TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY Instituted at London, FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF Arts,, Manufactures, and Commerce; with the Premiums offered in the Year 1804. VOL. XXII. LONDON: Printedby C. Spilsbury, Angel-Court,Snowhill". Soldby the "Reg ister, at theSociety's House, in theAdelphi ; andby Messrs. Robson, J. White, Becket, Johnson, Cadell andDavies, Elmsley and Bremner, Walter, Richardson, Debrett,Sewell, and Taylor. [Price Ten Shillings and Sixpence.] MJ; ccci v. CONTENTS. Page* Preface iii Premiums offeredin 1804 1 Papers in Agriculture 21 Papers in Chemistry 139 Paper in Polite Arts 219 Papers in Manufactures 231 Papers in Mechanicks 243 Papers in Colonies and Trade 345 Rewards bestowed 419 Presents received 431 Catalogue of Models and Machines 439 List of Officers 442 List of Members 447 Index 501 [ 442 ] A L I ST OF THE OFFICERS of the SOCIETY AND CHAIRMEN OF THE SEVERAL COMMITTEES, ElectedMarch 22, 1804. PEES IDENT, Duke of Norfolk, F.R. CHARLESand A.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Charles Duke of Richmond, K.G . F.R. and A.S. William Henry Duke of Portland, K.G. F.R. and A.S. Hugh OFFICERS. 443 Hugh Duke of Northumberland, K.G. F.R. and A.S. Jacob Earl of Radnor, F.R. and A.S. Charles Earl of Liverpool, LL.D. Charles Earl of Romney, F.R.S. Hon, Robert Clifford, F.R'i and A.S. Sir William Dolben, Bart. M. P. LL.D. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M,P. Sir Watkin Lewes, Knt. and Alderman Thomas Pitt, Esq. F.A.S. Caleb Whitefoord, Esq. F.R. and A.S. Richard Clarke, Esq. Chamberlain. Nathaniel Conant, Esq. Richard Powell, M.D. Thomas Rowcroft, Esq. Alderman. SECRETARY. Mr. Charles Taylor. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. Mr. Thomas Taylor. HOUSEKEEPER. Miss A. B. Cockings. COLLECTOR, Mr. Stephen Theodore Borman. H 1x4 CHAIRMEN 444 OFFICERS. CHAIRMEN OF THE SEVERAL COMMITTEES. Elected March22, 1804. ACCOMPTS. James Hebert, Esq. since deceased. William Lumley, Esq. CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS. Edward Bancroft, M.D. F.R.S. Alexander Tilloch, Esq. - POLITE ARTS. Matthew Michell, Esq. George Meredith, Esq, F.A.S. P.R.I. AGRICULTURE. John Middleton, Esq. Matthias Deane, Esq. MANUFACTURES. Mr. Joseph Champney. Mr. J. Pearsall. MECHANICKS. OFFICERS. 445 ,MECHANICKS., Thomas Jones, Esq- Thomas Gill, Esq. CHEMISTRY. Edward Howard, Esq. F.R.S. Henry Coxwell, Esq. COLONIES AXD TRADE. William Meredith, Esq. Joseph Colen, Esq. MISC E t L A&EOUS MATTERS. Joseph Jacob, Esq. William Kirk by , Esq. f 447 ] L IS T OF CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS TO THE SOCIETY FORTIIE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, &c. DECEMBER 19, 1804. ## N. B. Those marked with pay Five Guineas annually ; those marked with #, Three Guineas annually; those with P, are Perpetual Members; those with-ft, have servedthe officeof Steward; and those markedwith f, are StewardsElect. A. J^RGYLL, John Duke of, Argyll-street Anspach,Elizabeth, Margravine of Brandenburgh, BrandenburghHouse ^fAnderson, Sir JohnWilliam, Bart. M.P. Adelphi Terrace Astley,Sir Jacob Henry,Bart. M.P. Burgh Hall, Notfolk Alexander, Sir James, Knt. Burrow's-building$> Bla chfria rs-road ffP Abbot, Charles, Esq. Old Palace Yard, M.P. F.R. and A.S. Abbott, Mr. William, Shepherd's-market , P/c- cadilly Abercromby,John, Esq. Claygate, near Usher, Surrey Abdy, Rev. Thomas Abdy, Cooper-sale, Essex Ablett, Joseph,Esq. Manchester