THE RESTORER'S CORNER By J. R. Nielander, Jr. EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC To all of you who volunteered your time to the Di­ and all of those volunteers who helped them in the DIVISION vision and who put forth the great efforts requ ired to exhibit booth and in the headquarters barn. make your Division's part of the 1978 EAA Convention The Division membership drive is in the home MEMBERSHIP DRIVE such a great success, we dedicate this second con­ stretch. It will cross the finish line on December 31. vention coverage issue of The Vintage Airplane. Your If you have not as yet signed up your EAA chapter WIN Division convention chairmen and co-chairmen have members and your airport friends, now is the time to asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your do so while you still have the opportunity of winning A pai r of Antique Goggles help. Your officers, directors and advisors are also a pair of antique goggles for signing up five new mem­ most appreciative of your dedication. Without you bers and a leather flying he lmet for ten. Also, don't by persuading 5 people to none of it wou ld have been possible. Because of your forget that the one who brings in the most new mem­ JOin. efforts, your fellow members, their families and their bers receives a five year free membership in the Di­ * guests were able to enjoy your convention. It is our vision. All you have to do is print your name and Di­ er A Leather Flying Helmet sincere desire that each of you who volunteered re­ vision membership number on the back of the appli­ ceived a great amount of personal satisfaction from cation. Elsewhere in this issue you will find an ad giv­ when you get 10 people to being "on the team". We hope that you will again ing full details of the contest. volunteer your services next year, and bring a friend With the holiday season so close at hand many of sign up. along to help, too. us would like to show appreciation to that friend who just as was the situation last year, the 1978 conven­ helped us with our restoration, or that A & P mechanic - then start over and win again ­ tion had more antiques than warbirds and more clas­ who gave so freely of his knowlege or supervised our sics than homebuilts. There were 193 antiques on dis­ work, or that AI who signed off our periodic inspec­ ~ A free five year member­ play this year, a seven percent increase over 1977. tion. These good and valued friends wou ld really Also, there were 603 classics, a twelve percent in­ appreciate receiving a gift membership in the EAA ship in the Antique/Classic crease over last year. These two categories, combined Antique/Classic Division, and they will be reminded Division if you sponsor the with five replica aircraft, gave us a grand total of 801 of your gift each month of the year when their copy display aircraft for the Division, fifty-five percent of of The Vintage Airplane arrives. To give a gift subscrip­ most new members in the total display aircraft at the convention. It is no tion just attach a note to the membership application wonder that the Division parking committee chairmen, stating that the membership is a gift from you. Please 1978. Art Morgan and Bob Kesel, along with their many be sure to print your name clearly on the note. Head­ ded icated volunteers, were kept so busy. quarters will send the recipient of your generosity To Qualify: Write your name and member­ The statistics were up in other areas, too. Through a letter stating that you have given him a gift subscrip­ ship number on the back of the member­ the efforts of exhibit booth chairman jackie House tion. Send the application in today as it takes several THE and headquarters chairman Kate Morgan and their weeks to process new members, and you certain ly ship blanks we've been providing in volunteers, 189 new members were enrolled in the want him to receive his membership in time for the VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Headquarters will Division. We extend a special welcome to all of our holidays. keep score. new members and a big " thank you" to jackie, Kate The VINTAGEAI!1PLANE Editorial OFFICIAL MAGAZINE Staff EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC. Publisher of THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Paul H. Poberezny P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 CopyrightO 1976 EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., All Rights Reserved . (David Gustafson Photo) ·Another aircraft that never registered touches down at Editor NOVEMBER 1978 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 11 Oshkosh. David Gustafson (On The Cover . .. Ron Wojnar's Grand Champion Cla ss ic 1946 Aeronca Champion. Photo by Ted Koston) Associate Editors: H. Glenn Buffington, Robert G. Elliott, AI Kelch, Edward D. Williams, Byron (Fred) Fredericksen Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned to those writers who submit five or more articles .which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR­ TABLE OF CONTENTS PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE and a free one-year memj:>ership in the Division for their efforts. POLICY-Opinions expressed in articles are solely thbse of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting Classic Aircraft In Attendance. .. .. ..... .... .... .. .. 