The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: November 28, 2020 | Pages: 219-223 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue11-39 OCLC - 1121105668 Some Morphological Characteristics Of Uzbek Dialects Rakhmonov Navruz Sattorovich (Phd) Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan Journal Website: http://usajournalshub.c om/index,php/tajssei Copyright: Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the creative commons attributes 4.0 licence. ABSTRACT It is well known that dialects are an invaluable spiritual heritage that preserves the mental characteristics of the people. Therefore, the collection of dialect materials and their study in modern areas, along with traditional methods of linguistics and draws scientific conclusions. In Uzbek linguistics, one of the priorities is the creation of dictionaries on dialects and the creation of dialectal atlases. In this article, some morphological features of Uzbek dialects are analyzed in lingvoareal, comparative-historical and descriptive methods. KEYWORDS Dialect, dialectal atlas, lingvoareal, morphological form, linguistic landscape, dictionary, ethnic diversity INTRODUCTION In studying the current state of the dialectal dialects in the use of morphological forms in linguistic landscape of Navoi region, which is Uzbek dialects, as well as specific features of the object of our research, the study of the the dialect. Such differences are due to factors morphological features of Uzbek dialects in such as the location of the dialect, historical the region will undoubtedly provide valuable conditions, ethnic diversity, population materials to determine the linguistic nature of migration, as well as the influence of Uzbek the grammatical structure of the Uzbek dialects in the neighboring region. language. This is due to the fact that the region has many similarities with other Uzbek The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 11 -2020 219 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: November 28, 2020 | Pages: 219-223 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue11-39 OCLC - 1121105668 As early as the 11th century, Mahmud Kashgari person plural literary language is a typical noted that in Oguz and Kipchak, "for the sake phenomenon for the Qarluq and mixed Uzbek of ease of pronunciation ..." some sounds dialects of the region. The transition of ng to y were omitted in oral speech [7, 69]. It should between two vowels may have changed from be noted that in Uzbek dialects, too, the - (') ng'z as a result of [ng> y]: [- (') hundred principles of simplicity and economy apply to <(') ng'z]; ͻtәngz> ͻtәyz, koz'ngz> koz'i'z> the combination of certain adjectives and koz': z> koz'z [12, 146]. In general, the second words, as required by ease of pronunciation. person plural - (') face form is typical of Qarluq-type Uzbek dialects and is also found MATERIALS AND METHODS in Osh, Uzgen, Jalal-Abad, Namangan, Lower Odamla (Odamlar- in literary language) Kashkadarya, Kattakurgan, Tashkent, Jizzakh meaning: people, biza // bizar (Bizlar- in literary dialects. The peculiarity of this fact is that in language) meaning: we, kitabiz (Kitobingiz- in the Kipchak-type dialects of the region, such literary language) meaning: your book, as Oltinsoy, Xonaqa, Kuksaroy, Dorman, as a uyinsqa bͻring (uyingizga boring- in literary result of the influence of Qarluq-type dialects, language) meaning: go home, ke: ng (Keling- the (-) face form is actively used. in literary language) meaning: come, In the bilingual (Uzbek-Tajik) Kyzyltepa, welcome, o: ng (oling- in literary language) Nurata, Ghazgan dialects of Navoi region, meaning: take, help yourself. It should be there are variants of the possessive suffix - noted that Navoi region has similarities with um, -ung: oglum, oglung, bͻgum, bͻgung, other Uzbek dialects in the use of Uzbek chirogum, chirͻgung. This variant of the dialects, as well as other Uzbek dialects, but at possessive suffix is also found in the bilingual the same time as a product of a long historical dialects of the neighboring Bukhara region [9, process, the dialects developed against the 46]. In regional dialects, as a result of the background of external and internal addition of possessive suffixes, there are also influences. The Uzbek and Kazakh peoples sound-changing phenomena such as [q> g', k> have long lived side by side in the Navoi g, p> v]: taragim, 'staghm, kel' sͻv' (keli region, and in some areas mixed. This does dastasi), gav'ng (gaping). The area under not go unnoticed in this or that language. study is four indicators of the six conventions Including Kyzylcha of Nurata district; In the in the snow-type dialects, in which the dialects of Shurtepa and Kenagas villages of contraction and fall contractions do not differ. Konimex district, Uzbeks living mixed with Direction and place-time agreements are also Kazakhs have plural forms [-dar // -der, -tar // - applied in a mixed manner. It occurs mainly