volume 2issue 4|NovemBeR 2009 |theVIPmag.com VOLUME 4ISSUE 3|JANUARY2011 |theVIPmag.com of southeast texas Ready to rush The Gush? Shaping simply pretty elegant eyebrows bridal looks VIPersonality Charles Stanton Big voices, big plans inside the St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica 12-month Rockthe FRock wedding planner Wedding photography goes outside complimentary Ano-Rectal Disorders HELP Center As many as 20 million young women, under the age of 55, silently suffer. If you lose control at amoment’snotice, D BOWEL If your bowels control your life, CONTROL Call 409.835.9500 today. DISORDER “This incision-free surgery provides an alternative to anal implants, colostomies BC and other invasive surgeries for bowel control disorder. Our patients are finally in control of their lives.” Garrett K. Peel, MD, MHS 740 Hospital Drive, Suite 280 Beaumont, Texas 77701 Colon and Rectal Surgeon www.prevityclinic.com Previty--Clinic for Surgical Care 2 January2011 | theVIPmag.com 29(5:(,*+7 6,1&(&+,/'+22' 'DQLHOWULHG DOO WKH IDG GLHWV EXW QRQHSURGXFHG WKH ORQJWHUPUHVXOWVKH GHVLUHG 7KHQ KH KHDUGDERXW RXUIUHHVXUJLFDO ZHLJKWORVV VHPLQDUV 7KHUH KH OHDUQHG DERXW WKH WKUHH SURFHGXUHV RIIHUHG E\ &+5,6786 6RXWKHDVW %DULDWULF &HQWHU+LV EHVW RSWLRQ WXUQHGRXW WR EH 6OHHYH *DVWUHFWRP\VXUJHU\ 2UDVKHFDOOV LW KLV´VHFRQG ELUWKGD\µ7KDWZDV SRXQGV DJR7RGD\'DQLHO FHOHEUDWHV KLVQHZ OLIHE\MRJJLQJ JROÀQJ DQG ELNLQJ WKUHH PLOHVDGD\ $QG DV LFLQJRQKLV QHZELUWKGD\ FDNH KH EHQHÀWVIURPRQJRLQJ DGYLFHDQG VXSSRUW IURP KLV RZQWHDP RI EDULDWULF GRFWRUV QXUVHVDQG GLHWLWLDQV 7R VHH LI EDULDWULF VXUJHU\LVULJKW IRU\RX YLVLW RXU :HEVLWHIRU WKH GDWHRIRXU QH[W IUHH VHPLQDU www.setxweightloss.org 409-839-5673theVIPmag.com |January2011 3 vip magazine contents 06 starters 43 totally worthy inside january Letter from Editor 43 VIPersonality Charles Stanton: An impresario 09 vip shelter with imagination 09 St.AnthonyCathedral Basilica 46 vip guide 46 Abride’s checklist 13 vip style 49 3great dates in 21 13 Adress to impress January 21 Current trends in wedding photography 25 health&beauty 25 Eyebrow techniques and tips 27 Lace up for a running resolution 30 totally social 09 30 Celebrating the best of events, who was there and what they 27 were wearing YOUR CRYSTAL BEACH HOME BUILDER www.crystalbeachhomebuilder.com Custom Beach Homes at Affordable We handleevery aspect of Prices building your home. An Experienced Home Builder Contact CSB: And ACrystal Scott Shelander Beach Property 409.454.7349 •409.860.3636 Owner For Beaumont, TX 30 Years. www.crystalbeachhomebuilder.com 4 January2011 | theVIPmag.com Weddings Receptions Banquets Parties Events Whether you’re hosting 5people or 5,000 people, this MULTI-VENUE FACILITY offers the space you need. From small meetings and conferences to weddings and galas, FORD PARK EVENT CENTER’S five venues provide unlimited options. Customized Indoors or outdoors, simple or elegant, Menu Planning by we can customize any event, big or small. Give us acall: Executive Chef and Professional 409-951-5413 •877-266-6939 Catering Staff. 