4 rests entirely with the contributor. Ron Wojnar's Grand Champion Champ by Jack Cox .... .... .... ....... 8 Directors Reserve Grand Champion Classic ... Jack Chastain's Rawdon T-1 ....... 16 ANTIQUE/CLASSIC WiJliam J. Ehlen AI Kelch Boeing by Edward D. Williams . .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ........... .. .. 18 DIVISION Route 8 Box 506 7018 W. Bonniwell Road Rebuilding A Vagabond by Larry Railing . ........ ... ....... .... ...... ... 23 OFFICERS Tampa, Florida 33618 M equon, Wisconsin 53092 Calendar of Events ....... ........ ...... .... ... ... .... ... ...... ... 26 Claude L. Gray, Jr . Morton W . Le ster PRESIDENT 9635 Sylvia Avenue Box 3747 J. R. NIELANDER, JR. Northridge, California 91324 M artinsv ille, Virginia 241 12 P.O. BOX 2464 Dale A. Gustafson Arthur R. Morgan FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33303 7724 Shady Hill Drive 3744 N. 51st Bourevard Indianapolis, Indiana 46274 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP VICE·PRESIDENT Richard Wagner M. C. " Kelly" Vi ets JACK WINTHROP P.O. Box 181 RR 1 Box 151 o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ RT. 1, BOX 111 Lyons , Wisconsin 53148 Stillwell, Kansas 66085 Classic Division, 12 monthly iss ues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year mem­ ALLEN, TX 75002 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and se parate membership ca rds. Advisors SPORT AVIATION magazine not included. SECRETARY Ronald Fritz W. BRAD THOMAS, JR. 1989 Wilson, NW o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA.Antique/Classic 301 DODSON MILL ROAD Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504 Division, 12 monthly iss ues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSH IP CARD. PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 John R. Turgyan Robert E. Kesse l (Applicant must be current EM member and must give EAA membership number.) 1530 Ku ser Road 445 Oakridge Drive TREASURER Trenton, New Jersey 08619 Rochester, New York 1461 7 E. E. " BUCK" HILBERT Stan Gomoll Robert A. White 8102 LEECH RD. 1042 90th Lane, NE Box 704 UNION, IL 60180 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55434 Zellwood, Florida 32798 THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division. In c .. and is published ....,1-­ monthly at Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corners. Wi sconsin 53130. and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique! Classic Division. Inc .. are $14.00 per 12 month period of which $10.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIR PLANE . Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. Page 4 Page 14 Page 23 3 78 CLASSIC AIRCRAFT IN ATTENDANCE REGISTRATION & AIRCRAFT TYPE PILOT AND/OR OWNER AERONCA N46AC Champ Philip Beaulieu, South Burlington, VT Nl03RJ Champ Roy Jackson/Darrell M. Todd, (Lee Fray PhOlO) Columbus, OH Classic judges - Front Row, L-R: Paul Stephensen, George LeMay, Pat Padgett, George York, Brad Thomas, Keith N555Y Champ - 7DC Dan McCormick, Rockville, MD N1346E John Gronager, Urbana, IL Locke. Rear Row, L-R : Paul justus, Gene Padgett, john Womack, jim Mankins, Stan York, Art Nunes, and Dale N1390E 7BCM William Pancake, Keyser, WV Wolford. N1617E 7AC Lon Dienst, DeKalb, IL N1648E 7AC Wayne E. Reicher, Dubuque, IA N2372E 7AC Henry Hulboy, Zanesville, OH N2619E Champ James Swope, Vicksburg, MI N2757E 7DC Lee Lund, Cheboygan, MI CF-PRI 7AC c. E. Rankine, Scarborough, Ont. , BEECHCRAFT N2932E Champ Mike Ritter, Hilliard, OH Canada NIDS Bonanza David F. Shaw, Penn Yan , NY N3019E 7AC Jeff Van Doren/Karen Walker, N3186E Chief Bill Husted, St. Charles, IA N35LT Bonanza 35C Jerry D. Turner, Marion, IL Millstone, NJ N3490E Chief Larry Lymburner, New Albany, IN N239V Bonanza Michael Sentell, Maryville, TN N4134E Ivan R. Nagel, Canton, IL N3677E Chief Mike Messer, Hilliard, OH N693B Bonanza E. W. Fischer, Mashpee, MA N4574E 7AC Robert L. Hughes, Indian River, MI N3710E Chief Bud Ledgerwood, La Porte, IN N718F Bonanza Brad J. Larson, Minneapolis, MN N4867E Champ Terry A. Brox, Atchison, KS N3805E Chief Donald Fairbetter, Edmond, OK N764B Bonanza Edward Wilson, Corryton, TN N8936R Champ Ron Koscal, Madison, WI N3814E Chief Fred Koetz, Tampa, FL N1847D Bonanza Richard Hare, Northville, MI N81428 7AC Randell R. Morris, Elizabethtown, KY N3826E llAC Mark Hawkinson, Minneapolis, MN N1932D Bonar"lza Dale Turner, Buckley, WA N81482 Champ Max Marion, Asheville, OH NC4031E llBC Max D. Mayfield, Timewell, IL N2775V Bonanza John P. Turgyan, Trenton, NJ NC81583 7AC Theodore Travis, Flushing, MI NC4189E 11CC Phil Lange, Topeka, KS N2946V Bonanza Ralph Haroldson, Dallas, TX N81841 7AC Victor R.
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