Adair, [ 448 ] Adair, Alexander,Esq. Pail-Mall ttAdam, William, Esq. Albemarle-strett Adams, William, Esq. M.P. Craven-street Adams, John,Esq. Ely-place Adams, Dudley, Esq. Fleet-street Adamson, Mr. David, Oxford-street Affleck,Col. James,Fere-street , Cavendish-square Agace, Daniel, Esq, Gozver-street Aikin,Arthur, Esq. No. 4* Broad-streetBuildings Ainslie, Henry^^.D. Dovef^streei Ainsworth,My'. Rithard, Moss Bank, nearBolton Akers, Jauies^Esq. Royal Terrace, A deljj hi Albin, William, Esq. Tokenhouse-yard P Alexander, Claud, Esq. ft Alexander Mr. Daniel, Lazvrence-Poultney*-lane ffAllen, Edward, Esq. Clifford's-inn tt Allen, John,Esq. F.R. S. Cltmen^s-hm •ftAllen, William, Esq. Lewisfiam,Kent ^'llix, JohnPeter, Esq. Saaffham-house, Cam- ) hridgeshire Anderson,David, Esq. tfP Andrew, Thomas Harrison,Esq, Moss Hall Finchley ' . , , > Andrews,Magnus, Esq. Sackville-street,Piccadilly Andrews,Thomas, Esq. F.A.S. InnerTemple-lam Angerstein,John Julius, Esq. Pall-Mail P Annesly,Honourable Richard, Dublin P Antrobus,Edmund, Esq. New- street, Spring- gardens Antrobus,Philip, Esq. Craven-street,Strand Arkwright,Richard, Esq. Cromford, Derbyshire Ashby, Harry,Esq. St. Andrew's-court,llolborn Ashton,, Nicholas, Esq. WooltonHall, near Li- verpool tfPAtcheson, jSathaniel, Esq. F.S.A. P.R.I, Austin Friars , Atkins,John, Esq. M.P. Charlton, Kent tfAtlee, Mr. John, JVaudsicorth ttAtleey Mr. James, Thames-street tfP Albert, [ 449 ] ffPAubert, Alexander,Esq. F.R. and A.S. Austin- friars / Atibyn,James, St* Esq* Ph/mouth-doclc Austiii, Mr: John, of Glasgow, No. 26, Noble- street,Falcon-square B. P Bedford,John, Duke of, Arlington-street **Buccleugh, Henry,Duke of, Privy-gardens P Bute, John,the Most Noble Marquis of, FA. S. P Buchan, David, Earl of, LL.D. F.R. and A.S. Barrington,the Right Hon. LordViscount, Ireland P Beverly,Algernon, Earl of, Portrrian-square Boringdon,Right Hon. Lord, Lt*.D. P Brownlow,Lord, F.R. and A1S. I.till-street Braybrooke, Richard, Lord P Bouillon, Prince of,Philip D'Auvergn^, Cap^aiit in the Royal Navy, F.li. and A.S. , Bruhl, his Excellency Count de, Old Burlijigton- street h Bowes, the Honourable George Bowes, the Honourable Thomas, He dbour n, near St. Albans Banks, the Right Honourable Sir Joseph, Bajt. President of the Royal Society, K. B. and F.A.S. Soho-square Baring,Sir Francis, Bart. M.P. Devonshire-square P Brooke,Sir Richard de Capel, Bart. F.R.S. and P.R.I. Burgess, Sir James Bland, Bart., Duke-strfiejt Westminster Buufce*G o vemorJ ames ffP Bacon, John,Esq. F. A.S. Tefnple P Bacon, John,Esq. F.A.S. Nezprnqn-stfeei, ff Bacon, Anthony,Esq. Neictoii,u'earj^ewfajify Bailey, Charles, Esq. SwallpxcJieW,'B'prfa^1' Bailey, James,Esq. La-nibdtfy ff Baker,John, Esq. 12, (xrbsvejitir-sirect. P Baker. [ 450 ] P Baker, William, Esq. 12, Grosve'nor-streef Baldwin, Mr. Charles, Union-street,Bluckfriar# Bancks, Mr. Robert, Strand *Bancroft, Edward, M. I), and F. R. S. (27, Mar- garet-street,Cavendish-square Banner, Mr. Thomas Porter, Barnshury-place, Islington Barber, John Thomas, Esq. Southampton-street, Covcnt-garden F Barclay, David, Esq. JValthamstow * Barclay, Robert,Esq. Lombard-street Baring,John, Esq. M.P. Charles-street, Berkeley- square Barker,Richard, Esq. Tavistock-street , Bedford- square Barker, Mr. Charles, Chandos-street Barlow, Mr. J. Great Surrey-street, Blackfriars V Barnard, William, Esq. Deptford P Barnard, Edward, Esq. ditto Barnard, Josiah,Esq. Cornhill Barnard, Leonard, Esq. Old