Assessment of Conditions for Biodiversity and Fragile Ecosystems Conservation and Management in Peru

Assessment of Conditions for Biodiversity and Fragile Ecosystems Conservation and Management in Peru

• ASSESSMENT OF CONDITIONS FOR BIODIVERSITY AND FRAGILE ECOSYSTEMS CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT IN PERU PREPARED FOR USAIDIPERU STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4 Improved EnvIronmental Management In Targeted Sectors EPIQ Assessment Team Douglas Pool, Team Leader Douglas Southgate, EnvIronmental EconomIst LIly RodrIguez, BIOlogIst Alfredo GarcIa, AnthropologIst Ebana VIllar, Gender Speclabst JUNE 26, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 THE PROBLEM FOREST AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN PERU 3 ACTIVITY RATIONALE 4 ACTIVITY GOAL AND PURPOSE 5 POLICY AND INSTITUTIONAL SETTING 5 1 BIOdIversIty Values and TheIr Capture 5 2 Forestry Values and TheIr Capture 6 ACTIVITY STRATEGY 7 ACTIVITY INTERVENTIONS 7 1 PolIcy ASSIstance 7 2 SIte-Based InterventIOns 8 PLAN OF ACTION 8 1 LInkage to Related BIOdIversIty ConservatIon and ClImate Change ACtiVIties ENDNOTES ATTACHMENTS A Threats AnalysIs B InstitutIOnal AnalysIs C SOCIO-EconomIc AnalysIs D Gender AnalysIs 11 E PolIcy AnalysIs F Creatmg a Carbon SequestratIon SO-Level IndIcator G Imtlal EnvIronmental Exammatlon H MatrIx RevIew and PnontIes Suggested for SIte InterventIons 111 1 q LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AD USAID/Peru's Alternative Development Project ANP Protected Natural Area APECO PeruvIan ASSOCIatIon for the ConservatIOn of Nature BIOCOM BIOdIversIty Component of SENREM Project BSNP Bahuaja-Sonene NatIOnal Park BSP BIOdIversIty Support Program CANP Cerros de Amotape NatIonal Park CARE CommIttee for AssIstance and RelIef Everywhere CBD ConventIOn on BIOlogIcal DIversIty CI ConservatIOn InternatIOnal CITES ConventIon on InternatIOnal Trade In Endangered SpecIes of WIld Flora and Fauna CNF NatIOnal Forestry Chamber CONAM NatIonal EnVIronmental CouncIl CTAR TransItIonal CommIttee(s) for RegIOnal AdmInIstratIon CTM MultIsectoral TechnIcal CommIssIon CTMR RegIonal MultIsectoral TechnIcal Commlttee(s) DGANPFS General Protected Areas and WIldlIfe Bureau DGF General Forestry Bureau EEZ ecologIcal economIC zonmg ENRE envIronmental and natural resource economICS FADEMAD Madre de DIOS Departmental AgrarIan FederatIon FAO Umted NatIons Food and Agnculture Orgamzatlon FCCC Framework ConventIon on ClImate Change FENAMAD NatIve FederatIOn of the Madre de DIOS RIver and Tnbutarles GoP Government of Peru GTZ [German] Techmcal CooperatIon Agency HBS Huascaran NatIonal Park and BIOsphere Reserve HAP PeruVIan Amazon Research Institute INADE NatIonal InstItute for Development INRENA National Institute of Natural Resources IR IntermedIate result ITTA International TropIcal TImber Agreement KfW [German] Development CredIt Bank LTNR Lake TItIcaca NatIonal Reserve MAG MInIstry of Agnculture MBS Manu NatIOnal Park and BIOsphere Reserve MEF MInIstry of Economy and FInance MEM MInIStry of Energy and MInes MINPE MInIStry of FIshenes MITINCI MInIStry of Industry and Tounsm IV MoE M1ll1stry of EducatIOn MoH M1ll1stry of Health MTNS Manglares de Tumbes NatIOnal Sanctuary NWBR Northwest BIOsphere Reserve OENR USAID/Peru's OffIce of the EnvIronment and Natural Resources PCM PresIdency of the CouncIl of M1ll1sters PNR Paracas NatIOnal Reserve ProNaturaleza PeruVIan FoundatIon for the ConservatIOn of Nature PSNR Pacaya-Samma NatIOnal Reserve Ramsar ConventIOn on Wetlands (sIgned 1971, Ramsar, Iran) RANP Rio Abiseo NatIOnal Park SENREM USAID/Peru's Sustamable EnVIronment and Natural Resource Management Project SINANPE NatIOnal System of Natural Areas Protected by the State S04 USAID/Peru's enVIronmental strategIc objective TCRZ Tambopata-Candamo Reserved Zone TMI The Mountam InstItute TNC The Nature Conservancy TNP Tmgo Marfa NatIOnal Park UNALM NatIOnal AgrarIan UmversIty, La MolIna UNAP NatIOnal Umversity of the PeruVIan Amazon Basm, IqUltos UNAS NatIOnal AgrarIan Umversity of the Jungle, Tmgo Marfa UNDP Umted NatIOns Development Program UNESCO Umted NatIons EducatIOnal, SCIentIfic, and Cultural OrgamzatIOn UNSAAC San Antomo Abad NatIOnal Umversity of Cusco USAID Umted States Agency for InternatIOnal Development USG Umted States Government WCI WIldlIfe ConservatIOn InternatIOnal WWF WorldWIde Fund for Nature v BlOdIVeCSlty and FragIle Ecosystems ConservatIOn DesIgn Assessment Page 1 of25 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Peru IS one of the world's nchest countnes m bIOlogIcal dIversIty and forest resources It IS also a country where clImate change mItIgatIon efforts mvolvmg forest management can still be undertaken wIth sIgmficant medIUm-term results at a relatIvely lower cost than m countnes where resource degradatIOn IS more advanced Measures to mamtam forest cover wIll combat the loss of bIOlogIcal dIversIty and slow the emISSIOn of carbon dIOXIde from