Index A Alexander Romance, 1597 Abbey of Pomposa, 1745, 1747 Alexandria, 32, 1569, 1594, 1598, 1599 ‘Abd al-Rahma¯n al-Sufı¯, 1922 Algenib, 2087 Aboriginal peoples, 542–544, 546, 548, 549, Algeria, 1094, 1109, 1113 988, 990–994, 2215–2230. See also Alhambra, 1689, 1691, 1693 Indigenous peoples Alignment(s), 321–322, 412–414, 416, 418, Aboriginal bark paintings, 357 421, 422, 548, 549, 607–617, 788, 789, Abri Blanchard bone, 26, 322 1663. See also Axial alignments, Abul-Abbas, 1102, 1103 Solar alignments Abuli, 1446–1448 Alignment studies, 359, 360 Abu¯ Ma‘shar, 126–129 Align-the-Hall, 2087–2089 Abu¯ Rayha¯n al-Bı¯ru¯nı¯, 1922 Al-Jazari, 2176 Abu Simbel, 138, 139 Al Khazna, 496, 497 Accuracy, 375–376, 384 al-Khwa¯rizmı¯, 185, 187 Achaemenian dynasty, 1902–1904 Al Kutba, 1814, 1817 Acronychal rise(rising), 464, 465, 1577, 1578, Allied Forces of the Eight Powers, 2147 1857–1859 Almagest, 32, 1917, 1918, 1920, 1921 Adamclisi monument, 1366 al-Mahri, S., 56 Ad Deir, 1818, 1819 al-Ma’mu¯n, 1921, 1922 AD 1054 supernova. See Crab supernova Almanacs, 1929, 1930, 1933 Afla¯j, 1941, 1942, 1947 Almendres, 140, 1154–1156, 1161 Agrarian calendar, 1002–1003 Almogaren, 1117, 1118, 1120, 1122, 1123 Agricultural marker stars, 1936–1939 Alpheratz, 2087 Ahargana, 1995–1998, 2003 Alps, 1214–1216 Ahu, 2234, 2237–2239 Altair, 1683 Akapana Pyramid, 803, 805 al Tajuri, 1103 Akhet, 1507, 1535, 1536 Altitude, 460–465, 469 Akhet Khufu, 1510 Al Uzza, 1814, 1817, 1818 Akkadian, 1825–1826, 1830, 1836–1838 al-Zı¯j al-Mumtahan, 1921 Al-Andalus, 189, 190, 192, 195 Amaterasu, 484 Alaska, 534 Amazigh, 1112 Alatir and Tarazed, 536, 537 Amenhotep I, 1491 Alatri, 1645 Amun (Amon), 1474, 1507, 1531, 1533, 1534, al-Batta¯ni, 1922 1536, 1537 al-Bı¯ru¯nı¯, 126, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1922 Amenhotep, 1491, 1492 ‘Alchuklash,76 An, 1824, 1825 Alcor, 1681 Anahit, 1905 Aldebaran, 1208–1210 Analemma, 1744. See also Analemmata Alder Creek, 601 Analemmata, 1928, 1932. See also Analemma Alentejo, 1149, 1154–1161 Anaphoric clock, 1593, 1594, 1596, 1599 C.L.N. Ruggles (ed.), Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy, 2269 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6141-8, # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 2270 Index Anasazi, 567 as part of landscape archaeology, 319 Anatolia, 1783, 1790 as a thematic archaeology, 318–319 Ancestral Pueblo, 258, 273, 567, 573, 574 Archaeological heritage, 289, 290, 295 Ancient Egypt, 484, 489, 1477–1486, Archaeological record, 288, 316, 317, 1489–1493, 1495–1499, 1501–1517, 320–323, 1456 1519–1528, 1531–1538, 1542, 1543, Archaeological theory, 233 1547, 1814 Archaeology, perceptions of archaeoastronomy Ancient Greek science, 1104 within, 229, 230, 232–233 Andesite Sun, 1367–1373 Archenar, 1034 Andronicus of Kyrros, 1592 Archimedes, 1596, 1618 Angkor Wat, 9, 296 Architectural documentation, 566, 569, 573 Annals of Sejong, 2167, 2169, 2173, 2176 Architecture of thought, 1055 Annunciating Clepsydra Pavilion Borugak Arctic Circle, 534, 537 (報漏閣), 2165, 2169 Arcturus, 151, 536, 538, 964, 965, 1086, 1433, Anomalistic cycle, 1995, 1996, 1998–2000 1434, 1682, 1683 Anomaly, lunar, 1606, 1613, 1616, 1618, 1619, Arcus visionis, 512 1621, 1622, 1994–1996, 1999 