Jere ry ff Barnardiston, Nathaniel, Esq. Charlottes-street, Bedford-square Burnet, Edward, Esq. Soho-square Barnet, Mr. Richard Clemson, St. George9s*rozc , BayszcaterTurnpike Barrington,the Rev. George, Durham Barry,Henry Alex. Esq. Eversley Tjodge,Hants • Barry,James, Esq. Castle-street,Oxford-street Bartlett,Patrick, Esq. P Bartolozzi, Francis, Esq. R. A. NorthEnd Barwise, Mr. John, St. Martins-lane Bates, Mr. George Feme, 73, Hatton-garden Bate, John,Esq. Bloomsbury-plaee -ff Batson, Edward David, Esq. Lombard-street Baverstock,Mr. James, Alton, Hants ft locale, Daniel, Esq. Fitzroy-square P Bean, Mr. Nathaniel, King s-road, Bedford-rozo P Bes^, Mr. Isaac, ditto Bearcroft, E 451 1 Bearcroft,Philip R. Esq. Vert-street ft Beard, John, Esq. F.A.S. Doctors-commons Beatson, Robert, Esq. Kilrick, Scotland. Beaumont, Daniel, Esq. Great Russet-street Beaumont,John, Esq. Villiers-street, Straitd Beaver, Philip, Esq. Post-Captain, of the Royal Navy Beazely, Charles, Esq. P. R. I. Whitehall Beddall, Mr. John,Jekyls , Fenchingfield, Essex Belches, Robert, Esq. Bennett, James, Esq. Bedford-square Bennett, Mr. William, Mitre-court, Cheapside Bentham,General Samuel, Queens-square, West- minster Bentley, Robert, Esq. Bedford-street, Covcnt- garden Bentley, Garside, Esq. Inner Temple Bentley, Wm. Esq. Birmingham t+Benwell, Joseph, Esq. Battersea Berkeley,John, Esq. St .J ohri s-square, Clerkenwell Berry, John, Esq. 4, Fe atherst one-buildings , Ho thorn Berwick, Joseph, Esq. Hollow-Pai%k, near Wor- cester Bevans, Mr. James, City-road Biddulph, Robert, Esq. M.P. Arlington-street Bilsborow,Dewhurst, Esq. Dalby -Ha.il, Leicester- shire ffBingley, Thomas, jun. Esq. Coleman-street Bingiey, Mr. John, John-street, Tottenham- court*road* Birch, Thomas James, Esq. Captain of the 1st Recipient of Life Guards Birchill, Mr. Matthew, Falham Birkett,Daniel, Esq. Trinity-square, Tower-hill ffBish, Thomas, Esq. Stock-broker,.Qornhill Bishop, Nathaniel,.Esq. Yorkshire Bisset,Capt. Robert,Commissary- General, Great P nUeney-street [ 452 ] Biven, Edward, Esq. Lambeth ff Blackburne, John,'Esq. M.P. F.R*S, Park* street,Westminster ++ Blades, John, Esq. Ludgate-hill Blair, Alexander, Esq. Portland-place ffBlake, Robert, Esq. Essex-street Blandy, John, Esq. Reading Blandy, Wm. Esq. Ditto Blicke, Charles Tufton, Esq, Billiter-square Blomefield, Colonel, Shooter's-hill Blunt, Charles, Mr. Artist,Great 1lussel-street •Boddington, Thomas, Esjq. Mark-lane ff Boddy, Mr. Francis, Warwick-lane P Boehm, Edmund, Esq. Broad-street Bonar, Thompson,Esq. Broad-streetBuildings Bonar^ Thompson, junior, Esq. Broad-street Buildings Booth, John,Esq. Devonshire-street, Queen-square Borrodaile, R. Esq. Fenchurch-street Borradaile,William, Esq.Xiitto Borron,J . Arthur,Esq. Warrington Bostock,the Rev. John, Windsor Bostock, Samuel, Esq, Borough P Bosville,William, Esq. FiR.S. GunthwaiteHall, Yorkshire Botfield, Thomas, jun. Esq. IJopton-Court, near Bewdley, Worcestershire Bovi, Mr. Mariano, Piccadilly Boulton, Matthew, Esq. F.R.S. Soho, near Bir- mingham Bousfield,George, Esq. King's-Bench-walk Bowman, Charles, Esq. Gower-street,Bedford- square f+Bowzer, Richard, Esq. 3, Bedford-row Bracebridge,Walter, Esq. Queen-squnre, West- minster , Bracken, Rev. Thomas, Upper John-street,Gol- den-square Braithwaite, [ 453 ] Braithwaite,Daniel, Esq. F.R. and A.S. Post- Office,and Grenvilfe-street,Brunswick-square Bramah, Mr.
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