E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1995 No. 194 House of Representatives The House met at 11 a.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- nation of Federal reporting require- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. ments'' with an amendment. pore [Mr. SHAW]. Mr. GUTKNECHT. Mr. Speaker, pur- The message also announced that f suant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a pursuant to Public Law 99±83, the vote on agreeing to the Speaker's ap- Chair, on behalf of the President pro DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER proval of the Journal. tempore, appoints Rabbi Chaskel PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Besser, of New York, E. William The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- question is on the Chair's approval of Crotty, of Florida, and Ned Bandler, of fore the House the following commu- the Journal. New York, to the Commission for the nication from the Speaker: The question was taken; and the Preservation of America's Heritage WASHINGTON, DC, Speaker pro tempore announced that Abroad. December 7, 1995. the ayes appeared to have it. f I hereby designate the Honorable E. CLAY Mr. GUTKNECHT. Mr. Speaker, I ob- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER SHAW, JR., to act as Speaker pro tempore on ject to the vote on the ground that a PRO TEMPORE this day. quorum is not present and make the NEWT GINGRICH, point of order that a quorum is not The Chair will entertain twenty 1- Speaker of the House of Representatives. present. minute speeches on each side. f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- f PRAYER ant to clause 5, rule I, further proceed- WELCOME TO BISHOP DWIGHT ings on this question are postponed. Bishop Dwight Pate, Church Point PATE The point of no quorum is considered Ministries, Baton Rouge, LA, offered withdrawn. (Mr. FIELDS of Louisiana asked and the following prayer: was given permission to address the f God the Father and Creator of man- House for 1 minute and to revise and kind, on this seventh day of December, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE extend his remarks.) nineteen hundred and ninety-fifth year The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Mr. FIELDS of Louisiana. Mr. Speak- of our Lord, we come with thanks- gentleman from Georgia [Mr. LINDER] er, I rise this morning to introduce to giving in our heart, and a mouth full of come forward and lead the House in the the House and to the American people praise for You allowing us another day Pledge of Allegiance. a man who has had a great impact on to carry out Your appointments on this Mr. LINDER led the Pledge of Alle- many lives through his good work, his Earth. giance as follows: teaching, and his message of good will. We acknowledge here in this great Bishop Dwight Pate is from my home I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the House that every good and perfect gift United States of America, and to the Repub- of Baton Rouge, LA, where he leads comes from the Father of light. Grant lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Church Point Ministries, a large unto us knowledge and wisdom to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. church of over 4,000 members, as well judge ourselves. Grant unto us the un- f as an academy where teaching prepares derstanding to govern our daily affairs. and inspires many people who have lost Touch our hearts to be true laborers MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE their way to live meaningful and good together for the cause of uniting the A message from the Senate by Mr. lives. Homeless people, those addicted Nation. Because where there is unity Lundegran, one of its clerks, an- to drugs, and all who have lost their there is strength. Let Your counsel of nounced that the Senate had passed way in our society can find the path to freedom flow like rivers of anointed oil with an amendment a bill of the House healing through Bishop Pate's min- for where Your spirit is there is always of the following title: istry. Bishop Pate's hard work has liberty. Amen, amen. H.R. 660. An act to amend the Fair Housing built an institution that is invaluable f Act to modify the exemption from certain to his community, and his teaching has familial status discrimination prohibitions healed and inspired. His ministry THE JOURNAL granted to housing for older persons. brings his community together for wor- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The message also announced that the ship and dedication to make their lives Chair has examined the Journal of the Senate agrees to the amendment of the better. last day's proceedings and announces House to the bill (S. 790) ``An Act to His work is the work that helps make to the House his approval thereof. provide for the modification or elimi- America great. I want to thank Bishop b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 14175 H 14176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE December 7, 1995 Pate for his great service and welcome poena and also states the committee I applaud the committee for finally him to the U.S. Congress. shall not countermand or interfere taking the step of moving to instill f with the outside counsel's ability to more confidence in their deliberations. take steps necessary to conduct a full I do believe, however, that they must IT IS TIME TO DEBATE THE REAL and fair investigation. give the outside counsel the latitude to ISSUES AND STOP ENGAGING IN We cannot have a double standard, put to rest all the issues that have POLEMICS and that is all we ask for, Mr. Speaker. been raised. To do something other (Mr. WALKER asked and was given f than that is to do different than we did permission to address the House for 1 when Speaker Wright was in the com- minute.) WE SHOULD WORK TOGETHER TO SOLVE THE NATION'S PROBLEMS mittee's deliberations, and would be, I Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, for much think, unfortunately a truncated ap- of this year this House has reverber- (Mr. BOEHNER asked and was given proach to getting this Congress beyond ated with speeches condemning fellow permission to address the House for 1 the cult of personality and back to Members of Congress and other fellow minute and to revise and extend his re- work. figures. Many of those speeches have marks.) f bordered on hate. Some people on my Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, for side of the aisle have used language more than 13 months there has been an ETHICS PROCESS BEING ABUSED against the President that has been in- orchestrated campaign to demonize the FOR POLITICAL GAIN appropriate. On the minority side of Speaker. I think that this campaign (Mr. DELAY asked and was given per- the aisle, the speeches against the that has gone on to try to destroy him mission to address the House for 1 Speaker have been filled with venom. is unfortunate. Of the 65 specific alle- minute and to revise and extend his re- The fact is that we are going to have gations that were made in the com- marks.) political differences over issues and plaints to the Committee on Ethics Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, to compare policies. We should debate vigorously about the Speaker, all were technically the Wright investigation to the Ging- those matters. But in the citadel of de- dismissed or fully dismissed except rich investigation is like comparing a mocracy there should be much more ci- one. gnat to a hippopotamus. Of that one, there has been a special vility than we have seen this year. Last night, the Ethics Committee Those of you who wanted the Com- investigator brought in to work with unanimously dismissed 64 of 65 allega- mittee on Ethics to report on the the subcommittee to look at that one tions against Speaker NEWT GINGRICH. Speaker, they have. Can we now stop narrow little charge, which a former Both Republicans and Democrats con- the personal vilification? Can the lead- IRS commissioner has already sug- cluded that most of these charges were ership on both sides of the aisle begin gested to both the Speaker and others unwarranted, unnecessary, and not policing our own ranks to stop Mem- is no violation whatsoever. bers from using the House floor to Mr. Speaker, I think all of us have an worthy of further investigation. The 65th charge is narrowly focused vilify each other or express personal obligation to ourselves and an obliga- hatreds? tion to this institution to be honest on a technical tax law that requires an Many of us, myself included, have en- and to be forthright and to make sure outside expert to investigate. And even gaged in polemics on this floor. If what that the integrity of the institution is this charge has been found to be base- I have said in the past has been offen- maintained. The politicization of the less by a former commissioner of the sive to someone, then I intend to lower Committee on Ethics over this last Internal Revenue Service. my voice and stick to debating the real year I think is unfortunate, because Let there be no mistake.
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