THE for America’s Libraries VOICE ISSN 1084-4694 VOLUME 19, ISSUE 2 APRIL 2018 ALA Emerging Leaders to explore United for Libraries project on engaging Millennials as library advocates and leaders The United for Libraries-sponsored Xers, 43% of Baby Boomers, and 36% project “Beyond Using the Library: of the Silent Generation reported the IN THIS ISSUE Engaging Millennials as Advocates and same. Boards of Trustees, Foundations, Civic Library Leaders” was selected as and Friends Groups are all facing in- President’s Message 2 one of the 2018 ALA Emerging Lead- creasing aging out of board members, News & Notes 3 ers projects. and the need to engage and recruit Around ALA 5 The ALA Emerging Leaders (EL) younger members. The purpose of this program is a leadership development project is to analyze current trends in Framework for Foundations 6 program that enables newer library Millennials advocating for and sup- Tools for Trustees 8 workers from across the country to porting their libraries; identify barriers Focus on Friends 11 participate in problem-solving work for Millennials to serve on library and groups, network with peers, gain an in- library support group boards; compile State Friends Spotlight 14 side look into ALA structure, and have best practices for engaging Millennials, Friends on Campus 15 an opportunity to serve the profession and create tools and resources to help Good Ideas from the Network 16 in a leadership capacity. It puts partici- libraries promote civic library leader- pants on the fast track to ALA commit- ship to Millennials. Book Club Central 21 tee volunteerism as well as other pro- The goal of this project is to com- Book Club Choices 22 fessional library-related organizations. pile and create tools to help libraries, Corporate Sponsors & Board of Directors 23 The EL program kicks off with a Trustees, Foundations, and Friends groups overcome barriers and engage Books for Babies 24 day-long session during the ALA Mid- winter Meeting. Afterward, it grows the Millennial generation in moving and develops in an online learning from being the most likely generation NET NEUTRALITY and networking environment for six of Americans to use public libraries to months. The program culminates with being active advocates and civic lead- ALA Council has adopted a new a poster session presentation to display ers as members of Boards of Trustees, ALA statement on net neutrality and the results of the project planning work Foundations, and Friends of the Li- intellectual freedom. of each group at the ALA Annual Con- brary groups. Additionally, the project page 10 ference. will expose those future advocates United for Libraries board mem- and civic library leaders to United for FRIENDS WEEK AWARDS bers Veronda Pitchford and David Libraries, enabling United for Librar- Learn about the award-winning Paige, along with United for Libraries ies division to reach potential new National Friends of Libraries Week staff, will support ALA Emerging Lead- members and member leaders of the projects. ers Lina Bertinelli, Madeline Jarvis, division. page 11 Kathy Kosinski, and Tess Wilson on United for Libraries will use the the project. outcomes from this project to provide NEW SJP PICK According to Pew Research Center libraries, Friends Groups, Foundations, and Boards of Trustees with free tools Sarah Jessica Parker has revealed her survey data from fall 2016, 53% of latest selection for Book Club Central. Millennials (those ages 18 to 35 at the and resources to promote civic library page 21 time) reported using a public library or leadership to Millennials, and engage bookmobile in the past 12 months. The this generation as civic library leaders same survey data showed 45% of Gen continued on page 10 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 1 President’s Message Partnering with corporations for library support Dear libraries and and positive relationships with our cor- “They directly connect our authors friends, porate allies. It’s a symbiotic relation- to new readers,” Dye said. “United ship — they help us, we help them. The is one of the vital links for Penguin It’s time we big businesses can further themselves as Random House to connect with in- remember the im- positive corporate citizens, and librar- fluencers, which support our mission portance of corpo- ies can continue to grow and prosper. of ‘changing the world one book at a rate partnerships Big name companies have been time.’” as we promote allies to libraries for some time. The He also said an ongoing corporate library programs, Corporate Committee for Library In- relationship allows the publishing com- membership vestment (CCLI) is a group comprised pany to have regular conversations with drives, and other Steve Laird, United for of roughly 90 U.S. companies that sup- Friends groups, library Trustees, Foun- activities through- Libraries President port libraries. dations, and other industry advocates. out the year. Recently, the organization showed “Being a corporate sponsor helps While personal donations