Ardnacross, 1292, 1293 Anta Grande de Zambujeiro, 1150 Argentinian Chaco, 988–990 AN.TAH.SUM, 1787, 1788, 1790, 1791 Argo Navis, 148 ‘Antap,76 Arguelles,€ J., 276, 277 Antares, 2072, 2073 Aristotle, 123, 124 Antas, 1136, 1138–1140, 1143, 1149–1152 Armenia, 1448–1450, 1453–1460 Antelami, Benedetto, 1750 Armillary clock, 2179–2194 Antequera, 1136–1138 Armillary sphere, 1590, 1595–1597, 1918, Anthropology, perceptions of 1921, 1923, 2127–2132, 2134, 2135, archaeoastronomy within, 229, 230, 2159, 2160, 2179–2187, 2192–2194 232–233 Armillary sphere hunyi (浑仪), 2037 Antikythera Mechanism, 53, 1565, 1567, Arochi, L.E., 271 1603–1623 Artemis, 496 Antikythera Mechanism Research Project, Artemis Orthia, temple of, 523 1604, 1605, 1610, 1611, 1613, 1614, Artha-s´a¯stra, 1956 1616–1620, 1623 Artifacts, concepts of space and time as, 4, 6, 9 Antiochos, 1660, 1662–1667 A¯ ryabhatı¯ya, 2004 Antoninus Pius, 1598 Asclepius, 1172 Anwa¯, 1928–1930, 1933 Assurbanipal, 97, 1848, 1852 Aotearoa, 2232, 2236 Assyria, 1847–1852 Aphrodite, 1597 Astarte, 515, 1795, 1797 Apis bull, 35 ASTER GDEM, 450 Apollo, Temple of, at Delphi, 523 Asterism(s), 519, 520, 522, 523, 535, 536, 538, Apparent horizon, 1069, 1073, 1074 1000, 1001, 1208–1210, 1212 Aquila, 150, 536, 537, 1683 Astrolabe(s), 1594, 1601, 1690, 1831, 1832, Aquileia, 1598 2010–2013, 2015 Arachne, 1590 Astrologers, 69, 70, 72, 74 Ara Pacis, 1657 Astrological tablets of Grand, 1597, 1598 Aratus (Aratos), 53, 60, 150–158, 161, 1432, Astrology, 94, 97–100, 103–114, 151, 234, 1556–1560, 1595 918–919, 1627, 1629–1634, 1879, Arawak diaspora, 931–943 1880, 1903, 1905, 1982, 1984, 1987, Archaeoastronomy 2201 definition of, 354 Chinese, 2044, 2047 as part of archaeometry, 320–321 Astrometeorology, 1625–1628 as part of cognitive archaeology, Astronomer priests (tohunga), 2262 319–320 Astronomica, 72, 149, 160 Index 2271 Astronomical calendar, Korean, Azimuth of the maximum slope (aspect), 2157–2162 1157, 1160 Astronomical ceilings, 1478, Azmina, 1929 1481, 1497 Aztec(s), 484, 730, 732, 733, 743, 745 Astronomical clock, 2179, 2180, 2194 Astronomical dating, 320, 383–384, 478, 480, 527, 1886 B Astronomical diaries, 1870 Baal, 1795, 1808, 1809 Astronomical equinox, 1723 Baal Hammon, 1094, 1097, 1098, 1794 Astronomical heritage, 1236 Babylon, 32–34 Astronomical instruments (天文儀器), 2182 Babylonia, 1586, 1587 Astronomical intent, 429, 433, 434 Babyloniaca of Berossus, 1826 Astronomical representations, 999, 1000 Babylonian Astronomical tables, 1864, 1869 astrology, 1870 Astronomy, 228–232, 234, 235, 750, 857, 861, calendar, 1884, 1885, 1903 1183, 1981–1988 mathematical astronomy, 1863–1870 Astrosim project, 448, 449, 454 records, 1567 Astrotourism, 287–298 Backsight, 143, 484, 487, 489 Athabascan, 630, 638 Bailovo, 1378, 1382, 1383 Athens, 1565–1568, 1590, 1592 Baja California, 595, 599 Atituiti Ruga, 2239, 2240, 2242 Baktun 13, 89, 273, 276–280 Atkinson, R.J.C., 266, 268 Balearic Islands, 1144 Atmospheric phenomena, 1338, 1344 Ball court, 552, 560, 561 Atmospheric refraction, 1720 Ball-falling power transmission, 2176 Atoms, 1550, 1551 Ballochroy, 1289, 1290 Atrahasis, 1826 Balnuaran of Clava, 362, 363, 1283, 1284 Atum, 1473, 1474 Bambang Basiwara, 2213 Aubrey Holes, 366, 1225, 1226, 1235 