Morris Register Vehicle Database INTRODUCTION This Database is an attempt to list those Morris vehicles known to the Club designed before 1940 and manufactured between 1913 and 1953. Entries are current as of 1st June 2020. Vehicles are listed in the following order Oxford - all models; Cowley - all models; Light Six; Isis; Major; Minor - all models; Eight - all models; Ten - all models; Twelve; Fourteen; Fifteen; Sixteen; Eighteen; Twenty One and Twenty Five. Commercial vehicles, including Morris Minor and Eight Vans are listed at the end of the schedules. The majority of column headings are self explanatory however, under the heading "Condition" numbers are used to indicate the known condition of each vehicle. 1 = Good Running Order; 2 = Temporarily Off Road; 3 = Undergoing Restoration and 4 = In Need of Restoration. Where there is a blank the condition of the vehicle is not known. In addition entries have been colour coded GREEN to indicate that the vehicle is owned by a current Club member and Pink if where the current owner is not known. If your vehicle is Green and all details are correct no action is required. If however it is Pink, or there are details missing you need to get in touch. To search for general details of particular models you can either scroll through the pages using the up / down arrows that appear at the bottom of the screen when this file is opened. If your registration number is not there please get in touch. To find a specific data hold down the "Ctrl" key and at then press the "F" key on your keyboard. This will open a search box at the top right of the screen, type in the information you wish to find and then click on "Next". If the information is on the database the entry will be highlighted, if not a message will be displayed that the information could not be found. At the end of each section there is a list of vehicles where details, principally car and/or registration numbers are missing. Members are requested to check the entry for their vehicle(s) to make sure we have the correct information. Any corrections or additional information should be forwarded to the Vehicle Registrar, Mike Brears by letter or e- mail at [email protected] Terms & Conditions E & OE This Database is for the use of Morris Register members only, it is a condition of access that no part of the information provided is in any way passed to any party who is not a Club member, any member found to have done so may be subject to disciplinary action. The Pre 1940 Morris Register Limited 5 Burderop Close Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 0UL Page 1 Morris Register Vehicle Database Engine Registration Number Model Type Car No Year Bodywork Colour D o R Condition Type Capacity Number Current Previous Morris Oxford 1913 to 1917 - 4 Cylinder Side Valve T Head White & Poppe Engine Standard Model Car Numbers from 101 to 593 De Luxe Model Car Numbers from 1001 to 2000 1920 to 1929 - 4 Cylinder Side Valve L Head Hotchkiss Type Engine 1920 Car Numbers from 5007 to 6372, Frame Numbers from 2007 to 3372 Current Member 1921 Car Numbers from 6373 to 9288, Frame Numbers from 3373 to 6288 Not Known 1922 Car Numbers from 9289 to 14401, Frame Numbers from 6289 to 