f- V ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ‘S'; Publisited by Authority Vol. XC, No. 27 18th MAY, 2012 Price US$2,00 Goieral Notice 165 of 2012. Principal Officer, State ProcureinMit Board, Rftb Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building, Samwa Mad^el Avenue, Harare, before 10.00 a.m. cm the closing dale. PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT [CHAPTER 22:19] C.NYANHBTE. (No. 11 of 2009) 18-5-2012. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. ■ t i Tender number Publication of Consolidated Monthly and Quarterly Financial Statem^ts ZETDC.04/2012. Supply and delivwy of 33kV and llkV auto­ reclosers. Bidding documents for the above mentioned IT is hereby notified that the Accountant-Gerwal has, in terms tendra- can be inspected and are obtainable upon payment of section 34(3) of the Public Finance Management Act [Chapter of non-refundable fee of US$10,(X), payable by cash only 22:19] (Act No, 11 of 2009), submitted the consolidated monthly from the Procuranent Administrator, ZETDC Head Office, and quarterly financial statements for the month ending 31st March, 5 Procurement O ffice, Offices 221-3, SecondFloor, Electricity 2012, for publication in accordance with that section. Centre, 25, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. The closing date is 19th June, 2012. The statements are published as supplements to this Gazette. f‘-. I W. L. MANUNGO, General Notice 168 of 2012. 18-5-2012. Secretary for Finance. LABOUR ACT [CHAPTER 28:01] General Notice 166 of 2012. Application for Rescission of Registration of a Trade Union; Automotive and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD a.. Tenders Invited IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 39 of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01], that an application has been received for the TEtJDERS must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the rescission of the registration of the Automotive and Allied Woricers advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted in lime to be Union of Zimbabwe. _ sorted into Post Office Box Nurnber CT 408, Causeway, pr delivered by hand to the Any perron who wishes to rnake aiJy representations relating ■ Principat-OfTicer, State Procureincnl Board, Rftb Floor,OW Resefve.'Bank Builiiing, to the application is invited to'lodge such repi«sentati6ns with the Samora Machel Avenue, Itarare, before 10.00 a.m. cm the closing date. Registrarof Labour, at Compensation House, at comer Fourth Street CNYANHETE. and Central Avenue, Harare, or post them to Private Bag 7707, 18-5-2012. Principal Officer. State Procurement Board, Causeway, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice Tender number and to state whether or not he or she wishes to appear in support of such representation at any accreditation proceedings. 6543:5503. Multiplexa's. N. N. SIMANGO, 6541:5451. Manufacture of switches, crossings and supply of 18-5-2012. Acting Registrar of Labour. manganese steel castings. 6525:5520. 500 CFM air compressor. General Notice 169 of 2012. 6552:5521. Steel plates. LABOUR ACT [CHAPTER 28M] Tender documents for the above tendax are obtainable from Application for Rescission of Registration of a Trade Union: Manager Supplies and Stores, NationalRailways of Zimbabwe, Iron and Steel Woikers Union of Zimbabwe Room 807, Afiica House, comer Fife Street/Tenth Avenue, Bulawayo, or Suppbes Assistant (Distribution) Harare Buying IT is hereby notified, in tarns of section 39 of the Labour Act Office, comer Kenneth Kaunda Avenue/Fourth Street, Harare, [Chapter28:01], that an applicationhas been received for the rescission upon paymentofnon-refundablefeeofUS$10,(X). The closing of the registration of the Iron and Steel Woikers Union of Zimbabwe. date for the above tenders is 12th June, 2012. Any person who wishes to make any representations relating to the application is invited to lodge such representations with the General Notice 167 of 2012. RegistrarofLabour, at Compensation House, atcomerFourlhStreet and Central Avenue, Harare, or post them to Private Bag 7707, STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD Causeway, within 30 days from the date of pubheation of this notice and to state whether or not he or she wishes to appear in support of Tenders Invited such representation at any accreditation proceedings. TENDERS must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endoised on the outside with the advertised lender number, description, closing date and roust be posted in time to be N. N. SIMANGO, sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408. Causeway, or delivered by hand to the 18-5-2012. Acting Registrar of Labour. 