Anniversaries KiG 2005, 4 Stjepan Horvat (1895-1985) 110 years since day of birth and 20 years since day of death This year we commemorate 110 years since the day As it is custom on conferences of the Argentinian of birth and 20 years since the day of death of Stjepan Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists we recall Horvat. He was a patriot, a scientist and a professor, dean of a person (*) whos contribution to geodesy or geo- of the Technical Faculty in Zagreb, head of the Croatian physics was extraordinary, especially in the frame of the University, editor of the periodicals Geodetski list and host organisation of the conference, or for the city or Hrvatska dravna izmjera, manager of the Department region in which conference is being held. In this oportunity for State Survey in the Croatian Headquarters for Public honour is given to engineer Stjepan (Esteban) Horvat, Affairs, a member of the State Land Consolidation who came to Argentina from Croatia and who did his main Commission, a member of examination boards, colonel activities in Military-Geography Institute (Instituto 190 in the time of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), Geográfico Militar IGM). adviser at the Military-Geography Institute in Argentina Ing. Stjepan (Esteban) Horvat, scientific advisor in for forty years. His main interests include geodesy, Military-Geography Institute developed his extraordinary especially the application of mathematics in geodesy and professional character as an advisor as well as a researcher cartography, geodetic astronomy and geophysics, but he in the field of geodesy. He was born in Croatia in 1895, also wrote poems, composed and conducted came to the Universitiy in Zagreb where he finished his In commemoration of Stjepan Horvat we will use the studies in the field of geodesy in 1917. He participated in news from the other part of the world, from Argentina. works of his profession, and successes in professional work brought him to the chair where he became an instructor, 22nd Conference of Geophysicists and Geodesists then was appointed to the post of an associate professor, was held in Buenos Aires from 6th till 11th of September, and in 1941 became full professor. During 1944-1945 he 2004. More about the conference along with other was the rector of the Croatian University. The Second World information can be found at the internet address of War disrupted his acitvities. Argentinian Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists (Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodestas) http:/ He came to Argentina in 1948 and since that time /www.aagg.org.ar. Conference was held in Argentinian dates his well known activity in Military-Geography Military-Geography Institute. Around 100 scientific and Insitute. His scientific papers more than 50 of them professional papers were presented, 30 of those from were published by IGM, Argentinian Association of the field of geodesy. A two day workshop which gathered Geophysicists and Geodesists, Pan-American Institute persons assigned to all 15 permanent GPS stations in for Geography and History and Direction for Geodesy of Argentina was also held. the Province of Buenos Aires. He published many other papers in his mother country (**). During the conference the memorial plate to Stjepan (Esteban) Horvat was revealed in the entrance space of His main activities refer to the adjustment computation the Military-Geography Institute. Presentation about that of geodetic nets, ellipsoid geometry, general and geodetic happening can be found in Spanish at the internet cartography, and development of practical methods for address of the Argentinian Association of Geophysicists automatic computations. It should be pointed out that Ing. and Geodesists in the coloumn Ecos de la XXII Reunion Horvat was one of the first who used hyperbolic functions Cientifica (Echoes form the 22nd Conference). not only to find exact relations, but to ease and simplify problems in numerical calculations in the field of geodetic Here is that presentation translated to English. cartography. Nevertheless, not only exact sciences In memory to Ing. Stjepan (Esteban) Horvat attracted his attention. In youth, he tried to enroll musical conservatory, but he soon gave up that idea. However, Croatian ambassador in Argentina Rikard later in his life he returned to the musical staves and wrote Rossetti and daughter of a person to who honour Ave Maria, Adoration of the Lord, Ode to the Death and is being given Ljubica Horvat revealed memorial other compositions. In Argentina he founded choir Jadran plate in the center of Military-Geography Institute which performed his pieces. His exceptional sensibility KiG 2005, 4 Obljetnice Stjepan Horvat (1895-1985) 110 godina od roðenja i 20 godina od smrti Ove godine navrava se 110 godina