Bamboo book, 2080, 2083 Augustan solarium, 69 Banjar, 2208–2214 Augusta Raurica, 1646 Baptistery of Parma, 1750, 1751 Augustus, 69, 70, 99, 1599, 1600 Barasana, 17 Aunjetitz, 1354 Bashi, 53 Auriga, 537, 1683 Basic concepts, 459–471 Aurora borealis, 535, 538 Basketmaker III, 578–580 Australia, 2216, 2217, 2223–2229 Basque Country, 1188, 1191, 1195 Authenticity, 304, 306, 310 Batca Doamnei, 1366 Automation and robotics, 2176–2177 Bat guano, 1381, 1383 Autumn equinox, 495, 504 Baur Bilah, 2210, 2211 Aveni, A.F., 217–219, 222, 270, 278 Bauval, R., 274 Avesta, 1902, 1903, 1905 Bayesian methods, 500–503, 505 Axial alignments, 2086, 2089 Bears, celestial, 151, 158–161, 1682 Axial-stone circles (ASCs), 1282 Bear Son Tale, 160 Axle-shaped monuments, 1064, 1065, Beda, 745 1070–1074, 1076 Beijing, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 2092 Ax-throwing, 1191 Beijing Ancient Observatory, 2141–2148 Aya Marq’a, 845 Belize, 769 Azerbaijan, 1444–1446, 1450 Beltane, 487 Azimuth(s), 390–397, 399–407, 460, 461, 463, Bel-Usˇezib, 97 465, 549, 1721 Bentaiga, 137, 1117, 1120, 1122 quadrant, 2147 Berossus, 1826 of the sun, 431 Berrybrae, 1282 Azimuthal ring, 2147 Bha¯lu¯mal, 2015 2272 Index Bha¯skara, 2010 C Bianchini tablet, 1597 Caborca, 661 Bible, 1884 Cahokia, 255, 256, 377, 798 Big Horn Medicine Wheel, 255, 522, 523, 527 Cahuachi, 827 Bilingual Creation of the World by Cahuilla, 601 Marduk, 1826 Calakmul, 726 Bilzingsleben, 1202, 1203 Calculation of Motions Seven Celestial Biodiversity, 1053 Regulators Chiljeongsan naepyeon Biological times, 1209, 1211 (七政算內篇), 2174 Black bile, 123, 124, 127 Calculus, 2002 Black constellations. See Dark cloud Calendar/calendrical, 94–97, 166, 168, 169, constellation 171, 172, 176, 542, 548, 743–747, Blackfoot, 544 832–836, 851–861, 1041–1049, Blanchard des Roches, 1199 1107–1113, 1183, 1184, 1502, 1506, Blessed star, 1756 1507, 1510, 1563–1570, 1607, 1610, Blood, 121, 123, 124, 127 1614, 1617–1619, 1623, 1626, 1627, Bluestones, 1226, 1229–1231 1841–1844, 1892, 1895–1899, 1929, Boats of the Sun, 1445, 1446, 1450 1930, 1933, 1982–1987, 2226–2228 Bohusl€an, 1216 agrarian, 1002–1003 Book of Documents, 2032, 2044, 2060 Chinese, 2044, 2048, 2059–2067 Boo¨tes, 160, 1682 circle, 1080–1082 Borana, 23, 28 pot, 1330–1332 Borana calendar, 16, 18, 21, 23, 1041–1049 regulator, 1434, 1439 Borchardt, L., 39 Round, Mesoamerican, 19, 23 Borobudur Temple, 9, 296 specialist (Zapotec). (see Colanı´) Bororo, 949 sticks, 26, 247, 653 Boulder configurations (Medicine Wheels), Calendrical Astronomy lifa (历法), 2032 542–543, 547 Calendrical Phenomena lixiang (历象), 2032 Boustrophedon, 1778 California, 74, 77, 90 Boyne valley tombs, 378, 380 Camaquen, 796 Brad, 1366 Camay, 796, 803 Bradley, R., 1282, 1283 Cambyses, 35 Brahmagupta, 2009–2010 Camera obscura, 751, 1417 Brandt, J.C., 270 Campo Lameiro, 1216, 1219 Ba˘rbos¸i-Galat¸i, 1366 Campus Martius, 69, 70, 1657, 1658 Bridges, Lucas, 1008 Canaanite, 1794–1796, 1798 Bromley, A., 1609 Canada, 534, 536 Bronze Age, 156, 158, 161, 1154, 1307–1315, Canary Islands, 1097, 1115–1123, 1127 1350, 1352–1355, 2086 Candlemas, 487 Brown archaeoastronomy, 355, 356 Candrava¯kya, 1992 BR-type dolmens, 499 Canon
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