N O T I C E THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED FROM MICROFICHE. ALTHOUGH IT IS RECOGNIZED THAT CERTAIN PORTIONS ARE ILLEGIBLE, IT IS BEING RELEASED IN THE INTEREST OF MAKING AVAILABLE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE Pt .. v l{ r r v a 1 x '& S A/DC-A-H National Space Science Data Canter/ 79-05 World Data Center A For Rockets and Satellites t (NASA—TM -8,0349) NSSDC DATA LISTING (.NASA) 14 80-109551 CSCL 05B j 51 p HC A04/MF A01 ,r Unclas G3/82 32577 a3 k4'^ r sx+^' `,. ^"^ ,.*t'rlhx:i.` ^ f ^ x'.1:1 .+;.. „-..^ :x^ «.4. .1 r r =£ NSSDC/LUDC-A-R$S 79-05 i^ NSSDC Data Listing August 1979 National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)/ forld Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites (WDC-A-R&S) National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 ^r INTRODUCTION The NSSDC Data Listing provides a convenient reference to space science and supportive data available from the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC). The first part of this Listing, Satellite Data, is in an abbreviated form compared to the data catalogs normally published by NSSDC/WDC-A-R43 (World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites). It is organized by NSSDC spacecraft common name. The launch date and NSSDC ID are printed for each spacecraft. The experiments are listed alphabetically by the principal investigator's or ` team leader's last name following the spacecraft name. The experiment name and NSSDC ID are printed for each experiment. The data sets are listed by NSSDC ID following the experiment name. The data set name, data form code (see Appendix 1), quantity of data, and the time span of the data as verified by NSSDC are printed fot each date set. Note that data quantities and time span of the data are continually changing as data are received at NSSDC. The second p?wi: of this Listing, Non-Satellite Data, contains a listing of ground-based data, models, computer routines and composite spacecraft data that are available from NSSDC. This list is arranged by the NSSDC Non-Satel- lite Data File (NSDF) ID and gives the data set name, data form code, quantity of data, and the time span covered where appropriate. Note that data quantities and time span of the data are continually changing as data are received at NSSDC. Appendix 2 contains information on NSSDC facilities and ordering procedures. There are somas data sets in this Listing for which there are some re- strictions on the availability of part or all of the data. Such data sets are indicated by an asterisk (*) in the far right-hand column. These data sets fall into two general classes: (1) geodetic tracking data and (2) data sub- mitted to construct data bases for Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAWs). The geodetic tracking data sets are part of a data exchange in which ap- proved individuals or organizations submit tracking data and can then request the data submitted by other organizations. The approved list of requesters is controlled by the Geodynamics Program, Code ERG-2, at NASA Headquarters. Ex- periments on the following satellites are involved in this activity: BE-B, BE-C, Diademe 1, Diademe 2, Echo 1, Echo 2, GEOS 1, GEOS 2, GEOS 3, LAGEOS, PAGEOS 1, Seasat 1, and Starlette. Beginning in December 1978, NSSDC began hosting CDAWs in which problem- oriented on-line data bases are constructed and participants convene to use the interactive graphics system to obtain selected output. Since much of the data for CDAWs is still in the proprietary time period where the principal in- vestigator or team leader controls the distribution of the data, these data sets are marked with an asterisk. There have been three CDAWs to date, and the satellites for which some experiments have been involved are the following: CDAW 1 CDAW 2 CDAW 3 AE-C 1976-059A ISEE 1 AE-E 1977-007A ISEE 2 w 1 CDAW 1 CDAW 2 CDAW 3 ATS 6 ATS 6 DMSP-F2 ESA-GEOS 1 ESA-GEOS 1 GOES 1 IMP-H GOES 2 IMP-J IMP_J ISEE 1 53-3 ISEE 2 TIP 1 TUP 1 In addition, the CDAWs used Non-Satellite data which are indicated in the second part of this Listing where the data are still