Index 1 Abdominal aortic aneurysm, 123 10,000 Year Clock, 126 Abraham, 55, 92, 122, 100 Abrahamic religion, 53, 71, 73 Abundance, 483 2 Academy award, 80, 94 2001: A Space Odyssey, 154, 493 Academy of Philadelphia, 30 2004 Vital Progress Summit, 482 Accelerated Math, 385 2008 U.S. Presidential Election, 257 Access point, 306 2011 Egyptian revolution, 35 ACE. See artificial conversational entity 2011 State of the Union Address, 4 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, 135, 2012 Black Hat security conference, 27 156 2012 U.S. Presidential Election, 257 Acxiom, 244 2014 Lok Sabha election, 256 Adam, 57, 121, 122 2016 Google I/O, 13, 155 Adams, Douglas, 95, 169 2016 State of the Union, 28 Adam Smith Institute, 493 2045 Initiative, 167 ADD. See Attention-Deficit Disorder 24 (TV Series), 66 Ad extension, 230 2M Companies, 118 Ad group, 219 Adiabatic quantum optimization, 170 3 Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, 21 3D bioprinting, 152 Adobe, 30 3M Cloud Library, 327 Adonis, 84 Adultery, 85, 89 4 Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, 401K, 57 38 42, 169 Advice to a Young Tradesman, 128 42-line Bible, 169 Adwaita, 131 AdWords campaign, 214 6 Affordable Care Act, 140 68th Street School, 358 Afghan Peace Volunteers, 22 Africa, 20 9 AGI. See Artificial General Intelligence 9/11 terrorist attacks, 69 Aging, 153 Aging disease, 118 A Aging process, 131 Aalborg University, 89 Agora (film), 65 Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, 135 Agriculture, 402 AbbVie, 118 Ahmad, Wasil, 66 ABC 20/20, 79 AI. See artificial intelligence © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 533 N. Lee (ed.), Google It, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6415-4 534 Index AIDS. See acquired immune deficiency American Library Association, 310, 325 syndrome American University, 66 Air, 85 Amino acid, 138 Air pollution, 85 Amish, 93 AIT. See Italian Transhumanist Association Ammonite, 85 AI Winters, 493 Amniotic sac, 58 Aix-Marseille University, 35 A.M. Turing Award, 160 Aladdin (film), 128 Anabaptist, 94 Alaska, 113 Analytical Engine, 87 Alcohol, 128 Anatomic variable, 401 Aldrin, Buzz, 41 Ancestor, 122 ALEKS, 385 AncestryDNA, 118 Alexander Cutting the Gordian Knot, 99 Anchor text, 201 Alexander the Great, 131 Ancient Athenian library, 302 Algebra, 383 Anderson, Dennis, 167 Alibris, 327 Andreessen Horowitz, 116 Alien, 403 Andrew Carnegie, 304 Alienation, 79 Andrews, Mike, 126 Alien invasion, 76 Andropov, Yuri, 67 Alighieri, Dante, 479 Aneurysm, 155 Al-Islambouli, Khaled, 77 A New Kind of Science, 278 Allah, 53, 61 Angel, 61 Allen, Paul, 3 Animal embryo, 149 Allen, Tim, 79 Animal Farm (film), 19 Allergy, 116 Another Brick in the Wall, Part Two (song), 30 All-male admissions policy, 22 Antibiotics, 111, 114, 166 Allo, 14 Antibody, 133, 153 Alma, 324, 329 Anti-Catholicism, 91 Alphabet, 36, 42, 115, 118 Antichrist, 92, 503 AlphaGo, 156 Anti-D, 133 Al Qaeda, 19, 63, 66, 73, 77, 262 Anti-entropy, 64 Al-Qaradawi, Yusuf, 67 Anti-immigrant, 75 ALS Association, 138 Antimicrobial Resistance, 114 Al-Shabaab, 73 Anti-Protestantism, 91 ALTE. See Alternative Learning and Teaching Anti-Semitism, 75, 91 Ecosystem Anxiety, 124 Alternative Learning and Teaching Ecosystem, Anzelmo-Sarles, Jenny, 113 354 Apartheid of Sex, 483 Alternative medicine, 119 Apathy, 93 Altruism, 397 Apollo 11, 37 Altshuller, Genrich, 345 Apology, The, 172 ALT text, 200 Apostle Paul, 65, 97, 168 Alzheimer’s disease, 123, 