41 LLIINNGGUUOOCCUULLTTUURRAALL PPHHEENNOOMMEENNAA CCAAUUSSEEDD BBYY TTHHEE IIDDEEOOGGRRAAPPHHIICC NNAATTUURREE OOFF CCHHIINNEESSEE WWRRIITTIINNGG NNaattaalliiiiaa RRuuddaa,, PPhhDD,, AAssssoocciiaattee PPrrooffeessssoorr,, HHeeaadd ooff DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff OOrriieennttaall LLaanngguuaaggeess,, HH..SS.. SSkkoovvoorrooddaa KKhhaarrkkiivv NNaattiioonnaall PPeeddaaggooggiicc UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, UUkkrraaiinnee KKaatteerryynnaa ZZhhuukkoovvaa,, PPhhDD,, AAssssoocciiaattee PPrrooffeessssoorr,, HH..SS.. SSkkoovvoorrooddaa KKhhaarrkkiivv NNaattiioonnaall PPeeddaaggooggiicc UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, UUkkrraaiinnee ISSN: 2709-149X (print) Ukrainian Journal of Sinology Studies 42 介绍。本文概述了字谜,拆字对联,离合诗,神智 the world: phonetic (letter) and ideographic (non-letter). 体,合成字,等利用汉字的形体语言文化现象。据指出, Signs of any writing have three plans: writing, reading, 中国文字的表意性导致了特殊语言文化现象的出现。该语 and semantics. However, the way how these three plans relate to each other exactly determines the way of writing. 言文化现象不会出现在表音文字的语言。 Alphabetic writing uses a limited set of characters to rec- 目的。 本文提供了对语言文化现象的完整描述, ord phonemes or syllables, but the letter itself has no 并引起了人们对语言游戏的关注,这些文化现象要求人们 meaning. Chinese writing is the only representative of the 具有特定的利用汉字的结构形体的思维能力。 ideographic writing group nowadays. The units of writing 设计。在留学期间与在中国工作期间一直在收集资 are lines and graphemes that make up the characters. 料。 Chinese characters are not directly connected with pho- 文章分类。本文章是描述性的。 nemes and syllables like letters do, but they write the se- 实用性。在向中国语言学习者介绍汉字时可以应用 mantics of a word or morpheme of the Chinese language 本研究结果。该文章也被视为研究文字对中国文化影响的 and thus acquire the reading of a story or morpheme. Since the character is related directly to the meaning and 第一步。 indirectly to pronunciation, one character can be read 独创性。本文是对所有传统和现代利用汉字的形体 differently in dialects, but it can have the same meaning. 语言文化现象进行系统化的首次描述。 According to the famous researcher Wang Ning, it was 结果发现,该语言文化现象形成了特殊而独特的汉 the indirect connection between the characters and read- 字文化,与整个中国文化有着密切的联系。 ing. Still, semantics and writing's close connection al- 关键词:离合诗,拆字对联,汉字,字谜,表意文 lowed the characters to step through time and dialects (王, 字,合成字,神智体。 2002). The unique nature of writing has led to the emer- Absract gence of unique linguacultural phenomena, which have Introduction. The article is descriptive and presents an nothing familiar with the phenomena that are marked by overview of linguacultural phenomena such as character riddles. distinctive national features, but at the same time existing These antithetical couplets implement the method of splitting in other cultures. They cannot be translated, or the trans- and connection, acrostic poems, poetic charades, monograms, lation cannot fully reflect the particular characteristics of etc. It is stated that the ideographic nature of Chinese writing led the language game since the translation's language is to the emergence of special linguacultural phenomena, which phonetic. This may be one of the reasons for the small have no analog in phonetic writing. number of works by foreign linguistic scholars on linguistic A distinctive feature of such linguacultural phenomena is that the character's form and writing play a leading role. Under- and cultural phenomena of characters. In our opinion, this standing the language game is complicated even for the native- subject is insufficiently studied even in China, compared speakers, not to mention foreigners, and requires a person- to the number of scientific works and textbooks about specific "thinking through characters" ability. characters and calligraphy. Meanwhile, information about It is stated that linguacultural phenomena form a special such linguacultural phenomena invariably arouses inter- and unique Chinese culture of characters, which has a close est in the Chinese language and culture. connection with the Chinese culture. In the “汉字文化与汉字教学” section of “汉字 Objective. The article provides a full description of the lin- 教学中的文字学” 李, guocultural phenomena and draws attention to the language ( 2006), it is stated that the char- game, which requires specific "thinking through characters" ability. acters are not only characters that are written Chinese, Design. The study data has been collecting during but they are special writing that led to the emergence of studying as an exchange student and further work in China. specific cultural phenomena. Nowadays, there are many Article Classification. Descriptive paper. studies of Chinese writing culture (汉字文化学) exists, Practical Application. The results of the study can be which considers characters as a particular cultural phe- applied while introducing hieroglyphic writing to Chinese lan- nomenon and, placing them in the context of the culture