11401 1923 Car Numbers from 14402 to 30801 Frame Numbers from 11402 to 27801 Oxford 14369 CB 1548cc SV 24985 1923 NX 1527 2 Seater with Dickey Maroon / Black 14/03/1923 1 Oxford 14370 22479 1923 TA 4288 2 Seater with Dickey Grey 28/09/1922 3 Oxford 15829 70931 1923 RK 2433 Tourer Green / Black 1 Oxford 15981 81229 1923 SV 7014 2 Seater with Dickey Red / Black 11/12/1922 1 Oxford 27373 CB 1548cc SV 34778 1923 XO 3871 2 Seater with Dickey Blue / Black 1 Oxford MO 11.9 27929 30081 1923 YA 6187 Tourer Grey / Black 3 Oxford MO 13.9 29676 CF 1802cc SV 27131 1923 PP 835 Tourer Old English White 31/08/1923 1 1924 Car Numbers from 30802 to 57411, Frame Numbers from 27801 to 54411 Oxford 30115 1802cc SV 245714 1924 JJM 23 2 Seater Blue / Black n/a 2 Oxford 46562 52575 1924 SA 7277 2 Door Saloon Maroon / Black 11/06/1924 1 1925 Car Numbers from 57412 to 107857, Frame Numbers from 54412 to 104857 Oxford 59995 CE 1802cc SV 71946 1925 KL 3515 Tourer Yellow 26/11/1924 3 Oxford 67901 1802cc SV 77112 1925 PD 4145 Coupe Blue / Black 05/10/1924 1 Oxford 68981 1802cc SV 76684 1925 TT 2193 Tourer Green / Black 13/01/1925 Oxford 71703 1802cc SV 118836 1925 H 4115 Tourer Blue / Black 02/03/1925 1 Oxford 78027 1802cc SV 89550 1925 RS 6485 Saloon Blue / Black 24/03/1925 1 Oxford MO 14/28 89535 1802cc SV 101399 1925 SF 2203 2 Seater with Dickey Green / Black 20/05/1925 1 Oxford 89772 1802cc SV 107740 1925 HV 2948 Tourer Blue / Black 12/05/1925 1 Oxford 92044 1802cc SV 104428 1925 DD 7352 4/5 Seater Tourer Blue / Black 13/06/1925 1 Oxford 93225 1802cc SV 105129 1925 RO-07464 OR 7632 Tourer Green / Black 27/05/1925 1 Oxford 95204 1802cc SV 107562 1925 BO 9698 Tourer Claret / Black 01/07/1925 3 Oxford 97338 1802cc SV 114437 1925 SN 7836 4/5 Seater Tourer Claret / Black 13/07/1925 1 Oxford 98695 1802cc SV 115441 1925 BS 9055 Tourer Maroon / Black 09/07/1925 1 1926 Car Numbers from 107858 to 156424, Frame Numbers from 104858 to 153424 Oxford MO 14/28 106357 CE 1802cc SV 121002 1926 TY 23 Tourer Maroon / Black 05/09/1925 1 Oxford MO 14/28 119466 1802cc SV 126888 1926 UM 2438 2 Seater with Dickey Green / Black 19/11/1925 3 Page 2 Morris Register Vehicle Database Engine Registration Number Model Type Car No Year Bodywork Colour D o R Condition Type Capacity Number Current Previous Oxford MO 14/28 126715 1802cc SV 146283 1926 HC 6017 2 Seater Maroon / Black 03/02/1926 1 Oxford MO 14/28 130341 1802cc SV 149828 1926 FU 5920 Saloon Grey / Black 01/06/1926 1 Oxford MO 14/28 134694 1802cc SV 157727 1926 RO 2896 Tourer Blue / Black 18/03/1926 1 Oxford MO 14/28 140315 1802cc SV 162629 1926 YO 9024 ¾ Coupé 01/03/1926 1 Oxford MO 14/28 141757 1802cc SV 164701 1926 SV 9447 Tourer Blue / Black 27/05/1926 1 Oxford MO 14/28 141776 1802cc SV MM1993 1926 BS 8504 2 Seater with Dickey Grey / Black 1 Oxford MO 14/28 150811 1802cc SV 170356 1926 SF 5977 Tourer Green / Black 01/07/1926 2 Oxford MO 14/28 153600 1802cc SV 164093 1926 TT 9505 Cabriolet Blue / Black 25/08/1926 2 Oxford MO 14/28 155712 1802cc SV 177294 1926 RP 3229 4/5 Seater Tourer Claret / Black 20/08/1926 1 Oxford MO 14/28 165482 CE 1802cc SV 297188 1926 MM 1926 Tourer Green 1 1927 Car Numbers from 156501 to 215000 Oxford MO 14/28 157242 CE 1802cc SV 249996 1927 YR 7195 Tourer Blue 20/11/1926 1 Oxford MO 14/28 162003 1802cc SV 184076 1927 PW 9398 Cabriolet Blue / Black 08/12/1926 3 Oxford MO 14/28 17282? 