Of'FICE· OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER MADHYA PRADESH POPULATION FIGURES (INCLUDING SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED 'IRIDES) DEWAS DISTRICT 1971 CENSUS REWA GOVERNMENT REGIONAL PRESS 1972 DISTRICT DEWAS INDEX Name of Tahsil Name of Revenue Inspector Patwari Circles Page. Circle/Town DEWAS 1. Dewas-I 1 to 25 1-6 Dewas Town 18 .... 1 ' 2. Dewas-II 26 to 51 6-11 SONKATCH . 1 . Sonkatch 28 to 33, 40 to 47 and -.. 12-16 59 to 66 Sonkatch Town 47 12 2. Bhaurasa 13 to 15,26,27, 34 to 36, 16-20 38, 39 and 48 to 58 Bhaurasa Town 54 16 3. Tonk Khurd 1 to 12, 16 to 25 and 37 2()-""24 KHATEGAON .. 1. Khategaon-I 1 to 16 24-27. 2. Khategaon-II 17 to 31 27-30 Khategaon Town 18 27 KANNOD 1. Kannod 1 to 13 and 24 to 27 31-34 Kannod Town 11 .. 31· 2. Kantaphod 14 to 23 and 28 to 35 34-38 BAGLI 1 to 20 1. Hatpipalya .. 33-47-(. q t Hatpipalya Town 17 38 2. Bagli 21 to 38 .. 42~7 BagJi Town 34 .. 42 3. Udaynagar 39 to 53 .. 47-50 NOTE This booklet contains the population figures of 1971 Census according to administrative units for purposes of Delimitation of Constituencies. The figures have been compiled from the records of the Director of Census Opera­ tions of Madhya Pradesh. It may be noted that the Cen")us authorities do not compile "census figures patwari circle-wise. Also, in their method of compila... tion, ~non-municjpal urban areas have been tagged o~ with the municipal areas, of._'\Vhich they form out growths. As non-municipal urban areas are not legally within the municipal limits, in this booklet they have been tagged on to the rele"ant patwari circles. This will expJain the difference between the populatio~ . G", _ figures of towns having non-municipal out growths as computed by Census authorities and as given in this booklet. The figures of Municipal towns as given in this booklet indicate the population comprised strictly within the municipal Hmits. 2. Forest villages do not form a part of any patwari circle, as they are not strit:tly Revenue villages under the Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code. In this booklet they have, therefore, been attached to those patwari circles with which they are contiguous. They have been~ however, distinguished by the abbreviation 'F. V.'. - 3. Totals of population figures for every basic administrative unit e. g. patwari circle, revenue Inspector circle, tahsil etc., have been given in bold tyPes opposite its particulars. Along with the population figures pertaining to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, their percentages to total population have also been given; Percentages have been worked out only in respect of basic administrative ~nits and not village-wise. 4. The names of villages have been prefixed with Census Location Code numbers. 1971 Census Popul~tion Percentage of District,-TahsiJ, Revenue Inspector ;tt~e, Town, Scheduled Scheduled PAtwari Cire e or Village Total Sclledtde.:t Scheduled I Castes t Tribes Castes Tribes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DISTRICT DEWAS 5,94,33' ' 1,04,43Ci 41,673 . -'11.S7 i:Ol TAHSIL DEWAS •. 1,60,609 27,801 131 17.31 0.08 Revenue ~,..ctor Circle 1,01,6~ 19,48fi-. 131 l?~18 D.t3. : Dewas I Dewtts Town · ., 51,545 5,949 131 11.54 0.25 Ward No. 1 2,849 622 21.83 ~ Ward N'b. 2 3,073 925 5 30.10 0.16- Ward No. 3 2,222 92 4.14 Ward No. 4 2,842 139 114 4.89. 4.01- ·, .. Ward No. S 4,032 936 23.21 .-. Ward No. 6 1,645 131 7.96 • • Ward No. 7 2,33& 274 11. 71 .. Ward No. 8 · . 2,042, 966 47·31 Ward No. 9 3,0191 ... • • Ward No. 10 2,328 4 0.17 · . Ward No. 11 2,541 58 2.29 Ward No~ 12 2,297 22 0.96 ·. Ward No. 13 2,306 28 1.21 Ward No. 14 2,491 138 , 5.~4 Ward No. 15 2,445 304 12.43 Ward No. 16 2,632 480 12 18·24 0.46 Ward No. 17 3,002 Ward No. 18 2,687 21 0.78 Ward No. 19 2,326 -106 4)56 Ward No. 20 2,428 703 28.95 • • Patwari Circle No. 1 1,820 642 35.28 1 Mandahera .. ~ . 418 164 2 Sinduriya 136 61 · ~ - 3 Khajuriya 539 200 Parmar. 4 Jawasiya .. ~.. 727 217 -l (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Pat1tari Circle No.2 1,756 633 .. 36.OS - 5 Sutli .. 274 142 .. 6 Dhamani 60 ... 7 Sunwani Gopal .. 1,222 451 8 Chopalakhedi .. 200 40 Pat" ari Circle No. 3 .. 