Index Page numbers in italic denote Figures. Page numbers in bold denote Tables. ‘a’a lava 15, 82, 86 Belgica Rupes 272, 275 Ahsabkab Vallis 80, 81, 82, 83 Beta Regio, Bouguer gravity anomaly Aino Planitia 11, 14, 78, 79, 83 332, 333 Akna Montes 12, 14 Bhumidevi Corona 78, 83–87 Alba Mons 31, 111 Birt crater 378, 381 Alba Patera, flank terraces 185, 197 Blossom Rupes fold-and-thrust belt 4, 274 Albalonga Catena 435, 436–437 age dating 294–309 amors 423 crater counting 296, 297–300, 301, 302 ‘Ancient Thebit’ 377, 378, 388–389 lobate scarps 291, 292, 294–295 anemone 98, 99, 100, 101 strike-slip kinematics 275–277, 278, 284 Angkor Vallis 4,5,6 Bouguer gravity anomaly, Venus 331–332, Annefrank asteroid 427, 428, 433 333, 335 anorthosite, lunar 19–20, 129 Bransfield Rift 339 Antarctic plate 111, 117 Bransfield Strait 173, 174, 175 Aphrodite Terra simple shear zone 174, 178 Bouguer gravity anomaly 332, 333, 335 Bransfield Trough 174, 175–176 shear zones 335–336 Breksta Linea 87, 88, 89, 90 Apollinaris Mons 26,30 Brumalia Tholus 434–437 apollos 423 Arabia, mantle plumes 337, 338, 339–340, 342 calderas Arabia Terra 30 elastic reservoir models 260 arachnoids, Venus 13, 15 strike-slip tectonics 173 Aramaiti Corona 78, 79–83 Deception Island 176, 178–182 Arsia Mons 111, 118, 228 Mars 28,33 Artemis Corona 10, 11 Caloris basin 4,5,6,7,9,59 Ascraeus Mons 111, 118, 119, 205 rough ejecta 5, 59, 60,62 age determination 206 canali, Venus 82 annular graben 198, 199, 205–206, 207 Canary Islands flank terraces 185, 187, 189, 190, 197, 198, 205 lithospheric flexure 219, 229–230, 231, 232, 233 pit craters 205–206, 207 magmatism on slow plates 112–114, 115, self-similar clustering 209–210, 212 116, 119 plumbing system 110–111, 210–211, canyons, Mars 34 213–215 Cape Verde Islands, magmatism on slow-moving topography 207, 228 plates 108, 112–114, 115, 116, 119 asperity, Scathach Fluctus 97, 99, 101 Caravaggio peak-ring basin 294, 295–296, 297 asteroids age 303–305, 307 main belt 1, 2, 423, 430, 433 crater-counting 296, 300 composition 142 size–frequency distribution 300–301 as impactors 163, 165 Ceraunius Tholus 28 near-Earth 2, 423–424 Cerro de la Mica double restraining bend 277, 278 density and structure 424 chasmata 12, 330 lineaments 424, 425, 424–433 chondrites 423–424 S-type 423, 424, 427–428, 430 Circum-Hellas volcanic province 26,30 tectonism and magmatism 423–437 climate change atens 423 SPLD deformation 407, 411–419 Atla Regio, wrinkle ridges 358, 359, 360, 365, wrinkle ridges 357 369, 370, 371 companion shield fields 77–78, 83, 86, 90 cones Beagle Rupes system Mars 28, 31, 32 cross-cutting 315 Moon 22 strike-slip kinematics, lateral ramps 270, coronae 277, 279 Venus 13, 14, 15, 77–93 Becuma radiating graben 14 volcanic features 77–78, 82–83 Beethoven basin 4,7 companion shield fields 77–78, 83, 86, 90 Duyfken Rupes thrust 283 lava flow fields 77, 82, 83, 86 444 INDEX crater-counting fault dip 313–315, 317 Mars 206, 207, 211, 213, 292, 300–301 fault kinematics and geometry 313–315, Mercury 160, 164–169, 296, 297–300, 301, 302 322–324 crater-scaling law 163 estimation 317 craters, faulting 313–324 fault slip 314, 321 Mercury 315, 316, 317–324 measurement 316–317 Crozet Islands, magmatism 108, 