INDIAN COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH ANNUAL REPORT 1996-97 PROGRAMMES STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS ARUNA ASAF ALI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 067 Publication No. 201 1998 Non-Priced Printed at Shivam Offset Press, Al2/l Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-!, New Delhi-110 028 and Published by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, Post Box 10528 Aruna Asaf Ali, Marg, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 067. CONTENTS PROGRAMMES I. General 11. Research Promotion J' III. Documentation 13 IV. Publications 17 V. Data Archives 19 VI. International Collaboration 22 VIJ. ICSSR Regional Centres 43 VIII. Other Programmes 58 IX Research Institutes 63 APPEND!CES 73-116 1. Members of the ICSSR 1996-97 75 2. ICSSR Senior Officials 1996-97 77 3. Projects Sanctioned 79 4. Researches Completed 84 5. Fellowships Awarded 90 6. Grants-in-Aid for Documentation and Bibliographical Services 98 7. Publication Grants 99 8. Sale and Distribution of Publications !02 9. List of Data Sets Acquired during 1996-97 104 10. Institutions Providing Guidance and Consultancy Services in Data Processing 105 II. Scholars who have availed the facilities of Guidance and Consultancy Services in Data Processing 106 12. Scholars who went Abroad for Attending Conferences/Seminars and Data Collection 118 13. Final Allocation and Distribution of Grants to the Research Institutes during 1996-97 113 Research Institutes 115-196 14. Academic Activities of the Staff During the Year 1996-97 197 STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS 199-255 ICSSR Annual Report 1996-97 I GENERAL This is the Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) covering the period 1st April 1996 to 31st March 1997. The ICSSR's main deliberative body known as the Council, has twenty-six members - a Chairman, eighteen Social Scientists, Six representatives of the Government of India nominated by the Government and a Member-Secretary appointed by the ICSSR with the approval of the Government of India (Appendix I). Government in the Education Department, Ministry of Human Resource Development appointed Professor D.M. Nanjundappa as Chairman and he as­ sumed charge of this office on 6 September 1996. The ICSSR Secretariat is headed by the Member Secretary and has a total strength of 66 Officers (Appendix-2), Administrative and Accounts Secretariat, clerks and library assistants, etc. The Council's professional staff, apart from their official duties, have been academically active throughout and contributed a number of seminar papers, research reports, and evaluated doctoral theses. The details may be seen in Appendix 14. On 31st March 1996 the terms of Prof. Irfan Habib, Prof. Amiya Kumar Bagchi, Prof. Deepak Nayyar, Chairperson, UGC, Dr. Malvika Karlekar and Dr. Sudhir Kakar came to an end. The Government of India has nominated six members against the vacancies caused on 31st Marrh 1996. The new members are Prof. Mrinal Miri, Prof. Amitabh Kundu, Chairperson UGC, Prof. AmiyaKumar Bagchi, Prof. NeeraDesai and Prof. S. Krishnamoorthi. The Council has apart from itself, seven other committees comprising members drawn both from the Council and also from outside (not more than three). The following table shows the number of meetings of the Council and its standing and functional committees held during the year 1996-97. 2 Counci !/Committee No. of meetings held during the period under reference Indian Council of Social Science Research 3 (Three) Planning and Administration Committee 2 (Two) Research Committee 3 (Three) Research Institutes' Committee 1 (One) Committee on International Collaboration 1 (One) Committee on Training 2 (Two) Data Archives Committee l (One) Committee on Documentation Services and Research Information I (One) The following were sanctioned during the year : Research Projects 54 Senior Fellowships 23 Post Doctoral Fellowships 10 Doctoral Fellowships (Short term) 74 Study Grants 70 Training Courses 5 Publication Grants 33 Seminars/Conferences 34 Journals Assisted 17 Under the International Collaboration Programme, a joint Indo-Egypt semi-· nar on "The Role of India, Egypt and other Developing Countries in the Emerging International Order" was held for the first time in New Delhi. Another major collaboration programme was initiated with South Africa when ICSSR received a delegation of social scientists from Human and Social Research Council of South Africa (HSRC). H RESEARCH PROMOTION Promotion of research in social sciences is the objective for which the Council was constituted. This it does mainly by (I) keeping track of literature, researches, and trends in social sciences research in the country through its Survey of Research series; (2) inviting new research proposals under its research projects and other specialized research programmes; (3) granting various types of research fellow­ ships. contingency