guage learners. The research is also regarded as a first step in studying the influence of hieroglyphic writing on Chinese culture. of the Chinese people as a whole, analyzes the interrela- Originality. The paper is the first attempt at a systemized tions of written characters with other cultural phenomena. description of all traditional and modern linguacultural phenome- In 汉字文化学概论 (王, 2009), there is a chapter on an na in which the form and writing of the character play a leading applied culture where written characters are used. This role. section discusses the traditions of carving seals, inscrip- Findings It is stated that linguacultural phenomena form tions on dishes, antithetical couplets, etc. In particular, this special and unique Chinese character culture, which has a close section deals with character riddles, antithetical couplets, connection to the Chinese culture. 非常语言 罗 and monograms. The book ( , 2007), intro- Keywords: acrostic poems, antithetical couplets that im- duces traditional Chinese language games and their us- plement the method of splitting and connection, character, char- age today, but the authors do not distinguish games with acter riddles, ideographic writing, monograms, poetic charades. constituent parts of characters as a separate kind of poet- ry or stylistic technique. On the contrary, in the book 汉字 Introduction and the literature and research 辞研究 (曹, 2006), the generalized view of character sty- overview. It is known that there are two types of writing in listic techniques is presented regardless of the literary ISSN: 2709-149X (print) Ukrainian Journal of Sinology Studies 43 genres in which they are realized. and ignored the others' opinions or the law. The agricul- However, most of the books studied to write this ar- tural song immediately takes on a sharp political connota- ticle are dedicated to some specific aspects. In particular, tion: there are a lot of dictionaries of character riddles (孙, Dong Zhuo power is great, he had better not be 2002). It is worth mentioning that this genre is the most born. studied one for today. There are books dedicated to anti- Another example is the prediction described in thetical couplets in general (余, 2006; 严&严, 2005). Nev- “后 汉书 • 公孙述 传”. The character whose name ertheless, the full collection of antithetical couplets that was 公孙述 Gong Sunshu saw a dream about an old man implement the method of splitting and connection 离合 who said: "八 公子 糸 ,十二 为期". The first four were found only on web pages 拆字对联大全欣赏, 拆字合 characters are the graphemes forming the surname 公孙 字对联, 拆字联。 (孫). The old man’s phrase becomes a prediction: “The In the thesis “Implementation of stylistic reception term of 公孙 is twelve years.” And Gong Sunshu ruled for 离合 in antithetical couplets” (Жукова, 2019), an attempt twelve years. was made to analyze the general tendencies of stylistic Another prediction described in the same book methods implementation on the material of antithetical concerns the history of the fall of the Qing dynasty: couplets, but we are aware of the need for deeper analy- 鱼羊田升当灭秦 sis on a larger quantity of linguistic material. Fish, sheep, the field will finish with the Qing dyn- Objective. Although there are few scientific papers asty. in China and other countries dedicated to the compre- Adding characters in pairs, we get two composite hensive analysis of linguacultural phenomena, we con- characters 鲜卑 — the name of one of the nationalities in sider acquaintance with them and their generalized anal- ancient China. This nation is considered a branch of the ysis of current interest because they can be found in liter- Hu nationality, and they did away with the Qing dynasty ature and daily life from ancient times to the present day during the reign of its second emperor, the son of Qing and have a great interest for linguists. This work aims to Shihuang, whose name was Hu Hai (胡亥). Another indi- review and describe purely Chinese linguacultural phe- rect statement is connected with the name of this emperor, nomena based on the features of character writing. written, using homonyms: Our paper offers to look at the questions in a gen- 亡秦者,胡也 eralized way: all the literary genres or stylistic techniques Hu did away with the Qing dynasty. discussed below are the product of Chinese character As we see, this sentence can be understood in two culture and are based on the writing ideographic nature. ways: Hu's people caused the fall of the dynasty and that Article Classification. This paper is descriptive the emperor himself caused the fall. And the second op- and uses the methods of description and generalization. tion is not so surprising, taking into account that Hu Hai, An Overview of Linguacultural phenomena caused unlike his famous father, was a weak politician and could
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