THE MICHIGAN REVIEW Volume 15, Number 5 The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan December 11, 1996 Michigan Party Wins Election BY BENJAMIN KEPPLE candidates) was Michigan Party can­ first) receiving the most votes with However, the UPC did generally didate Dan Serota, receiving 3,406 716 points. The Nihilists generally well, all three candidates having quite HEMICmGANPARTYHAS points. Following close behind were received around 500 to 700 points in respectable showings and placing once again emerged victori­ independents Andy Schor and Barry LSA. fourth, fifth, and eighth out of a field T ous from a Michigan Student Rosenberg, with 2,565 and 2,537 The Victors Party, running on a of twenty-one candidates. Slumber Assembly (MSA) election. Winning points respectively. Trail­ Party candidate David Bogue finished eight seats, the dominant force in the ing, but still with very sixth with 190 points. The Michigan Assembly has managed to once again strong showings, were four . Party did not do nearly as well in come out on top of the heap, running Michigan Party candi­ Engineering as it did in LSA, with its roughshod over its partisan contend­ dates, followed by the candidates placing seventh and ers. However, the Michigan Party did eighth place contender and twelth, and receiving a modest 163 not do as well against independent Crush the Purple Dinosaur and 119 points respectively. candidates, as independent candi­ Party candidate Aphrodite Again, the other four parties did dates won nine seats overall in this Nikolovski, who received a not do as well. The Students, Victors, election; their rankB including such total of 1501 points. Nihilist, and Liberty Parties were all MSA veterans as Andy Schor and However, many other "".. __ hurt again, with all their candidates Barry Rosenberg. But even with the candidates came oh-so- ~ except Victors Party candidate Adam strong independent showing, the frustratingly close to vic- . =:;:'. ' ~ '.f' . .......,. ~.- '""'5..-:-, Silver (who placed tenth) placing in Michigan Party's victory still ensures tory, and many new par- .:.... _-=-~ the bottom half of the field. that it will virtually control the As­ ties fared relatively well in The Winter 1996 elections have sembly. the elections. In the Col- The Michigan Party spins the cube of MSA politics. brought a change to the partisan The other partisan contenders lege of LSA, Michigan makeup of the Assembly. With the were, for the most part, utterly routed Party representative Srinu Vourganti, platform promIsmg reform, did recent collapse ofthe Wolverine Party, in the election. The Crush the Purple who had been running for re-election, slightly worse than the Nihilists, with ~. the Assembly looks far different from Dinosaur Party won four seats, but came in ninth place, losing his seat in party chair Nick Kirk receiving 678 this time one year ago. A total of 17 none of the other parties were suc­ the Assembly by a mere 50 points. points and gaining twenty-third place. Independents (including former Wol­ cessful in electing any representa­ The United People's Coalition also The other candidates received be­ verines) now fill the ranks ofthe As­ tives to the Assembly. While most of did well, with candidate Ozell Hayes tween 400 and 600 points. sembly. The Michigan Party has the the parties had respectable showings, coming in tenth place, with 1355 The Liberty Party was dealt a next largest contingent by far, with a with a few representatives close to points. All of the UPC's candidates heavy blow in the election, generally grand total ofl6 representatives. The gaining a seat on the Assembly, the received over 1000 points, with Nick faring worse than other parties. Run­ Students Party has a mere 5 repre­ dominant Michigan Party continued Farr and Cherise Walker placing fif­ ning on a platform that stressed re­ sentatives on the Assembly. The to steamroll over its competition. teenth and sixteenth. The Slumber sponsible Assembly spending, volun­ Crush the Purple Dinosaur party, The Michigan Party won the open Party had both of their candidates do tary MSA fees, and other reforms, the gaining four seats in this election, is seats in Business Administration, very well, with Ted Chen and Jon Kuo Liberty Party's top vote-getter was the next largest, with the United Kinesiology, and Public Health, while coming in thirteenth and fourteenth, thirty-third place candidate Elizabeth People's Coalition only having two. watching as 5 of its candidates swept respectively. Keslacy, receiving 497 points, whereas The Liberty Party, which formerly to victory in the LSA race. The Crush The Students Party, once the main the rest ofthe candidates fared worse, held a Rackham seat until represen­ the Purple Dinosaur Party won one opposition party in the Assembly, did receiving between 240 and 440 points. tative Douglas Friedman resigned seat in LSA, one in Engineering, not fare as well, with their top vote­ In the College of Engineering, the from MSA in disgust, has