Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-57333-7 - The Shaping of German Identity: Authority and Crisis, 1245–1414 Len Scales Index More information Index Aachen, 80 , 127 , 143 , 152–3 , 157 , 158 , and the Italians, 374 243 , 456 and the Romans, 311 depictions of rulers at, 135 and the Trojans, 320 , 496 minster, 229 and the two powers, 212–13 candelabra, 153 as Alexander von Leysberg, 205 n. 4 , Rathaus , 135 205 n. 5 see also Charlemagne, and Aachen life, 204–5 , 244–7 Abraham von Temonaria, 511 n. 177 works, 205–7 Adam von Bremen, chronicler, Memoriale de Prerogativa Imperii 282 n. 120 Romani , 249–50 Adolf, count of Berg, 102 , 234 Noticia seculi , 206 , 377 Aeneas, 320 , 322 Pavo , 207 , 342 , 366 , 377 , 497 , 503 Ahr, river, 467 Almaengen , Almanien , 473 Aistulf, 340 Alps, 454 Alaric, 307 as frontier, 193–4 , 453 n. 38 Albert von Stade, chronicler, 105 , 115 , Alsace, 119 , 456 , 515 119 , 275 , 450 , 457 n. 65 , 464 Altenburg, 402 Albertus Magnus, 241 , 358 , 359 , 460 , Amberg, 84 504 Ambrose: Alemanni , 474 , 475 , 479 Hexameron , 460 Alemannia , 185 , 471 , 475 , 478 , 479 Andechs-Meran dynasty, 408 Alemannia inferior see Niderlant Andreae, Johannes, 247 Alemannia superior see Oberlant Angevin dynasty, 206 , 207 , 218 , 220 , Alemans, 304 325 , 345 n. 269 , 390 Alexander the Great, 316 , 387 , 520 kings of Naples, Sicily: Alexander von Roes, treatise-writer, 8 , Charles of Anjou, 344–6 35 , 37–8 , 114 , 161 , 165 , 169 , Charles of Durazzo, 391 n. 35 171 , 181 , 183 , 197 , 234–5 , 239 , Ladislas, 226 249–52 , 256 , 258, 270 , 274 , Robert of Anjou, 198 , 216 , 267 286 , 290 , 291 , 322 , 323 , 325 , Anna von Schweidnitz, empress, 233 328 , 335 , 342 n. 255 , 344 , Annolied , 309 , 311 , 316 , 472 , 496 , 505 348 , 356 , 359 , 364 , 366 , 369 , Anschlu ß , 261 396 , 453 , 461 , 471 , 474 n. 179 , Antichrist, 206 475 n. 183 , 478 , 496 , 513 n. 192 , Aquileia, patriarchs of, 462 522 Aragon, kings of: and the French, 64 , 69 , 266 , 372–4 , Jayme I, 214 375–6 Aristotle, 64 , 381 and ‘German’ kingship, 175 Arles, 217 and the German language, 496 archchancellorship, 219 and the Germans, 263 , 277–8 , 289 , kingdom of, 166 , 167 , 217 , 218–20 ; and 296 , 376–7 , 460 see also Burgundy, imperial and history, 69 , 100 Arminius, 305 602 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-57333-7 - The Shaping of German Identity: Authority and Crisis, 1245–1414 Len Scales Index More information Index 603 Arnald de Villanova, 18 Begert, Alexander, 274 n. 82 Arnold fi tz Thedmar, 108 n. 58 Below, Georg von, 66 , 67 Arthur, British king, 326 Beraun (Beroun), 419 n. 168 Augsburg, 108 , 132 , 143 , 506 Berengar, 340 augustus , as ‘augmentor’ of realm, 172 ; Bergen, 108 and see also merer des reichs Berlin, 242 Austria, 119 , 393–4 , 454 , 480 , 509 , 510 , Bern, 100 , 131 515 , 520 , 522 Bernard of Clairvaux, 158 armorial, 513 Bernhard von Kremsm ü nster, chronicler, rulers (margraves, dukes): 475 , 479 Albert I, 515 ; and see also Empire, Berthold, count of Henneberg, 278 , western, medieval, rulers, 278 n. 100 Albert I Berthold von Regensburg, preacher, 501 Albert II, 514 Besan ç on, 219 , 367 Frederick II, 345 , 515 