5115 I-10 South, Beaumont, TX 77705 SAVOR... BEAUMONT CATERING BY SMG www.bookfordpark.com theVIPmag.com |January2011 5 vip magazine letters so knot Editorial Executive Editor CHERYL ROSE OOOOO…A ROYAL Contributing Writers wedding to look forwardtothis CATHLEEN COLE spring! It’s got all of us buzz- HOLLI PETERSEN ing with wedding fever. Briefly, HALEY STRAHAN Iconsidered swapping in one Photography of my wedding-portrait photos Contributing Photographers hereinakind of change-your- FARRAH COBB profile-picturecamaraderie ála SILVIA MCCLAIN Facebook, but again, onlybriefly. Notthat the dress wasn’t pretty KYLE PETERSEN Oand Iwasn’t younger,thinner,all that, but let’s just saythat I RENE SHEPPARD LEE STINSON hadn’t let go of the big-hair era yet. JUDY STOKELY Plus, it’s pretty dull compared to the incrediblylivelyand creative visions wedding pho- tographers areshowing now. The variety is reallyintriguing. I’mpersonallyfascinated by the Art “trash the dress” concept as Ihavedragged my boxedwedding dress through three states and Executive Director,Advertising Services ANNA SINGLETARY sevenhomes. At the time, it wassuch an expensive purchase and something so invested with meaning that Idon’t knowifaphotographer could have talked me into wading on the shore Manager,Creative Media with my hemline in the water. BLANCHE BOND However, in hindsight, what youhaveisthe memories. I’dlike to thank all the photog- Supervisor,Creative Media raphers and brides/couples whoallowedustoshowcase some examples of the latest in local DON GRAY creative wedding photographystarting on page 13. We found aperfect vintage location forour bridal gown shoot in the Hotel Beaumont. Lead Graphic Designer,Creative Media Thanks very much to Arthur Berry and his staff whocould not have been moreaccommodat- JUSTIN BLANE SMITH ing to our trooping in photographers, assistants, models and props. Built in 1922, the build- Contributing Designers ing’s top floor has amazing architectural details and huge picturewindows. The models all ROSA CLARK looked beautiful, and we thank them profuselyfor participating. ESMERALDA DAVILA It wouldn’t be January if we didn’t talk about New Year’s resolutions, so hereisone really KRISTEN FLORES IVAN GALVAN good one: Set agoal of participating in The Gusher Marathon. Walk the 5K as abeginner or up KATIE GUIDROZ the ante if youare readytotrain moreseriouslyfor the half or full marathon. Just get there! DUONG MA GEORGINA MONDSHINE RICK STEIN Advertising To advertise in VIP, 409.880.0700 Cheryl Rose, Contact Us Executive Editor VIP of SoutheastTexas 380 Main Street Beaumont, TX 77701 TO SUBSCRIBE PLEASE CALL 409.838.2821 OR SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.THEVIPMAG.COM Perfectly Princess TO DISPLAYTHE MAGAZINE AT YOUR BUSINESS LOCATION, PLEASE CALL 409.838.2821 Photography: Judy Stokely SUBMISSIONS Model: Cristen Collins TO SUBMIT AN EVENT,ORGANIZATION OR PERSON Gown by Rosa Clara at Genie’sBridal and Formals FOR CONSIDERATION IN AN UPCOMING ISSUE, SUBMIT ONLINE AT WWW.THEVIPMAG.COM Boutique; $1,750 OR BY USPS AT ADDRESS ABOVE. Bouquet by Twigs Florist Copyright ©The Beaumont Enterprise We oweanote of appreciation to Genie Cook of Genie’sBridal and ADivision of Hearst Newspapers Formals Boutique and Marcy Messer Publisher BILL OFFILL of The ClassyPeacock forlending us the bridal couture. Phyllis Pope of Bevil,James Perrio of Twigs and Renee Hubbell of Petals provided lovely flowers forthe shoots. Julie Burns of Burns Antik Haus provided JOIN US ON FACEBOOK! furnitureprops. www.facebook.com/vipofsetx 6 January2011 | THEVIPMAG.COM theVIPmag.com |January2011 7 What could be better than aDestination Wedding or the BEFORE Texas Home Health has been preserving the health Honeymoon of your dreams? Airport Travel Agency Beau Visage has the experienced Travel Agents to help make all your independence and quality of life