the burmng of forests for agncultural and lIvestock productIOn The threats to reduced bIOlogIcal dIverSIty are grouped m two categones polIcy threats and SIte speCIfIC threats to dIverse bIOlogically-nch ecosystems DIVIded envIronmental authonty, mIsconceptIOn of the value of conservmg bIOdIverSIty and forests, madequate legal norms, lack ofpartICIpatIOn of the local populatIOn m the management of protected areas, unsustamable land and resource use, uncontrolled mmmg and hydrocarbon exploration m protected areas, lack of blosafety measures, uncontrolled tounsm expanSIOn, and deforestatIOn all contnbute to loss of bIOlogICal dIverSIty The most appropnate response to these threats IS one that addresses Improvements m the management of bIOlogIcal dIverSIty and forests, combmed WIth efforts to generate economIC alternatIves for local commumtIes lIvmg m and around threatened ecosystems The goal of the BIodIverSIty and FragIle Ecosystems ConservatIOn and Management ACtIVIty IS to protect bIOlogIcal dIverSIty and forests and to mItigate clImate change The ActIVIty'S purpose IS to Improve the management of Peru's bIOdIverSIty and carbon stocks No new IRs are needed to support achIevement of MISSIon SOs However, there IS Justification and a strong recommendatIon to create a new mdicator, one focused speCIfIcally on the amelIoratIOn of global clImate change, at the strategIc-objectIve level Proposed polIcy aSSIstance mterventIOns are grouped under four areas support the development of a common awareness for Peru's bIOdivensty strategy and natural resource use planmng, support opportumtIes to strengthen SINANPE, promote natural forest polICIes that help Peru meet ITTA standards and support complementary bIOdIverSIty and forest management polIcy changes SpeCIfIC polIcy mterventIons wIll mclude Developmg econOmIC valuatIOn cntena for bIOdIverSIty mcludmg a methodology to mcorporate envIronmental and SOCIal costs and benefIts m bIOdIverSIty and forest resource valuation mcludmg carbon sequestratIOn, promotmg strong mcentIves for bIOdIverSIty conservatIon and sustamable use mcludmg clearer defimtions ofaccess to genetIC resources and development of a bIOtechnology plan, assIstmg m the planmng for ecologIcal-economIc zomng, proposmg and developmg regulatIOn for the Law for the Sustamable Use of BIodIversIty, supportmg the protectIOn and consolIdation of key bIOdIverSIty nch areas and promotmg communal reserves as a strategy to remforce local stakeholders partICIpatIon m natural resource use, contributmg to the development of a re-organIZed natural forest management system for sustamable production, IdentIfymg dismcentives and mstItutIOnal 1 BIOdiversity and Fraglie Ecosystems ConservatIon Design Assessment Page 2 of25 ImpedIments to sustamable forestry, and supportmg the establIshment of forest certIficatIon standards and mOnItormg mechamsms SIte-based mterventIons are also broadly grouped m four areas Support sustamable land use planmng and conflIct resolutIon m key geographIc areas, strengthen regIonal and local capacIty to conserve and sustamably manage biOdIversIty and forest resources, facIlItate the preparatiOn of effIcIent forest management plan, and support complementary local mstitutions for biOdIversIty and forest conservatiOn and management SpecIfIC sIte-based mterventiOns mclude strengthenmg local InStItutIons mcludmg regiOnal envIronmental commIttees, CTMRs and other partIcIpatory mechanIsms mvolved m resource plannmg and biOdIversIty conservatiOn, assIstmg m the def1llltiOn of local resource use rIghts, sUPPOrtmg an mtegrated resource cadaster mcludmg agrIculture, forestry, mmmg, and tourIsm, supportmg local InItIatIves for sustamable alternatIves to deforestatIon and explOItatIOn of threatened ecosystems, and mOnItormg key mdIcators to determme effectIveness of resource management, supportmg the establIshment of effectIve protected area local management commIttees, as mandated by the Protected Area Law, and facIlItatmg partICIpatory elaboratIon and ImplementatiOn of PA-specIfIc resource use plans, promotmg the mtensIfIed and efficIent use of secondary forests, and supportmg forest certIficatiOn awareness and trammg The polIcy aSSIstance and sIte-based mterventiOns, grouped under specIfic IntermedIate Results are mtentiOnally deSIgned to remforce each other PolIcy reform and mstItutIonal strengthenmg mterventlons proposed at the natIonal level wIll be tested at the regIonal and local levels through local government, local management cOmmIttees, base organIZatIons, NGOs and CBOs workIng m tropIcal forests, protected areas, and bIodIversIty-nch ecosystems LIkeWIse, best practIces and lessons learned from the preparatiOn and ImplementatiOn ofpIlot resource management plans and testmg of appropnate technologIes wIll support refmement of polICIes and possIble suggest new ones These proposed mterventIons WIll support on-gomg biOdIversIty conservatiOn

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