AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S CLUB OF LAUSANNE VOLUME 40 | NUMBER 6 MARCH 2009 AIWC NewsletterST. PATRICK’S MARCH PROGRAM PUB NIGHT Come celebrate and bring your spouse or partner! There will be a raffle to benefit club charities. Snacks and drinks available for purchase. rTuesday, 17 March • 19h King Size Pub Rue du Port-franc 16 Le Flon—Lausanne RSVP by Friday, 13 March before noon. UPCOMING EVENTS April Photography Speaker May Bowling Night June End-of-Year Luncheon Clinique La Prairie IN THIS ISSUE March Calendar 2 Come join us for a presentation, clinic tour, and luncheon. President’s Note 3 Wednesday, 25 March • 11h –14h The Board Reports 3 Program Info 4 CHF 50 per person for lunch Community Services 5 (Please bring exact change) Free Spirits 6 Saint Patrick 7 Chemin de la Prairie • 1815 Clarens-Montreux Club Announcements 8 Seating is limited to 30 attendees for this program. La Maison de la Femme 8 Reservations and/or cancellations must be received Slate of Officers 9 by Monday, 17 March before noon. Area Art & Music 10 Lausanne 20km Race 11 There is a no-show policy in effect on all AIWC programs. Activity Groups 12,13 More details about this program, luncheon menu, and information Classifieds /Services 14 about registration/cancellation can be found on page 4. AIWC Miscellany 15 Program Review 16 March MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT / SUN 2 3 4 5 6 7 / 8 FREE SPIRITS: BASEL 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 09h00 Tennis 09h30 LR AREA COFFEE 09h00 Badminton Tennis 09h30 Board Meeting 13h30 Beginner Bridge Beginner 13h50 Business 10h00 French 14h00 Bridge Badminton Motivation 14h00 Needlepoint Dog Walking Tennis SUNDAY 10h00 Squash DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME 14h30 Jewelry Design BEGINS (CA,UK, US) 9 10 11 12 13 14 / 15 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 09h00 Tennis 10h00 Dream Group I Beginner Tennis 10h00 MEET & GREET 13h30 Beginner Bridge International Badminton COFFEE 14h00 Bridge Cooking– Tennis French Dog Walking Lausanne 10h00 Squash 14h00 Needlepoint 14h30 Jewelry Design 16 17 18 19 20 21 / 22 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 09h00 Tennis 10h00 Dream Group I Beginner Tennis 10h00 French 09h30 Literature Badminton 10h00 LC AREA COFFEE 14h00 Needlepoint 13h30 Beginner Bridge Tennis 19h00 ST-PATRICK’S 15h30 Monthly Playdate 14h00 Bridge 10h00 Squash PUB NIGHT Dog Walking 14h30 Jewelry Design 19h30 Night-n-Gals ST. PATRICK’S DAY MAWLID AN NABI (MUSLIM) PURIM (JEWISH) SPRING EQUINOX 23 24 25 26 27 28 / 29 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 13h30 Beginner Bridge 10h00 Dream Group II Beginner Tennis 09h30 Music 14h00 Bridge Badminton Appreciation Dog Walking Tennis 11h00 CLINIQUE LA PRAIRIE 10h00 Squash SUNDAY 14h30 Jewelry Design 10h00 French DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME 14h00 Needlepoint BEGINS (EUROPE 20h00 Knit & Stitch 30 31 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 09h00 Tennis Beginner Tennis 09h30 Music Appreciation 13h30 Beginner Bridge Badminton 10h00 French 14h00 Bridge Tennis 14h00 Needlepoint Dog Walking 10h00 Squash 14h30 Jewelry Making Evening French Readers MARCH DATES TO REMEMBER Fri 6 Lavaux/Riviera Area Coffee Tues 17 La Côte Area Coffee / St-Patrick’s Pub Night Sun 8 Daylight Savings time begins (CA, UK, US) Fri 20 Spring Equinox Wed 11 AIWC Meet & Greet Coffee Wed 25 Clinique La Prairie program Sun 29 Daylight Savings time begins (EUROPE) 2 AIWC NEWS I MARCH 2009 Behind the Scenes! (Part One) PRESIDENT’SNote by Anne Guyot, PRESIDENT Last month we held our Board meeting, attend—the aim being to help newcom- was pointed out, however, that we need just as we do every month. ers benefit from the experience of the extra help for La Côte and West Riviera— As you may know, the Board is com- “older” members. The Activity Fair will we welcome any volunteers for these areas! prised of five Officers—President, Vice- follow the lunch. Following such presentations, the President, Coordinator, Treasurer and the Amy, from Programs, outlined the vari- Board members often hold lively and Recording Secretary, as well as the Chairs ous events planned until the end of the enriching discussions that at times leave of the Standing Committees. Of the cur- year. Careful thought is put into varying us all laughing—not that we don’t some- rent five Officers, four will be standing events to cater as widely as possible to the times “agree to disagree!” for election next month but, due to fam- different interests of the membership. Amy The diversity of our personalities and ily commitments, Stephanie, our Record- works closely with Pam and would be de- different experiences adds to the richness ing Secretary, has decided to step down. lighted to welcome any new helpers or of our discussions—and, ultimately, to We are very sorry to see Stephanie leave hear of