in tar]. Variants of the plural form [-dar // -der] Navoi, Samarkand, Bukhara, Karshi dialects. are also found in the dialects of Yangikurgan Although the indicators of these agreements district of Namangan region and Sherabad are the same, but each of them is an district of Surkhandarya region. The -dar // - independent agreement. Because they differ dar, -tar // -tar forms of the plural are also in their application, functions, semantic available in Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Bashkir, Tuva, and features. The - ә // -a form of the consonant is Altaic languages [14, 16]. The use of the suffix - used in the Karmana, Hazara, and Qiziltepa (') instead of the suffix - (i) in the second dialects of the Qarluq type as part of the The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 11 -2020 220 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: November 28, 2020 | Pages: 219-223 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue11-39 OCLC - 1121105668 words she: ra, o: ra, be: ra. It is known from key] is used by adding suffixes to the question the dialectological literature that this form is pronouns and the meaning of the accent is the main morphological indicator of the expressed: as in әnakәy, mәnәkәy, qanikey dialects belonging to the Oghuz dialect. In the (where?). This situation is also observed in dialects under study, this form also appeared Karshi, Parkent and Samarkand dialects. as a result of the influence of the Bukhara RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Oghuz type dialects. Comparison: Karakul: she: ra, o: ra, be: ra; Khorezm: be: ra, shö: ra, In order to emphasize the meaning of the hö: ra [9, 65; 1, 173]. command-desire, the -gay form can sometimes be added in Kipchak-type dialects: The -ye form of the directional agreement is bͻragay, kelagay. Comparison: boragay – bora found in the Karmana, Hazara, and Kyzyltepa qol (stay – go), Kelagay – kela qol (stay – dialects of the Qarluq type. This suffix is added come); to words ending in a vowel: hͻvl'ye, kochaye, Buxͻrͻye. Comparison: In Kattakurgan:'ch'ye, In the regional dialects, the second person oz'ye; hovliye (yard) in Tashkent. plural form of the imperative mood In Choya, Qizilcha, Qumrabod, Langar dialects It is formed by the suffixes [- (') ng / - (y) ng / - of Navoi region, the form of the verb -n, -in, yngiz / -yng'ys / -yngyz] and its meaning is which was used in Turkic languages until the directed to the plural, the general (except the XV century, has been preserved [3, 32; 4, 59- meaning of respect): ayting, ket'ng, ͻ: ng, ke: 61]: Erten ketemiz // Erta bilan ketamiz.( We ng, ko’ringiz, aytingiz, tushingiz. The -lar form leave tomorrow // We leave early; Kunun may also be added after these additions. In ishladi // Kuni bilan ishladi (He worked the day this case, sometimes there is a phenomenon // He worked the day); Tunun uhlmad // Tuni of narrowing of the verb structure [12, 129] bilan uhlamadi (He didn't sleep last night // He with the requirement of maximum didn't sleep at night). In these dialects, the simplification of pronunciation in oral speech: word tomorrow is also used in the sense of bͻr'zlә, ͻl'zlә (-'zlә> -ingizlar). The second tomorrow. In Soykechar dialect Erten op kep person plural forms also differ semantically. beraman (Ertaga olib kelib beraman) : I'll give Comparison: in Kipchak dialects: ke: ngner it to you tomorrow (I'll bring it tomorrow). (command, suggestion in relation to the general); kelzle // kel'ngzle (command, It is noteworthy that in the dialects of the suggestion to an elderly or respected person). study area, including Uyrot, Bahrin of Karmana district; In the Iranian dialects of Khatirchi Inter-dialectal variation of a morphological district, Tortuvli rural dialects, the (- i) mtir // - form in Uzbek dialects, the occurrence of (i) mtil forms of the reduced degree are also which in different phonetic forms is found in addition to the bitter quality, which associated with a number of ethnolinguistic expresses the meaning of taste: achqimtil factors. Morphological variability has also (more bitter). emerged in the studied dialects as a result of the interaction of the elements karluq, In the dialects of Baroq, Oqqula, Yangiabad kipchak, and in part Oguz. The analytic - (i) b villages of Nurata district [ene/mene], [-kәy, - edi form of the past tense has a different The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 11 -2020 221 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: November 28, 2020 | Pages: 219-223 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue11-39 OCLC - 1121105668 appearance in the dialects under study. In the It is characteristic that in the dialects of dialects of Kadak, Qirhovud, Qizilhovud, Uchtut and Kuksaroy villages there is an Nogora, Hasanota, Anna, Tutli, Tikanli, enlarged form “borayatuvdim” of the future Soykechar villages of Nurata district, which tense.
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