Koeppen Jan. 28, 2009 5 —Michael O’ Connor, activist: I’m optimis- tic that President Obama’s transition to power inauguration 2009 will attempt to address the bureaucratic maze that has governed this country for the last eight That is what we wanted to do, we wanted to gether through a mutual respect and shared years. create the same kind of impression about gay humanity. There are many challenges for this I’d like President Obama to sign an executive people in regards to a wider audience, and I incoming administration but, as members of the order that makes the Employment Non-Discrim- think that is what we did. We presented a very LGBT community, we must ensure that, collec- ination Act (ENDA) transgender-inclusive, to positive view of gay people.” tively, all are moving forward and none are left counter the legislation that fell apart in the U.S. Since 1982, the LGBA has been bringing people behind. The voices of our talented and compas- House of Representatives in the fall of 2007. together, solely based on their love of music. The sionate community will help define what hope —Dr. Thomas Gertz, dean of students at The association started with just seven independent means for future generations. Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexu- bands out of Chicago and over time has grown —David Cerda, Hell in a Handbag Produc- ality: There really is hope! Within minutes after into 34 member organizations from different cit- tions artistic director: My cynical side tried not Barack Obama became the 44th president of the ies and states in America, to various parts of the to hail Obama as the new messiah, like so many United States, his civil-right agenda appeared world. According to the mission statement on others are doing. After all, he is still a politician on the new White House Web site (www.white- its Web site, “LGBA bands are sources of pride from one of the two major parties, but he has house.gov). Listed under the agenda is “Support within their cities, as well as positive symbols an irresistible charm and charisma that I gauge for the LGBT Community,” which includes eight of the same communities.
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