112–114, 117, 119 fault strike 314, 317, 322 crustal thickness throw, Rupes Recta 382, 385–388, 390 Lakshmi Planum 332, 334 faulting Venus 332–335 craters 313–324 cryptomaria, Moon 21–22 Mercury 8, 315, 316, 317–324 Moon, Rupes Recta 377–391 dark material 59, 60, 63, 64,70 Venus 330–331 Deception Island volcanic caldera 173–182, 174, 175 see also strike-slip kinematics; thrust faults collapse 181–182 flank terraces faults and fractures 176 fish-scale pattern 185–186, 187, 197, 198, 205 lithology 176, 177 Martian shield volcanoes 185–200 magma chamber 177, 180, 181–182 formation modelling 186, 188–191 pre-collapse palaeoreconstruction 179, 181 comparison with natural examples Riedel shear 178–180, 181–182 197–200 strike-slip shear zone 176, 178–182 flexural troughs, Mars 199, 205 Discovery Rupes 274, 282 flower structures 270 Divalia Fossa 432, 433 Blossom Rupes 277 domes Enterprise Rupes 274, 275 Moon 18,22–23 folds and thrusts, Venus 14, 331 Venus 14, 15, 77, 80, 81, 82, 89 Fossey crater drift 329, 339, 342–346 impact craters and ejecta 372, 373–374 Duyfken Rupes thrust 283 wrinkle ridge detection 365, 366 dykes fractal analysis, wrinkle ridge analysis 361 elastic reservoir models 259–260 graben formation, Mars 395–402 Gala´pagos Islands magma transport 203–204, 209–210, 214 lithospheric flexure 219, 226, 228 self-similar clustering 206, 208–209, 213 Gaspra, lineaments 426, 427 Vesta 434 ghost craters, Mercury 5, 8, 9 graben Earth annular, Mars 28, 34, 198, 199, 205–206 lithospheric flexure 229–230, 232–233 Ascraeus Mons 198, 199, 205–206 lithospheric thickness 220, 221, 226 dyke-induced, analogue modelling 395–402 magma transport 204 Mercury 8, 9, 67, 72, 160 mantle plumes 107–108, 111–117, 337, 338 Moon 18,25 near-stationary plates 107–108, 111–117 Raditladi basin 67, 72 comparison with Tharsis 118–121 Venus 12, 13, 14, 100, 101, 102 volcanic edifices, lithospheric flexure 219, 220, 226 coronae 79, 81, 85 volcanic rock composition 139–140 GRAIL datasets 130 East Africa, mantle plumes 337, 338, 339 ‘gravity worms’, Venus 331, 332, 333, 335, Eistla Regio 344–345 gravity anomaly 332, 333, 334 grooves, asteroids 424, 425 mantle plume 339, 342 Guinevere Planitia 11, 328 Elysium Mons Bouguer gravity anomaly 332, 333, 335, 339 annular graben 198, 199 flank terraces 185, 187, 189, 197, 198 Hadriacus Montes 26, 27, 30 Elysium Planitia 26,30 Hawaii Elysium volcanic province 26,29–30 hotspots 107–108, 113, 114, 115, 119–120 Eminescu Crater, ejecta 305, 308 volcanoes and lithospheric flexure 219, en echelon folds 13, 270, 283–284, 285 220, 228 Enterprise Rupes Hecates Tholus 185, 187, 197, 198 crater counts 167, 169 Hero Rupes, lateral ramp 283, 284 faulted craters 316, 319 hotspot magmatic activity and Rembrandt basin 160, 161, 162, 169–170 Hawaii 107–108, 113, 114, 115, 119–120 strike-slip kinematics 272–275 swell anomalies 112–113 Eros, lineaments 425, 426, 427, 428–430 hydraulic fracture 242–243 INDEX 445 Iceland mantle plume 337, 339, 341 reservoir failure 241–242 Ida, lineaments 425, 426, 428 summit eruptions and edifice growth 258 igneous effusive rocks, VNIR spectroscopy surface deformation 250, 251, 253 142–154 Tharsis volcanic province 110–111 impact structures Venusian