2,482 !!O D.l! t 4 9 Datotar 1,600 360 ... to P~nthmundla 536 122 · .. 11 Sumrakheda 346 68 •• ~ . .fat,..ri Circle No.. 4 2,236 808 lti.14 .. 1-2 Bhaisuni 848 352 · .. 13 Tumdawada 242 91 •• 14 Dhabla 227 107 ·.. 15 Jangli 319 110 16 Sabukhedi 226 81 ·.. 17 Hoshiyari 176 36 ·.. 18 BalakhOOi 198 31 •• Fahtari Circle No. S .. 2,248 786 34.96 . ·. 19' Barkhediman 193 60 20 Barkheda Kayam 594 243 21 Haibatpura 137 39 22 Salamkhedi 346 167 23 Nijamdi 265 33 24 Magrola ·.. 304 91 25 Lasudliya sonda •• 409 153 Patfrari Circle No. 6 · . 1,768 793 -. 44.85 •• 26 Bhanoli 346 156 27 Jiwajipura ... 232 170 ...- 28 Nikalank ·. 241 30 29 Sonda 645 283 - 30 Narkhedi 191 76 ... 31 Kolukhedi 113 78 - 3· (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Patwari Circle No. 7 1,944 601 30.92 32 Kawadi 500 186 33 Agarod 1,226 363 34 I1askhedi 90 027 35 Mochikhedi 128 25 Pat"ari Circle No. 8 .. 2,119 t 744 15.11 36 Ralamandal 593 217 37 Laxmipura 147 86 38 Merkhedi 220 80 39 Nalaisara 260 120 40 Borkhedi Phattu 300 059 41 Akalya 403 109 42 Sutarkheda 490 73 43 Kabadi 196 P.t"ari Circle No. 9 .. 1,962 815 41.54 44 Gorkhedi 214 149 45 Upadi 257 87 46 Bagana 624 247 47 Tumani 133 71 Mohammadpur 48 Lohana " . 446 124 49 Silakhedi 2i8 137 P&twari Circle No. 10 1,679 436 26.56 .. 50 Silawati 245 36 51, JaIa) Khedi 229 60 52 Bijepur 737 194 53 Sindhani 468 146 Patwari Circle No. 11 1,954 555 is.40 .. 54 Tigariya Sonch 716 241 ... 55 Naranjipur 96 10 56 Bodani 222 64 57 Limboda 341 108 58 Tumdawada 206 66 (Jagir) .)9 Newari 373 66 •• 4 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Patwari Circle No. 12 1,667 48ft 28.79 60 Sorola 438 72 61 lanoyakhedi 254 69 62 Patlawada 549 161 63 Yeshwant 165 82 64 Mudhaka 261 96 Patwari Circle No. 13 1,783 \ 519 29.11 65 Azizkhedi 250 96 66 Brahmankhedi 192 56 67 Nipaniya 457 123 68 Mendki Dhakad .. 485 97 69 Borkhedi Dhakad 187 88 70 Rajpura 212 59 Patwtdi Circle. No. 14 " 3,018 712 23.56 71 Mahasalapur 285 80 72 Chhotasal pura 305 99 73 Jasodgarh 225 52 74 Siya 2,203 481 Patwari Circle No. 15 .. 1,534 234 IS 25- 75 Durgapura 106 07 76 Amarp~ra . 693 139 77 Gaddukhedi 92 21 78 Anandpur 643 67 Dungariya Patw~rj Circle No. 16 2,279 380 16 68 79 Khatamba· 971 157 80 lamgoda 1,308 223 .' Patwsri Circle No. 17 1,906 393 20.62 81 Brahmandkheda 224 82 Bilawali 964 158 letpura 83 .. 718 235 • • 5' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) , (6) P:.twari Circle No. 18 19 18 94.74 84 Dewas Senior 19 18 (urban outgrowth of Dewas tawn) 85 Dewas Junior .. Patwari Circle No. 19' .. 2,716 954 35.13 86 Bhimsi 114 14 87 Khajuriya 320 67 88 Mukandkhedi 221 111 89 Karnakhedi 186 88 90 Nagukhedi 350 113 91 Etawa Deserted' Etawa (urban out- 301 182 growth of Dewas town) 92 Nosurabad 253 175 93 Amalwati 317 31 94 Kalukhedi 654 173 Patwari Circle No. 20 2,305 499 21.65 95 Lasuldiya 450 144 Chhalra Dhar 96 Sigawda 836 100 97 Achlukhedi 557 68 98 Mugawada 249 81 99 Chhayan 213 106 Patwari Circle No. 21 .. 1,954 331 16.94 100 Bairagarh 935 128 101 Bangar 969 203 Patwari Circle No. 12 .. 2,213 336 IS.18 102 Dewar 654 145 103 Badoli 502 117 104 Panch Talav 137 1 105 Hirli 286 30 106 Antraliya 342 28 107 Ant 2j2 15 6 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Patwari Circle No. 23 .. 2,661 275 10.33 108 Seronj 396 54 · . 109 Pawarda 605 63 ' .. 110 Rupakhedi 350 53 111 Hoshiyarakhedi .. 269 16 112 Marati 108 113 Barod PipHya'. 271 50 · . 114 Lahari 662 39 Patwari Circle No. 24 2,017 637 31.67 115 Chandana 577 98 116 Mendkichak 910 141 · . 117 Berakhedi 177 124 · . " 118 Bavdiya 353 274 Patwari Circle No. 25 2,017 406 20.13 119 Hawankhedi 344 52 120 Ajampur 64 5 Sotarkheda 121 Gadisha Pipliya .. 450 84 122 Tumani 166 16 123 Bijana 592 154 124 Amona 401 95 Revenue Inspector Circle 59,007 8,315 14.09 Dewas J( Patwari Circle No. 26 3,426 510 14.89 .. 125 Alipur 221 31 126 Lobar Piplya 601 44 127 Suklya 1,568 314 ~ . 128 Sunwani 1,036 121 Mahakal 0' (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Pat"ari Circle No. 27 1,771 190 10.72 129 Rasulpur 667 86 130 Anwatpura 73 13 131 Pal Nagar 1,030 91 132 Balgarh Deserted Balgarh (Urban outgrowth of Dewas town) 133 Shankargarh Deserted ~ .
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