proprietary The data submitted for the CDAWs covered certain time periods during the following days: CDAW 1 December 1-2, 11-12 0 1977 CDAW 2 July 28-29, 1977 CDAW 3 November 7, 10, 15-16, 30, 1977, December S. 6-10, 18, 21, 24, 1977 and January 1, 1978. Because of this situation the time span of data given in the Data Listing can be misleading where CDAW data sets are just an additional time increment added to already submitted data sets. For example, in the case of Brace's ex- periment on AE-C, the time span of data is February 2, 1974 - January 31, 1975 plus the period December 1-31, 1977 which was submitted for CDAW 1. Although the tapes submitted for the CDAWs are still proprietary, the actual on-line disk data base for CDAW 1, which has been constructed by ex- tracting specified fields from the tapes, has been declared open. This is not true at the present time for CDAW 2 or CDAW 3. For further information about restricted Satellite and Non-Satellite data sets and the CDAW data bases, please contact NSSDC at the address given in Appendix 2. 2 o, SATELLITE DATA LISTING * + + SPACECRAFT NAME LAUNCH DATE DATA SET INFORMATION RkR * # R*iRR*ttiR Y*#*#RRfYR#' tRRRiif#Rk*R ► ► ► Ri#RR*R*f Yf #RR ► RAN* ► +Rf*Ri***fffkk NSSDC10 ------------------------------ + INVCSTIGATOR NAME EXPERIMENT NAME Y TIME SPAN * DATA SET NAME FORM QUANTITY Of DATA 1963-030D 07/19/63 63-030D PRIOR 1963-030D,BALLOON ATMOS DRAG DEN 63-03OD-01 DENSITIES a TEMPS,300-3464KM 63-03OD-OIA 111 1 01102/64 04/13/71 1963-038C 09/28/63 OR 63-038C BOSTROM 1963-03ISC. CHARGED PARTICLE 63-03BC-01 CH60 PARTICLE UNORDERED TAPES 63-038C-OtA DO 430 09/28/63 03/04/67 UNSORTED INDEX OF TAPES 63-038C-01B DO2 09/28/63 03/04/67 SORTED INDEX OF DATA IN SET A 63-038C-CIE DD 2 09/28163 03/04/67 CHGD PARTICLE TIME ORDERED TAPES 63-0380-010 DO 103 09/28/63 12/31/68 SORTED INDEX OF DATA IN SET D 63-038C-01E DO 6 09/28/63 12/31/68 PLOTS O.F COUNTS VS TIME AND B 63-038C-01F MO 09128163 12/31/67 4 L-ORDERED ELECTRON COUNT PLOTS 63-038C-01G MP 1 09/28/63 04/16/66 1964-083C 12/13/64 64-0830 ZMUDA 1964-083C,RUBIDIUM VAPOR MAGNET. 64-083C-01 RUBIDIUM VAPOR MAGNETOMETFR 64-083C-01A DO 1 12/17/64 06/26/65 1972-032A 04/19/72 72-032A w CARTER 1972-032A, MAGNETRON GAUGE 72-032A-01 DENSITY OBS, 160-30OKM, NOON-MIPN 72-032A-OIA R BI 1 04/21/72 05/09/72 1976-059A 06126176 76-059A HIGBIE 1976-059AeCHARGED PART ANALYZER 76-059A-01 ENERGETIC PARTICLE DETECTOR 76-OS9A-01A DD 1 07128/77 07/29/77 1977-007A 02106/77 77-007A HIGBIE 1977-007A,CHARGED PART ANALYZER 77-007A-01 ENERGETIC PARTICLE DETECTOR 77-007A-O;A DO 1 07/28/77 07/29/77 + AL-A 12/19/63 63-053A JACCHIA AD-A,NONSYST.CHANGES AIR DENSITY 63-053A-01 ATMOS DRAG DEN TABLES 63-053A-01A FR 6 12/19/63 01/13170 AD-B 11/21/64 64-076A JACCHIA AD-B,NONSYST.CHANGES AIR DENSITY 64-076A-01 ATMOS DRAG DEN TABLES 64-076A-01A FR 6 11/27/64 10/15/68 AD-C 08/08/68 68-066A JACCHIA AD-C.NONSYST.CHANGES AIR DENSITY 68-066A-0 ATMOS DRAG DEN TABLES 68-066A-011 A FR 6 08/08/68 01/13/70 AE-A 04/03/63 63-009A BRACE AE-A,ELECTROSTATIC PROBES 63-009A-02 LANGML'IR PROBE 63-009A-02A MO 1 04/04/63 07110/63 NEWTON AE-A,PRESSURE GAUGE 63-009A-03 NEUTRAL DENS (260KM-90OKM), FICHE 63-009A-03A FR 1 04/03/63 06/08163 REBER AE-AcMASS SPECTROMETER 63-009A-01 TAB ATMOS COMP DENSITIES, FICHE 63-009A-OIA FR 2 04/03/63 06/01/63 AE-B 05/25/66 66-044A BRINTON AE-8.RF ION MASS 66-044A-01 AE-B ION MASS SPEC7ROM.DATA-TAPE 66-044A-01A DO 1 0.6/D9/66 01/07/67 AE-B ION DATA ON MFI.LM 66-044A-01B MO 1 06/09/66 01/17/67 REBER AE-B.NEUTRAL MAG MASS SPECT 66-044A-02 NEUTRAL PARTICLE DENSITIES 66-044A-02A OT 1 05/26/66 05131/66 WULF-MATHIES AE-B, ATMOSPHERIC DRAG 66-044A-03 ATMOS DRAG DEN TABLES 66-044A-03A BY 1 06/03/66 01/14/70 AE-C 12/16/73 73-101A BARTH AE-C, UV NITRIC OXIDE EXP.(UvNi) 73-101 A-13 NITRIC OXIDE DATA ON TAPE 73-101A-13A DD 14 02/02/74 12/31177 BRACE AE-C. CYL.ELECTROST.PROBE (CEP) 73-1OIA-01 CEP DATA ON TAPE 73-101A-OIA DO 14 02/02/74 12/31/77 * BRINTON AE-C, BEN NETT ION MASS SPEC.(BIMS) 73-101A-11 ION MASS SPECTROMETER DATA-TAPE 73-101A-11A OD 14 02/02/74 12/31/77 * CHAMPION AE-C, TRI.-AX.
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