155 Apothecary, 121 Amalekite, 70 Apotheism, 398 Amazon, 322, 326 Apple, 4, 23, 26, 81, 115, 250, 283 Amazon.com, 38 Apple I, 81 Ambystoma mexicanum, 132 Apple II, 81 America, 76 Apple IIe, 28 American Association for the Advancement of Appleyard, Bryan, 124 Science, 112 Arabic, 74 American Atheists, 63 Arab Spring, 35, 263 American Institute for Behavioral Research and Archie, Kimberly, 113 Technology, 17 Archimedes, 18 American Jesus, 98 Architect (The Matrix), 399 Index 535 Architecture, 366 Atlas, 159 Aristotle, 122, 172, 343, 365 Atomically-precise, 403 Ark of the Covenant, 71 Atomic bomb, 23 Arlington Memorial Bridge, 113 Atonement, 400 Arms race, 167 Attention-Deficit Disorder, 507 Armstrong, Neil, 40, 122 Auction, 212 Aroeste, Jean Lisette, 61 Augusta County, 74 ARPANET. See Advanced Research Projects Augustine of Hippo, 122 Agency Network Australia, 17, 134, 239 Art, 95, 371 Australian Red Cross Blood Service, 134 Arthritis, 123 Austria, 17 Artifice, 401 Authoritarian, 518 Artificial artificial intelligence, 156 Autism, 347, 507 Artificial conversational entity, 158 Autodesk, 33 Artificial fertilizer, 168 Autoimmune disease, 118, 136, 148 Artificial general intelligence, 165, 476, 484 Automated learning system, 385 Artificial intelligence, 38, 95, 118, 153–155, Automation, 154 160, 192, 276, 401, 476, 499, 513 Automobile, 24, 286 Artificial superintelligence, 397 Autonomous vulnerability scanning, 423 Artificial universal language, 343 Avengers, The (film), 80 Artilect, 470 AVG, 31 Artist, 480 Awareness, 437 Ascham, Roger, 366 Axis 360, 326 Ashley Madison, 85 Axolotl model, 132 Asia, 27, 114, 115, 505 Asian, 23, 122 B Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, 60 Baal of Peor, 71 Aspen Institute, 42 Babbage, Charles, 87 Assassin, 77, 78 Baby, 83 Assassination, 68, 97, 403 Babylon, 126 Assignment indexing, 301, 305, 306, 308 Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, 138 Assimilation, 34 Backdoor, 415 Assisted suicide, 124 Backlink, 3, 202, 207 Assistive technology, 14 BackRub, 3 Association for Computing Machinery, 126, Bacteremia, 154 160 Bacteria, 114, 153 Association Française Transhumaniste, 482 Bahá’í Faith, 55 Association of College and Research Libraries, Balaam, 71 310 Balla, Greg, 43 Assurbanipal, 307 Baltimore, 78 Assyria, 307 BAP, 422 Asteroid, 403 Barber, Allison, 20 Astrobiology, 86 Barcelona, Spain, 359 Astrology, 95 Bari, Italy, 359 Astronaut, 37 Barna Group, 88 Atala, Anthony, 152 Barnett, Emma, 8 Atheist, 53, 63, 94 Baseline human health, 118 Athenaeum, The, 99 Basic research, 39 Athlete, 403 Batin, Mikhail, 167 Athletics, 371 Battle of Belleau Wood, 172 Atkinson, Robert D., 39 Batts, Anthony, 78 Atlantic Monthly, The, 22 Bauer, Jack, 66 Atlantic Slave Trade, 19 Baylor College of Medicine, 131 Atlantic, The, 27, 154 BBC, 20, 163 536 Index BBC News, 65, 77 Bishop Cyril, 65 B cell, 153 Black Entertainment Television, 59 BCG. See bacillus Calmette-Guérin Blackford, Russell, 478 BCI. See brain-computer interface Black Friday, 79 Beatles, 37 Black Hat, 27 Beauty, 33 Black Hawk Down, 19 Beauty and the Beast (film), 128 Black History Month, 59 Beck, Glenn, 514 Black hole, 64, 342 Bedient, Phil, 114 Blade Runner (film), 159 Beery, Penelope, 32 Blame game, 57 Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, 365 Bland, Kalman, 32 Begin, Menachem, 73 Blastema, 132 Belgium, 17, 480 Blastophaga grossorun, 156 Belle Knox, 87 Blessing, 57 Belmonte, Juan Carlos Izpisua, 151 Bletchley Park, 86 