Bible, Leopold III, 510 and the translation of the Empire, Leopold VII, 178 n. 149 281 ; see also Empire, western, Rudolf IV, 137 , 510 medieval, translation of dynasties: Babel, Tower of, 486 Babenberg, 509 , 521 decree of Caesar Augustus, 225 Habsburg, 521 ; and see also Empire, genealogies see Noah, sons of, descent western, medieval, dynasties, from Habsburg Judges, 347 landscape, 451 n. 24 language of peoplehood in, 8 speech, 501 Maccabees, 437 Austrians, 518 Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, 343 Avignon, 218 , 246 Revelation: and the electors, 273 Baldemann, Otto, poet, 142 n. 234 , 451 Bitschen, Peter, chronicler, 418 , 419 Balduin von Luxemburg see Trier, Bloch, Marc, 33 , 40 archbishops Bohemia, 83 , 85 , 102 , 217 , 319 , 342 , 400 , Bamberg, 135 , 206 n. 13 403 , 419 , 448 , 449 , 455 church of, 245 , 342 Elizabeth, P rˇ emyslid heiress, 229 Barthes, Roland, 140 Guta von Habsburg, queen of, 419 , 422 Bartholomaeus Anglicus, encyclopaedist, P rˇ emyslid dynasty, 317 , 384 , 392 , 408 359 , 381 , 395 , 437 , 450 , rulers (dukes, kings): 453 , 456 , 461 , 466 n. 120 , as electors, 274–6 466 n. 122 , 500 John of Luxemburg, 53 , 74 , 75 , 184 , Basel, 219 , 456 , 467 221 , 367 , 413 , 420 bishops of: P rˇ emysl Otakar II, 74 , 145 , 196 , 198 , Odo de Grandison, 498 223 , 227 , 245 , 275 , 276 n. 89 , council of, 250 331 n. 204 , 367 , 367 n. 83 , 391 , battle cries, 233–4 , 513 , 513 n. 189 393–4 , 409 , 412 , 413 , 420 , 423 , Bavaria, 508 , 517 , 521 474 n. 177 , 492 dukes of, 87 , 490 Spitihn eˇ v II, 451 electoral vote, 275 Udalrich, 487 Henry XIV of Lower Bavaria, Wenceslas I, 418 191 n. 245 Wenceslas II, 409 , 420 see also Empire, western, medieval, Wenceslas IV see Empire, western, dynasties, Wittelsbach medieval, rulers, Wenceslas Bavarians, 316 , 455 , 479 , 522 see also Moravia ancient ( Norici ), 495 Bohemian forest, 451 Bayernburg, 223 Bohemians, 379 Beaune, Colette, 362 n. 50 medieval German portrayals of, 392–5 Bebel, Heinrich, humanist, 297 n. 12 Bologna, university, 246 Beeskow, 427 Bonn, 100 , 129 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-57333-7 - The Shaping of German Identity: Authority and Crisis, 1245–1414 Len Scales Index More information 604 Index Book of Kings of the New Law , 54 , 220 , Lothar, 156 285 , 307 , 318 , 335 , 482 Ludwig the Child, 156 , 286 Borgolte, Michael, 39 Ludwig the German, 156 Bouvines, battle of, 356 Pippin the Short, 285 , 340 Brabant, 456 , 460 , 467 , 490 n. 43 , 509 , Celtis, Konrad, humanist, 297 n. 13 , 449 520 Four Books of Love According to the Four duchy of, 100 , 459 Corners of Germany , 449 dukes of, 100 , 463 , 465 , 510 , 522 Chanson de Roland , 481 John I, 457 n. 60 Charlemagne, 126 , 171 , 206 , 216 , 290 , John II, 177 n. 148 299 , 322 , 323 , 324–36 , 338 , frontiers, 448 n. 4 340 , 341 , 357 , 387 , 399 , 514 Brabanters, 517 1965 exhibition, 37 Brandenburg, 74 , 402 , 468 and Aachen, 327–9 margraves of, 87 , 277 , 399 and language, 496 Ludwig of Wittelsbach, 190 , 388 and the translation of the Empire, Bratislava (Pressburg), 404 283–8 Braunschweig, 427 , 511 , 514 as ideal monarch, 331 duchy of, 510 as lawgiver, 138 , 332 dukes of, 87 cult, 