none. The (David Burden, former UMEC Engi­ getter being former MSA presidential results of the balloting there were Nihilist Party, Slumber Party, and neering representative to MSA, won candidate Jonathan Freeman, who relatively different. The top vote get­ the Victors Party are also without by the skin of his teeth, beating out received 964 points and placed seven­ ters in Engineering were two inde­ representatives on the Assembly. Delano White of the UPC by three teenth. Most Students' Party candi­ pendent candidates, Mark Dub and Many of the candidates were not points) and two' seats in Rackham. dates fell in the middle of the pack, Jasmine Khambatta, with 513 and surprised by the results. David Bur­ Independents won Education, two receiving around 600 points each. 491 points respectively. David Bur­ den, victorious candidate with the Engineering seats, two LSA seats, The Nihilist Party, running a den, Crush the Purple Dinosaur party Crush the Purple Dinosaur Party, Medicine, Music, one Rackham seat, strong campaign based primarily on candidate, followed with 287 points, said, "I think it was an inevitability and Social Work. cutting the fat in the Assembly, did while Delano White, UPC candidate, that there would be close races this On the LSA ballot, the candidate moderately well, with party chair was dealt a painful defeat, coming in who received the most votes (out of 56 Andrew Serowik (who placed twenty- fourth with 284 points . Continued on page 5 • I I J , r '-f- Z T,-. ,)a' \3l.... T ,W, T ,W ,- ... - -Tt171· ,·f· ' =1 .:' T3" P S'" ,w,.,,..:, ,. PH '''I ,,,.,. 3 Serpents 4 From Suite 6 Roll Up For The 7 Lost in the Music, and Tooth One ' Mystery Tour Eighties™ 10MORE Music Another hilarious installment A look at the relationship Geoff takes you away to ex- Ben goes on the warpath, Show reviews, CD reviews, of Serpents Tooth along with between the Presidency and amine holiday shopping: It's attacking MSA, and warns and good ways for you to Letters to the Editor. lawsuits, and Clinton's bro- just not Christmas without you about becoming an ide- avoid what sucks. ken promises. the torpedo launchers. alist let it rot your brain. .... ---~ . .. -- ------ --. - It :' ':. ,~<_ "' ~ "'- ". "" . " -"""-"'-" ' '' -''' ' ''''''' ,...,..--. ,." ,.. "" __ .. _ ..",.,, ..... "<IIlt: _ .'"_ _ ~~ .,. ~_~~ ~ --:... ___~ _•• ,, __ 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW December 11, 1996 THE jVllCIIICj:\:\ RJ ·: VII:W The Campus Affairs Journal of the o FROM THE EDITOR' :.> University of Michigan "That drinking fountain is the servant of the devil!!!!!" EDITORIAL BOARD REETINGS! WELCOME TO pand and improve, we are still, as you good luck on your finals, and offer EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Geoff Brown another issue ofthe Michigan always, looking to recruit new blood my congratulations to those of you PUBLISHER: Pat Eskew GReview. It was fourteen years and fresh faces. Whenever asked, I who will be graduating this term. I'd MANAGING EDITOR: Benjamin Kepple ago this very month, in December always tell people, "it's never too late also like to wish all of you Happy CAMPUS AFFAIRS EDITOR: Evan Knott 1982, that the very first issue of the to join the Review." We're always look­ Holidays, and a Happy New Year. If FEATURES EDITOR: Lisa Wagner ARTS EDITOR: Tom Jolliffe Review was published and distrib­ ing for staff writers, photographers, you're anything like me at all, you're EDITOR EMERITUS: Mohan Krishnan uted on campus. Since that time, the future editors, and especially artists . looking forward to the three week Review has served to strive for the and business staffmembers. Ifyou're winter break, and the relaxation it EDITORIAL STAFF truth, and to offer an alternative point interested in joining our band of affords. Even if you're not looking ASSISTANT EDITOR: Matt Buckley of view for the campus community. As merry-makers, then by all means, forward to the litany of family inter­ SPORTS EDITOR: Mel Myers I look back over this soon-to-be-past take the time in January to stop by rogation into your future plans, you MUSIC EDITOR: Chris Hayes term, I see that the Review, while it one of our staff meetings, or watch for can always find some way to escape to PHOTO EDITOR: Reah Johnson has undergone many changes, still signs advertising our mass meeting, solitude and enjoy a couple weeks WWWEDITOR: Mark West lives up to the spirit in which it was which will be held near the end of with no deadlines, no studying, no STAFF WRITERS: Lee Bockhom, Simon Einspahr, founded. We've received a lot ofreader January. papers, and no lectures. That having EricGrinne/I, Elizabeth Keslaey, Nora Obringer, Charles feedback, and for that, I thank all of As I write this, we're just about been said, enjoy your break - you've Ottman, Drew Peters, Jade Rahmani, Maureen Sirhal, you, and ask you to keep it coming! ready to wrap up another term of certainly earned it by now.
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