grants to research scholars. study grants. etc.; and (4) conduct­ ing seminars, training courses. and workshops for the benefit of yOtmg social scientists in India. The Council's activities in all these areas during 1996-97 were as follows: SURVEY OF RESEARCH IN SOCIAL SCIENCES This scheme was launched in the year 1970 to monitor the state of social science research in the country. It was felt that these surveys of researches already done would help the Council in formulating its research promotion policies and identifying priority areas of research. They were also meant to help in the teaching of social sciences in the country. Under this programme, an Advisory Committee of Social Scientists is formed for each subject separately. The Committee identifies themes/subthemes and also the contributors who are requested to survey the literature on the subject for the stipulated period of that series. The progress of the Surveys during 1996-97 is as follows: SECOND SURVEY OF RESEARCH POLITICAL SCIENCE (I %9-79) Professor V.R. Mehta is the Chairman of this Survey. Out of the twelve trend reports received nine, as per the decision of the Advisory Committee of the Survey, are already under publication as independent monographs and the rest three are under revision/evaluation. ECONOMICS (I 970-79) Professor C. H. Hanumantha Rao is the Chairman of the Survey. Out of the thirteen trend reports received eight have already been published as independent mono­ graphs in accordance with the decision of the Advisory Committee of the Survey, two are under publication and the rest one is under revision/evaluation. 4 THIRD SURVEY OF RESEARCH (SOCIOI.OGY AND SOCIAL ANTH~CJPOLOGY (1979-87) Professor M.S. Gore is the Chairman ofthe Survey. Twenty trend reports have been recieved so t~·ll' and out of this five, as per the decision of the Advisory Committtee of the Survey, have already been published as independent monographs and the rest thirteen are still under publication. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (1980-87) Dr. V.A. Pai Panandikar was the Chairman of the Survey. The entire edited manuscript has now been published. FOURTH SURVEY 01' RESEARCH GIJ.lGRAPIIY ( 1976-82) Prof. G.S. Gosal is the Chairman ofthe Survey. The entire edited manuscript is still under publication as a volume. FSYCHOLOCiY ( 1982-92) Prof. Janak Pandey is the Chairman of the Survey. The entire edited manuscript is under publication in volumes. RESEARCH PROJECTS PROJECTS SANCTIONED At the beginning of the year 287 social science research proposals were under consideration. During the year 120 proposals were received. Of the total 407 research proposals, 54 were sanctioned, 70 were rejected or recorded for various reasons and 283 were under consideration at the end of the year. PROJECTS COMPLETED During the period !996-97 a total of 64 project reports were received. Details of these reports may be seen at Annexure-4. All the reports received pertained prior to the year 1996-97 and hence as per the practice followed they are all shown in the year to which they belong. IC'CSR- ICMR JOINT PANEL ON HEALTH The First Joint Health Panel expressed satisfaction at lhe modest beginning that had been mad.: during the tirst phase. It, however, recommended that during the second phase, a much more comprehensive research programme should be undertaken so that substantial inputs could be made into the health policies and programmes that required to be pursued during the Ninth Five Year Plan. The 5 TABI.E2.1 SANCTIONED RESEARCH PROJECTS ( 1996-97) Year Research Research Projects Final Reports Projects Cancelled/Withdrawn/ Received up to Sanctioned Closed 31 March 1997 Planning Commission 45 45 1969-70 13 12 1970-71 74 7 67 1971-72 103 4 99 1972-73 104 6 98 1973-74 88 3 83 1974-75 69 4 63 1975-76 105 4 101 1976-77 107 10 89 __, 1977-78 154 ?~ 127 1978-79 131 17 108 1979-80 100 10 86 1980-81 62 4 56 \981-82 Ill II 89 1982-83 92 9 78 1983-84 83 9 68 1984-85 101 11 81 1985-86 77 5 70 1986-87 124 25 82 1987-88 102 12 68 1988-89 79 6 68 1989-90 99 18 69 1990-91 79 2 50 1991-92 59 40 1992-93 56 3 18 1993-94 57 21 1994-95 22 10 1995-96 105 2 7 1996-97 54 Total 2,455 209 1,853 6 Second Panel identified the following area:> as the priority areas for the second phase: I. People-based Decentralized Health Care. 2. Impact of New Economic Policies and the Political System on Health. 3. Health Economics and Statistics. 4. Cultural and Institutional Dimensions of Successful Implementation of Health Programmes. 5. Ecology and Health. 6. HIV Infection and its Cultural Dimensions. 7. Health Education and Communication. In addition to the above areas the Panel also recommended that some research efforts in the area of psychological factors in health and illness should be encouraged. During the second phase, it is proposed to organize a national seminar on 'The Status of Health Care in India'.
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