BASEMENT TECTONICS 9 Proceedings of the International Conferences on Basement Tectonics VOLUME 3 The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume. BASEMENT TECTONICS 9 Australia and Other Regions Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Basement Tectonics, held in Canberra, Australia, July 1990 Edited by M. J. RICKARD Department ofGeology, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia H. J. HARRINGTON Tasmanian Hardrock Pty. Ltd., Canberra, Australia and P. R. WILLIAMS Bllreall of Mineral Resources, Geology & Geophysics, Canberra, Australia ~. SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS" MEDIA, B.V. Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data International Conference on Basement Tectonlcs (9th : 1990 : Canberra. Australlal Basement tectonlcs 9 : Australia and other reglons : proceedlngs of the Nlnth International Conference on Basement Tectonlcs. held In Canberra. Australia. July 1990 I edlted by M.J. Rlckard. H.J. Harrington a.d P.R. WIlllams. p. CII. Includes blbllographlcal references and Index. ISBN 978-94-010-5173-6 ISBN 978-94-011-2654-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-2654-0 1. Geology. Structural--Australla--Congresses. 2. Geology. Structural--Congresses. 3. Cratons--Europe. Eastern--Congresses. 1. Rlckard. M. J. (Mlchael Johnl. 1932- II. Harrlngton. H. J. IHilary Jamesl. 1924- • III. Wllilams. P. R. (Peter Roddlckl. 1950- IV. Tltle. V. Tltle: Basement tectonlcs nlne. CE636.I58 1990 551.8--dc20 91-42480 ISBN 978-94-010-5173-6 Ali Rights Reserved © 1992 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Origina11y published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1992 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE M.J. Rickard, Department of Geology, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. H.J. Harrington, 16 Hobbs Street, O'Connor ACT 2601, Australia. P.R. Williams, Bureau of Mineral Resources, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. P. Wellman, Bureau of Mineral Resources, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. SYMPOSIUM CONVENERS J. Bain, Bureau of Mineral Resources, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. M. Duggan, Bureau of Mineral Resources, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. M. Muir, CRA Exploration Pty Limited, 139 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT 2609, Australia. M.J. Rickard, Geology Department, The Australian National University, GPO Box 4, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. C. Simpson, Bureau of Mineral Resources, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. SPONSORS International Basement Tectonics Incorporated. Geological Society of Australia Incorporated and its Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology. The Department of Geology, The Australian National University. The Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology & Geophysics. ARCO Oil and Gas Co, USA. BHP-UTAH Minerals International. Carpentaria Exploration Co Pty Ltd. CRA Exploration Pty Ltd. Western Mining Corporation Ltd. ANSETT Airlines. Qantas. Commonwealth Bank. TRUSTEES International Basement Tectonics Association, Inc. Chief Trustee/Chairman of the Board of Trustees John (Jack) J. Gallagher, Jr. ARCO Oil and Gas Co 2300 W. Plano Parkway Plano, TX 75075 USA Deputy Chief Trustee Patrick J. Barosh P.J. Barosh & Associates 35 Potter Street Concord, Massachusetts 01742 USA Deputy Trustee M. James Aldrich Los Alamos National Laboratory MSD-462 Los Alamos, Nevada 87545 USA Trustee/Treasurer M.J. Bartholomew Montana Bureau of Mines & Geology Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology Butte, Montana 59701 USA Trustee/Treasurer M. Charles Gilbert University of Oklahoma School of Geology & Geophysics Norman, Oklahoma 73019 USA FOREWORD The Ninth International Conference on Basement Tectonics was held at the Australian National University in Canberra 2-6 July 1990. The opening keynote address was given by Prof. R.W.R. Rutland, Director of the Bureau of Mineral Resources. Other keynote speakers were E.S.T. O'Driscoll, an Australian consultant, and Prof P. Bankwitz, Central Institute for Physics of the Earth, Potsdam, GDR. Technical sessions were arranged by session conveners on the following five topics:- i) The structure of the Australian craton and cover basins; ii) Basement structure of continental regions; iii) Structural patterns and mineral deposits; iv) Techniques for analysing basement structures; v) Structural patterns in oceanic crust. The arrangement of papers for this Proceedings Volume has been simplified. Part 1 deals with Australia, Part 2 with other areas and Part 3 lists the titles of all the papers read at the conference. Abstracts of these papers are