any ideas for monthly programs. the success of the Board. How lucky we the Board as she has been a motivated Jo, from Community Services, then in- are to enjoy such a friendly and vibrant and diligent recorder of the minutes. To formed us of her progress with her won- working atmosphere! replace Stephanie, the Nominating Com- derful project—creating a leaflet and a During this time, Stephanie is concen- mittee has designated Rhonda Langham PowerPoint presentation describing the trating on taking the minutes—a final who we would be delighted to welcome AIWC and its activities. Both tools pro- typed version of which is sent round to the as our new Recording Secretary. But, let’s vide simple and straightforward infor- Board only a few days after the meeting! come back to our board meeting! mation that can be used to present the The second instalment of “Behind the In order to shorten our discussions, AIWC to new companies, schools and all Scenes” will appear in the April newslet- every Board member submits a report of newcomers to the area. ter. Until then, please join us on March the past month’s activities. These reports Linda, from Hospitality, updated us on 17th for the Saint Patrick’s Pub Night and are sent at least two days before the meet- the success of the regional coffees and the March 25th for a talk at La Prairie Clinic. ing to allow Board members time to catch five area networks that she and Charlotte I look forward to seeing you at these up on events. have spent so much time organizing. It events. Upon arrival, the first stop is the kitch- en where there is happy chatting as we THE BOARD REPORTS make ourselves a coffee to carry up to the top room. There, some kind Board mem- • The board discussed the need for activity groups to consider ber who is hosting the meeting, lays out the need for a first aid kit. a few goodies—fruit, biscuits or muffins —on the table to accompany our coffee. • To help members determine which activity groups may fit their personal Once the Board members are seated, I schedules, each activity group’s description in the newsletter should specify proudly rap the table with the gavel and whether it meets during the morning, afternoon, or evening. call the meeting to order. To give you an • The parliamentarian will continue to review the constitution and idea of what happened last month, I pre- make recommendations to the board of any needed changes. sented my report and Margaret followed with news of the Interclub meeting that • The board decided to proceed with the idea of offering advertisers free she and Deirdre had recently attended in advertising on our Website for a specified trial period. This trial period Bern. Being responsible for the Club acti- will give our Website team a chance to develop and improve our vities, Margaret brought us up-to-date on Web advertising plan and implementation. future events. • The board is currently reviewing the club’s present level of technology in Following Inge’s (2009 LIL Chair) sug- an effort to determine what systems need upgrading and/or replacing. gestion, the Board decided to hold the Activities Fair on one afternoon of the Li- • The Community Services Committee is working on ways to better present ving in Lausanne course. A lunch will be information about our club to the community. They have developed a organized for LIL participants and all PowerPoint presentation and brochure to use for this purpose. AIWC members will also be invited to MARCH 2009 I AIWC NEWS 3 February Interclub Meeting PROGRAMInfo by Deirdre McDaniel, COORDINATOR Clinique La Prairie was founded in 1931. Since then it has acquired a worldwide reputation as a medical and beauty spa of On a sunny Saturday in mid-January, Margaret Saine and I trav- the highest international standard. Join us as we explore the elled to Bern to attend the annual Swiss interclub meeting. We amenities and learn beauty secrets from the professionals. The spent an informative day amongst our peers from the American clinic’s achievements in its particular areas of expertise, such as (or American International) Women’s Clubs of Geneva, Ticino, preventive medicine, health, well-being, and beauty therapies, Basel, Zurich, and Bern. Eric Way, the president of the Lyon, are all widely recognized and have resulted in many awards. France American Club, presented the lessons learned by Jim The clinic’s philosophy has always been based on dedicated re- Collins, author of the corporate management books Built to Last search, as well as the continuous development of new advanced and Good to Great, in his studies of major corporations. Mr. Way techniques and their practical application. As its recent invest- then applied such lessons to social organizations along the same ment in an ultra modern spa facility illustrates, the clinic is lines as Collins’ book Good to Great and the Social Sectors.
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