coronae 91–93 Mercury 4,5,7,9,36 magma transport 110–111, 203–204, 210–211, Moon 17 213–215 Venus, identification 373–375 and lithospheric flexure 224 inner solar system 1, 2 inhibition 226–227 Ishtar Terra 11, 328, 329 magnesian suite rocks, lunar 20 Bouguer gravity anomaly 332, 333, 335 Mahuela Tholus, wrinkle ridge detection Itokawa 426, 427, 430 363, 364 mantle diapir, coronae 77, 92 Kanykey Planitia 83 mantle flow Kerguelen Island, slow-moving plates 112–114, 116 Earth 337, 339, 342–343 Kofi basin 5, 6 Venus 10, 12, 342, 343, 344, 345–346 KREEP basalts 20, 21, 131, 141 mantle plumes Procellarum KREEP Terrane 132, 133–134 coronae 77, 92 Kunapipi Mons 82 Earth 107–108, 111–117, 337, 338, 340, 341 Mars 107, 109–110 La Dauphine Rupes, strike-slip kinematics and and rifting 339–340, 342 lateral ramps 280 Venus 10, 12, 13, 15, 332, 333, 337, 342 Lakshmi Planum 11, 328, 342, 344 mare, Moon 17, 127–136 crustal thickness 332, 334 Mare Fecunditatis 17, 18 fault and shear zones 328, 329, 335–336 Mare Imbrium 17, 18,21 Late Heavy Bombardment 5, 159, 319 Mare Nubium 377, 378, 379, 380, 381 lateral ramps, Mercury 269–287 Mare Serenitatis, wrinkle ridges 25 lava flows Marius Hills domes 22 Mars 28, 30, 31 Marquesas Islands, lithospheric flexure 219, 230, Mercury 5 231, 232, 233 Moon 21 Mars 2,27–34 Venus 15–16 age dating 292 coronae 77, 82, 83, 86, 89 canyons 34 Lebanon transpressional ranges 275, 276 crater counting 292 lithosphere crustal dichotomy 33–34, 109, 110, 118, 141 flexure faulting 34 containment of volcanic material 223 graben 34 edifice shape 224–226, 228 dyke-induced 395–402 large volcanic edifices 219–233, 220 lava flows 28, 30, 31 magma ascent 224 lithospheric thickness 220, 221, 225–226 inhibition 226–227 one-plate/stagnant-lid regime 33, 107, 117 stress state 222, 223–224 pit craters 205–206 thickness 220–221 self-similar clustering 209–210, 212 lobate flows, Venus 98,99 pyroclastic cones 31 lobate scarps rootless cones 32 Mercury 6, 7, 8, 9, 280–282, 286, 287, 291 shield volcanoes 27, 28, 31, 107 see also Blossom Rupes fold-and-thrust belt annular graben 198, 199 Moon 27 flank terraces 185–200 Lutetia, lineaments 430–431 flexural trough 199, 205 model 210–211, 213–215 Madeira, slow-moving plates 113–114, Tharsis volcanic province 108–111, 116, 203 116, 119 SPLD deformational systems 405–419 magma reservoirs 203–204 tectonic structures 33–34 elastic models 239–262 tephra 31–32 applicability and limitations 260–261 upwelling and downwelling 110 caldera formation 260 volcanic edifice shape 225–226, 228 circumferential intrusions 258–259 and lithospheric flexure 219, 220 dyke swarm formation 259–260 volcanic rock composition 140, 141 edifice loading model 252–253 volcanic structures 26, 27, 28, 29, 30–32 failure location 247–250, 252 volcaniclastic deposits 32 hydraulic fracture 242–243 volcanism 29–33 446 INDEX Mars (Continued) Mid-Continent Rift 339, 340 calderas 28,33 Model Production Function chronology flank deformation 28,33 Mercury 163–164 geochemistry 32–33 Blossom fold-and-thrust system 300–307 tectonic structures 33–34 Rembrandt basin 164–169 volcanic provinces 26,29–30 Moon 2, 16–25, 17,27 volcano morphology
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