Kao to je obièaj na znanstvenim od roðenja i 20 godina od smrti Stjepana skupovima Argentinskoga drutva Horvata, rodoljuba, znanstvenika i geofizièara i geodeta podsjeæamo se na profesora, dekana Tehnièkog fakulteta, osobu (*) koja je izuzetna po svojem rektora Hrvatskoga sveuèilita, urednika doprinosu geodeziji ili geofizici, posebno èasopisa Geodetski list i Hrvatska u okviru organizacije domaæina dravna izmjera, voditelja Odsjeka za konferencije ili za grad ili podruèje u dravnu izmjeru u Glavnom ravnateljstvu kojem se skup odrava. U ovoj prilici za javne radove, èlana Zemaljskog poèast se odaje inenjeru Stjepanu komasacionog povjerenstva, èlana (Estebanu) Horvatu koji je u Argentinu 191 ispitnih povjerenstava, èasnika hrvatske doao iz Hrvatske i koji je svoje glavne vojske i savjetnika argentinskoga Vojno- struène aktivnosti obavljao u geografskog instituta. Bavio se Vojnogeografskom institutu (Instituto geodezijom, posebno primjenom Geográfico Militar IGM). matematike u geodeziji i kartografiji, Ing. Stjepan (Esteban) Horvat, geodetskom astronomijom i geofizikom, znanstveni savjetnik u Vojnogeograf- pisao je pjesme, skladao, dirigirao ... skom institutu razvio je svoj izvanredni struèni karakter kao Za obiljeavanja tih obljetnica posluimo se vijestima savjetnik i kao istraivaè na polju geodezije. Roðen je u s drugog kraja svijeta, iz Argentine. Hrvatskoj, 1895. god., doao je na Sveuèilite u Zagreb gdje je 1917. zavrio studij geodezije. Sudjelovao je u 22. znanstveni skup geofizièara i geodeta odran je radovima svoje struke, a uspjesi u struènom radu doveli u Buenos Airesu od 6. do 11. rujna 2004. Vie o su ga na katedru gdje je bio ugovorni nastavnik, zatim konferenciji uz ostale informacije moe se naæi na izvanredni profesor i 1941. redoviti profesor. U razdoblju internetskoj adresi Argentinskoga drutva geofizièara i 1944-1945 rektor je Hrvatskoga sveuèilita. Drugi svjetski geodeta (Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y rat prekinuo je njegove aktivnosti. Geodestas) http://www.aagg.org.ar. Konferencija je odrana u argentinskom Vojnogeografskom institutu. Na Dolazi u Argentinu 1948. i od tada datira njegova dobro njoj je izloeno oko 100 znanstvenih i struènih radova, poznata aktivnost u Vojnogeografskom institutu. Njegove od toga 30 iz podruèja geodezije. Odrana je i dvodnevna znanstvene radove kojih je vie od 50 objavili su IGM, radionica koja je okupila osobe zaduene za svih 15 Argentinsko drutvo geofizièara i geodeta, Pan-Amerièki permanentnih GPS-stanica u Argentini. institut za geografiju i povijest i Direkcija za geodeziju Provincije Buenos Aires. Mnogo drugih radova objavio je Za vrijeme odravanja konferencije otkrivena je u u svojoj domovini (**). ulaznom prostoru Vojnogeografskog instituta spomen ploèa Stjepanu (Estebanu) Horvatu. I o tom dogaðaju Njegove glavne aktivnosti odnose se na raèun moe se naæi prikaz na panjolskom jeziku na inter- izjednaèenja geodetskih mrea, elipsoidnu geometriju, netskim stranicama Argentinskog drutva geofizièara i opæu i geodetsku kartografiju, i razvoj praktiènih metoda geodeta u rubrici Ecos de la XXII Reunion Cientifica za automatizirana raèunanja. Treba naglasiti da je na (Odjeci s 22. znanstvenog skupa). podruèju geodetske kartografije ing. Horvat bio meðu prvima koji su upotrijebili hiperbolièke funkcije ne samo Evo tog prikaza u prijevodu na hrvatski jezik. da naðu egzaktne relacije, nego takoðer da olakaju i U spomen Ing. Stjepanu (Estebanu) Horvatu pojednostavne probleme pri numerièkom raèunanju. Hrvatski veleposlanik u Argentini Rikard Rossetti No, nisu samo egzaktne znanosti privlaèile njegovu i kæi osobe kojoj se odaje poèast Ljubica Horvat pozornost. U mladosti se pokuao upisati na muzièki otkrili su spomen ploèu u sjeditu Vojnogeografskog konzervatorij, ali od te je namjere uskoro odustao. instituta Meðutim, u kasnijoj dobi vratio se muzièkom crtovlju i napisao Ave Mariju, Odanost Gospodinu, Odu smrti i Anniversaries KiG 2005, 4 combines scientific and philosophic gift in deep spiritual love to society. He died on March 12th 1985, and Argentinian Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists proclaimed him honorary member in 1979. (*) List of honorary members of former conferences can be found on the pages about history of the Argentinian association of geophysicists and geodets http://www.aagg.org.ar (**) List of all published papers of Stjepan Horvat from the field of geodesy can be found in: Lapaine, M.: Stjepan (Esteban) Horvat, in: Ugledni hrvatski znanstvenici u svijetu, Distinguished Croatian Scientists in the World, editor J. In front of the memorial plate revealed in memory to Stjepan Horvat Herak, Croatian-American Society, (from left to the right: Rikard Rossetti, the ambasaddor of Croatia in Zagreb, 2002, 29-71. List of the
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