DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. DOE/ :ID/l20 7 9 -- 3 9 DE82 003944 GEOTHERMAL DIRECT HEAT PROGRAM GL ENW OOD SPRINGS TECHNICAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME I PAPERS PRESENTED STATE COUPLED GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAF1 Carl A. Ruscetta Duncan Foley Editors May 1981 Work performed ilnder Contract No. DE-AC07-801 D12079 % L>ISTRIBUTION OF. THIS DOCUMENT. 1s WUMIIED c NOTICE This report was prepared to document work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor its agent, the United States Department of Energy, nor any Federal employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. NOTICE Reference to a company or product name does not imply approval or recommendation of the product by the University of Utah Research Institute or the U.S. Department of Energy to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. c G1 enwood Springs Technical Conference List of Participants F1. Jim Aldrich Duncan Fol ey Geological Applications Group G-9 Earth Science Lab. Div./ Los Alamos Scientific Lab. \JURI P.O. Box 1663 420 Chipeta Way, Suite 120 Los Alamos, NM 87545 Sal t Lake City, UT 84108 George W. Berry Robert Gerstei n National Oceanic and The Mitre Corp. Atmospheric Admi nistrati on 18;!0 Dolley Madison Blvd. Code D64/NOAA/EDS Mcl-ean, VA 22101 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 William D. Gosnold Dept. of Geography-Geology Dr. David D. Blackwell Unl versi ty of Nebraska Department of Geological Sciences Omaha, NE 68132 Southern Methodi st Universi ty Dallas, Texas 75275 Wiill iam E. Harrison Ok'l ahorna Geological Survey Gerry Brophy Un.iversi ty of Okl ahoma Amherst Col 1ege 830 S. Oval Department of Geology Norman, OK 73019 Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 Heriry P. Heasler James L. Bruce Department of Geol ogy Earth Sciences Division Unl versi ty of Wyoming Uni versi ty of Nevada Lai-amie, WY 82071 255 Bell Street Suite 200 Bern Hinckl ey Reno, NV 89503 U. of Wyoming Department of Geol ogy Kenneth L. Buelow Laramie, WY 82071 Department of Geol ogy Uni versi ty of Wyomi ng Larry Icerman Laramie, WY 82071 New Mexico Energy Institute BOX 3-E1 Dr. John Costain New Mexico State University Department of Geol ogy La!; Cruces, NM 88003 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Joy A. Ikelman B1acksburg, VA 24061 National Oceanic and . Atmospheric Administration Duane A. Eversoll Code D64/NOAA/EDS Nebraska Geol ogical Survey 325 Broadway Uni versi ty of Nebraska Boulder, CO 80303 Lincoln, NE 68588 George J iracek Department of Geol ogi cal !;ervi ces Sari Diego State University Sail Diego, CA 92182 /- James Kauahikaua John C. Mitchell Hawaii Inst. Geophysics ID Dept. of Water Resources Uni versi ty of Hawai i 373 W. Franklin 2525 Correa Rd. Boise, ID 83720 Honolulu, HI 96822 Richard H. Pearl Robert Klauk Col orado Geol ogi cal Survey Utah Geological and Mineral 1313 Sherman Ave., Room 715 Survey Denver, CO 80203 606 Black Hawk Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Marshal 1 Reed USGS A. Wi1 1 iam Laugh1 in 345 Middl efi el d Rd . Geological Applications Group G-9 MS 18 Los Alamos Scientific Lab. blenlo Park, CA 94025 P.O. Box 1663 Los Alamos, NM 87545 Joel Renner Gruy Federal Eric Medlin 2001 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Department of Geol ogy Arlington, VA 22202 Uni versi ty of Wyoming Laramie, WY 82071 Frank Reppl ier Colorado Geol ogical Survey Kevin McCarthy 1313 Sherman Ave., Room 715 Col orado Geol ogical Survey Denver, CO 80203 Department of Natural Resources 715 State Centenni a1 Bui 1 ding Dr. Robert F. Roy 1313 Sherman Ave. Dept. of Geological Science Denver, CO 80203 University of Texas El Paso, TX 79958 Robert irlei er Johns Hopki ns Uni versi ty Carl Ruscetta Applied Physics Laboratory Earth Science LabIUURI Johns Hopkins Road 420 Chipeta Way, Suite 120 Laurel, MD 20810 Sal t Lake City, UT 84108 iblichael P. Mikilas J. Eric Schuster Southwest Res. Inst. Divi si on of Geol ogy and P. 0. Drawer 28510 Earth Resources San Antonio, TX 78284 Washington Dept. of Natural Resource Mail Stop PY 12 Lawrence W. Miller Olympia, WA 98504 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admi nistrati on Ron Smith Code D64lNOAAlEDS National Oceanic and 325 Broadway Atmospheric Association Boulder, CO 83303 Code D64lNOAAlEDS 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 Maggi e Sneeri nger Ned Tillman Dunn Geoscience Gruy Federal 5 Northway Lane 2001 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Latham, NY 12110 Arlington, VA 22202 John Sonderegger Bill Toth Montana Bureau of Mines and EG&G Idaho Geol ogy P.O. Box 1625 Butte , Montana 59701 Idaho Falls, ID 