1802cc SV 24764? 1927 MN 4377 ¾ Coupé Maroon / Black 1 Oxford MO 14/28 173833 1802cc SV 195653 1927 FH 4674 Saloon / Sliding Head Blue / Black 10/01/1927 3 Oxford MO 14/28 181823 1802cc SV 211161 1927 ML 9361 ¾ Coupé Claret / Black 24/03/1927 1 Oxford MO 14/28 187468 1802cc SV 214358 1927 RU 4854 Saloon Maroon / Black 28/03/1927 1 Oxford MO 14/28 188057 1802cc SV 204699 1927 MR 9107 4 Door Tourer Maroon / Black 28/03/1927 1 Oxford MO 14/28 190239 1802cc SV 215237 1927 KO 1304 ¾ Coupé Maroon 08/04/1927 1 Oxford MO 14/28 190711 1802cc SV 261140 1927 UO 1831 Saloon Maroon / Black 04/04/1927 4 Oxford MO 14/28 190940 1802cc SV 230619 1927 PT 9377 2 Seater Special Red / Black 01/09/1927 1 Oxford MO 14/28 197235 1802cc SV 232890 1927 BF 8762 Tourer Red / Black 04/05/1927 3 Oxford MO 14/28 198663 1802cc SV 224513 1927 RUBY 28 Saloon Maroon / Black 01/05/1927 1 Oxford MO 14/28 202730 1802cc SV 225936 1927 OT 5334 4 Door Tourer Red / Black 15/06/1927 3 Oxford MO 14/28 207689 1802cc SV 227544 1927 YH 9801 Tourer White / Blue 22/07/1927 1 1928 Car Numbers from 215001 to 268465 Oxford 225815 1802cc SV 253370 1928 MM 1927 2 Seater Green 22/11/1927 3 Oxford 226199 1802cc SV 246511 1928 RL 6726 Saloon Blue / Black 01/11/1927 1 Oxford 234013 1802cc SV 263736 1928 RX 1063 Hoyal Fabric Bodied Saloon Maroon / Black 27/01/1928 3 Oxford 240755 1802cc SV 266331 1928 TO 7263 Saloon Maroon / Black 01/02/1928 1 Oxford MO 14/28 250144 278488 1928 PN 1309 ¾ Coupé Blue / Black 30/04/1928 1 Oxford 256232 1802cc SV 288689 1928 VW 5443 Tourer Blue / Black 01/05/1928 1 Oxford 264947 1802cc SV 298232 1928 MW 2737 ¾ Coupé 19/07/1928 1 Oxford MO 11.9 267940 CB 1548cc SV 301842 1928 UY 3857 Tourer Maroon / Black 01/07/1928 1 1929 Car Numbers from 268466 to 313896 Oxford 264734 1802cc SV 259789 1928 PK 1407 All steel Saloon Blue / Black 06/07/1927 4 Oxford MC 14/28 279798 CE 1802cc SV 314688 1928 VW 7342 Hoyal Fabric Bodied Saloon Blue / Black 30/11/1928 1 Oxford 301185 1802cc SV 348061 1929 MU 550 Tourer Maroon / Black 28/02/1930 2 Oxford MC 14/28 305555 CE 341980 1929 MW 4726 4 Door Saloon Brown / Black 17/05/1929 1 Oxford 306550 1802cc SV 344138 1929 CH 8456 2 Seater with Dickey Maroon / Black 17/05/1929 2 Oxford 307655 1802cc SV 344575 1929 UU 5535 Saloon Maroon / Black 18/05/1929 1 Bin Ends requiring further details on Car and/or registrations numbers Page 3 Morris Register Vehicle Database Engine Registration Number Model Type Car No Year Bodywork Colour D o R Condition Type Capacity Number Current Previous Oxford 1914 IM 6891 Tourer Green 1 Oxford 1924 AO 9964 Tourer Red / Black 1 Oxford 1924 SV 7799 2 Seater Green / Black n/a 1 Oxford 1925 SA 7984 Saloon Blue Oxford 1926 BS 9593 Oxford 1927 J 3542 Saloon Oxford 1927 BH MO 27H Saloon Blue / Black 01/11/1927 2 Oxford 1927 YU 8160 2 Seater with Dickey Blue 1 Oxford 1929 SV 4660 "Oxford Silent Six" 1923 to 1924 - 6 Cylinder Side Valve Engine 1923 Car Numbers from F 101 to F 149 1924 Car Numbers from F 101 to F 149 Morris 15.9hp "Empire Oxford"
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