available in Geological Society of Australia Abstracts No 26 and may be purchased for $AI0 from the Geological Society of Australia Office, ANA House, 301 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Field trips to view aspects of the Lachlan Fold Belt and the Sydney Basin were assisted by H.J. Harrington, D. Branagan, D. Wyborn, B. Drummond and M.J. Rick~d. A longer field trip, aborted through low enrolments, was organized by H.J. Harrington with assistance from W. Preiss, N. Cook, R. Glenn, A. Grady, and P. James; this assistance is gratefully acknowledged. The Organizing Committee wishes to thank ACTS for their helpful work as Convention Secretariat, L. Moore and W. Crowe who projected the slides and the following who chaired sessions at the meeting: M. Duggan, H.J. Harrington, R. Korsch, M. Muir, C. Simpson, W. Mayer and P. Wellman. We also thank J. Braun and H. McQueen of the Research School of Earth Sciences at ANU for displaying their computer models of basin development. Assistance with typing and editing was provided by M. Coldrick. Drs E. Heidecker and J. Leven assisted the Editors with refereeing manuscripts. We thank all the delegates, especially those from overseas who made the long journey 'down under' and who, by attending, helped make the conference a success. Finally we thank the Trustees of International Basement Tectonics Incorporated for entrusting the Conference to Canberra. M.J. Rickard Convener ix CONTENTS PART I AUSTRALIAN CONTINENT Basement Tectonics in Australia: An introductory perspective. (Keynote address) R.W.R. Rutland 3 Fault patterns during normal and oblique rifting and the influence of basement discontinuities: application to models for the tectonic evolution of the Perth Basin, Western Australia. D.R. Byrne & L.B. Harris ................................................................... 23 The Pine Creek Shear Zone, north of Pine Creek (Northern Territory): structural evolution and experimental studies. J. Krokowski & S. Olissoff ....... ..... .......... ... .......... ............... .......... ... ..... 43 Basement and cover thrust tectonics in Central Australia based on fl •. ! Amnta-Amadeus Seismic-Reflection Profile. R.D. $haw, B.R. Goleby, R.J. Korsch & C. Wright .................................... 55 Geometry of Permian to Mesozoic sedimentary basins in eastern Australia and their relationship to the New England Orogen. R.J. Korsch, K.D. Wake-Dyster, P.E. O'Brien, D.M. Finlayson & D.W. Johnstone ................................................................................ 85 Factors affecting the acquisition of structural data from remotely-sensed images of eastern Australia. C.R. Nash ..................................................................................... 109 Elusive trails in the basement labyrinth. (Keynote address) E.S.T. O'Driscoll ............................................................................. 123 PART II OTHER REGIONS Analytical study of Geologic Structure in the cover sediments by Virtual Basement Displacement method. K. Kodama .................................................................................... 151 Geochemical evolution and basement tectonism of the Arabian-Nubian Dome. H.O. Sindi ..................................................................................... 161 Basement tectonics of Saudi Arabia as related to oil field structures. H.S. Edgell .................................................................................... 169 An E-W transect section through central Iraq. S.A. Alsinawi & A.S. AI-Banna ........................................................... 195 xii Conjugate basement rift zones in Kansas, Midcontinent, U.S.A. D.L. Baars ................................................................................... 201 The Sierra Alta de San Luis: A case of regmagenic control of gold mineralization. H.G.L. Bassi ................................................................................ 211 Tar pavement rift - transform tectonic model and some examples in nature. M.B. Katz 223 North-south lineaments in the British Isles: a 1500myr record of reactivation. R.S. Haszeldine 233 Basement-cover relationships in orogenic belts. M.J. Rickard ................................................................................ 247 PARTIn TITLES OF PAPERS READ AT CONFERENCE 257 PART I AUSTRALIAN CONTINENT BASEMENT TECTONICS IN AUSTRALIA: AN INTRODUCTORY PERSPECTIVE R.W.R. RUTLAND Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2600 Australia ABSlRACT. As defined for this Conference, Basement Tectonics appears to be nearly synonymous with Intra-plate Tectonics i.e. with the tectonics of regions after a basement has been developed.
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