327 fountain, 137 depictions of, 135 , 327 St Blasius, 510 ethnic identity of, 326 , 333–6 Braunschweig Rhyming Chronicle , 176 , relics and reliquaries, 152 273 , 286 , 333 Chev è nement, Jean-Pierre, 36 n. 104 Brescia, 141 Chiavenna, countship of, 462 n. 98 Breslau, 397 , 409 n. 118 , 417 , 419 Chirac, Jacques, 42 Brixen (Bressanone), 465 Christburg, commandery of, 402 Brother Arnold the Dominican, 237 Christherre Chronicle , 456 Br ü hl, Carlrichard, 42 Chronicle of Ninety-Five Lordships , 510 , Brunner, Otto, 519 , 520 521 Bruno von Rappoltstein, 96 chronicles: Bruno, bishop of Olm ü tz (Olomouc), universal, 146 –8 , 337–8 178 n. 151 , 222 n. 112 and translation of Empire, 281 Bryce, James, 208 Chur, bishops of, 106 Brzeg (Brieg), 424 n. 192 Cistercian order, 408 duke of, 418 Closener, Fritsche, chronicler, 183 , 268 , Budweis ( Cˇ esk é Budeˇ jovice), 426 280 , 286 , 303 n. 44 , 333 , 337 , Burdach, Konrad, 494 341 , 347 , 458 , 466 Burgundy, Cochlaeus, Johannes, geographer: counts, countship of, 174 n. 128 Germania , 449 dukes, duchy of, 218 Cohn, Norman, 238 imperial, 219 , 466–7 coins, iconography, 139 , 139 n. 221 , 330 Burke, Peter, 359 C ö lln, 242 Byzantines, 280 Colmar chronicler, 103 , 141 , 167 , 331 , 367 , 493 Cambrai, 186 n. 208 Cologne, 112 , 129 , 205 , 244 , 459 , 460 , church of, 457 468 , 490 , 514 n. 193 canon law, 339 archbishops of, 170 Capetian dynasty, 59 , 214 archchancellorship, 193 Carinthia, 402 , 514 as electors, 277 ducal installation ceremony, 512–13 ‘lant’ of, 508 , 508 n. 161 Carolingian dynasty, 114 , 185 , 340–2 Lotharingian duchy, 508 ethnic identity of, 199 , 286 Anno, 355 Charles the Fat, 505 Heribert, 287 Charles the Great see Charlemagne Siegfried von Westerburg, 78 , 167–9 , Charles Martel, 340 178 n. 151 , 180 , 457 n. 60 , 504 Charles the Simple, 156 , 158 burghers, 108 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-57333-7 - The Shaping of German Identity: Authority and Crisis, 1245–1414 Len Scales Index More information Index 605 church of, 458 372 , 374 , 377 , 456 , 496 n. 81 , St Maria on the Capitol, 204 , 205 n. 4 , 523 205 n. 5 , 328 , 513 n. 192 and the Bohemians, 392 trade, 109 and Charlemagne, 334 Colonna dynasty, 308 and the translation of the Empire, 279 Giacomo, 204 , 206 , 207 and the Wends, 387–9 Margherita, 207 life, 244–7 Comestor, Peter, 284 Viridarium Imperatorum , 255 Constance: Dietrich von Portitz, 89 bishops of: Dinant, 438 Johann Windloch, 365 Dithart, count of Katzenelnbogen, 371 council of, 4 , 228 , 250 , 256 n. 321 Dolomites, 484 Constantinople, 129 Donauw ö rth, 138 Corpus der altdeutschen Originalurkunden , Dortmund, 190 489–90 Dubois, Pierre, treatise-writer, 69 , 167 , Cosmas of Prague, chronicler, 411 214 , 353 , 357 counts palatine of the Rhine, 87 , 274 Duisburg, 105 regency powers, 185–6 Duo sunt , 212 n. 42 Rupert I, 198 D ü sseldorf, 102 Courlanders, 433 Dynter, Edmund, 233 Cr é cy, battle of, 372 Crescentius, consul, 340 Eberheimm ü nster, 314 Cumans, 223 Ebstorf world map, 126 , 315 , 395 , 450 , cynocephali, Germans as, 411 455 Egino, count of Freiburg, 366 ‘Dalimil’ chronicle, 412 , 451 n.
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