FAMILY Cobitidae Swainson, 1838 - true loaches [=Cylindrosomes, Cobites, ?Acanthopsides, Acanthophthalminae, Misgurninae] Notes: [ICZN Opinion 1500] Cylindrosomes Duméril, 1805:138 [ref. 1151] (family) ? Cobitis [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Cobites Jarocki, 1822:27, 94 [ref. 4984] (family) Cobitis [stem Cobit- confirmed by Fitzinger 1832:332 [ref. 5019] and by Swainson 1838:227 [ref. 4302]; senior objective synonym of Acantophthalminae Gill, 1861] Cobitidae Swainson, 1838:227, 231, 360 [ref. 4302] (subfamily) Cobitis [stem changed to Cobitid- by Günther 1868:344 [ref. 1990], confirmed by Regan 1911e:31 [ref. 3642] and by Steyskal 1980:170 [ref. 14191]; Cobitidae Swainson, 1838 on Official List of Family-Group Names in Zoology ICZN Opinion 1500; senior objective synonym of Acantophthalminae Gill, 1861] ?Acanthopsides Heckel & Kner, 1858:296 [ref. 2078] (family) †Acanthopsis Agassiz [= ? Cobitis; ref. 2078 possibly published autumn 1857] Acanthophthalminae Gill, 1861b:7 [ref. 32167] (subfamily) Acantophthalmus [Acanthophthalmus inferred from the stem; junior objective synonym of Cobites Jarocki, 1822, invalid, Article 61.3.2] Misgurninae Fowler, 1905b:474 [ref. 1370] (subfamily) Misgurnus [erroneously as Misgurnoinae in Nalbant 2002:328 [ref. 27361]] GENUS Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823 - horse-faced loaches [=Acantopsis van Hasselt [J. C.], 1823:133, Prostheacanthus Blyth [E.], 1860:167] Notes: [ref. 5963]. Fem. Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823. Type by monotypy. Spelled Acantopsis in 1823 and Acanthopsis in French version (= van Hasselt 1824:376, 377 [ref. 5104]); Code requires use of original spelling. See Kottelat 1987:372 [ref. 5962]. •Valid as Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823 -- (Chen 1981:22 [ref. 8242], Kottelat 1985:267 [ref. 11441], Roberts 1989:99 [ref. 6439], Kottelat 1989:13 [ref. 13605], Ye in Pan et al. 1991:252 [ref. 23876], Menon 1992:102 [ref. 23970], Nalbant 1994:376 [ref. 22051], Doi 1997:25 [ref. 22832], Kottelat & Tan 2008:69 [ref. 29956], Havird et al. 2010:2 [ref. 30908], Kottelat 2012:22 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:177 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823. Cobitidae. (Prostheacanthus) [ref. 477]. Masc. Prostheacanthus spectabilis Blyth, 1860. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823 -- (Kottelat 2012:22 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:177 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823. Cobitidae. Species Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823 - horse-faced loach [=Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt [J. C.], 1823:133, Acanthopsis biaculeata Rüppell [W. P. E. S.], 1852:28, Acanthopsis choerorhynchus Günther [A.], 1868:365, Cobitis choirorhynchos Bleeker [P.], 1854:95, Cobitis macrorhynchos Bleeker [P.], 1854:95] Notes: [Algemeene Konst- en Letter-bode II Deel (no. 35); ref. 5963] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823. Cobitidae. Distribution: Southeastern Asia. Habitat: freshwater. (biaculeata) [Fische und deren Skelette; ref. 3846] Current status: Synonym of Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823. Cobitidae. (choerorhynchus) [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] Current status: Synonym of Acantopsis choirorhynchos (Bleeker, 1854). Cobitidae. Habitat: freshwater. (choirorhynchos) [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 7; ref. 16939] Confluence of Lamatang and Enim rivers, eastern Sumatra, Palembang Province, Indonesia. Current status: Synonym of Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823. Cobitidae. Distribution: Asia (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. (macrorhynchos)[Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 7; ref. 16939] Borneo or Java, Indonesia. Current status: Synonym of Acantopsis dialuzona van Hasselt, 1823. Cobitidae. Habitat: freshwater. Species Acantopsis octoactinotos Siebert, 1991 - eyeline horse-faced loach (author) [=Acantopsis octoactinotos Siebert [D. J.], 1991:910, Figs. 1-4] Notes: [Copeia 1991 (no. 4); ref. 20043] Unnamed tributary of Kinabatangan River near Sungei Deramakot, about 5°18'N, 117°33'E, Kinabatangan District, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia. Current status: Valid as Acantopsis octoactinotos Siebert, 1991. Cobitidae. Distribution: Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Acantopsis spectabilis (Blyth, 1860) - Tenasserim horse-faced loach (author) (no image available - author) [=Prostheacathus spectabilis Blyth [E.], 1860:167] Notes: [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 29 (no. 2); ref. 477] Tenasserim provinces, Burma. Current status: Valid as Acantopsis spectabilis (Blyth, 1860). Cobitidae. Distribution: not given Habitat: freshwater. Species Acantopsis thiemmedhi Sontirat, 1999 - Thiemmedhi's horse-faced loach [=Acantopsis thiemmedhi Sontirat [S.], 1999:66, Fig. 1] Notes: [Proceedings of the 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference; ref. 23935] Huey Nam