are impor- opposition to proposed federal cuts to us maintain visibility to these influenc- tant contributions, corporate donations the fiscal 2019 budget from the Insti- ers and at the same time assist in fund- weigh heavily into annual budgets. tute of Museum and Library Services ing programs and evens, which edu- Beth Nawalinski, executive direc- (IMLS) and the Library Services and cate, nurture, and maintain the library tor of United for Libraries, said corpo- Technology Act (LSTA). ecosystem,” Dye said. rate donations comprise about 95% of Skip Dye, vice president of library For more information about total annual donations. She said: “It’s marketing and digital sales at Penguin United for Libraries’ corporate spon- definitely overwhelmingly more corpo- Random House, said the publishing sors, visit www.ala.org/united/about/ rate.” company is a corporate sponsor be- sponsors. For more information on the That’s why it’s important we need cause libraries benefit their business Corporate committee for Library In- to make it a priority to build strong goals. vestment, www.fundlibraries.com. Join United for Libraries at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference The Voice for America’s Libraries is published by United for Ticketed Events: will headline this evening, which will Libraries: The Association of United for Libraries Institute: Friends, also feature comedian Tom Papa and Library Trustees, Advocates, Foundations, and Trustees bestselling humor authors. Wine and Friends and Foundations, a Fri., June 22, 1-4 p.m. cheese will be served, and a book division of the American Library $25; Event code UNI2 signing will follow. Association (ALA). Library Trustees, Friends groups, For membership information, Foundations, and staff are invited Gala Author Toast sponsored by call (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161, to join this session, featuring expert ReferenceUSA email [email protected], or visit speakers and learning opportunities. Mon., June 25, 2-4 p.m. www.ala.org/united. The afternoon will include a keynote $65, $60 advance, $55 United for Li- followed by concurrent breakout ses- braries members; Event code: UNI3 United for Libraries sions. An agenda and list of speakers Susan Orlean and other authors 859 W. Lancaster Ave. will be available on the United for will discuss their writing lives and Unit 2-1 Libraries website. An agenda and list forthcoming books. Raise a glass to Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 of speakers will be available at www. celebrate these bestselling writers – ala.org/united. festive beverages and light snacks will Send editorial contributions, be served. United for Libraries will articles, newsletters and news The Laugh’s On Us sponsored by recognize the winners of the Baker & releases attention The Voice Ingram Content Group Taylor Awards during this event. to the address above or to Sun., June 24, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Additional United for Libraries [email protected]. $65, $60 advance, $55 United for Li- programs at the ALA Annual Confer- braries members; Event code: UNI2 ence will include discussion groups, The Voice is a copyrighted Comedian and United for Librar- author panels, and more. For com- publication and cannot be ies spokesperson Paula Poundstone plete details, visit www.ala.org/united. photocopied and distributed. 2 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 News & Notes Register now for National Library Legislative Day, May 7-8 Upcoming events Washington Office are calling for School Library Month nominations for the WHCLIST Award. April 2018 Each year, the award is granted to a www.ala.org/aasl/slm non-librarian participant in NLLD. The winner receives a stipend of $300 and National Library Week two free nights at the NLLD hotel. For April 8-14, 2018 more information, visit www.district www.ala.org/nlw National Library Legislative Day dispatch.org. (NLLD) is a two-day educational event National Library Workers Day that brings hundreds of librarians, FAQs April 10, 2018 Trustees, Friends, and other library Who can attend National Library Leg- http://ala-apa.org/nlwd supporters and patrons to Washington, islative Day? D.C. This year it will be May 7-8. Money Smart Week Attendees spend one day learning Anyone who loves libraries! This event April 21-28, 2018 effective advocacy tactics and being is open to the public and anyone who www.moneysmartweek.org briefed about pressing federal legisla- loves libraries — Trustees, Friends, stu- tive issues that are impacting libraries. dents, business owners, library enthu- Preservation Week On the second day, they join other at- siasts — has a story to tell. It is critical April 22-28, 2018 tendees from their state to meet with that members of Congress and their www.ala.org/preservationweek their members of Congress and rally staff hear firsthand just how important support for library issues and policies. libraries are to their constituents.
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