328 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 25 manufactured from agricultural or forest By Mr. WALTER: ing of the evening let Thy peace be upon products; to the Committee on Agriculture. H R.1467. A bill to record the lawful ad­ our hearts. Amen. By Mr. CASE: mission to the United States for permanent H. R. 1453. A bill to provide that veterans residence of Rev. Julius Paal; to the Com- . THE JOURNAL of the present war suffering with tuberculous mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. On request of Mr. THOMAS of Utah, and or neuropsychiatric ailments shall receive the H. R. 1468. A bill for the relief of Mr. and same domiciliary or hospital care as veterans Mrs. Samuel Azer; to the Committee on by unanimous consent, the reading of the of the World War; to the Committee on Claims. Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, World War Veterans' Legislation. By Mr. MURRAY of Wisconsin: January 21, 1943, was dispensed with, and By Mr. DOUGHTON: H. R. 1469. A bill for the relief of Robert the Journal was approved. H. R.1454 (by request). A bill to amend the Beckwith, Julius Buettner, and Emma M. CALL OF THE ROLL Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, as amended, Buettner; to the Committee on Claims. a11d for other purposes; to the Committee on Mr. THOMAS of Utah. I suggest the Ways and Means. absence of a quorum. By Mr. FULMER: PETITIONS, ETC. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk H. R. 1455. A bill to amend the Agricul­ 1 XXII, tural Adjustment Act of 1938 so as to provide Under clause of rule petitions will call the roll. for an adequate supply of peanuts needed for and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the oil and other uses during the years 1943 and and referred as follows: following Senators answer.ed to their 1944, and for other purposes; to the Com­ 43. By Mr. ELLIS: Resolutions adopted by names: mJttee on Agriculture. the Parkersburg Chamber of Commerce, rela­ Aiken Gillette Pepper By Mr. RANDOLPH: tive to gasoline rationing and pay-as-you-go Andrews Green Radcliffe H: R. 1456. A bill to amend section 9 of plan of Federal inc-Jme tax; to the Committee Austin Guffey Revercomb the act of ·May 22, 1928. authorizing and di­ on Ways and Means. Bankhead Gurney Reynolds recting a national survey of forest re­ Barbour Hatch Robertson 44. By Mr. FORAND: Resolution of the Barkley Hawkes Russell sources; to the Committee on Agriculture. General Assembly of the State of Rhode Bilbo Hayden Scrugham H. R. 1457. A bill to amend an act entitled Island, requesting the President of the United Bone Hill Shipstead "An act to regulate the practice of the heal­ States, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of Brewster Holman Stewart ing art to protect the public health in the the Navy, and the Senators anc'. Representa­ Bridges Johnson, Colo. Taft District of Columbia," approved February 27, tives from Rhode Island in the Congress of Brooks La Follette . Thomas, Idaho 1929; to the Committee on the District of Buck Langer Thomas, Okla. the United States to take all necessary steps Burton Lodge Thomas, Utah Columbia. to provide for proper substantial recognition Bushfield Lucas Truman By Mr. CANNON of Florida: of the status of American merchant marine Butler McCarran Tunnell H. R. 1458. A bill to authorize and direct service, passed by the general assembly on the Byrd McClellan TYdings the Veterans' Administration to provide vo­ 13th day of January A. D. 1943; to the Com­ Capper McFarland Vandenberg cational rehabilitation and assistance in se­ Caraway McKellar Van Nuys mittee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Chandler McNary Wagner curing suitable employment, for service-con­ 45. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the Cali­ nected disabled veterans in need thereof, and Chavez Maloney Wallgren fornia Wool Growers Association, San Fran­ Clark, Idaho May bank Walsh feasible therefor, and for other purposes; to cisco, on the control of livestock diseases; to Clark, Mo. Mead Wheeler the Committee on World War Veterans' Leg­ the Committee on Agriculture. Connally Millikin Wherry islation. 46. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the office Danaher Moore White By Mr. CANNON of Missouri: Davis Murdock Wiley H. Res. 69. Resolution authorizing the of city clerk, city of St. Paul, Minn., petition­ Ellender Nye Willis Committee on Appropriations to conduct ing consideration of their resolution with Ferguson O'Daniel Wilson studies and examinations of executive agen­ reference to National Youth Administration; George O'Mahoney cies to assist it in the determinations of to the Committee on Appropriations. Gerry Overton matters within its jurisdiction; to the Com­ Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sena­ mittee on Rules. tor from Virginia [Mr. GLASS] and the By Mr. SMITH of Virginia: -~ Senator from South Carolina [Mr. H. Res. 70. Resolution establishing a Select Committee To Investigate Acts of Executive SENATE ~: SMITH] are absent because of illness. Agencies beyond the scope of their authority; The Senator from North Carolina [Mr. to the Committee on Rules. :MoNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1943 BAILEY], the Senator from California By Mr. DIMOND: [Mr. DoWNEY], the Senator from Mis­ H. Res. 71. Resolution to authorize com­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown sissippi [Mr. EASTLAND], the Senator pensation for services of Hallie Reeves; to Harris, D. D., offered the following from West Virginia [Mr. KILGORE], and the Committee on Accounts. prayer: the Senator from Montana [Mr. MuR­ 0 God of all life and light, by whose RAY] are necessarily absent. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS love we have the gift of today's fresh be­ Mr. McNARY. The Senator from Minnesota [Mr. BALL] is absent because Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private ginning, we thank Thee for this reveren­ tial moment of quiet as we bow in Thy of illness. bills and resolutions were introduced The Senator from .Kansas [Mr. REED] and severally referred as follows: presence before the pressure of demand­ ing hours lays its hand upon us. Lord is necessarily absent on official business. By Mr. CALVIN D. JOHNSON: of the new day, who spreadest the man­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five H. R. 1459. A bill for the relief of Alvertine Senators have answered to their names. Nast and Wayne Nast, a minor son; to the tle of light about us when purple morn­ Committee on Claims. ing breaketh, fairer than morning, love­ A quorum is present. By Mr. LEA: lier than daylight, dawns the sweet con­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. H. R. 1460. A bill to reinstate E. Lewis Field, sciousness we are with Thee: If we take a captain, United States Army, retired, to the the wings of the morning and fly to the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the active list of the Regular Army; to the Com­ uttermost parts of the sea, even there Senate the following letters, which were mittee on Military Affairs. shall Thy hand lead us and Thy right referred as indicated: By Mr. MAGNUSON: REPORT 0:5' THE ATTORNEY GENERAL H. R.1461. A bill for the relief of Rudolf hand hold us. Kligler (Robert E. Arden); to the Committee Even as the dawn has climbed to the A letter from the Attorney General, trans­ on Immigration and Naturalization. zenith with glamor and golden dart and mitting, pursuant to law, his annual report . By Mr. MONKIEWICZ: of the operations of the Department of has grown into the fullness of noontide, Justice for the fiscal year ended June 30, H. R.1462. A bill for the relief of William so let Thy radiance banish all shadows H. Shultz; to the Committee on Claims. 1942 (with an accompanying report): to the By Mr. RABAUT: of unbelief, of fear, and of guilt. May Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 1463. A bill for the relief of Florence the day star from on high rise in our SUITS ARISING UNDER PUBLIC VESSELS ACT B. Hutchinson; to the Committee on Claims. hearts with healing in His wings. So A letter from the Attorney General, sub­ By Mr. REECE of Tennessee: may we walk the steep and sharp road mitting, pursuant' to law, a list of suits aris­ H. R. 1464. A bill for the relief of J. H. At­ of duty and service as children of the ing under the Public Vessels Act of March 3, kins; to the Committee on Claims. light. In bitter and baffling days, when 1925, in which final decrees were entered. By Mr. TAYLOR: the earth is full of thunder and the se!ts exclusive of cases on appeal; to the Com­ H. R. 1465. A bill granting a pension to are dark with wrath, give us a courage mittee on the Judiciary. Margaret M. Crane; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. that never quails, give us a faith that SUITS IN ADMIRALTY AGAINST THE UNITED H R. 1466. A bill granting a pension to never wavers, give us a hope that never STATES J ames C. Riley; to tl1e Committee on I;.walid dims. Thus, in the glory of the morning A letter from the Attorney General, sub­ Pensions. grant us Thy blessing, and in the gloam- mitting, pursuant to law, a list of suits aris- 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 329 ing under the act of March 9, 1920, author­ STEAMSHIP "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT" "Whereas Judge Rutledge was dean of the izing suits against the United States in A letter from the Comptroller General of law department of Washington University, admiralty involving merchant vessels in the United States, transmitting a report . of St. Louis, Mo., for some years; and which final decrees were entered against the an investigation by representatives of his "Whereas during the period of time that he United States, exclusive of cases on appeal; office of contracts and other records of the was dean of the Washington University Law to the Committee on the Judiciary.
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