...-•.,... _ --.,..~.... ,.----.-- . __ -~~.~ -.-.. ~ p: --. _- p-- - __ -.- __~ .- __ -- _ ' ...... ~"JI/T- ~ - ••~,..... ~~ '-w-----~ ,...~- . ~ ._.~~,~.-.-~~ ---.-- 1"-- .-~ , __ . T-'~- ... -- - , INC .. '/9903 -- J " ,"., ,..---------------------_.. _.. _------------_._---------- ,1{ '. .·r:1. Darlene Hart heads Warrior offense I'··', " Board of Realtors pounds Knights , ~ See Page 3A See Page 4A .. ~ j .~ ,t ) 1" J ,Jt: •., f , .' • .~ 1. ;(j. NO. 48 IN OUR 43RD YEAR 35¢ PER COpy i " MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1988 RUIDOSO, NM 88345., Arizona city eyes Lincoln . < County as trash dUlllp site by DORIS CHERRY According to Phill Weften, of the request, which will delay the EID Ruidoso News Staff Writer Solid Waste Management office of registration. Under current ,EID America is bmying._ jtself ill the Environmental Improvement regulations, there is no denial pro­ trash. Division (EID) in Santa Fe, Charles cess, merely a registration for such There is so much trash in fact, Helm applied to put a landfill on landfills. A registration must be that some communities are consid­ 900 acres of land six miles east of sent from EID in response to a com­ ering transporting garbage out of Carrizozo and one mile north of plete application within 30 days, their towns and states to areas Highway 380. The proposed loca­ Weften added. which have fewer controls on land­ tion is near the Tortalita Arroyo The request states the landfill fills. and Nogal Creek. One water well is will incorporate incineration and One such possible situation is a located near a corner of the proper­ recycling of the garbage. Because of request to create a landfill north of ty ~nd another is within a section of the incineration, HelmJs request .,, Carrizozo to accommodate land. must pass through air quality 1 municipal garbage from the city of Weften Raid Helm did not in­ Glory to God Glendale, Arizona. clude complete information in the Please see ARIZONA, page 2A Rachel LaPaz signs the words of the of Thanksgiving for 100 years of song Glory to God, as (from left) Father preaching the gospel of Christ at Saint ,t Larry Gosselin, Father Rodrigo Ortiz, Joseph's Apache Mission in Mescalero, .,\ ~ Paving will start soon Bishop Donald E. Pelotte, Father Sunday. Bishop Palotte, the first Native , Raymond Bucher, Vicar Provincial of American bishop in the Catholic the Franciscans of Santa Barbara and Church, was honored with gifts, dinners on road to new airport Rodney Simms, join in song. The sign­ and blessings in the Apache Way over ing was a part of the Anniversary Mass the weekend. (Photo by Doris Cherry) by DORIS CHERRY the multi-million dollar airport fa­ Ruidoso News Staff Writer cility will become a reality. Trick or Treatf According to Louis Najar, project Fish makes off Halloween usually is reserved director with the New Mexico State for ghosts and goblins, this year Highway DepartmentJ the paving re~l will be no different. But on that will take about one month to com­ \\lith rod, • ' •• ~~ - ........ <.. _.,,~....... ~-.,::J-"'? .. -,!,!!;FIo~ same day,· Twin Mountain Rock plete, weather pennitting. Pave­ Construction Companr is scheduled ment must be laid with air by CHARLES STALLINGS to begin paving the Sierra Blanca temperatures at 50" or higher, Ruidoso News Sports Writer Airport Access Road. Najar said. If anyone catches a fish in Alto Two years after the project was lake with a hook, line, rod and reel funded, the access highway from Please see PAVING, page 12A attached to it's body, please call Til­ It's a }c-'ord lie Telles of Alamogordo. You can .... keep the fish, but Tillie wants her . , , rod and reel back. This modified Ford was Tillie and husband, Barney, an eye catcher at the ,,~ . "'.. ) were fishing some 15-feet off the Tri-Cities Rod Run on bank of Alto Lake last Thursday the weekend at the old enjoying the sunshine when Tillie airport where many felt a nibble on the shiny new modified autos were on maroon rod her son, Eugene, gave her for a mother's day present. display. See photo on The second nibble on the corn Page 12A. bait turned into a hard tug1 accord­ ~~'" ~ ing to Tillie, and suddenly every­ :,. ~ _." a '~_~~~~.. ---~:, ,.t\./' ~,." F~ 'i'~" .• 'i';IIIP • ~ li"...... __ :=z=T...............-'~ thing was gone in a flash. -~~ ..... -=.:.> .....~-"I_....,~ rtrI .~~~... ... "My rod!" Tillie yelled and • fishermen surrounding the lake turned to see the gear disappear into nothing but ripples. The initials ItBP" are engraved on the reel. ulf you catch the fish, rl Tillie advises, "better take a club." Orange barrels warn motorists to beware of the highway construction on the new Airport Access Road. The new highway, which intersects with the existing access road Fort Stanton Road, was receiving its primer coat when this picture was taken. (Photo by Frankie Jarrell). INSIDE people................ SA Opinion............ 1B Sports 4A-5A Classified 6B-8B i The "Dreame,..