342 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 1 8th May, 2012 General Notice 170 of 2012. Tendernumber DDF.01/2012. Provision of drilling equipment and accessories as LABOUR ACT [CHAPTER 28:01} per tender specification. Documents are obtainable from the Deputy Director (Finance), District Development Fund, Application for Rescission of Registration of a Trade Union: Hectronics, Communications and Allied Workra-s Union Room22, Nineteenth Floor.MukwatiBuilding, comer Fourth Street and Livingstone Avenue, Harare, and will be issued FT is hereby notified, in tenns of section 39 of the Labour Act upon paymoit of a non-refundable fee of US$10,00 per set. [CItapter 28:01], that an application has been received for the The closing date is 19th June, 2012. rescission of the registration of the Electronics, Communications CHANGE OF NAME and Allied Workers Union. Any person who wishes to make any representations relating TAKE notice that, at Harare, on the 10th day of May, 2012, to the application is invited to lodge such representations with the Dudley Ndodana Mathambo (bom on 1st August, 1993) appeared Registrar of Labour, at Compensation House, at comer Fourth Street before me, Kudzayi &ick Kadzere, a legal practitioner and notary and Coitral Avenue, Harare, or post them to Private Bag 7707, public, and, by not^al deed, did abandon the name Dudley Ndodana Causeway, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice Mathambo and assume the name Maxwell Usher Shsunuyarira, and to state whetha" or not he or she wishes to ai^xar in support of thweby authorising and requesting all people to address Mm by such representation at any accreditation proceedings. the name Maxwell Usho" Shamuyarira.—^Kudzaji Erick Kadzere, c/o Gill, Godlonton & Gemns, legal practitioners. Seventh Floor, N.N.SIMANGO, Beverley Court, 100, Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare. 327458f 18-5-2012. Acting Registrar of Labour. CHANGE OF NAME General Notice 171 of 2012. LABOUR ACT [CHAPTER 28:01] TAKE notice that, on the 11th day of May, 2012, before me, Wiimet Kanyerere, a legal practitioner and notary public, appeared Application for Rescission of Registration of a Trade Union: Richard Clive Zuze (bora on 29th April, 1994) and changed his Zimbabwe Ferro-Alloy Workers Union name so that he shall be known, for aU intents and purposes by the name Richard Clive Banda. IT is hdeby notified, in terms of section 39 of the Labour Act Dated at Harare this 11 th day of May, 2012.—irmet Kanyerere, [Oiap/cr28.'OT],thatanapplicationhasbeenreceivedfortherescission c/o Legal Aid Directorate, 111, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. of the registration of the Zimbabwe Ferro-AUoy Workers Union. 3274h0f Any person who wishes to make any represaitations relating to the application is invited to lodge such representations with the CHANGE OF NAME Registrar of Labour, at Compensation House, at coma'Fourth Street and Central Avenue, Harare, or post them to Private Bag 7707, TAKE notice that, on 9th May, 2012, before me, PeterMakombe, Causeway, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice a legal practitioner and notary public, appeared Peter Mukono and to state whethw or not he or she wishes to appear in support of (bom on 25th March, 1966), and, on behalf of his children such representation at any accreditation proceedings. Concious Vongai Mukono (bom on 3rd August, 1994), Liberty Vanesu Mukono (bom on 27th November, 1997) and Gracious N.N.SIMANGO, Rumbidza Mukono (bom on 4th March, 1999), changed their 18-5-2012. Acting Registrar of Labour. surname to Dumbura, so that, henceforth, for all purposes and occasions they shall be known by the names Peter Dumbura, ■ General Notice 172 of 2012. Conscious Vongai Dumbura, Liberty Anesu Dumbura and LABOUR ACnr [CHAPTER 28:01] Gracious Rumbidzai Dumbura, respectively. Dated at Miitare on this 9th day of May, 2012.—Peter Makombe, Application for Registration of a Trade Union: Audit Office c/o Makombe & Associates, Suite 12, Third Floor, Victory House, Workers Union Mutare. 327467f '"IT ishaeby hotified'tiiat, in lerins of s^tion 33 of the Labour Act, CHANGE OF NAME lOmptcr 28.-0J], an af^lication has been receivedfor the registration of the Audit Office Woikere Union to represent the interests of TAKEnotice that, on the7thday of May, 2012, Vasanti Govindji non-managerial employees in grades B4 up to E2 employed by the Gopalj i (bom on 13 th of April, 1W8) appeared before me, Tapiwa Audit Office. Givemore Kasuso, a notary public and legal practitioner, and, Any person who wishes to make any representations relating by notarial deed, changed her name to Vasanti Givindji Naik, to the application is invited to lodge such representations ■ with the which name shall be used in all records, deeds, documents and Registrar of Labour, at Compensation House, at comer Fourth Street transactions. and Central Avenue, Harare, or post them to Private Bag 7707, Causeway, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice Datedat Harare on this 7th day of May, 2012.—^Tapiwa Givemore and to state whether or not he or she wishes to apj^ar in support of Kasuso, c/o Nyamushaya, Kasuso & Rubaya Legal Practitioners, such representations at any accreditation proce^ngs. Third Floor, Eastwing, UC3T Building, 162, Harare Street, Harare. 304301f N. N. SIMANGO, 18-5-2012.
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