Khoon, Huey Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Amphur Lan Sak, Uthai Thani Province Thailand, elevation 200 meters. Current status: Valid as Acantopsis thiemmedhi Sontirat, 1999. Cobitidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Aperioptus Richardson, 1848 - loaches [=Aperioptus Richardson [J.], 1848:27, Acanthopsoides Fowler [H. W.], 1934:103, Neacanthopsis Smith [H. M.], 1945:297] Notes: [ref. 3744]. Masc. Aperioptus pictorius Richardson, 1848. Type by monotypy. •Unidentifiable -- (Roberts 1972:2 [ref. 12567]). •Possibly synonymy of Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823 -- (Kottelat 2012:22 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:177 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Aperioptus Richardson, 1848 -- (Page & Tangjitjaroen 2015:179 [ref. 33815]). Current status: Valid as Aperioptus Richardson, 1848. Cobitidae. (Acanthopsoides) [ref. 1417]. Masc. Acanthopsoides gracilis Fowler, 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Acanthopsoides Fowler, 1934 -- (Nalbant 1963:365 [ref. 3140], Sawada 1982:201 [ref. 14111], Kottelat 1985:267 [ref. 11441], Kottelat 1989:13 [ref. 13605], Roberts 1989:94 [ref. 6439], Siebert 1991 [ref. 20084], Nalbant 1994:376 [ref. 22051], Doi 1997:25 [ref. 22832] as Acanthopsides, Son & He 2001:1 [ref. 25331], Kottelat & Tan 2008:69 [ref. 29956], Havird et al. 2010:2 [ref. 30908], Kottelat 2012:21 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:176 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:151 [ref. 34477]). •Valid as Aperioptus Richardson, 1848 -- (Page & Tangjitjaroen 2015:179 [ref. 33815]). Current status: Synonym of Aperioptus Richardson, 1848. Cobitidae. (Neacanthopsis) [ref. 4056]. Fem. Neacanthopsis gracilentus Smith, 1945. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Neacanthopsis Smith, 1945 -- (Kottelat 1989:13 [ref. 13605]). •Synonym of Acanthopsoides Fowler, 1934 -- (Siebert 1991:98 [ref. 20084], Kottelat 2012:21 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:177 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Aperioptus Richardson, 1848 -- (Page & Tangjitjaroen 2015:179 [ref. 33815]). Current status: Synonym of Aperioptus Richardson, 1848. Cobitidae. Species Aperioptus delphax (Siebert, 1991) - Salween delphax loach (author) [=Acanthopsoides delphax Siebert [D. J.], 1991:105, Fig. 6] Notes: [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 38 (no. 2); ref. 20084] Salween River at Mae Sahm, west of Mae Sariang, Thailand. Current status: Valid as Aperioptus delphax (Siebert, 1991). Cobitidae. Distribution: Asia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Aperioptus gracilentus (Smith, 1945) - Meping aperioptus loach (author) [=Neacanthopsis gracilentus Smith [H. M.], 1945:297, Fig. 61, Acanthopsoides namromensis Nguyen [V. H.], 2005:559, Fig. 8] Notes: [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Meping River north of Chieng Mai [Chiang Mai], Chiengdao, northern Thailand. Current status: Valid as Aperioptus gracilentus (Smith, 1945). Cobitidae. Distribution: Asia. Habitat: freshwater. (namromensis) [Freshwater fishes of Vietnam v. 2; ref. 29730] Nâm Rôm River, Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam. Current status: Synonym of Aperioptus gracilentus (Smith, 1945). Cobitidae. Distribution: Nâm Rôm and Nâm Núa river systems, Dien Bien, Vietnam (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. Species Aperioptus gracilis (Fowler, 1934) - gracile aperiotus loach (author) [=Acathopsoides gracilis Fowler [H. W.], 1934:103, Fig. 55] Notes: [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 86; ref. 1417] Chieng Mai [Chiang Mai], Chao Phraya River basin, Mekong basin, northern Thailand. Current status: Valid as Aperioptus gracilis (Fowler, 1934). Cobitidae. Distribution: Asia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Aperioptus hapalias (Siebert, 1991) - Phimai aperioptus loach (author) [=Acathopsoides hapalias Siebert [D. J.], 1991:106, Fig. 7] Notes: [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 38 (no. 2); ref. 20084] Lam Nam Mun, 2 kilometers downstream from Phimai, 15°14'N, 102°31'E, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Mekong River basin, Thailand. Current status: Valid as Aperioptus hapalias (Siebert, 1991). Cobitidae. Distribution: Asia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Aperioptus molobrion (Siebert, 1991) - Bo River aperioptus loach (author) [=Acathopsoides molobrion Siebert [D. J.], 1991:107, Fig. 8] Notes: [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 38 (no. 2); ref. 20084] Bo River [= Sungai Boh], Mahakam River basin, Kalimantan Tiimur, Indonesia. Current status: Valid as Aperioptus pictorius Richardson, 1848. Cobitidae. Distribution: Southeastern Asia. Habitat: freshwater. Species Aperioptus pictorius Richardson, 1848 - pictorius loach (author) [=Aperioptus pictorius Richardson [J.], 1848:27, Pl. 10 (figs. 4-5)] Notes: [The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang; ref. 3744] Borneo. Current status: Valid as Aperioptus pictorius
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