of seniors for forty years. Dreams come true! AFTER They are licensed and insured to provide home health Beau Visage services 24 hours aday,7days aweek. AIRPORTTRAVEL AGENCY 6000 Airline Drive, Suite 104 Beau Visage Salon &Day Spa Texas Home Health 409.722.5699 195 North 11th St., Bmt. 409-839-8166 Jack Brooks Regional Airport 3015 Nederland Avenue, Suite E. Nederland •409.724.1213 1455 South Hwy 69, Ned. 409-722-3189 (Formerly Southeast Texas Regional Airport) 1105 N5th St., Silsbee 409-385-5890 Inside JerryWare Terminal Bldg. www.beauvisagesalon.com fabulous8finds Where they have 150+ vendors of cute, unique finds on Forall that the Bride could wish for, Heaven’sKorner is the Boston Avenue. They are your one-stop for personalized perfect destination. From beautiful teapots to inspirational one of akind designs. frames, the choices are fairytale true! The Rustic Door -Craft Mall Heaven’sKorner décor,designs &stylish finds Nederland (located inside Holland House) 1344 Boston Avenue 1205 Boston Avenue Nederland 409.722.6255 Nederland 409.721.9900 Chair Covers, The last thing you need to Visit Merle Norman Cosmetics, Studio &Boutique, in Linens and worryabout, on that special Nederland, for apersonalized Accessories for your next day,is bridal consultation for event! Serving “How will my you and Southeast make-up look?” your bridal Texas for over An appointmentwith party to look 11 years, Lexi VanHorn for picture- Occasions perfect both has provided for your linens, chair covers and other Bridal rental items Portrait and for some of the Permanent make on the most formal -up application, is Big Day. and prestigious weddings and the answer,tomake events in the that special day area. They can worry–free! work, within any budget, to make Lexi VanHorn your next event spectacular! Certified Medical Aesthetics Provider &Licensed Merle Norman Cosmetics Massage Therapist Studio &Boutique OCCASIONS - Fine Linen Rentals (located in Beau Visage Salon &Day Spa) 1229 Boston Avenue 3015 Nederland Avenue, Suite E 1114 Boston Avenue Nederland 409.722.5699 Nederland 409.724.1213 Nederland 409.729.4962 vip shelter amazing grace HEAVENLY DESIGN Amazing art and architecturegrace this place of worship STINSON E. text by CATHLEEN COLE yLEE yb romthe plaza in front of Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica, the graph sacred sanctuary soars heavenward. Atop the photo church sits acopper dome and astatue of Saint AnthonyofPadua, the patron of lost things. F The huge, bronze doors areimprinted with images of Jesus Christ and adorned with bishop staffs as door pulls. The inscription above reads Mater Ecclesia, Mother Church, and PortaCaeli, gates of heaven. The cathedral is the “mother church”tothe Roman Catholic Diocese of Beaumont whereBishop Curtis Guillory is the chief pastor. But whateveryour faith, the cathedral is an awe-inspiring place of worship offering magnificent views that any visitor can appreciate. Walk into the main entrance to find the granite baptismal font and pool in the shape of arounded cruciform. Like afountain, water trickles from the font, its soothing sound resonating throughout the sanctuary.The symbol >> theVIPmag.com |January2011 9 of the HolySpirit –adoveand aflame –is etched in glass above.Oneither side of the font aretwo small rooms called confessionals, where Catholics confess their sins to their priests. A grand pipe organ resides in the balcony.
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