83415 Mike Sorey Denni s Trexl er USGS Earth Sci ences Divi sion 345 Middlefield Rd., MS 18 University of Nevada Menlo Park, CA 94025 255 Bell Street Suite 200 Sandra Stavnes Reno, Nevada 89503 Kansas Geological Survey Uni versi ty of Kansas Mike Tucker Lawrence, KS 66044 DOE/ Idah0 550 Second Street Don W. Steeples Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Kansas Geological Survey Uni versi ty of Kansas Brad War tma n Lawrence, KS 66044 Geol ogy Department University of North Dakota Claudia Stone Grand Forks, NO 58201 Geothermal Group Arizona Bureau of Geol ogy Eugene Wescott and Mineral Techno1 ogy Geophysical Institute 2045 N. Forbes Blvd. University of A1 aska Tuscon, AZ 85719 Fairbanks, AK 99701 Debra Struhsacker Claude Wessell s Earth Science Lab/UURI lia ti onal Oceani c and 420 Chipeta Way, Suite 120 Atmospheric Association Sal t Lake City, UT 84108 Code OA/C1332 Room 306 Chandler A. Swanberg Rockwall B1 dg. New Mexico State University 1lt40O Rockvi 11e Pike Physics Department Rockvi 11e , MD 20852 Las Cruces, NM 88001 Char1 es Wideman A. E. Theberge Montana Bureau of Mines and National Oceanic and Geology Atmospheric Admi nistrati on Butte, Montana 59701 Code D 64/ N 0.4A/ ED S 325 Broadway Margaret Widmayer Boulder, CO 80303 DOE/DGE 550 Second St. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 c James C. Uitcher Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Tech. 2045 N. Forbes, Suite 106 Tucson, AZ 85705 Charles M. Woodruff Texas Bureau of Economic Geology University Station, Box X Austin, TX 78712 Ted Zacharaki s Colorado Geological Survey 1313 Sherman Ave. Rm 715 Denver, CO 80203 INDEX INTRODUCTION GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT - METHODOLOGY ASPECTS OF LOW TEMPERATURE GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE ASSESSCIENT WITH EXAMPLES FROM KANSAS AND OREGON. David D. Blackwell , Southern Methodist University. .... ]I RESISTIVITY METHODS IN EXPLORATION FOR HYDROTHERMAL RE3OURCES. George R. Ji racek, San Di ego State Universi ty. .. .23 REGIONAL ASSESSMENT FOR HOT DRY ROCK RESOURCES. A.W. Laughlin and M.J. Aldri ch , Los A1 amos National Laboratory. .. .41 PROBLEMS OF TRACE ELEMENT RATIOS AND GEOTHERMOMETRY Ihl A GRAVEL GEOTHERMAL AQUIFER SYSTEM. J. Sonderreger and J.J. Donovan, rlclntana Bureau of Mines and Geology. .. .50 STATE TEAM PRESENTATIONS ALASKA: HELIUM AND MERCURY IN THE CENTRAL SEWARD PENINSULA RIFT SYSTEM. Eugene Wescott, University of Alaska. .. .63 ARIZONA: THERMAL SPRINGS OF ARIZONA. James C. Wi tcher , University of Ari zona. .. .78 MERCURY SOIL SURVEYS: A GOOD RECONNAISSANCE TOOL. Claudia Stone, Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology. .. .90 CALIFORNIA: GEOTHERMAL STUDIES IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY AND IN CALISTOGA, NAPA COUNTY , CALIFORNIA. Forrest Bacon, California Division of Nines and Geology. (Abstract). .. .98 COLORADO: A SUFIMARY OF DOE FUNDED GEOTHERFML RESOURCE ASSESSMENT EFFORTS IN COLORADO BY THE COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Richard Pearl, Ted Zacharakis and Frank Repplier, Colorado Geological Survey. .. .IO0 HAWAII : HAWAII GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM: 1980 GEOPHYSICS SUBPROGRAM. Jim Kauahikawa, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics. .. .SO5 IDAHO: GEOLOGICAL, HYDROLOGICAL, GEOCHEMICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE NANPA-CALDWELL AND ADJACENT AREAS, SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO. John C. Mitchell , Idaho Department of Water Resources. .. .115 KANSAS: GEOTHERMAL EVALUATION OF KANSAS-PRELIMINARY RESULTS. Don Steeples, Kansas Geol ogi cal Survey. .. .148 MONTANA: GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES IN MONTANA, John Sonderegger and F.A. Schmidt, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology. e 165 GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF CERTAIN MONTANA GEOTHERMAL AREAS. Charles Wideman, Lester Dye, James Halverson and Mark McRae, Montana College of Hi neral Science and Techno1 ogy . 0.0 179 NEBRASKA: GEOTHERMAL INVESTIGATIONS If4 NEBRASKA-METHODS AND RESULTS. Wi 1 1 i am Gosnol d , Duane Eversol 1 and rlarvi n Carl son, Uni versi ty of Nebraska. 0 e 0 18% NEVADA: NEVADA RESOURCE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM-1980. DOT. Trexler, J. Flynn, B.A. Koenig and J.L. Bruce, University of Nevada. 0 e 0 205 NEW MEXICO: A GROUNDWATER CONVECTION MODEL FOR RIO GRANDE RIFT GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES. Chandler Swanberg, Mexico State University. New .0 0 228 NEW YORK: GEOTHERFNL EXPLORATION METHODS USED IN THE CAPITAL DISTRICT OF NEW YORK.
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