-........... ..3A TV Guida Seetlon B t I Business 9A j ~ } WEATHER REPORT i ! SundayJs low 32 Sunday's high 76 Monday's low 37 Monday's predicted high near 80 Tuesday's predicted low upper 30s Tuesday's predicted high .lower 70s Ruidoso meteorologist Bill Hostetter predicts today, October 17, to be sunny and warm again. Winds will become northerly up to 15 miles per hour. Tonight will be fair and mild with light winds. Tues­ day will be partly cloudy and a little cooler. Winds will be mostly easterly 5 to 15 miles per hour. Precipitation probabilities are for today, 2 percent, tonight; 2 per­ cent and tomorrow; 5 percent. The extended forecast for Wednesday through Friday shows fair Wednesday and cooler with 8 chance for showers Thursday and Fri­ day. Temperatures will be near the nonnal high of 68" and the low of 31". OOID On October 9, 1965, the highest temperature for the month ofOc­ pah pah ". ", tober was 83". October 16, was the first anniversary ofan unexpected stonn that The Uff Da's belt out their "Oom pah pah" music Sun­ produced strong, damaging winds over England, the worst since day morning' as one costumed couple polkas around ~enr::~t:~r~:~~a~:~::g:a:~~"g~;i~:::.l~#::~~· ,'~l~' 1703. the floor at Wurstfest. More than 1,300 visitors at- Frankie Jarrell) . , .. "':.. :.' .'.: •. ,Y.. • II ~. ' ... , .' .~ '. , '," .' - .} "":'; , ,,:: Tom Sullivan, J)emocra~ c:andi- . date for Lin«:l!ln Count.Y s1l,fl.J1t,f, I:Ip" nounc:ed last week his llliOii:e for. i chief deputy. ..• " ,.. ,.. ;, ~ .. ,r,J' . "I have chosen Bm Butts;' said . , ' '" SuUivan; who served as sheriff for . four years. "'.•l :, .r;:::;;; Sullivan said Butts is a retired ~ caP!'ain wi~ the New Mexi!lO State· .• .'. Police, serong 23 years mth th~t . ,y ... law .enforcement agency. Butts, .... ~'who ilJ 47, was running the TuCUlll- ... IlIlrl division when he retired, said .SUllivan.. At one tiule he was stationed in ."'-'. .' Hondo. said Sullivan, who praised "', , Butts for his extensive experienc:e in administration and investiga­ tion. , "'lIis division was responsible for the largest drug b~ ever. in the • State of New MllXlco,'" sBld Sul­ 'c:~ ...' .. • • , ~. livan. The best Wurstfestl· .. Butts and his wife are Lincoln '. Anointing, the Apache way County resi!lents and ,are operating. the AnRUS store. Norwegian folk dancers from EI Paso, place Saturday and Sunday in the old . Mescalero medicine man Sidney Baca anoints Texas, get into the swing of things at True. Value bUilding behind"Ruido~p . Sullivan's opponent, Republican Bishop Donald E. Pelotte, Coadjutor Bishop of Gal­ candidate James McSwane, an­ the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Com- State Bank North Branch,.'Was theb!g- . lup with pollen. Pelotte was the principal celebrant nounc:ed his choic:e for chief deputy merce Wurstfest. Planners said' the gest and best ever. The couples plC-' of the Anniversary Mass at Saint Joseph's Mission. before his party primary. McSwane third. annual Wurstfest, whiC?h took' tured dancing Sunday.are Doris. Lew- The mass celebrated the 100 years of Christianity plans to appoint retired. New Mexi­ on the Mescalero Reservation. co State Police offic!)r Bob Miller. ", '. ",~~ ".~-" ,,;, ",', , " ,':~~\ ,~Ol!I.,'\' ~,;,,;<, ',.. Construction starts sag during July by FRANKIE JARRELL was a commercial project in Mid· addition al\d deck, no cost listed. • Ruidoso News Staff Writer way Townsite, one 18 a single fam· -~uidoso Pine Lodge, carport, · Construction starts in July were il:v dwelling and four are residential $1,000. valued at $642,605,.down from addition and/or alteration. -GolfCourse Estates, deck roof, June's near million.dollar total and When the cm report is com· no cost listed. lagging way behind lBst July when pleted and submitted to Santa Fe,. -Western. Hills, residential the village recorded $1,279,944 in those figures may become available building, $1,200. new building pr!!iects. .. and' could change the nUlllbers fig- -Mountain View Estates, The Village ofRuidoso issued 26 ured from the list ofpermits. residential fire repair, no cost .i permits in all categories in July, Building permit rep,?rting listed. eight for new single family homes formerly was the responsibility of • -Midway Townsite, COIllIller- and 18 for residential additions and Jimmy Neeley, who was fired fr:oin c;ial, no cost listed. alterations. his buildinlr inspectorjob by viIIag!) . -'Central Subdivision, residen- Although the July Construction manager Frank Potter. It was tial addition, $16,000. , Industries llivision report, the offi· learned receritly that Neeley, who -White Fir, deck addition, no cial record ofbuilding permits, still took his grievance to the villa~e cost listed. Up andover was not available on Friday, the list Personnel Board,. is still on the VlI· -:-:-.P.iJ:!,lljlM'·:'"lJ2. residential, of permits issued indicated the lage payroll. $60;000: '.' , eight residential permits had a According to information pro- -Silver Mountain Terr., deck Amalia Baeza, in her first, gymnastics meet as a value of $576,355, ~d the 18 vided by the Personnel Board after addition, $5,400.
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