A GUIDE TO THE MONASTERIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA A GUIDE TO THE MONASTERIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA KRIVA PALANKA KUMANOVO Kratovo Mak. Kamenica SKOPJE TETOVO Probishtip KOCHANI DELCEVO SVETI NIKOLE VINICA GOSTIVAR Pehcevo VELES Berovo RADOVIS DEBAR KICEVO Mak. Brod NEGOTINO Demir Kapija KAVADARCI STRUMICA Krusevo Valandovo PRILEP Demir Hisar Bogdanci STRUGA GEVGELIJA OHRID OHRID LAKE Resen BITOLA PRESPA LAKE Edition: Dejan Metodijeski, PhD Nako Taskov, PhD Nikola Dimitrov, PhD Reviewers: Nikola Panov, PhD Milena Taleska, PhD Translation: Kostadin Golakov Tatjana Ulanska Publisher: Agency for support and promotion of tourism in the Republic of Macedonia Photography: Irena Jovanovska Cartographic processing: Goran Jolovikj http://www.turistickemape.com/ Publisher: Европа92 - Кочани http://www.evropa92.com.mk Design: Agency for promotion and support of tourism of Republic of Macedoniaa Skopje 2016 www.macedonia-timeless.com www.tourismmacedonia.gov.mk Prologue 10 Some practical advice for visiting monasteries 12 01 Regional division of monasteries in Macedonia 17 MONASTERIES IN THE SKOPJE REGION 18 St. Elijah Monastery 20 St. Nicetas Monastery 24 St. Elijah – Chardak Monastery 30 St. Demetrius – Marko’s Monastery 34 02 Dormition of the Holy Mother of God Monastery - Matka 40 St. Panteleimon Monastery 46 St. Nicholas Monastery - Ljubanci 52 MONASTERIES IN THE POLOG REGION 56 Leshok Monastery 58 03 St. John the Baptist Monastery – Bigorski 64 MONASTERIES IN THE SOUTH-WEST REGION 70 St. George the Victorious monastery - Rajcica 72 The Holy Mother of God Immaculate Monastery 78 04 Saint Paraskevi of Rome Monastery 82 Saint Naum Monastery 86 MONASTERIES IN PELAGONIA REGION 92 Saint Archangel Michael – Varosh Monastery 94 Holy Transfiguration Monastery - Zrze 98 The Assumption of Holy Mother of God - Treskavec Monastery 104 St. John the Baptist - Slepche Monastery 110 St. Nicholas - Mariovo Monastery 116 St. Elijah – Mariovo Monastery 122 05 St. Anne - Malovishte Monastery 126 St. Paraskevi - Chapari Monastery 130 St. Paraskevi - Brajcino Monastery 134 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Slivnica Monastery 140 St. George - Kurbinovo Monastery 146 MONASTERIES IN THE VARDAR REGION 150 06 St. George - Negotino Monastery 152 MONASTERIES IN THE SOUTH-EAST REGION 157 The Holy Fifteen Tiberiopolis Martyrs Monastery 158 The Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa - Veljusa Monastery 164 07 St. Leontius - Vodocha Monastery 168 MONASTERIES IN THE EAST REGION 173 Monastery of St. Archangel Michael and 08 St. Hermit Gabriel of Lesnovo 174 MONASTERIES IN THE NORTH-EAST REGION 178 St. Joachim of Osogovo Monastery 180 The Holy Great Martyr George 09 - Staro Nagoricane Monastery 186 References 191 01 PROLOGU E Despite its European location, travelers, all good people passing the Republic of Macedonia is still by to have a meal, rest or spend surprisingly unexplored country, the night before they carry on with abundant in natural beauty, history their journey. Monasteries have re- and culture. The monastery tour- mained the place to help the needy ism in this country, from a historic and the feeble. Apart from leading perspective, has a long tradition monastic lives there, monasteries being supported with evidence of have always represented impor- the hospitality of the monasteries tant literacy centers. Monasteries in accommodating travelers. A typ- have been creating groups of icon ical monasterycomplex was built painters, wood carvers and build- quite vividly, including multi-storey ers to meet their own needs, which lodgings with spacious balconies, have been decorating monastries bulwarks, bell towers, a variety of even outside the Macedonian bor- commercial facilities, mountain ders and these are probably the pastures, cellars for storage of best groups of icon painters, wood wine, home-made brandy and win- carvers, craftsmen and builders ter food supplies stored in base- throughout the Balkans. ment cellars. The monasteries had There are more than 270 mon- their own crops, woods and mead- asteries in the Republic of Macedo- ows, pastures for the stock, vine- nia today. Around 150 of these are yards and orchards, private proper- well preseved with a local character ties and livestock like sheep, goats, and approximetely 120 destroyed or cattle as well as apiculture. Mace- partially destroyed. However, a great donian monasteries have always number are of special interest to the been welcoming all passengers, visitors, having regional, national, vand some even international sig- of this guide, primarily to all monks nificance. for giving their support and required This vividly ilustrated guide information, as well as the employ- aims to provide you with every in- ees from the Faculty of Tourism and formation you might require to Bussiness Logistics at the University visit and discover any monestery ‘Goce Delcev’ Stip, the researchers complex in the country. Apart from collecting all relevant literatureand the tourism related information re- electronic sources, priests from the garding the hisorical background Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid of these monasteries, this guide Archbishopric, the photographers, includes description, accomodation the map draftsmen, the designers possibilities and food, cartographi- of the guide and all remaining who cally presented colour maps of the willingly gave a sincere contribution monesteries and their sorrowndings, for this edition. contact information, places of signif- Being the first edition, it might icance in their surrownding, recom- unintentionally lack some impor- mended tours and other important tant moments from the monestery information. It includes all relevant tourism in the Republic of Macedo- information for visitors, regardless nia. We are most certainly open for of the purpose of their visit, whether suggestions, for which we would be it would be for religious obeisance or extremely grateful and take all into purely for tourism. consideration for printing a second We would like to express our edition of this guide. gratitude to all those who partici- pated and assisted the preparation From the authors 11 12 SOME PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR VISITING MONASTERIES Monasteries have been an in- ommended but also highly required. separable part of the Macedonian If you plan to stay in a monas- history and cultural heritage, most tery but not attend the liturgies and of which being cultural monuments the religious service, do include that protected by law. information in the reservation. Each Reservations for a visit to the monastery has their opening hours monasteries should be made in ad- to visitors, mostly from 7 a.m. to vance. Each monastery complex is 7 p.m. as well as their own typical usually visited by a great number conditions and required behavior of visitors, especially in the sum- that needs to be followed by visi- mer period or during the monastery tors, including: appropriate clothing, saint’s feast day celebration, hence speaking silently, forbidden smok- making a reservation is not only rec- ing, consumption of drinks and food, forbidding or restricting photogra- modern appliances or devices, such phy, prior notice of organized tour as a phone, radio, TV set or a com- groups, blessing for spending the puter. If you use a sound producing night, etc. device, use headphones. Food for Prices given in this guide are visitors is offered in most monas- valid for the moment but they can be teries, as well as the opportunity to subjected to changes. Most monas- prepare your own personally. teries do not provide the option for This guide will assist you to credit card payment so be prepared choose which monastery to visit or to pay cash. The prices vary from stay at and it will provide yoy with the visitors’ personal wish up to 100 the opportunity to make a close euro in a hotel complex within the contact with the Macedonian na- monastery. ture, history, culture, art, religion, Most monasteries are situated architecture and local traditions. We outside urban area, in a beautiful do hope that this guide will lead its nature, often with no available pub- readers to the holy places through- lic transport; therefore you would out Macedonia where they can ex- need a personal vehicle or a taxi. perience the hospitality in the mon- The rooms in the monasteries asteries and their way of living, find are typically clean, comfortable spiritual peace and be closer to God. and plainly furnished. Do not expect 13 14 SKOPJE TETOVO GOSTIVAR VELES DEBAR KICEVO Mak. brod Krusevo PRILEP Demir Hisar STRUGA OHRID OHRID LAKE Resen BITOLA PRESPA LAKE KRIVA PALANKA KUMANOVO Kratovo Mak. Kamenica Probistip KOCANI DELCEVO SVETI NIKOLE VINICA Pehcevo VELES Berovo RADOVIS NEGOTINO Demir Kapija KAVADARCI STRUMICA Valandovo PRILEP Bogdanci GEVGELIJA 15 16 REGIONAL DIVISION OF MONASTERIES IN MACEDONIA The monastic complexes have statistical regions: Skopje, Polog, been divided by their locations in Southwestern, Pelagonia, Vardar, the regions where they are located. Southeastern, Eastern and North- The Republic of Macedonia has eight eastern. 17 KUMANOVO Kratovo SKOPJE Probishtip TETOVO SVETI NIKOLE GOSTIVAR маНастиритеMONASTERIES во IN THE 02 скопскиотSKOPJE REGION региоН This guide begins with an over- age from the Skopje mountainous во­ди­чов­ го­ за­поч­ну­ва­ме­ со­ ство­во­скоп­ски­от­план­ски­ре­ги­он,­ view of the most important monas- region we have selected the follow- прег­лед­на­ поваж­ни­те­ма­нас­ти­ри­ по­ сво­јот­ ту­рис­тич­ки­ по­тен­ци­јал­ teries in the Skopje region. From the ing places that have particular tour- од­скоп­ски­от­ре­ги­он.­од­при­род­но­ по­себ­но­се­из­дво­ју­ва­ат­ар­хе­о­лош­ natural and cultural-historic herit- istic potential: the archaeological то­и­кул­тур­но­ис­то­рис­ко­то­нас­лед­ ки­от­ ло­ка­ли­тет­ ску­пи,­ твр­ди­на­та­ KUMANOVO Kratovo SKOPJE Probishtip TETOVO SVETI NIKOLE GOSTIVAR Ка­ле,­ак­ве­дук­тот,­ста­ра­та­град­ска­site Skupi, the Kale fortress, the Aq- Grnaќе­ прес­то­ју­ва­те­во­ Gora (Black Mount ма­нас­ти­ри­те­и­ of Skopje), чар­ши­ја­во­ueduct, the Old гра­дот­скоп­је,­број­ни­ Bazaar in the city of theќе­се­раз­бу­ди­те­од­ма­нас­тир­ски­те­ rivers Vardar and Treska, etc.
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