Benaroya Research Institute, 136 Blog, 197, 209, 262, 311, 335 Benek, Christopher, 502 Blood plasma, 133 Benson, Helen, 86 Blood pressure, 142 Berg, Amy, 87 Bloom, Allan, 29, 32 Bergen, Peter, 19 Bloom, Harold, 172 Berger, Peter, 55 Blue pill, 88 Berkeley, George, 399 Blumenthal, Mike, 249 Berthélemy, Jean-Simon, 99 BMI, 142 BET. See Black Entertainment Television Board game, 156 Bethel, 71 Bodleian Library, 54 Better World Books, 327 Body, 403 Betty Boop, 167 Body-shaming, 129 Betty Boop for President (film), 167 Body text, 200 Bhagavad Gita, 24 Bogost, Ian, 27 Bible, 41, 61, 71, 400, 403 Bogota, Colombia, 359 Bibliographic instruction, 310 BOLD. See Building Opportunities for Bibliographic record, 306 Leadership and Development Big data, 155 Bolder Super School, 33, 387 Big data analysis, 119 Bomer, Matt, 128, 172 Bigotry, 504 Bone tissue, 152 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 36 Book of Exodus, 72 Billionaire, 81, 93 Book of Genesis, 84 Billups, John, 126 Book of Job, 57 Billups, Tim, 126 Book of Judges, 121 Bin Laden, Osama, 19 Boredom, 125 Bio-artificial fusion, 485 Borg, the, 34 Biodiversity, 112 Bosch, Hieronymus, 95 Biohacker, 501, 512 Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard, 141 Biohacking, 494 Boston Marathon, 69, 76 Biology, 22, 35, 165, 355, 485 Boston University, 55 Bionic implant, 499 Bostrom, Nick, 164, 470, 478, 483 Bionic Woman, The (TV Series), 152 Bowden, Mark, 19 Biosphere, 125, 403 Bowen, Matt, 100 Biotechnology, 153 Bowie, David, 99 BioViva, 495 Boy Scout, 126 Bioweapon, 24 Brain, 403 Birkenhead, Peter, 64 Brain cancer, 126 Birth control, 400 Brain-computer interface, 152 Birth of a Nation, The (film), 19 Brain damage, 134, 136 Index 537 Brainets, 348 California, 115, 124, 136 BRAIN Initiative, 514 California Public Interest Research Group, 26 Brain surgery, 152 Call extension, 231 Brand, Steward, 126 Calligraphy, 74 Brandly, Gail, 41 Callimachus of Cyrene, 308 Brave New World, 166 Call number, 305 Breast cancer, 155 CALPIRG. See California Public Interest Brendon, Nicholas, 12 Research Group Breyer, Stephen, 519 Campbell, Joseph, 84 BRI. See Benaroya Research Institute Campbell, Murray, 158 Brin, Sergey, 3, 9, 29, 36, 142, 189 Camp David, 77 Brisbane, Australia, 41 Camp Google, 28 Bristlecone pine, 131 Canaanite, 69 British Parliament, 514 Canada, 17, 27, 31, 115 Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 118 Cancer, 111, 114, 118, 123, 138, 140, 148, Brock, George, 337 155, 159, 408 Broderick, Damien, 479 Cancer cell, 153 Bronchitis, 141 Cannon, Lincoln, 98 Bruere, Dirk, 166 Capitalist, 412 Bucket list, 125 Capital punishment, 76, 124 Buck Institute for Research on Aging, 118 Carbohydrate counting, 146 Buckner, Jane, 136 Carbon, 84 Buddenbrock, Frank, 15 Carbon dioxide, 169 Buddhism, 74, 396, 504, 505 Carbon dioxide emission, 113 Buddhist, 496, 502 Card catalogs, 310 Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), 12 Cardinal sin, 89 Building Opportunities for Leadership and Cardiovascular disease, 118, 123 Development, 28 Carnegie Mellon University, 58, 126, 429 Bulanova, Elena, 152 Caroline, Ari, 155 Bulgaria, 17 Carter, Jimmy, 73 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 24, 112 Cartilaginous structure, 152 Burger, Warren E., 92 Cascadia Fault, 113 Burning Man Festival, 6 Case Western Reserve University, 147 Burton, Tim, 159 Casey Bisson, 311, 312 Bush, George W., 20, 79, 93 Caskey, C.
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